Pd Rather Be Right
NEW YORK, March 13.-I am a little behind
fly trend-spotting and so I find I have a couple
of trends on my desk to spot for you. But I also
find I don't like them. I have never seen such
poor trends, in many years of trend-spotting,
mlan and boy.
The most dismal of current trends is the trend
toward a kind of dull emotional paralysis which
has settled over our foreign policy.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
; College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
We sinply don't seem to know how to
'Yes." General de Gaulle is waiting for
"yes." Italian democrats are waiting for
"yes." The Polish border situation waits
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Marjorie Borradaile
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low.
Jo Ann Peterson ,
Mary Anne Olson.
Marjorie Rosmarin
Elizabeth Carpente
Marge Batt
Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Wonien's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
r . . . Business 1lanager
Ass't Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published n The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represecst the views of the writers only.
Civil Service Ideals Are
Hit by New Regulations
TH1;E LATEST proposal to emanate from the
national capital concerning post-wrar rehabil-
itation of servicemen includes an item whereby
returning soldiers receive special dispensations
on Civil Service examinations. Our lawmakers
would thus make it easier for the ex-soldiers
to obtain government jobs by giving them an
advantage of some ten additional points over
other competitors.
This plan, although admirable from the
viewpoint that something material should be
done to aid the veterans in readjusting them-
selves to civilian life, misses the mark entire-
ly from a practical point of view. It is all well '
and good to give the soldiers some advantages
in the post-var world in return for the sacri-
fices they have made, but not at the risk of
undermining a system which is one of the few
aspects of our government free from politics.
Civil Service was originally intended as a check
against the spoils system and the consequent
placing of irresponsible men in government of-
fices. As such, it has been highly successful.
The departments governed by Civil Service have
been remarkably free of graft and incompetence
in comparison with those which are governed
by purely political appointments. This is largely
due to the fact that the man most qualified for
a particular job gets it while the men of inferior
ability are left out in the cold.
jT SEEMS logical to assume that when the
government begins to show favoritism to a
particular group, much of the purpose behind
Civil Service examinations is destroyed. We do
not mean to state that the soldies are unworthy
of considerations of some sort, but that the Civil
Service department is the wrong place to start.
To give a man an advantage of ten points
over the rest of the field in such an exam is to
go a long way toward assuring his getting the
highest grade, whether or not he actually pos-
sesses the best qualifications. Therefore, it
seems to us that in adopting such a procedure,
the government is running a danger of lower-
ing the high standards which have surround-
ed the Civil Service program. And, from all
indications, government standards of appoint-
Inents need to be raised rather than lowered.
Rather than toy with such highly question-
tionable plans for rehabilitation of the return-
ing servicemen, the government could easily find
other, more effective means of accomplishing the
same purpose. We imagine that the average
serviceman overseas would much prefer to see
the governmental structure left alone, rather
than weakened by well-meant but ill-advised
plans in their behalf. Moreover, they would
prefer to have some well thought out plan en-
gendered in their behalf rather than merely hav-
ing a gift of ten points on Civil Service exams
dumped into their laps.
0~ The Pndd~v
"tE YOUNG are fortunate," observed Vol-
taire upon returning to his native France
after a long exile. "They will see great things."
Great things are in the process of formation
right now. Whether or not we "see" them in
the light of reason is of the utmost importance.
This column launches itself on the premise that
traditional student indifference to pressing issues
should no longer be tolerated. For, perceiving
these issues clearly today represents a first step
in the creation of that Brave New World which
ought to supplant the Cowardly Old one.
Strip away all the dross of trumped-up an-
tagonism and this war can be seen essentially
as a collosal and systematic assault on the
mind of man. Maurice Samuel W's the fascist
objective correctly when he labelled it "the
destruction of intelligence" Therein lies the
core of the conflict-one too long hidden by
the mristiness of deliberate over-complication.
This, after all, mst be regarded as a war be-
tween opposites, even if elemnents of one ideal-
ogy creep in here and there to dilute the prin-
ciples of the other.
So, we have become the defenders of thought
because our enemies oppose thought, wishing
thereby to produce a submissive air that will
al1iw tyranny and darkness full reign. I want
to hammer away at the fact that this aspect
of the present world upheaval must be consid-
ered as genuine and compelling. It may not
call us to arms on the Italian mainland and in
remote Pacific islands, but it cannot be wholly
disassociated from such theatres of war or
minimized in comparison with them.
BE IT NOTED, by way of introduction, that
TIlE PENDULUM will make no pretense at
impartiality. Nor will it indulge in the journal-
istic affectation of the second person plural. It
is I who am writing these words, not "We" or
some disembodied spirit of wisdom. And I am
partial, I have axes to grind, briefs to hold, a
spleen to vent, prejudices to air. I proclaim my
incurable partiality for such things as real
social Justice; I have an axe to grind in favor
of implemeziting the Four Freedoms; I intend
to vent my abundant spleen against the more
odoriferous parts of a body politic that permits
itself to have such parasitical appendages as
Boss Hague, Ed Crump and Pappy O'Daniel; my
prejudice against caressing the rag tag and bob
tail remains Hof European monarchial decrepi-
tude knows no bounds. Verily, I am not im-
partial. The man who says he is indicts himself
of insincerity or insipidity. If either of these
be my vices, may the Muses desert me forever.
I want to deal with serious matters, you see.
I want to challenge obsolete ideas and contest
basic assumptions, to help toss them on the
junk-heap of discard where they should long
since have reposed. I mean to look at world
affairs as realistically as possible. This rules
out the possibility of looking at world affairs
through rose-tinted glasses with half closed
eyes and dimnly discerning a candy-covered un-
iverse bursting with fanciful good will. Life is
real, life is eairnest, and life is lousey, and life
is maalignant. If we properly de-louse ourselves,
we can make life heavenly, or we can encour-
age the multiplication of moral lice and make
life hellishly uncomfortable.
Notice please, I am not humble, self-effacing,
reticent. I am, on the contrary, a presumptuous,
opinionated, and very vocal fellow. I propose
to examine some facets of our world and com-
ment upon them if not with profundity, at least
with clarity. Should this displease you blame
it on the educational system of which I am a
product, hurl a curse to the skies, think of a
dauntless writer aping the rank Representative
Rankin in his righteous recitation of "Invictus."
-Bernard Rosenberg
some sort of nod from us. Our lips are pressed
tight; we won't talk.
But we are simply colossal at saying "No."
There was a little flurry of State Department
activity when the Arabs decided that they didn't
want any more Jews to come into Palestine. The
Department busied itself, men moved briskly up
and down the corridors; there was a fine ap-
pearance of activity, and the State Department
(with War Department help) seems to have pre-
vailed on Congress not to express itself too
warmly on Palestine at this moment. But, after
all, this was a kind of negation, a "don't do
something" situation, a "stop something" sit-
uation. We have always been good at these neg-
It is when the world calls for affirmations
that our whole diplomatic apparatus seems to
freeze to its desks, and go numb.
Our State Department has always been sen-
sitively aware of what can't be done. It is
indeed expert in the area of negation. When
its (self-chosen) tasks were the entirely negative
ones of preventing a break with Petain, a break
with Franco, a break with Finland, or even, in
and earlier day, a break with Mussolini and a
break with Japan, the State Department was
active, busy and indeed fertile of expedients.
BUT WE are big boys now; our power has
grown faster than has our comprehension of
it; history has just dumped a load of building
materials on our doorstep and told us to make
a world. It is at this point that the emptiness,
the lack of content, of our foreign policy reveal
Our diplomacy is at its operational best
when it faces the problem of making an ac-
commodation with some nasty character high
in world affairs, when it seeks out a means of
living with some repulsive man or institution
abroad. It is stumped at the present moment
precisely because it has few such problems to
But when the obstacles are, mostly, down, and
it becomes a case of our being the prime mover,
the originator of the future, rather than a neg-
ative echo to it, we don't know what to do, or
what to say. We knew how to keep D Gaulle
out. But we don't know how to put democracy
in, in France. Or in Italy. Or in Germany.
Mr. Hull's generic attacks on "politics," as
politics, become tasteless japes now that there
are fewer bad men left to keep us busy, and to
make a diplomatic living by, and now that we
need some constructive politics of our own.
But, and this is my second trend, I have a
feeling the world won't wait for us to finish our
complicated internal rebuttals. De Gaulle did
not wait, and he is doing rather well; so well,
that even our recognition of him, now, can
have no affirmative meaning. And others
may not wait.
Unless we move a little more quickly, the rest
of the world may decide that even our inter-
ventionists are, strangely, sort of isolationist.
He who is in a permanent brown study is, in a
sense, out of this world.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
Civil War Is Still Beinag
Fought in South Carolina
SOUTH Carolina's House of Representatives
gassed a resoluition last week which makes .it
evident that that illustrious body is still living
in the Reconstruction Period of the 1870's.
A stab at northern interference in their
policies, the resolution says, "Whereas, the
stench of scalawag and carpet bagging days
is too strong and fresh in our recollection to
now retrace our steps in that racial direction,
we indignantly and vehemently denounce all
organizations seeking co-mingling of the races
upon any basis of equality as un-American,
and solemnly pledge our lives to maintain
white supremacy, whatever the cost."
It is rather ironical that while the majority
of the country is engaged in fighting one wa
South Carolina is directing her energies in
fighting another. Her attempt to preserve
"white supremacy whatever the cost" will not be
appreciated by the white and negro soldiers who
are fighting for the supremacy of right, not
This resolution denounces as "Un-American"
the action of any organization seeking to
promote co-mingling of the races. Instead,
the resolution itself should be denounced as
Un-American. --Louise Comins
WASHINGTON, March 13.-The
other day, the White House called
WPB's production wizard, Charlie
Wilson, to come to see the President.
Wilson went, not knowing what it
was about and not knowing he was to
stay to lunch. When he got there,
he found himself lunching with FDR,
all alone.
"Mr. President, I'm a manufac-
turer, not a merchandiser."
The luncheon lasted more than
two hours and, after it was over,
Wilson didn't know quite what to
make of it, because no very impor-
tant problems regarding war produc-
tion had been discussed.
NOTE-Some politicoes figure
that the President is now looking
for a conservative running mate
with a Republican background who
would swing votes from business.
Undersecretary of State Ed Stet-
tinius is an active bidder for the
job. Some conservative groups also
figure that, if they can pick the
Vice-President, FDR will resign
shortly after the war and they will
be in the saddle.
Nye vs. Bidges .. .
Isolationist GOP Senator Gerald
Nye of North Dakota has just sprung
a charge that Eastern "industrial"
interests are trying to defeat him
next November so that GOP Senator
Styles Bridges of New Hampshire can
become chairman of the Appropria-'
tions Committee if the Republicans
gain control of the Senate in the
In a letter to the Grand Forks,
N.D., Herald. Gerald Movius, Nye's
secretary, charges that the Herald is
conspiring with this columnist and
other eastern "interests" in trying to
By Lichty
, 6Z Tub E
> ' C 'T 2Y .
put over this dastardly plot. Movius
pleads that, in Nye, the farmers
would have a "farm-minded" man as
Appropriations chairman.
Another reason the "interests"
want to get rid of his boss, says
Movius-and this is the pay-off-
is that, if Nye became Appropria-
tions chairman, There would short-
ly be an end to benefits for wealthy
tax dodgers who have thus far
been able to escape their due
through government subsidies of
one kind or another."
If wealthy taxpayers have a staun-
cher friend in Congress than Senator
Gerald Nye, Washington newsmen
would like to hear of him. Nye re-
cently voted to override the Presi-
dent veto of the two-billion dollar
tax bill, one of the mosth generous
measures ever written for the benefit
of big-bracket taxpayers, and was a
vigorous supporter of the Wall Street
inspired Ruml "pay-as-you-go" tax
plan, also of the repeal of the Presi-
dent's $25,000 limit on salaries.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)
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6jZt) R
All notices for the Daly Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30 of thae day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private
offices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an
attempt to meddle with anyone's
personal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose cf
preventing fires. In the past year six
of the total of 19 fires reported were
caused by cigarettes or lighted
matches. To be effective, the rule
must necessarily apply to bringing
lighted tobacco into or through Uni-
versity buildings and to the lighting
of cigars, cigarettes, and pipes within
buildings-including such lighting
just previous to going outdoors. If
the rule is to be enforced at all its
enforcement must begin at the build-
ing entrance. Further, it is impos-
sible that the rule should be enforced
with one class of persons if another
class of persons disregards it. It is a
disagreeable and thankless task to
"enforce" almost any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it shall
have the support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all
persons using the University build-
ings-staff members, students and
others-to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protectj
University buildings against fires. j
Please note especially that the al-
cove at the rear of the main corridor
in University Hall is not a smoking
room and should not be used as such.j
This statement is inserted at the
request of the Conference of Deans.'
Shirley W. Smith
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land con-
tract and owe a balance of approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the value of the
property, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing
through the medium of a first mort-
gage. Such financing may effect a.
substantial saving in interest.
To all male students in the College;
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents, all;
male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-'
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from tak-
ing the course by (1) The University
Health Service, (2) The Dean of the
College or by his representative, (3)
The Director of Physical Education
and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Hall) .
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
consiaired after the end of the third
week of the Spring Term.
First and Second Semester Fresh-
man: If you have not been contacted
to be in a skit for the "Freshman
Frolic," please sign your name, ad-
dress and phone number on the
paper posted in the Undergraduate
Office in the League Tuesday and
A cademic Notices
Seniors and Graduate Students:
The graduate record examination
will be given the evenings of April 3
and 4 beginning at '7:0 p.m. in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Grad-
uate School. Seniors and graduate
students who will take these exami-
nations should report for registration
to Miss Helen Wiley in the graduate
school office before March 18. This
is necessa"y since the number of
books ordered is determined by the
number of registrants.
All seniors and g radutate students
in any school or college on tle cam-
pus are eligible,
All newly registered graduate stu-
dents, i.e., just admitted to the grad-
uate school, are required to take the
Applicants for scholarships or fel-
lowships in the graduate school and
those seniors expecting to apply for
admission to a graduate school,
either here or elsewhere, will find it
of advantage to present a report of
their scores on this examination as a
part of their credentials.
('h nrni~Arv 4IMahke.un Final: Stti-
' Geometry Seminar will meet Tues-
day at 4:30 in 3201 Angell Hall.,
Social Studies 93-Problems of the
War and Post-War: Class now meet-
ing in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall,-Tues-
day and Thursday at 2 p.m.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for Junxe. August and Octorber
1944: A list of candidates has been
posted on the bulletin. board of the
School of Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S.
Any prospective candidate whose
name does not appear on this list
should call at the office of the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S.
Kothe - Hildner Annual German
Language Award offered students in
Courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con-
test, a translation test (German-
English and English-German), car-
ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday,
March 24. Students who wish to
compete and who have not yet hand-
ed in their applications should do so
immediately in 204 University Hail.
Bronson-Thomas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
seniors in German. The contest' will
be held from 2 to 5 o'clock Friday,
March 24. The award, in the amount
of $38, will be presented to the stu-
dent writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the development
of German literature from 1750-190.
Students who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediate-
ly in Rm. 204 University Hall.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Ar-
chaeology, Newberry Hall. The Ar-
thur G. Cummer Memorial Collection
of Arms. March 5-19. Week days,
9-5; 7:30-9:30. Sundays, 3-5.
College of Architecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mount-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian architecture; cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City. Open daily 9 to
5, through March 27; ground floor
corridor, Architecture Building. The
public is invited.
Sgt. Richard Flewell, Co. C, ASTIP,
will be heard in a recital at 8:30
o'clock tonight in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building. Hlis
program of compositions for the
piano will include works of Mozart,
Bach, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin
and Brahms, in addition to a group
of modern pieces. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Mathematics Club will meet this
evening at 8 o'clock in the West
By Crockett Johnson
Pop! There ore leprechauns in
my room! They're looking for
Mr. O'Molley! A delegation!
G 9
rYou've been dreaming again, son,
LAnyway, they're not here now . .
Iguess they've
gone. Okay, I'll
go back to bed.
Gaodnight, Pop.
C 6
L If Con gressman Mr. O'Malley,
my Fairy Godfather, was here
he'd show those leprechauns--
Yes, ndeed,
L -V
My tcios c nraof b
irnfluened dby pressure
grourps .. .. Er, Care y~u
sure fhey've gorne?-..
Mr. O'Maley!
s i _ ____. -_--- -
" . t ._. is _ E_ _ L :. J
1 1 __:.
1 H
1 kf.. '... L-4.- -Xri - in rn e c
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