THE MICHIGAN DAiLY s~Am ;, Fifty-Fourth.Year SCIENCE VS. RELIGION: Hyma Explains Hutchins' GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty View .. Eli -W =i',-I pwr. II, OR M~ h f5T~N Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered atthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during th8 regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Edi Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman Stan wallae Marjorie Borradaile Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low. . Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Bu Elizabeth Carpenter Marge Batt Telep itorial Staff Managing Editor . . . EditorialDirector City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor siness Staff Business Manager S. 4 ,Ass't Business Manager phone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: NEVA NEGREVSKI Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ESPIONAGE? Eire's Refusal Is Not Against United Nations T HE REFUSAL of the Eire Government to ex- peI the German and Japanese diplomats from that country as requested by the State De- partment is not as surprising or "pro-German" as the popular belief would indicate. The United States publicly asserted that Eire was being used as a base for Axis spies endangering the approaching Allied invasion of Europe. There is a strong suspicion that information on American military installations in Northern Ireland is slipped across the bor- der to enemy officials in Dublin enjoying spe- cial privileges and immunities and hence finds its way to enemy governments. Specific evidence of the accusations was (1) the German Legation in Dublin, at least until re- cently, had possessed a radio sending set and (2) German planes had dropped into Ireland two parachutists equipped with radio sending appar- atus. Another thorn in the United Nations' flesh not mentioned in this note, has been the earlier refusal of Eire for her ports to receive Allied shipping and aid in the anti-submarine war. The answer to this problem appears on the surface just to be adherance to the strict neu- trality policy promised by Prime Minister de Valera. Probably the most concrete reason is the fear of bombing that the Eire's cities would suffer should the neutrality rule be broken. There is no air raid shelter or personnel for the protection of these cities at the present time. Besides this fear of being involved in war there is also the feeling of animosity toward the Bri- .. tish governmental policy. Sympathy does exist, however, for de Valera invited British women and children to take refuge in Eire and many accepted. Southern Irishmen have also volun- teered to serve in the British Army in many cas- es. GO BACK to this political hatred of the British government it must be remembered that less than 30 years ago war existed between the two islands. The struggle openly or secretly continued until 1937 when Eire's new constitu- tion established the present independent status with sovereignty in all internal affairs. The power of the British king is recognized only so far as external affairs are concerned. Thus they have not felt free to declare war on the Axis al- though all other dominions of the Empire had done so. This stand of de Valera on neutrality is widely popular with the people, and has their support. Just as there seems no possibility of Eyre taking an active part with the Allies, there is not the slightest possibility of any wish to aid the Axis or engage in espionage activities. De Valera's religious viewpoint as a faithful Catholic would not permit any con- nection with the Nazi government. An accept- anne of the theory of democracy is shown in the Constitution with its provision for propor- tional representation and use of city managers in local affairs., He has also held the high po-* sition as president of the League of Nations Council. Concerning the charges named in the State Department note, de Valera said that the Ger- man minister had been debarred from using the radio transmitter and for some months it had "MISS MILLER, whose editorial representing progressive education appeared in Friday's Daily, has too little respect for the past. Hutch- ins of Chicago University on the other hand has too much respect for the past and not enough for the present," Prof. Albert Hyma of the history department said yesterday. "At Michigan we should take a course some- where in between the two radical proposals. The present is important, but it can not be understood without the past. "In this editorial Miss Miller has many good ideas, but she seems to misunderstand the pro- gram of Hutchins and Adler. They are not attempting to abolish the sciences at all as she says," he added., Recently Prof. Hyma was asked to write a 6000-word review of four books on modern Dutch history including one on Dutch contributions to science for the Journal of Modern History, which Be Rig .. ht__ --- By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 11.-I am in receipt of the following letters: "Dear Mr. Graf ton: I hope you will soon ttun your trenchant pen to the defense of the young girls of America. Last Saturday night, I was walking down one of the main streets of this city with my boy-friend, as, indeed, I do every Saturday night, when I saw a middle-aged couple eyeing me with an expression I can only describe as baleful. 'So young,' said the woman, 'and already delinquent.' "We had hardly walked another block when a policeman accosted us. 'Don't you have a home to go to?' he asked me. A crowd gathered. I shall never forget the pitying glances which were turned upon me. An elderly gentleman pressed a $20 bill into my hand. 'My name is Nick Dinim,' he said. 'This policeman knows me. Take this money, go to a good hotel, and call my office in the morning. I shall see that you get a job and that you no longer need go out with these men.' With that, he glared ferociously at my boy-friend, poor Timmy, who is so shy. "Dear Mr. Grafton, I am not delinquent. I have known Timmy all my life. I was taught in my progressive school that my interest in boys is entirely natural. "Couldn't there be a button of some kind issued for us young girls to wear who are not Victory Girls, but who have always had boy friends, and who, I may add, did not need a war to get them? "Sincerely, "HONEY." "Dear Mr. Grafton: I am a soldier in the " armies of democracy. I speak of my 'buddies' as well as myself, when I ask you to do something to alter the civilian attitude toward soldiers. We simply cannot face the leering which meets us at every turn. "Yes, Mr. Grafton, leering is the word. Civil- ians seem convinced that we 'jeeps' have no interest except girls, particularly those whose hair is of the lighter shades. I visited this town last week, on an overnight pass, and quite in- nocently stepped into a cafeteria for a bite of 'chow.' To my surprise, a great cheer broke out among the customers as I came in the door. A young lady, whose appearance I am compelled to describe as startling, linked her arm in mine. It turned out that I was the one-millionth serv- iceman to enter the cafeteria since Pearl Harbor, and that I had therefore won a 'date,' as it is called, with the aforementioned young lady. "Mr. Grafton, I cannot describe the evening which followed. We were taken to innum- erable night-clubs. I was obliged to engage the aforementioned young lady in conversa- tion until a late hour, though her vocabulary was limited, and her diction deplorable. But the leering was the worst of all, Mr. Grafton, . the confidence which shone on everyone's face that I was in the highest heaven of bliss, the suggestive remarks about how lucky I was, the inability of .anyone to comprehend that I might have had other plans and interests. "Mr. Grafton, our overnight passes do not give us very much free time, what with transport to and from the camp, and so on. I am a stamp collector, and naturally, there is not much op- portunity for philately in army life. I had pro- posed spending the evening with some brother is published by the University of Chicago Press. Prof. Hyma was one of the five founders of this magazine. "If they wanted to abolish social sciences, then why would they publish a magazine like this and ask for reviews on modern history?" he asked. Hutchins and Adler are not against science. They merely want to elevate secular education to a higher ethical standard. Miss Miller's state- ment that Hutchins and Adler want to revive the old trivium and quadrivium is entirely with- out basis. "No educated person would propose such a reactionary step. "A member of the faculty of Northwestern University, who was considered one of the leading educators of his time, said in a speech a few years ago, 'Let tradition be damned.' This is what Hutchins doesn't like. "Hutchins says that, in order to understand the present, one must understand the history of the past. He does not seem to realize, though, that the present is more important than the past," Prof. Hyma said. "N REGARD to the question of religion, I think Hutchins' idea that it should be com- pulsory is wrong. No child should be forced to have a religion if his parents don't want him to accept one. "However, I believe that every university should have at least two or three courses on the history of the Christian Church. In this university, for example, we have courses on al- most every other religion except Christianity, including Mohammedanism and Hinduism, although there are very few adherants of these religions in this country. "People who contend that. you cannot talk about religion on a non-sectarian basis are wrong. It would be good to teach students what other religions stand for. If after 1,900 years we still don't know how to be fair, it's about time we got the question in the open and learn how to understand the views of others," Prof. Hyma continued. "If real science could hurt the church, then it's up to the church to improve. In this dis- pute between science and religion, both the scientists and the church people are wrong." Prof. Hyma explained that in the Netherlands each church was permitted to have its school. The Lutheran, the Calvinist, the Catholic and the Jewish faiths each had their own school. In addition to these four types, there was a so- called neutral school or public school which taught no religion. HE STATED that he thought that this was an ideal system, but that we would meet with special difficulties in this country if we tril to imitate it, as there are so many different re- ligions. In his book entitled The Inspired Word, which will be published this summer, Prof. Hyma says that he is a student of the social and the natural sciences who has learned that true science and religion are not enemies but friends, that they never contradict each other, and that the Bible remains the most reliable guide to the study of the science of man. He states that thus far scientists have paid comparatively little attention to spiritual phen- omena, for their main industrial experimenta- tion, mechanization and advancements in the medical field. In the universities of the future, the courses' in spiritual research will be established side by side with those in chemistry, physics and med- icine. e-Doris Peterson cbllectors, in a bit of relaxation to which I felt myself entitled. Is it right, Mr. Grafton, for civilians to disregard our wishes? The problem is quite serious. I stepped into a bar to tie my shoe one evening recently, and was imme- diately offered a 'date' with a young woman, by a man who, it seems, had 'two chicks on his hands,' as he put it. If I had not been firm about leaving immediately, .another evening would have been lost to me. "Sincerely, "JOE SOLDIER." "My Dear Grafton: You would not believe some of the things that are going on in this town. I could tell you of an incident which happened on Main Street last Saturday night. But enough! There are things which cannot be put on paper. Dine with me at the Club Thursday, and I will a tale unfold. "As Ever, "NICK DINIM." (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) "Tell us some more stories, Mom, about how you used to escape with your life in some of those glorious bargain sales!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 91 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 pm. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. To the Members of.the University Council:. There will be a meeting . of the University Council on Monday, March 13, at 4:15 p.m. ini the Rack- ham amphitheatre. The agenda will include the following reports: Com- mittee on Orientation Period; Tem- porary Committee- on Orientation" of Transfer Students; Board in Control of Student Publications; Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate' Athletics. Members of the University Senate are invited. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of. Regents, all male students in residence. in this College must ,elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary circumstances , no petitions will be consiaored after the end of the third: week of the Spring Term. The Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room of the General Li- brary are kept open on all Sundays during the Spring Term from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Books from other parts of the buil- ding which are needed for Sunday use will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request is made on Saturday of an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Required Hygiene Lectures for Women-1944: All first and second semester freshman women are re- quired to take the hygiene lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass students who were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the require- ments are required to take and satis- factorily complete this course. Enroll for these lectures at' the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation requirement. Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon- day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack- ham Auditorium; Examination (fin- ai),_ Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15, ,ackham.Auditorium. Section No.11: First Lecture, Tues- day,- March 14, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditbrijn; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15 -5:15, flackham Auditorium;' Examination (final), TUesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15, RackhamAuditorium. Margaret Bell, M.D. May Festival Tickets: The counter sale of " season tickets.for the May Festival w ill begin Friday, March 1, at. 9.o'elock at thleoffices.ofa~he ni- versity Musical Society, Burton Mem- orial Tower, and-" will "continue "'as long as :tickets .re available. The prices for' season tickets, including the present 10% tax, $8.80, $7.70 and $6.60 will continue:thronugh the month- of March. Prices for single concerts are $2.75,' $2.20, $1.65 and $1.10. On April 1, the new Federal tax law which increases the tax from 10% to 20% will become effective. Thereafter:the prices for season tick- ets will be $9.60, $8.40 and $7.20 and for single concerts $3.00, $2.40, $1.80 and $1.20. All orders received prior to March 17 will be filed and filled in sequence in advance and will be .mailed. out about April 1. Remittanes should be made payable to the University Musical Society and mailed to Charles A. Sink, President, Burton Memorial Tower.' Lectures Oratorical Association Lecture Course: The revised schedule for the remaining lectures on the 1943-44 series is as follows: March 16-Pierre Clemenceau, grandson of France's World War I Premier and member of the French National Conmittee, speaks on "France-Today and To-' morrow;" March 23-Burton Holmes, dean of travel lecturers, presents his motion picture lecture, "The Beauti- ful Italy We Knew;" March 27-Max Werner, noted military analyst and author, speaks on "The Reconstruc- tion of Europe." Season ticket coupons originally issued for the Madame Koo lecture will admit to the Clemenceau lecture, and coupons issued for the Lochner lecture will admit to the Werner lec- ture. The Hill Auditorium box office will be open March 15 and 16 for the sale of single admission tickets. Professor Norman Cameron, Ph.D., M.D. of the Psychology Department of the University of Wisconsin will speak Tuesday, March 14, at 4:15 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. His subject will be "Contemporary Trends in the Psy- chology of Abnormal Behavior." Dr. Cameron has done important work in both psychology and psychiatry so what he has to say concerning the psychology of the abnormal is unus- ually significant. Anyone interested in psychology or psychiatry is urged to attend. Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Wal- ter. 7 Dominie Says "TIE BOYS and girls who lose their religion in the university," says Canon Iddings Bell in The Church in Disrepute, (p. 69), "almost never have any intelligent religion to lose when they were matriculated and the same holds for youth in the offices or factories and in the armed forces." This is a pertinent observa- tion. The religious attitude is a definite way of life. The centrality of integ- rity is not attained by chance but by careful and prayerful pursuit of that ideal day after day during the im- pressionable weeks and months of childhood and elementary school. The freshman who is intelligently re- ligious, usually, will have had a fa- ther and mother who practiced the Christian virtues with ease and grace in the home. But to be religious in a society which is half pagan requires more than casual absorption of be- havior, as a result of noble parental influence. Our Judao-Christian re- ligion is purposeful. The purpose there involved is the intention of the God whom Moses worshipped by "law," Hosea followed as "forgive- ness" and Jesus emulated in "love." The freshman who has a religion which will endure the critical life of a university will tell you that he be- gan early to shape his intimate per- sonal choices in accordance with this religious purpose or will of God. Even more important, care went into the character of that student whose religion will not just persist, but will become enriched, deepened and strengthened by his studies, as- sociations and duties at the campus. He knows that the personality of man does not just happen. If the whole community had been superbly Christian, it is conceivable that with- out indoctrination, a youth could come to be religious. But in our life where the main chance is called good business, where a rain of overstate- ment'pours from the radio as good salesmanship, Where the law of pro- fit first and service second passes as approved economy, but the Kingdom of God is only a luxury, and the com- munity is weighted toward mastery of the material world, Christian graces Spresuppose a mental grasp of the meaning of a good society and a re- deemed humanity. Such a set of the soul must be directed against most of those lesser human values which sur- round us. In that set of the soul, the youth first embraces the religious ideal for its own sake, then incorpor- ates. it as. the very core of hiis being, and later builds a system of reactions and habits which are its real goal. Thus, as the years go on, he at- tains a three-fold orientation: (1) Toward his own organism, known 'as integration; (2) Toward society, or adjustment, and.(3) Toward the cosmos, or God which is called sal- vaton. The student who has grasp- ed religion mentally and ethically as 'well as sentimentally will go from strength to strength. Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education of German literature from 1750-1900. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediate- ly in Rm. 204 University Hall. Kothe - Hildner Annual German Language Award offered students in Courses 31' 32, 35 and 36. The con- test, a translation test (German- English and English-German), car- ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, March 24. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet hand- ed in their applications should do so immediately in 204 University Hall. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, For-s estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 6. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans- mitted. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June, August and October 1944: 'A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Re- corder' of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Latin American Studies 194: This course meets on Tuesday, 3:00-5:00 in Rm. 18 Angell Hall. Geometry Seminar will meet Tues- day at 4:30 in 3201 Angell Hall. Social Studies 93-Problems of the War and Post-War: Class now meet- ing in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall,-Tues- day and Thursday at 2 p.m. Mathematics 121, Theory of Prob- ability, will meet Monday at 2 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall. A. H. Copeland BARNABY Hello, John.' Hello, Barnaby! So you've finally arrived!.. . Heiio, Aunt E mma. Did Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, get here yet? .. . Er-!'l1 - What? explain. .-- Somebody's a# the window! t's him! t's Mr. O'Malley! Maybe he flew in the window! Which is my room, Aunt Eorma? The liftle room at the head of the stairs. But- 7 _. ._. y Crockett Johnson What is the child talking about? Aunt Emma, it's rather a long story.. . fit " cRCKE 3 " We'll have a busy day seeing the sights tomorrow, son. Say goodnight to Aunt Emma-- ' But, Mr. O'Mafey,I I The invisible leprechaun! Tell the Nonorable 1. J. O'Malley three 1 .... . i^ ne{if. n fc 1 THREE invisible leprechauns! Where /S fihe joik? E E