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June 14, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-14

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,_ .


Cloudy with showers








Sea, Air


Yanks Battle
Vichy Reports Allied
Ships Seen off Coast
No Confirmation Made of Movements
In Bay of Biscay; Montebourg Taken

10-14 Miles Southeast of Cherbourg


Warships, 141

By the Associated Press
lied Expeditionary Force, June 14,
Wednesday-U.S. troops fought a
swaying battle 10 to 14 miles south-
east-of Cherbourg in northern France
yesterday, and at 2:30 a.m. (8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, E.W.T.) the Vichy radio
quoted a Berlin military spokesman
as saying important Allied shipping
had been sighted "in the last few
hours'" off the southwestern French
coast near the Spanish border in the
Bay of Biscay.
There was no Allied confirmation
of the Vichy broadcast suggesting
new Allied landings, although Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower has hinted
they might occur, and Berlin has
expected them.
Montebourg Falls to Yanks
Regular U.S. Army troops captured
the stronghold of Montebourg yester-
day, and sent patrols into the out-
skirts of Valognes, 10 miles from the
prize port of Cherbourg before Ger-
man counterattacks left the situation
obscure, field reports said. There was
one German report that the Nazis
had recaptured Montebourg. An Al-
lied spokesman, however, said that
even if the town had changed hands
it no doubt would end up firmly in
U.S. hands.
The Gulf of Gascony, where Vichy
said the Allied ship movements had
been sighted, is at the lower end of
the Bay of Biscay, and 400 miles
south of the Normandy battlefront.
The French coast in that area of'
which the Biarritz playground is a
part, is a region of flat, sandy beach-
Questions Naval Move
The German spokesman was quot-
ed by Vichy as saying that it was
to: early to tell whether the move-
ment was a feint or prelude to a new
As the second week of invasion
got under way, General Eisenhower,
supreme Allied commander, said in a
message to his hard-fighting com-
manders and troops that "the ac-
complishments in the first seven
days of the campaign have exceeded
my brightest hopes."
Counterattack Started
A big German counterattack de-
veloped near Carentan and Monte-
bourg, said a field dispatch from
Associated Press Correspondent Don
Whitehead, as the enemy tried to
split the middle of the American
line. It was preceded by an artillery
barrage against the town, "but the
enemy was unable to match thel
strength of American gunfire andt
there was confidence that the attackr

will be beaten back," Whitehead
Nine miles south of the battle area
between Valognes and Montebourg,
other American troops had cut half-
way across the Cherbourg peninsula,
capturing Ponte L'Abbe in a drive to
seal off thousands of Germans. Ponte
L'Abbe is only five miles from the
last German-held railway suplying
the Germans anchored at Cherbourg,
France's third largest port.
Many Germans Surrendered
The heaviest Allied penetration
was between Cerisy Forest and Tilly-
sur-Seulles where the American and
British-Canadian wings join. Great
numbers of surrounded German
troops engulfed in the Allied onrush
there surrendered, field reports said.
At the eastern end of the long Al-
lied line moving into Normandy, Brit-
ish troops lanced six miles across the
Orne river estuary and outflanked
the German anchor point of Caen by
capturing Troarn, road junction sev-
en miles east of Caen.
As the ivy leaf Fourth U. S. divi-
sion spread out on the alproaches
to Cherbourg, engulfing Le Ham, two
'Other Openings'
Promised to FDR
Washington, June 13.- (P)-
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
has reported to President Roose-
velt that battles are shaping up
to strike "other" openings into
German defenses, forcing the
Germans "to fight throughout
the perimeter" of their European
"The history of war has never
witnessed such a grandiose opera-
tion (as the French landings)-
an operation Napoleon himself
had never even attempted."
In his report to the President,
General Eisenhower paid tribute
to the fighting prowess of untried
battle troops from the American,
British and Canadian forces.
"Complete unity between the
air, ground and naval services has
prevailed," he said.
"The Nazis will be forced to
fight throughout the perimeter of
their stronghold, daily expending
their dwinding resources until
overwhelmed by the hopelessness
of their position."
and one-half miles southwest of fal-
len Montebourg, other American
troops striking up the coast appar-
mntly were beyond Quineville, four
miles east of Montebourg, and near-
ng St. Vaast-La-Hougue, 15 miles
lue east of Cherbourg.
New Troops Arrive
A German broadcast said fresh
Allied troops had landed by air and
from the sea near St. Vaast under
-over of the big guns of Allied war-
ships hammering Nazi coastal forti-
U. S. troops under Lt. Gen. Omar
N. Bradley also took Balleroy, a road
junction east of the Gerisy Forest in
heir fourth significant gain of the
day. This broadened their destruct-
ive arc moving on the mid-Normandy
communications hub of St. Lo, six'
niles away.
Allied airmen still were pounding
heavily at German supply roads to
he south in the direction of Brittany"
s a means of blocking German re-
erves in that area.


Planes Destroyed
American Losses in Three-Day Venture
Total 15 Planes, 15 Airmen, Nimitz Says
By The Associated Press
Ripping into the heart of Japan's inner defense ring of Pacific islands,
less than 1,500 miles from Tokyo, a powerful American task force sent out
its sky fighters to inflict heavy losses on Nippon's sea and air power.
The Navy reported yesterday that the bold three-day venture into
the hostile waters of the Marianas Islands in the Guam region showed
these results:
Sunk-13 Japanese ships, including four combatant vessels.
Damaged-16 Japanese ships, including five warcraft.
Destroyed--141 Nippon planes.
Total American losses were 15 -

-AP Photo from U.S. Navy.
CARRIER RIDES AT ANCHOR-With some of her brood of planes on deck, one of the U.S. Navy air-
craft carriers which participated in the three-day Navy Jap hunt lies at. anchor somewhere in the Pacific.

String Group
Will Give Third
Concert Today
Orchestra To Feature
Contemporary Music
The University of Michigan String
Orchestra, composed of approximate-
ly 20 students under the direction of
Prof. Gilbert Ross, will present its
third concert of the current season,
featuring German, French, Italian
and contemporary American music,
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Organized Last- Fall
Organized last fall as a supplement
to the University Symphony Orches-
tra which was temporarily disbanded
because of war conditions, the or-
chestr has devoted its two previous
concerts entirely to string orchestra
music of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Prof. Ross stated, however, that there
is much modern music for strings
which can be as intrinsically interest-
ing and beautiful as that of the old
Selections Named
The orchestra will open its pro-
gram with suite of "Airs and
Dances" from the opera "Dardanus"
by the French master Rameau. Oth-
er selections on the first half of the
program include Mozart's popular
"Serenade" from "_Eine Kleine Nacht-
musik" and the Boccherini "Concer-
ta in G major, No. 3" with Dorothy
Coy Jarvinen, cellist, playing the solo
A student of Willike at the Julliard
School of Music in New York, Mrs.
Jarvinen came to Ann Arbor to stay
with her husband who was with a
recent Japanese language group.
Veterans' Benefit
Bill Goes to FDR
WASHINGTON, June 13.- (M)-
With the unanimous backing of Con-
gress, the "G.I. Bill of Rights"-an
overall war veterans' benefits meas-
ure-went to the White House today
for President Roosevelt's approval.
A 379 to 0 record vote in the House
completed action on the compromise
approved unanimously yesterday by
the Senate. A Senate-House com-
mittee had compromised differences
between the two branches on the
big bill estimated to cost between
$3,000,000,000 and $6,500,000,000.

$6,000,000 QUOTA:
Ann Arbor Fifth War Loan
Purchases Total $236,159

To date the total purchase of war
bonds in Ann Arbor during the Fifth
War Loan drive amounts to $236,-
159.50, according to the war finance
Ann Arbor's quota for the drive
has been set at $6;000,000. "We are
encouraging people to make imme-
diate purchases of bonds so that Ann
Arbor and WashtenaW County can
reach their quotas as soon as pos-
sible," Warren F. Coop, war finance
committee chairman, stated.
E Bonds Sold
A total of $147,337.50 worth of E-
bonds have been sold in the city,
Strong Stand
Near Bolsena
By The Associated Press
ROME, June 13.-Remnants of the
German 14th Army fleeing north-
westward from Rome have dug in
before the road junction town of
Bolsena, on the northeastern tip of
the lake of that name, and for the
past 48 hours have been offering stiff
resistance to the Allied Fifth Army,
a front dispatch said tonight.
Bolsena 60 Miles from Rome
Bolsena, 60 miles from Rome and
eight miles from the important cen-
ter of Orvieta, is cradled in the half-
moon of commanding hills, and the
Nazis have been pouring anti-tank
and machinegun fire at the Ameri-
can tanks and infantry since Sunday.
The enemy's position commands
the only approach to Bolsena by
Road Littered with Transports
"Until we ran into this fire," re-
ported Associated Press Correspon-
dent Sid Feder, "we had traveled 17
miles from Viterbo in slightly more
than 24 hours along a road littered
with German transport and the bodies
of horses.
'Although the Allies have suffered
some casualties in this stand of the
Germans to protect the vital highway
74 miles beyond Bolsena-the route
connecting eastern and western en-
emy forces-the stand also is proving
costly to the Nazis. Some 50 prison-
ers have been brought in, in the past
24 hours."

$58,880 worth of non E-bonds; $206,-
217.50 by individuals; and $29,942 by
"The people must now decide to
invest their money in war bonds to
aid the invasion, or be heavily taxed,
so that the costs of the destruction
of the enemy may be paid," Cook
"If we invest our money we will get
it back with interest. The invasion
can only be a success if each indi-
vdual feels it is his duty to back it
up," he said.
'We Must Give More'
"Although purchases 'have been
good, the time has come when we
must give more than we have been.
We are feeling practically no sacri-
fices over here, but those boys over-
seas are giving all they have. It is up
to us to back them up," he said.
Washtenaw County's quota is $9,-
105,000. To date a total of $470,797.75
worth of bonds has been purchased,
of which $33,856.25 has been collected
by the sale of E-bonds; $83,334 by
the sale of non E-bonds; $417,190.25
by the sale of bonds to individuals,
and $53,589.50 by corporation collec-
River Above
Dexter Is Safe
Swimming St im Not
Permitted near Ypsi
The Huron River above Dexter is
now safe for swimming, Dr. Otto K.
Engelke, director of the Washtenaw{
County Health Department, an-
nounced yesterday.
Samples taken of the water from
the river at various points between
Dexter and Ypsilanti confirm our
first report, that this portion of the
river is contaminated and unfit for
swimming, he said,
Samples of water from various
lakes in the vicinity of Ann Arbor
have shown that Cavanaugh and
Pleasant lakes are safe for swim-
ming. The swimming area of the
Newkirk Scout Camp, located above
Dexter, is also safe.
Barton Pond and other sections of
the Huron River are still unsafe.

planes and 15 airmen.
Nimitz Reports
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, high
chief of America's Pacific fleet, an-
nounced the outcome of the task
force strikes against Guam; Saipan,
Tinan and Rota islands, one of the
chains protecting the ocean lanes
toward Japan and the Philippines.
On June 10, opening day of the at-
tack, the Japanese offered real aerial
opposition but American fliers des-
troyed 124 planes, most of them in
the air.
The Nimitz report came. less than
a day after President Roosevelt's
statement that Japan's shipping has
been reduced by more than 3,000,000
tons and her naval strength cut to a
point where Nippon is avoiding risk
of encounter with America's sea
Central Pacific Active,
Admiral Nimitz also reported aerial
activities in the central Pacific. Am-
erican planes. blasted Truk airfields
and seaplane base, hit Ponape, bomb-
ed gun positions and barracks on
Nauru and Ocean islands and struck
two atolls in the Marshalls.
The Allied Southwest Pacific com-
munique Wednesday said American
bombers from that area also struck
within Japan's inner defenses. They
again bombed Palau, 530 miles east
of the southern Philippines, and
heavily attacked Truk.
American planes sank four small
Japanese cargo ships off Manok-
wari, northwest Dutch New Guinea.
* * *
Mokmer Strip
fin Operation
nesday, June 14-(AP)-Mokmer air-
drome on Biak Island in the Schou-
ten group has been put into opera-
tion, General Douglas MacArthur an-
nounced today.
Infantry troops on Biak pushed
westward toward Borokoe airstrip as
airplanes started using Mokmer Tu-
Mokmer strip is approximately 880
miles from the Philippines, closest
point to that enemy stronghold now
held by the Allies.
Americans landed on Biak island
off Dutch New Guinea May 27, and
took the important airstrip June 7
after hard fighting.
Japanese raided Biak Sunday
night with six planes, damaging an
American destroyer and causing sev-
eral casualties on land. Mitchell
medium bombers sank four small
Jap merchantmen off Manokwari,
Dutch New Guinea, Monday.
Mach inery Set
Up for Votig
With their eye on the November
elections, Local 38, CIO, of Ann
Arbor set up all the machinery for
getting voters registered at a meeting
of the political action committee last
Placed in charge of the registration
was Dr. James Klee, psychology de-
partment of the University. He will1
work directly under Harold Franklin,1
chairman of the Committee, and will
coordinate the work and reports of<
ward leaders.
Since the CIO has cards givingI
the names and addresses of all mem-I
bers of Local 38 and Local 50 whoi
live in Ann Arbor. it i the renoni-i

Red Nor ther'n
Front Blazes
Into Action
Soviet Drive Is 30
Miles from Vipuri
By the Associated Press
LONDON, June 14, Wednesday
The spearhead of Red Army's north-
ward drive into Finland plunged to
within 30 miles of the important port
of Viipuri during fierce fighting Tu-
esday, Moscow reported early today,
and enemy broadcasts said Russia's
whole northern front from the Arctic
to the White Sea and Gulf of Fin-
land was blazing into action.
Finnish and German radio reports
said the Russians were attacking in
the Lisa sector between Murmansk
and Petsamo and that there was
strong reconnaissance activity in the
Kandalaksha and Loukhi sectors
some 250 miles southward. Berlin
also asserted the Russians were strik-
ing southwest of Narva.
The Russians announced they had
captured several Finnish strong
points during Tuesday's battling and
listed five in the area of Kievennapa,
which 'they had taken Monday.
Other Moscow accounts of the
great northward drive by the troops
of Col. Gen. Leonid A. Govorov were
more expansive and called the attack
by artillery, tanks, infantry and
planes one of the mightiest combined
operations the Soviets have yet at-
Finnish troops were fleeing so fast
before the Red army's advance that
the Moscow radio said towns were
being abandoned intact and there
were predictions that Finland would
be knocked out of the war by July 1.
Finns To Meet
Debt Payment
WASHINGTON, June 13. -()
The United States has decided to let
Finland pay the June 15 installment
on her World War I debt to this
country, government officials said to-
The Tresury's foreign funds control
division will grant the little European
nation a license to tap her funds tied
up in this country to meet the pay-
ment of $148,445.06 and to maintain
her unique record of never defaulting.
Finland, maintaining diplomatic
relations with this country although
at war with Russia and Britain, still
owes the United States around $9,-
Partisans Plans
Political Moves
By the Associated Press
Presidential politics boomed to
crescendo yesterday as the approach
of the national nominating conven-
tions built up pressure in every par-
tisan camp.
As a starter, the Senate's prelimin-
ary inquiry into the CIO political
action committee heard an assertion
by Chairman Sidney Hillman that
his group is violating no federal law
in working for President Roosevelt's
renominitinn h will hac +trn-

U. S. Bombers
Hit Airfields
In Normandy
LONDON, June 13.-)-American
heavy bombers struck two heavy
blows at the network of German air-
fields behind the Normandy battle-
front today in an effort to rub out
Nazi aerial resistance which had
been bolstered by moving up an es-
timated 500 enemy fighter planes to
front line bases. 10
Hundreds of Flying Fortresses and
Liberators with escorts of Thunder-
bolts, Mustangs and Lightnings took
part in the double operation against
tactical invasion targets while strong
forces of Italy-based U.S. heavy-
weights hammered the Munich area
in old Austria.
The number of landing strips on
French soil available to Allied units
was increased to five and lighter
craft operating from these fields in-
creased their support of the advanc-
ing ground forces Ciespite deterior-
ating weather.
German fighter opposition in gen-
eral was light.
The day's first mission for the
U.S. heavy bombers striking from
British bases was against airfields
at Evreux-Fauville, Dreux and Illi-
eres-L'eveque. Late in the day they


Stalin Praises
Allied Invasion.
MOSCOW, June 13 -(A')-Prem-
icr-Marshal Joseph Stalin praised
the Allies highly tonight for their
invasion of France, declaring that
"the history of war does not know
any such undertaking so broad in
conception, so grandiose in scale, and
so masterly in execution."
Stalin was in high spirits and rare
form, describing Hitler as "an hys-
teric" who bragged for two years
that he would cross the channel but

Vichy Cabinet Reshuf fled, Leopold Moved

LONDON. June 13-(AP)-Nazi-
occupied Europe was in ferment to-
night as the puppet Vichy cabinet
was reshuffled to hold down the lid
in France and the Germans carried
off Belgian King Leopold to captivity
in Germany-an act apparently in-

sources here suspected his job
would go to the collaborationist
Joseph Darnard-the "Himmler of
France"-who was promoted to
cabinet rank.
Premier Hubert Pierlot of Belgium
told his homeland in a broadcast
that the removal of King Leopold

for multiplication of these attacks
toward a crescendo "which must
end in a national rising."
Eneny loses have been greater
than those of the patriots, Algiers
said, while in many localities gen-
darmes and members of the mobile
reserve guard--and in some cases

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