a t
SOccupationalDeferments Are Cu
Red Ukraine
Troops Kill
10,000 Nazis
Russian Forces Near
Big Black Sea Port of
Nikolaev; 4,000 Seized
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 14.-Moscow an-
nounced tonight that the Red Army
had trapped "several German divi-
sions" in the southern Ukraine and
killed 10,000 of the Nazis and captur-
ed another - 4,000 as they tried to
break out, while other Soviet forces
drove to within 28 miles of the big
Black Sea port of Nikolaev.
Both of these victories were scored
by Gen. Rodlion Y. Malinovsky's
Third Ukrainian Front Army, the So-
viet Daily Communique said.
This came only three weeks after
the Russians announced they had
eliminated ten German divisions,
killing and capturing 73,000 Ger-
mans, in the 14-day battle of the
Korsun trap about 130 miles north of
this area.
Repulse Counter-attacks
Moscow said that the Germans
"launched several attempts to break
out of the encirclement but were re-
pulsed," and in these attempts suf-
fered heavy losses. This indicated
that the remainder of the Germans
still were fighting for a way out.
Berlin radio said Russian troops
hammering toward Rumania 'have
crossed the Middle Bug River, and
Turkish dispatches indicated the Na-
zis .might be preparing area-borne
evacuation of meraced Odessa.
Soviet forces established several
bridgeheads which were brought
"under heavy fire of motorized Ger-
man howitzers," a German broadcast
'Reach Galvoron'
The Russians had reached Gaivor-
on-about midway along the 500-
mile front in southern Russia from
'arnopol to Kherson-Sunday, seek-
ing a quick penetration of the river
to prevent the disorganized Germans
from making a major stand along the
An Istanbul report said every
available ship in the Black Sea ports
of Rumania was being hurried ap-
parently to Odessa, 90 miles west of
fallen Kherson. at the Dnieper's
mouth, presumably to rescue Ger-
man forces hard-pressed by the pur-
suing Russians.
Premier Stalin's methodical pro-
cess of shattering the whole German
line guarding the Balkans was pro-
ducing political repercussions in Ru-
See MAP, Page 4
Mc~ay Still
In Race Says
Prof. Pollocli
"My observation of Michigan poli-
tics over a period of years leads me
to say that Mr. McKay should not be
counted out of the race for Republi-
can national committeeman until the
last bell rings," Prof. James K Pol-
lock of the political science depart-
ment stated yesterday, commenting
on Michigan's current political scene.
"The recent announcement by Gov.
Kelly to all Republican county chair-
men asking them to exert their in-
fluence in selecting a new national
committeeman brings to a head one
of the bitterest struggles for control
of the Republican party which the
State has ever seen," he declared.
"Now that the governor has seen
fit to exert his influence against the
present Republican national commit-
teemen, probably means that Mr.
McKay cannot be re-elected," he
continued. In any case it would be
unprecedented for the eRepublican
organization to go counter to the re-
quest of the governor, who is titular
leader of the party in the state.
"Nevertheless it would be well to
leave no stone unturned if Republi-
cans desire to oust McKay."
Prof. Pollock said that so far as
Washtenaw County is concerned he
has noticed no statement by organi-
zation leaders to the effect that they
are opposing McKay.
He added that anti-McKay action
has been taken in a number of coun-
Plans Eire
Suspension of Travel
In Irelandl To Be First
Step in Allied Strategy
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 14.-Prime Min-
ister Churchill announced in Com-
mons today that the Allies intend to
"isolate Southern Ireland from the
outer world during the critical period
which is no r approaching" and de-
clared that the virtual suspension ofI
travel into Eire announced Sunday
was but the first step in the carrying
out of this policy.'
Next Steps Undisclosed
The next steps were not disclosed'.
but Churchill's grave declaration, de-;
fining the Irish problem as being en-
tirely one of security for General
Dwight D. Eisenhower's troops and
planes, implied an extension of re-
STARS IN "TOM SAWYER"--Bobette Ringland of Quincy, Il., sings
the role of Becky Thatcher in Wilson Sawyer's original operetta "Tom
Sawyer" which will be world-premiered at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
-. e P remiere H ere T on_ ght_
"Life Magazine" is sending pho-
tographers Ilene Darby from New
York and Herb Breen from Chicago
to photograph scenes from "Tom
Sawyer," the musical comedy written
and produced by Wilson Sawyer and
dedicated to the Women's Glee Club
which will have its world premier at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Playwrights Harold Sherman, Mor-
ton Jacobson, and Shipira willfalso be
among the notables on hand, for the
premier. Most of the tickets for the
operetta have already been sold, but
University personnel may be able to
obtain a few remaining tickets by
calling at the theatre box office. be-
tween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. today.
McKelvey Directs
Directed by Richard McKelvey, the
play itself is closely based on Mark
Twain's book, "Tom Sawyer," and the
introduction of original music has
placed Tom Sawyer, as played by Lu-
cile Genuit, up among the first xtanks
of theatre characters.
The complete casting includes
Mary Ruth Acton as Huckleberry
Finn, Bobette Ringland as Becky, Pat
Tyler as Jim, Jackquelyn Bear as
Aunt Polly, Jack Secrist as InjuneJoe,
Cpl. Arthur Flynn as Muff Potter, El-
len Hooper as Mammy, Virginia
Weadock as Ben, Dorothy Gray as
Sidney, and Cpl. Frank Haley as the
sheriff and prosecutor.
'U' Coeds Featured
Cpl. Harold Follond will be Judge
Thatcher; George Spelvin is Dr. Rob-
inson; Edward Davis will be the
schoolmaster; Robert Dierks, the de-
fense attorney; Bernice Hall, Alan
O'Dale; Joyce Douglas, Sir Guy of
Guisborne; Lois Bockstahler, Robin
Hood; and Joyce Donan, Little John.
Others in the cast include Miargery
Brown, Patricia Honn, Toni Howe,
Lois Palmer, Barbara Scouler, Pattie
Steeb, Elizabeth Taylor, Deborah
Townsend, Martha Shepler, Irene
Turner, Barbara Jean White, Fran-
ces Bostwick, Rhea Christian, Carol
Framburg, and Jean Gilman.
Midge Gould, Marjorie Hall, Jo-
sephine Holmes, Ruth Mac Neal,
Charlotte MacMullen, Sherry Mur-
ray, Dorothy- Proefke, Dorothy Pug-
sley, Jane Richardson, Joan Ross,
Frances Rubenstine, Barbara Yeo-
mans, Justin Fairbanks, and Ken-
neth Norman.
200 To Take
Serviec EXams
At aekbam
Approximately 200 University and
high school students will take the
Army-Navy specialized training pro-
grams qualifying examination at 9
a.m. today in the Rackham auditor-
Applicants must present their ad-
mission identification forms and
bring two soft or medium-soft lead
pencils with them. Those expecting
to take the exam must be in the
auditorium by 8:45 a.m. Slide rules,
calculators, dictionaries and other
similar items may not be used.
A recent Army statement said that
the Army expects to make use of this
test to choose applicants for the
A-12 program in spite of the recently
announced curtailment of the ASTP,
but will take a smaller quota of men
over 18. Navy plans for the V-12
program remain unchanged.
Students who took either or both
of the two previous qualifying exams
and were not accepted are permitted
to take this test.
strictions to the border between Nor-
thern and Southern Ireland and per-
haps even a semi-blockade of Eire.
(In Washington Secretary of State
Hull said that British measures to
restrict Ireland's contacts with the
rest of the British Isles were practi-
cal steps to safeguard the lives of
American soldiers. He said that at
the moment he had nothing to add
on further steps which might be tak-
To Strengthen Defenses
"We have for some time past taken
a number of measures to minimize
the dangers arising from the sub-
stantial disservice to the Allied cause
involved in the retention by Mr. De-
Valera's government of the German
minister and the Japanese counsel,
with their staffs, in Dublin," the
Prime Minister said.
"The time has now come when
these measures must be strengthen-
ed, and the restrictions on travel to
Ireland announced in the press yes-
terday are the first step in a policy
designed to isolate Great Britain
from Southern Ireland and also to
isolate Southern Ireland from the
outer world during the critical period.
which is now approaching."
Meet Friday
To Stay TWO Days
The Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters, regarded as the
state's leading scientific organiza-
tion, will meet here Friday and Sat-
This will be the 49th annual meet-
ing of the Academy and will draw
physical and social scientists, doctors,
foresters and folk lore enthusiasts
from all over the state to take part
in the meetings. Seventeen differ-
ent section programs are planned
and all will be open to the public.
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the for-
estry department will deliver the pres-
idential address at 8 p.m. Friday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, speak-
ing on "Michigan's Forest Potential."
The general address will be deliv-
ered by Henri Seyrig, recently direct-
or of the French Institute in Constan-
tinople and former director of An-
tiquities in the French Mandate of
Syria, at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. He will give
an illustrated lecture on "Palmyra
and the Ancient Caravan Trade."
"The organization in which youj
will serve will no longer be a chalk
mark on the blackboard; your charts
will be people, and all your problems
will be living individuals," Maj.-Gen.
Henry S. Aurand, commanding gen-
eral of the Sixth Service Command,
told the 131 members of the Judge
Advocate General school's largest
graduating class yesterday.
Col. Edward H. Young, comman-
dant of the school, pointed out that
the 1,600th member of the Judge
Advocate General's Department was
included in the 4th OC Class, and
that two-thirds of the total member-
ship of the Department are now
alumni of the school.
The JAGD is more than five times
as large as it was in peacetime. In
order to meet the increasing need for
judge advocates, the JAG school was
organized two years ago last month,
he stated.
Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, the
Army Judge Advocate, reminded the
79 officers in the 4th OC Class who
wcre commissioned Monday of the
responsibilities of their new rank.
"As judge advocates you will have
a peculiar dual mission. You must
assist your commanding officer in
maintaining discipline and also pro-
tect the men from unjust and harsh
treatment," he said.
To launch its 1944 membership
drive, Michigan Youth for Democrat-
ic Action will hold a meeting Monday
at 7:45 p.m. at the Union.
MYDA, striving toward a goal of
1,000 members, will be campaigning
on campus for the next two months.
Organized as an anti-fascist group,
MYDA discuss political issues, and
takes definite action for or against
the issues discussed.
In addition to political discussions,
MYDA will also offer dances, picnics,
and folk-dance classes to interested
members. Classes to discuss the fun-
damentals of political issues are also
being organized.
-Daily Photo by Cpl. Robert Lewin, Co. A, 3651st S.U.
JAG GRADUATION CEREMONIES-Pictured above as they review
members of the student body of the JAG school are Maj. Gen. Myron
C. Cramer (left front), Judge Advocate General of the Army, beside
Col. Edwad H. Young, commandant of the JAG school. Maj. Gen.
Henry S. Aurand (left), commanding general of the Sixth Service
Command, and Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Green (right), assistant Judge
Advocate General, are marching behind Gen. Cramer and Col. Young.
The parade was held Monday in Yost Field House.
131 Men Complete Seven G erals To
T raining Program Appear at Meetings
Seven generals, the largest num-
ber ever' to come to Ann Arbor at
one time, will attend a three-day
conference beginning today at the
Judge Advocate General's School.
The purpose of the conference is
to review the present procedures,
policies and problems of the Judge
Advocate General's Department and
to discuss future plans.
Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, Judge
Advocate of the Army, will be the
chairman of the conference. Other
generals are Brig,-Gen. Reginald J.
Orde, Judge Advocate General of the
Canadian Army, Brig.-Gen. Thomas
H. Green and Brig. -Gen. John M.
Weir, assistant Judge Advocate Gen-
erals, Brig.-Gen. Blackshear M. Bry-
an, Jr., Assistant Provost Marshal
General, Brig.-Gen. Adam Rich-
mond, staff Judge Advocate who re-
cently returned from the North Afri-
can Theatre of Operations and Brig.-
Gen. Lawrence H. Hedrick, the Air
Judge Advocate.
To open the conference Col. Ed-
ward H. Young, commandant of the
JAG school, will introduce President
Alexander G. Ruthven, who will wel-
come the 70 high ranking Army offi-
cers scheduled to attend.
The rest of the meeting tomorrow
morning will include an introduction
by Gen. Cramer, who will outline the
scope of the conference. Col. Charles
P. Burnett, G.S.C., Chief, Govern-
ment Branch, Civil Affairs Div., will
speak on "Civil Affairs," Gen. Bryan
on "Prisoners of War" and Gen.
Richmond on "Branch Offices and
Theatre Headquarters."
erClemenceau To
To Talk on FuLture of
1lomehind Tomorrow
Pierre Clemenceau, grandson of
Georges Clemenceau, the premier of
France during World War I, will dis-
cuss "France, Today and Tomorrow,"
in a lecture at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Clemenceau, who has been in
Washington for several months where
he is active in the Free French move-
ment, received permission from the
State Department to appear here in
the Oratorical Association series.
M. Clemenceau, whose grandmoth-
er was an American, is married to
an American girl, the former Miss
Jane Grunewald of New Orleans.
Before the war he was the owner
of a peanut oil factory in Dakar. Due
to his knowledge of West Af "ican af-
fairs he was offered a captaincy in
the American Army early in the war
but the North African military auth-
orities were afraid it might look
like a slight if he went into the
American forces at that time.
Tickets originally issued for the
Madame Koo lecture will admit those
holding season tickets of the Orator-
New Plan
All Men in 18-25
Age Group Affected
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 14.-Selec-
tive Service tonight prohibited occu-
pational draft deferments for men
aged 18 to 25, inclusive, except when
approved by state draft directors or
when engaged in an occupation spe-
cifically excepted from this policy by
the director of Selective Service.
This extended to men aged 23-25,
inclusive, a policy already in ef-
fect for those 18 to 22.
The move was announced coin-
cident with reports that a new plan
is in the making to "ration" occu-
pational deferments to war plants in
much the same manner that scarce
materials are now rationed to them
-on the basis of the greatest need
at the moment in the light of shift-
ing trends in arms production.
Announcing the tighter restrictions
on occupational deferment for men
under 26, Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Her-
shey, Selective Service director, said
state directors are expected to rec-
ommend deferments in the case of
men "without whose services the pro-
duction requirements of critical in-
dustry cannot be met."
"The making available for induc-
tion of registrants under 26 years
of age will permit deferment of reg-
istrants 26 years of age and over in
critical, industries with progressive
consideration for their relative ir-
replaceability and increase in age,"
Hershey said.
The idea of "rationing" deferments
developed as a result of concern by
production officials that many key
industries would be hard hit by re-
cent orders for a review of all oc-
cupational deferments.
The proposal has been put forward
by production and manpower offi-
cials. At his press-radio conference,
Mr. Roosevelt made no direct refer-
ence to it but in a discussion of the
deferment problem indicated he was
thinking along the same line.
Post-War Group
Launches Drive
Membership Campaign
Will Begin at Panel
The Post-War Council will launch
a new membership drive at a panel
discussion to be held at 7:45' p.m.
tonight in the League on the topic
"Russia and Poland, a United Na-
tions Test Case."
Prof. Preston B. Slosson, Prof.
Roy W. Sellars, Prof. Felix W. Paw-
lowski and Prof. Max Dresden will
participate in the discussion.
All interested in joining the organ-
ization are invited to attend. At
present there are openings on per-
sonnel, publicity, conference, depu-
tation and program committees, an-
nounced Gloria Rewoldt, '45, Council
Plans for the current semester will
also be made at the meeting, and the
Council will continue to hold semi-
nars and panels featuring faculty
members and out-of-town speakers.
141imre. Barzin To
Discuss Almericax
Noted Belgian Writer
Will Speak Here Today
Mme. Betty Barzin, well-known
political writer and lecturer from
Belgium, will speak on "America
Through Belgian Eyes" at 8:15 p.m.
today in the auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Building.
Brussels correspondent for Time,
Life, Fortune and Newsweek from
1936 to 1940, Mme. Barzin escaped
Belgium just before the Nazi inva-
sion. After spending seven months
in occupied France, she made her
way to the United States. Having
been educated in both Belgium and
England, she speaks English fluently.
Short films will be shown during
the talk, which is sponsored by the
Business and Professional Women's
Clubs of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
Duce's Mouthpiece Dies in Rome Air Raid
a> - - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- - -
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 14.-The Nazi-
controlled Rome radio said tonight
that Virginio Gayda, fascist editor
who became famous as the principal
journalistic spokesman for the Mus-
solini regime, was killed today in an
Allied bombing of Rome.
(Allied headquarters at Naples an-
nounced a raid by U.S. medium
Marauders on Rome railway yards
retirement at Rome for -many
months. According to the broad-
cast report he was killed in the
study of his home when at direct
bomb-hit demolished the building.
The Swiss radio said Gayda's en-
tire family was killed.
In fascism's strutting heyday, Gay-
da was editor of Il Giornale D'Italia
and almost daily bombasted thie
"decadent democracies" in front-
said, but his pen already had been
stilled. He fell into obscurity fol-
lowing the Allied landings at Sicily,
and although there had been vari-
ous reports concerning him since
that time, the last definite word
was a comment last December in
Hitler's Voelkischer Beobachter,
which said that he was in Rome
but was "taking no part in the
national revolution," Mussolini's
* attracting much attention until 1926,
when he was made director of the
then-liberal Il Giornale D'Italia and
transformed it into one of the most
outspoken pro-fascist organs.
In this latter post, presumably
given him by Mussolini's son-in-law,
Count Ciano, who at the' tmie was
Minister of Press and Propaganda,