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Warships Pierce
Nippon Defenses
Matsuwag 500 Miles
From Japan, Is Hit
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, June 14--
Big guns of American naval task
forces simultaneously shelled the
southern Marianas Islands and the
central Kuriles Monday in the deep-
est penetration of Japanese defen-
ses ever made by United States war-
ships, Pacific Fleet Headquarters an-
nounced today.
Both raids were coordinated with
air blows.
The northern force continued its
shelling of Matsuwa, within 500
miles of the Japanese homeland,
into Tuesday.
The courier task force raid in the
southern Marianas was extended into
its fourth day
a fifth island.
and reached out to hit
cruisers and destroy-
Bond Sale Is
Short of Quota,
Purchase of E-Bonds
May End This Month
Ann Arbor residents to date have
only purchased $451,409.50 worth of
bonds toward the city quota of
$6,000,000, Fred Schmid, Washtenaw
county war finance committee audit-
or announced yesterday.
Of the amount $165,487.50 was re-
ceived from the purchase of E-bonds;
$421,467.50 by individual purchases;
and $29,942 by corporation sales.
Individual Sales Pushed
County war finance committee of-
ficials are attempting to complete the
sale of E-bonds and non-E bonds to
individuals by the end of this month.
Sales for the county now amount
to $819,653.50. Washtenaw county's
quota is $9,105,000, Collections from
the sale of E-bonds in the county
amount to $420,437.50; for indivi-
duals purchases $331,552.50; and for
corporation sales $63,663.50.
No 'U' Quota
The ,University does not have a
quota because of the timing of the
drive. All University staff members,
however, are asked to purchase as
many bonds as possible. Credit for
the purchases may be given to any
organization, according to R. Gor-
don Griffith, University war finance
committee chairman,
"In spite of the fact that the
University has no organized cam-
paign, sales at the cashier's office are
going very well," Griffith said. "We
are urging all staff members to con-
tinue their good work."
Dr. 1. Q. Featured
In War Bond Rally
A huge War Bond Rally, featuring
Dr. I.Q., the radio "mental banker"
and his quiz show, will be held at Hill
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m., July 1, ac-
cording to Warren F. Cook, Wash-
tenaw County War Finance Commit-
tee chairman.
The program was arranged by
Henry C. Barnes, chairman of the
bond committee of the Ann Arbor
American Legion, with the United
States Treasury Department. It will
follow the pattern of the radio show
with audience participation, and the
awarding of'silver dollars for the cor-
rect answers to Dr. I.Q.'s questions.
The program will not be broadcast.
Financing of the program will be
handled by the American Legion.
Tickets for the show will be available
for purchasers of War Bonds during
the Fifth War Loan Drive from now
All county issuing agencies will be
furnished with tickets,. and all pur-
chasers of bonds, dated June 1, may
nhtain tickets for the show by listing
ers shelled both Saipan and Tinian
in the Marianas. If the shoreguns
replied their fire was ineffective, for
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said none
of the attacking ships was damaged.
The warship bombardment started
large fires in Tanapag harbor,
anchorage on the western side of
Saipan's volcanic hills Large fires
also blazed in Garapa, a town of
10,000 population just south of Tan-
apag harbor, and in Charankao, a
sugar mill center on the southwest
side of Saipan.
It was the first surface bombard-
ment of these key Japanese bases
protecting the sea flanks of Japan
and the Philippines. As the naval
guns opened up, courier planes
which began raiding the Marianas
last Saturday, bombed Pagan
island, a satellite Marianas base
about 175 miles north of Saipan,
The task force shelling of Mat-
suwa was the first time warships
have closed in to bombard a base
that close to Japan. In coordinated
air blows Paramushiro and Shum-
ushu airfields at the northern tip of
the Kuriles were bombed.
The simultaneous strikes at the
Kuriles and Marianas, over a range
of more than 2,000 miles and bth
within 1,500 miles of Tokyo, exhibit-
ed the Navy's capacity to hit widely
separated Japanese positions at the
same time.
The great might of the Navy's
highly mobile destructive power
thrown against the Marianas was
unloosed in an area 1,200 miles west
of bases in the Marshall Islands won
from the enemy last February.
* * *
Repeated Bombing
Of Truk Announced
WASHINGTON, June 14-(AP)--
Army and Navy heavy bombers
struck at Japanese-held Truk in the
Carolines Monday, damaging air
fields and setting several fires, the
Navy 'reported tonight.
One of 15 enemy interceptors was
shot down, two more probably shot
down and four damaged, while all of
the American planes returned to
their base, Pacific Fleet Headquarters
Joint Rally ,Here
The CIO-AFL joint Political Action
Committee is sponsoring a registra-
tion rally, to be neld at 8 p. mTues-
day, June 20, at 208 W. Washington,
in order to facilitate the registration
of Ann Arbor voters.
A notary-public will attend the
meeting to register voting citizens as
part of the Political Action Commit-
tee's program to get out the vote.
The deadline to register for the pri-
maries is Wednesday, June 21.
The three local candidates whom
the PAC is supporting, Redman Burr
for Congresional Representative,
Fred Norris for Sheriff and Wirt
Masten for State legislator, have
been invited to speak at the rally.
Arangements were made by the
PAC at their meeting yesterday to
register voters in the shops and by
canvassing the town.
Fresh Finnish Troops
Sent Against Russians
Fighting Rages Near Viipuri; Moscow
Says 3,000 Finns Wiped Out in Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, June 15-Fresh Finnish troops have been thrown
into the defense of the Karelian Isthmus and are now locked in a mighty
struggle about 25 miles south of Viipuri, Finland's second largest city,
Moscow indicated early today.
Evidence by the ferocity of the battle on Russia's northern front was
contained in the midnight supplement to the Soviet communique which
said that one unit of the Red Army "wiped out in three days 3,000 of the
enemy, destroyed 30 guns and 80 machine-guns and captured 70 other
Many Prisoners Taken
"Particularly fierce engagements took place in the area of Kuterselka
and Jarvi" yesterday, the supplement said, and added that many pris-
oners were taken.
"Our air force destroyed six artil-<tl
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lery batteries, blew up three ammu-
nition dumps and smashed a motor-
ized column," the supplement con-
The stout resistance of the Finns
and the marshy nature of the ter-
rain which made tanks almost use-
Dean Baeher
Is ToRetire
Mrs. Arthur Bromage
To Fill Position Oct. 1
After 31 years association with the
University, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, as-
sistant dean of women, will retire at
the end of this month.
Mrs. Bacher will be replaced by
Mrs. Arthur W. Bromage, who is well
known in Ann Arbor for her activi-
ties in civic affairs.
Born in Ohio
Mrs. Bacher was born in Canton,
O., and attended public schools
there. She came to the University
after her marriage to do graduate
work in the field of music. Three
years after'receiving her degree from
the School of Music she was asked
to join the faculty of the School of
Music to teach voice and serve as
dean of women in the school. She
became assistant dean to Miss Alice
C. Lloyd in 1929.
Mrs. Bacher has served on the
board of the National Federation of
Music Clubs, assisted in the organ-
ization of the Chinese women's sor-
ority on the campus, and was one of
the first advisors of the Westminster
Girls, which became affiliated with
KappapDelta sorority, of which she
is a patroness. She is also the
advisor to foreign women on campus,
and to Wyvern, junior honorary so-
ciety, and has been active in League
activities. Mrs. Bacher plans to
make her permanent home at Cava-
naugh Lake.
Mrs. Bromage, who will take over
her duties October 1. was born in
Fall River, Mass; and is a graduate
of Radcliffe College She served as
an assistant in therUniversity2Eng-
lish department here from 1929 to
Served as Reporter
She was once a reporter on the
Boston.Herald, and worked with her
husband, Maj. Bromage, a former
University professor, on branches of
Gaelic research in Eire. She holds a
master's degree from the University.
less in some sections apparently was
giving the Soviet forces difficulty.
German commentators continued
to regard the battle on the Finnish
front as merely a prelude to bigger
action yet to begin on the eastern
Southern Blow Expected
A transocean broadcast from Ber-
lin emphasized that "the German
high command expects the main blow
of the imminent Soviet offensive in
the south" and added, "The Soviets
will strike in the East only when
fighting in western Europe is in full
Moscow's 'only mention of other
sectors on the front was an assertion
that German reconnaissance units
southeast of Stanislawow in old Pol-
and had been rebuffed.
At least eight more strong points
were captured by the Red Army to-
day in continued advances along the
Isthmus, the Soviet command an-
nounced in its communique tonight,
while the Red Air Force in another
spurt of heavy bombings attacked
enemy airdromes at Brest-Litovsk,
Bialystok, Pinsk, Minsk, Bobruisk
and O'rsha, behind the German lines
on the eastern front, destroying
"many German planes" and setting
fuel and ammunition dumps afire.
Yanks in Italy
Take Orbetello,
ROME, June 14.-(P)-American
forces driving up the Tyrrhenean
coast of Italy have captured Orbe-
tello, center of German resistance to
the Fifth Army's offensive, and
gained control of the enemy's im-
mense food supply dumps on the
nearby Orbetello Peninsula (Mt. Ar-
gentario), field dispatches disclosed
Sid Feder, Associate Press corre-
spondent with the Fifth Army, said
in a story filed from Orbetello that
the whole mountainous peninsula
with tremendous hidden stores of
food had come under Allied control.
His dispatch followed an announce-
ment by Allied Headquarters that
the junctious of highways one and
74, a short distance north of Orbe-
tello along the coast of the mainland.
had also been captured.
Bagno Regio, six miles south of
Orvieto, was captured by the Fifth
Army and Narni, an important road
junction southwest of Terni, was
taken by the Eighth Army, head-
quarters announced tonight.
. *
NORMANDY FIGHTING-German symbols and arrows indicate strong
counterattacks near Montebourg (where the Allies have lost their hold
and are fighting on both sides of the town) and Carentan and strong
German pressure at Tilly and Caen.
Hard Fighting On
100-Mile Front
By The Associated Press
June 15, Thursday-Ferocious battles
roared at both ends of the Allied lines
in Normandy today, with the Ger-
mans pressing constant heavycoun-
terattacks against which the British-
Canadian forces stood firm in the
Tilly-Caen area but which cost the
Americans their hold on Montebourg
oi the Cherbourg peninsula.
In the center of the zig-zag 100-
mile beachhead, the Americans re-
pulsed a German attack on Carentan,
and the Allies generally advanced
southward, it was announced.
The Germans have thrown at
least two fresh armored divisions-
making a total of four-into five
successive counterattacks in the
20-mile stretch from Troarn on the
east through Caen and Tilly-sur-
Seulles in what headquarters de-
scribed in its midnight communi-
que as "a furious attempt to stem
our advance."~
The Allies there, however, are
"holding firm and vigorously search-
ing out weak points" in the enemy
attacks, headquarters stated,
Tilly-sur-Seulles was believed to
be in German hands, but fighting
there was fluctuating, and the British
apparently retained command of
high ground around the town.
Farther west, the Germans at-
tacked viciously at Carentan, key
rail, highway and canal floodgate
hub at the base of the Cherbourg
peninsula, but were met head-on
and fought to a stand-still by the
The over-all balance on the battle-
front was still tipped in the Allied
favor, with the mightiest daylight
aerial onslaught in history-more
than 12,000 plane sorties-directed
against the whole German western
reinforcement system. Large forces
of medium and light bombers blasted
the battle area yesterday and 1,500
American Flying Fortresses and Lib-
erators--the greatest single bombing
force of the war-hit strategic tar-
gets behind the German lines.
The Allies have captured German
airfields in France, it was disclosed
today, but are not using them yet
because they were too badly damaged
by Allied bombs.
Allies Lose Montebourg,
hold Tilly-Gaen in France
Discharged Veterans Reqnest
Reco"nitioii of Lapel Buttons
By AY SHINN, JIM. service who feel a resentm
To be accepted socially again as a towards civilians.an onorab
civilian is the foremost desire of the mont. '45,alsoan honrablyat
returning and returned veterans, in charged veteran, has said that,
the belief of Robert E. Lynch, '46, is especially true of naval men,
retired former second lieutenant at- of the naval men on campus,
tached to the Army Medical Admini- much if not more so than those
strative Corps. where else.
Lynch and others have found He has said, in effect, that ma
that every civilian of draft age is times, servicemen will make slu
still subject to the slur, "Why not realizing why a civilian i
aren't you in uniform?" "This civilian. Both he and Lynch ha
is usually an unfair attitude," he told stories where the slurs w
said in a recent interview, "but it is beyond mere verbal comments.
even more unfair in the case of Another honorably discharged
honorably discharged veterans." eran, Joseph L. Joseph, seems to h
Very few people, if any, he feels, giveni the general attitude when
recognize the Discharged Service said, "The situation would be ea
button which honorably discharged if more people recognized thet
veterans, both male and female, who charge button and what it st
have been released from the service for; if would-be antagonists k
since September 8, 1939, are eligible what to/look for before they c
to wear. "We wear the discharge mented."
button, yet no one seems to real- -
ize that it indicates that at least at ]%,A- -
S a
7l _ 7.7 ___ _
ivMeyer Interprets r'rootem of
Recent Increase in Delinquency
R ff f QM 4
CIO To DistributeRegistration Cards
................ ..............1944
Clerk of the City or Township of ......................, Michigan
Being in the armed forces of the United States and desiring to
vote in the coming election, I hereby apply for an official war ballot.
My home address is ..................................in the
city, town or village of .........................., in the county
of . .. . ...... -- -........ , Michigan.
Volunteers are needed to help the
CIO-AF of L Joint Political Action
Committee in the distribution of
application cards for absentee and
soldier voters to union shop mem-
bers, business offices and stores and
Ann Arbor families who have friends
and relatives in the armed services.
The application blank may be
clipped from this page or obtained
from the Washtenaw County Clerk
or from Local 38 (UAW-CIO), 208 W.
Washington, Ann/ Arbor. Michigan
residents from. other counties can
honorable discharge from the army
is of gold-plated plastic, about half
an inch in diameter.
one time we' were physically accept-
able to the army.
"It is rather annoying," he went
on, "that many times we are regard-
ed by servicemen and some civilians
alike as virtual draft dodgers, when
the button in our lapel is obvious
evidence that we have been honor-
ably discharged.
He continued. "We are civilians
again and as such are expected to be
integrated successfully into the com-
paratively luxurious life of the civil-
"We are in a way looked down
upon merely because we are not in
uniform," he declared. "But it is
through no fault of our own that
we and others who are not physic-
ally acceptable are not in the ser-
Tendency To Blame
Parents Is Fad, He Says
The problem of juvenile delin-
quency has been intensified now by
changing social conditions," Richard
Myers of the sociology department
stated yesterday.
"There is no one complete factor
that causes delinquency, but a pat-
tern of causes," he said.
"Partial blame can be placed upon
the parents. However, the tendency
to blame parents has become some-
what of a fad today, a fad which can
be carried too far. The lives of par-
ents also have been dislocated and
disturbed because greater demands
have been made upon their time and
energies," he said.
The problem of adjustment in
family living is particularly acute
among workers moving into unorgan-
ized industrial areas. Many parents
have honestly done their best to
prevent delinquency on the part of
their children, but have been help-
less to cope with the inadequacies of
the new environment.
Poor Housing
"Poor housing, crowded schools,
and community antagonisms are
conditions which parents may have
to accept and over which they have
little control.
"Another factor is our changing
"Delinquency has to be attacked on
a wide front and certainly miracu-
lous results cannot be expected over
Youth Centers
"Youth centers, if properly direct-
ed, are valuable and perform a use-
ful function. However, without the
aid of other agencies in the com-
munity they cannot succeed," he said.
Although there is perhaps always a
tendency to focus attention upon the
purely individual aspects of delin-
quent conduct, it is necessary to bear
in mind that juvenile behavior is
basically related to the moral values
of the community, he continued.
"The struggle of parents for pres-
tige and recognition by the adult
works as a result of social pressure,
and the traditional desire to get
something for nothing does not go
unnoticed by children and will often
affect their behavior," he said.
"Enforcement of laws to abolish
juvenile delinquency aren't any bet-
ter than the general values of the
community," he said.
Senior Ball Tickets
Are On Sale Today
Tickets for the Senior Ball to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday,
June 23 in the Union Ballroom will