EIGHT THE MICHIETAN DALY ." ". .a i.a . i a . ..a. V A.R. A. V. ST.Y i./ -L'3 -1 L 1 "" 150 Coeds Try Out for Co. D Play MaHjorI Jillidtay 'Rumor Has It' The legend that Michigan coeds are not interested in college theatri- cal productions was refuted yester- day afternoon when approximately 150 coeds turned out for the initial organization meeting of Co. D's forthcoming musical comedy, "Ru- mor Has It." Commenting on the meeting, which was held in the ballroom of the USO, Director Pfc. Arty Fischer ex- pressed great satisfaction both with the number in attendance and with the enthusiasm and interest of the group. During the meeting an out- line of the program to be followed in presenting the a show was given, the experience and interests of the coeds were determined and tryout times were scheduled. Dancing tryouts will be held in the USO ballroom this coming week (C ('. __________ on Monday and Wednesday after- noons from four to six. Singing try- outs will be held on Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday nights from seven to ten. Each coed is asked to report either Monday or Wednes- day afternoon for a dancing tryout, and at her appointed time Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night for a singing tryout. All Places Open Those who still desire to work on the show in any capacity, whether in the cast or behind stage, but who were unable to attend Saturday's meeting are also asked to report for tryouts, either Monday or Wednesday afternoons for dancing, or Tuesday or Thursday nights for singing. Pfc. Robert Gendall, assistant di- rector, again reminds al coeds that UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION /ecture Cour4e REVISED SCHEDULE HILL AUDITORIUM March 16-- PIERRE CLEMENCEAU Grandson of France's Premier of World War I and Member of the French National Committee Subject, "FRANCE--TODAY AND TOMORROW" all places in the cast are still open and that even though they were un- able to attend the meeting their chances are still good. "Experience is not necessary," he said. "We are far more interested in girls with personality and a desire to do this sort of work. But it is im- perative that all coeds, especially those who have not turned in appli- cations, be present for the tryouts this week. There will be approxi- mately forty coeds in the cast and we have room for anyone interested in any of the off stage positions, make- up, wardrobe, costuming and. so forth." T/3 William Kline, stage manager for the production, has requested that anyone signed up for stage crew work follow The Daily closely, as an announcement of a meeting of that group will appear shortly. Additions to Staff The following additions to the staff have been announced by director Arty Fischer: Pfc. Robert Gendall, assistant director; T/3 William Kline, stage manager; Pfc. -Robert Commanday, chorus; Pfc. Richard Thomas, music arrangement. All of these men have had considerable ex- perience, professional and amateur. Pfc. Gendall has had both acting and directing experience in the the- ater and in radio. T/3 Kline is tho- roughly familiar with the problems of stage management. Both Pfc. Commanday and Pfc. Thomas have had training in handling their sing- ing and music arrangement assign- ments. My Fruitless Search for A Ty picalrI. By CADET L. V. CHABELA If you believe such a creature ex- ists, you're crazy. It would be more foolish to write about a composite G.I. than to put wine in a Tom Col- lins-you can't throw several million men ini a box and pull out The Aver- age Soldier. It might work with Blue- jackets; they all look alike, you know-but there is too much charac- ter in G.I.'s. Try dividing us into three groups, then: runt, medium and grunt. Swell. But look again-what about that lean, towering fellow; surely he be- longs in a class by himself. And when you look at the spherical, rec- tangular, triangular and capsule- shaped guys, .,ha, classification is difficult indeed. Variations 01's vary not only in appearance, but, like other human beings, also in personality and mental attitude. Some of us are .art lovers, some are music lovers and quite a few of us simply shower our affections on some sweet young thing. Contrary to pop- ular belief, the Army sanctions free- dom of thought, and quite a differ- ence in opinion exists concerning Crosby's voice, the third term and the relative beauty of Chicago com- pared to the rest of the United States. Some like blondes, some pre- fer brunettes and still others are dog lovers. After reading two hundred words of The Average Soldier, a paragraph ends abruptly and leaves you dang- ling in mid-air. You know no more than you did before,uespecially about soldiers. No two of hs are' alike, but we all have this one desire and pur- pose: Pulverize the Krauts and Yel- lowbellies so that we can return to our loved ones, our homes and our old ways of life. By ARTY FISCHER Preamble: This is a travesty on the best principles of journalism and will carry each Sunday anything that will fill half a column of type. A dictionary reveals that a rumor is "a prolonged indirect noise." Those are our sentiments exactly. Salute to the Navy: Saw Gunner last Saturday on his little jaunt to Great Lakes. He wasn't doing too well. As a matter of fact he was train-sick, even as you and I. Thus, the expression "sick as a dog." The local bluejackets would do well to keep their mascot anchored to some- thing more stationary. May we sug- gest a tree or a fireplug. Show Business: Took in Company C's showing of "Bidin' Our Time" and would like to add to the many congrats already given to the cast, director and entire staff. It was a pleasant interlude in the midst of a lot of work and snow. And if you bought a ticket you not only enjoyed the show but you gave money to Army Emergency Relief, and you'll never miss those beers or racing forms. Radio: Listen in each morning at 7:45 to Happy Hank for thrills. He's running a kiddies program that has turned into one of the greatest forms of speculating (backed by cash) since the how- long- will- Manville's- new-j wife-last? fad faded. It's a dressing contest wherein all good little boys and girls dress in three minutes flat while their older brother's back Jun- ior with cabbage. Each day the win- ner is announced and while the little ones sulk if their sex loses Big Bro- ther has to re-figure his budget. There's also a super-serial in which someone is trying to reach Hoover ... J. Edgar or Herbert? Plug: While we're delving into the entertainment world let's linger a while with the Company D show that strangely enough bears the name "Rumor Has It." First meeting was held yesterday and enthusiasm is running high. Coeds are going into the thing in earnest and there was a great crop of them. Whoever said Michigan coeds lacked spirit should have been at the USO when they turned out yin style. Why?: Why aren't men allowed in dorms and sorority houses after 11:30 i .1 of a Friday or Saturday night? If you've ever roamed the streets after a show or dance for .about a half hour in the cold, you've been asking the same question. Can anything be done? Why do the local tonsorial fatalists charge such high rates? A serviceman gets just so much per month and he can't do a Rockefeller every time he needs some grooming. Why can't you get a bottle of beer without turning in an empty? Where are you supposed to get the first one. Serves you right though: you should- n't be drinking the stuff in the first place. Predictions: Despite all talk to the contrary there will be a Spring this year. It may take months to get here, but have faith, it can't snow forever. Wilson (or Bill if you pre- fer) Sawyer's namesake "Tom Saw- yer" will be great entertainment. Everybody's -been working hard and the material is good. That's what pays off. We'll be back in 168 hours. If you don't happen to have a slide rule that figures out to one week, don't hold your breath. Tickets Issued for Madame Koo Lecture Admit Praises Performances In 'Bidin' Our Time' Lt. Paula Amerin, WAC officer on the Public Relations staff of the Sixth Service Command visited Army Headquarters Thursday and attended the opening of Company C's musical comedy, "Bidin' Our Time." Lt. Am- erin paid compliments to the entire cast of the show for its performance. She was impressed with the fact that the entire profits of the show were being donated to the Army Emer- gency Relief Fund. Special praise was given to Cpl. Hy Wolotsky who wrote the script and lyrics for the show in addition to acting as direct- or and producer and to Troy Bartlett for his fine job in writing and ar- ranging the music. All the people connected with the ' show deserved the highest praise for their honest and diligent efforts in making it a success and more enter- tainment of this kind is what we need to bring the comunity and Army closer together, said Lt. Amerin. ANN ARBOR'S Job t 3a~nou42e, tauran t March 23- BURTON HOLMES Third Appearance of Dean of Travel Lecturers and Honorary President of, American Platform Guild Subject: "THE BEAUTIFUL ITALY - 'WE KNEW" WITH MOTION PICTURES March 27- MAX WERNER Noted Military Analyst and ' Author: "MVilitary Strength of the Powers" and Other Books Subject: "THE RECONSTRUCTION OF EUROPE" Tickets Issued for the Lochner Lecture Admit SINGLE ADMISSIONS: $1.10, 83c, 55c (tax included) SPECIAL RATES FOR SERVICEMEN Hill Auditorium Box Office will be open March 15 and 16, March 22 and 23, March 25 and 27 ompany E Adopts Major As Mascot In today's company order, Capt. William H. Bridges, commanding of- ficer of Co. E, announced the ap- pointment of Major Jimmie as Mas- cot of Company E. And that clears up the mystery surrounding the rather youthful ma- jor who has been a familiar figure at East Quadrangle for several months now, for he is none other than William James Holliday, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Holliday of 1220 East Uni- versity, Ann Arbor. Military Tradition Jimmie comes by his appointment most deservedly, for he has a mili- tary tradition behind him. At home, according to his mother, he is a model soldier. His belongings are kept in the best G.I. manner; right down to blankets folded and quilt rolled Army style. His shoes, of course, are always shined and lined neatly under his bed. His room is constantly ready for the "Colonel's" inspection. And on Thursday afternoons he can be seen drilling with "his" company down at Ferry Field. Jimmy reports that his inspiration is his brother Bob, who is an Army Air Cadet now training in California. Private at Heart Major Jimmie attends the Eva Ball Grade School and is in the third grade. When not in school he can usually be found at East Quad, wear- ing his familiar major's uniform complete with gold leaves and Air Force insignia and wandering from room to room checking on his men. Co. E reports that'the Major has confided to them that at heart he will always be a Private, but that conflicts with another report. It seems that whenthe recent order was issued that sweaters are not to be worn by soldiers in public places the Major saw an offending soldier in the mess line at East Quad and gently but firmly reminded him .of the regulation Comn paniy E Party. Piatiied for Friday Capt. Bridges, commanding officer of Company E, announced Friday that plans were being made for an- other Company E party to be held at Schwaben Hall. It is hoped that arrangements will be completed in time to have the get-together Friday, March 17. . - - Because of the success of a similar party held last December, the pro- gram will be pretty much the same. It will include dinner prepared by the East Quadrangle staff and served buffet style at the Hall. Company funds will be used to provide beer and soft drinks. Talented members of the company will supply entertainment for the enjoyment of those present. Pfc. Herskowitz Wins Co. A Table Tennis Title Pfc. Irwin Herskowitz, fourth seed- ed, defeated Pvt. Meyer Auerbach, seeded fifth, in a hard-fought (best four out of seven) match for the table tennis championship of Com- Lt. William H. Cooper, Intelligence and Security officer for the 3651st SU received notification today from the War Department that he had been promoted to the rank of cap- tain. Captain Cooper has been on duty here for the past six months. Prior to .beingassigned to this unit he was .convalescing at Percy Jones General Hospital from wounds re- ceived while serving with the Army in the Guadalcanal campaign. Lt. To Cooper Promoted Rank of Cap tain I __ __ _ i THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1944 To make your stay in Ann Arbor complete, enjoy a fine dinner in the warm atmosphere of the Allenel Dining Room. The best quality food prepared by the finest cuisine and served in a pleasant atmnosphere. 77w ileel kte mony since the school was established in February, 1942. EDITORS were named last week for The Daily and 'Ensian. Betty Peat is editor of the 'Etisian and Jane Farrant and Eliza- beth Carpenter are man- aging editor and business manager respectively of The Daily. Sports editor of The Daily is Harvey Frank. GUNNER, the Navy V-12 mascot, made the news against last week. Some of the men in the unit left Saturday for Greati Lakes. Gunner marched down to the station with them to see them off and somehow managed to get aboard the train. The Bluejackets held council on the train, decided that Great Lakes is no place for Gunner whether he be a nautical dog or not. So after a week-end in Chica- go with his pals the pooch was shipped back to Ann Arbor where in time he will probably regain his Fi ji L , anc not yet in, $250 has been received from Army units. The committees state that before the end of the month every man and wo- man on campus will be so- licited. University faculty and offices have now con- tributed $1,235. Washte- naw County has collected $24,587 toward their $92,- 500 goal. THE WOLVERINES may turn in their best year for a long time this season. Feb. 19 the wrestling team nosed out Purdue, 28 to 27, to cop their first Confer- ence title in six years from a weak Indian squad. Min- nesota and Ohio State fin- ished third and fourth . . Also Feb. 19 ,the swimming team gathered a 72-point total to dethrone Ohio' State as Big Ten cham- pions. Northwestern, the only team which figured to press Michigan, came in second with 42 points . So with the three cham- pionships in football, swim- ming and wrestling al- ready taken, the Wolver- fr for your enterainmen GEORGIE TAPPS-Internationally famous tap dancer FIVE TAYLOR KIDS-Sensational acrobatic and tumbling act THE BRUCETTES-Six talented and beautiful dancers BERT LYNN-And his electric guitar HANK TH E MULE-Novelty comedy act LISCHERON AND ADAMS-Outstanding ballroom team THE SINGING COMMANDERS-Seven excellent vocalists LEE WALTERS and his Casanova Club Orchestra A two-hour p rogram of highly en ter- tai rin, vaud evillewhich will sta rt at ALL S EATS 75c federal tax included TICKETS NOW ON SALE at following locations- University Hall Corridor Wahr's 'Book Store Michigan Union Burr, Patterson & Auld Michigan League Cunningham's Drug Store East Quadrangle Allenel Hotel' West Quadrangle Preketes' Sugar Bowl e :