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June 13, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-13

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TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1944

- - - - - -

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Lab. Theatret
Will Give Play
The Heavenly Shebeen
Is Tale of Speakeasy
The University laboratory theatre
will present "The Heavenly Shebeen"
by Charles Leavay at 7:30 p. m. to-
morrow in the auditorium of thec
University High School.-
The play is one of a group of playsc
entitled "Plays With a Preface" writI
ten by Mr. Leavay which won the
major drama award of $500 in thes
recent Hopwood contest.t
The cast will include Charles Ben-
jamin as Patrick Brady, Blanche
Holpar as Biddie Brayton, Byront
Mitchell as Billie Scanlon, Robert
Acton as Joe Flaherty, and AnnetteI
Chaikin as the Lonely Ould Maiden.
According to Mr. Davi1 Norton,
in charge of the group, the play is
a type of "tongue in cheek" salty
humor of provincial Ireland, and the
laboratory theater will try to create
an interpretation of Irish people.
He explained that a "shebeen" is an
Irish speakeasy.
The play concerns a father who
dies before he had a chance to make
out his will, and the maneuvering of
his family to make one out after his
The production will be presented
with no scenery, but make-up and
costumes will be used in order to give
the actors an opportunity to adjust
themselves from one thing to an-
Mr. Norton stated that "The play
doesn't disregard the Irishman's love
of good Scotch whiskey," and that
"the author tried to capture the local
color of provincial Ireland." He ad-
ded that the plays presented by the
lab theater are written here and
acted here, and that it is the only
creative theater on campus,
Dental Society
Initiates 14
Fourteen new members were ini-
tiated into Omicron Kappa Upsilon,
honorary senior dental- society, Sat-
urday with a banquet and a meeting
addressed by William Hobbs, 'pro-
fessor emeritus of geology. Dr. Phil-
lip Jay announced yesterday.
Senior dental students, chosen for
their scholarship are: Raymond T.
Arends, George Hamm, Ralph A.
Roeser, William Gambill, Donald Rit-
zema, John Sommer and James Hay-
One faculty member, Dr. H. L.
Sheehan, '29D, of Jackson was cho-
Alumni who were initiated are:
Dr. P. M. O'Hara; '23D of Ypsilanti,
Moses Rattner, '21 D of Detroit; Da-
vid Seligson, '20D of Detroit; Lt.
Comm. George Christensian, '17D of
Bethesda, Md.; Dr. Lyle Aseltine,
oral surgery graduate and Dr. Ed-
ward Cheney, orthodontics gradu-
Order your Subscrippion
for the
Michigan Alumnus
$2.00 for 1 year

Class on Russiai
To Be Given by
Former Prince
Professor To Teach
In Summer Session
Andre Lebanov, Russian prince in
pre-revolution days, will teach a
course on "Russia Since 1800" dur-
ing the summer session of 1944, ac-
cording to Mr. Albert Hyma of the
history department.
Mr. Lebanov came to America
when conditions made it necessary
for him to leave Russia. For almost
fifteen years he has been a profes-
sor of history at the University of
California at Los Angeles. His clas-
ses have been popular on that cam-
pus, and the Los Angeles newspap-
ers give his lectures write-ups of ap-
When visiting Ann Arbor last year
Professor Pares of the University of
London faculty, and who has been
knighted by the British government,
spoke highly of Mr. Lebanov. The
two professors first met in Russia.
Has Written Books
Mr. Lebanov is the author of two
books about Russia. The first "Rus-
sia and Asia," emphasizes Russia as
a European power. Mr. Lebanov
states that the Russians are of Eu-
ropean origin and that the Russians
even look European, and not Mongo-
lian as do the Chinese.
Tells of Revolution
In his second book, Remeniscences
the author tells the story of the
Russian revolution, as seen through
the eyes of a member of the upper
classes. Mr. Lebanov's father wa
the consul-general of Vladivostok.
Mr. Lebanov wishes to promote co-
operation and understanding be.
tween Russia and America and hi
course in Russian history will b
given for that purpose. Mr. Lebanov
will bring his wife, an American and
a graduate of Stanford University, t
Ann Arbor with him.
Sweater Drive
Lacks Support,
With only twenty-four hours re
maining in the Belgian Sweate
Drive, the campaign has reached onl
one-third of its quota of 1,500 sweat
ers, according to Deb Parry, '45, i
charge of the drive.
The Send Our Sweater Drive wa
organized and issued its S. O. S. fol
lowing the attention brought to bea
on the need for warm clothing of th
people of Belgium by Mme. Bett:
Barzin, who left Belgium shortly be
fore it was occupied by the Nazis.
To reach the goal only one sweate
is needed from each coed on cam
pus. Many have contributed mor
than one, so the campaign obviousl
lacks adequate numerical support, ac
cording to Miss Parry. "We do no
believe it is asking too much of th
majority of campus women to do
nate one sweater to the people o
Belgium," Miss Parry said yesterday
Collection boxes for the sweater
have been provided, and donation
may be made at any time before
p. m. at the League. Each donor i
asked to attach the name of he
house to her contribution.
Central Committee of
Soph Project To Meet
Members of the Central Commit
tee of the Soph project will meet a
7 p. m. in the League tomorrow fo
the last meeting for the semeste
and all captains are urged to attend

Orchestra To Give Recital;
Band Will Play Thursday
Group Will Perforn Strigm1s To -_Ir seiti
At Outdoor Coincert 'fhI (:oIncert
Presenting, its third concert of the The University Concert Band v
current season, the University String hold its first outdoor concert oft
Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Gil- sao t73 .m hrdyo
bert Ross, will, feature contemporary season at 7:30 p. m. Thursday on
American music on the latter half steps of the. Rackham Building
of its program to be given at 8:30 was announced yesterday by P
p. m. tomorrow in the Lydia Men- William D. Revelli, conductor.
delssohn Theater. Admission is free for the conc
Ross Lee Finney's "Slow Piece" which is customarily given be:
and "Music for Strings" by Quincy fnl ek t anproei
Porterswillchighlight this part of thefinals week. Its main purpose i
orchestra's performance. provide entertainment, relaxat
Organized last fall, the String Or- and a short diversion from stu
chestra is supplementary to the Uni- ing, according to Prof. Revelli.
versity Symphony Orchestra which The program will feature I
has been temporarily disbanded be- musical comedy numbers and m
cause of the war manpower shortage. ern American and swing arran
String orchestra music of the 17th ments. The performance of "Swi
and 18th centuries comprised ,the in' the Ingots," by Moffett, wil
entire program of the two earlier highlighted by a drum specialty
concerts given by the group. Wilbur Doud, USN, of local N
The coming recital will include headquarters.
German, French and Italian music Also on the program will be ".
also. In this group the orchestra erican Salute." by Morton Go
will play a suite of "Airs and Dan- which was a highlight of the re
ces" from the opera "Dardanus" by spring concert; a rhumba, "
the French composer Fameau, the South American Way"; and sev
Serenade from "Eine Kleine Nacht- marches of John Philip Sousa.
musik" by Mozart and "Concerto in The band will salute each bra
G major" by Boccherini. of the armed forces represented
The solo part' in the latter work campus with a military march
for cello and string orchestra will be each service.
performed by Dorothy Coy Jarvi-
nen. This Boccherini ccicerto was
resurrected from oblivion in 1938 and U dHarp Ensemble
issued in a modern edition through r
s the Smith College music archives. Fo Give Program
The work is full of brilliant writing
for the cello and is overflowing with The University Harp Ensemblev
- the same charm and melody that Lynne W. Palmer directing, will p
s dominates all the music of this mas- ent a program of music for the1
e ter. featuring selections by Mozart
The recital will be open to the gen- Salzedo, at 8:30 p. m. Thursda
I eral public. the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
D Composed of Elizabeth Mas
Esther Morgan, Gertrude Peck, .
M urphy W i garet Wardlex and Virginia We:
members of the ensemble will1
. . llk the Minuet from "Don Giavonni"
the "Sonata in C major" also"
rage" and "Chanson dans la N
Illustrated by slides and films, the by Salzedo.
last in the current series of food Other selections will includ
- sanitation lectures will be given by Bach French suite, a Gavott
r Melbourne Murphy, Health Service Rameau and a composition
Y sanitarian at 8 p m. today in the Grand.iany.
- auditorium of the Kellogg Building. The recital will be open to the
A city ordinance requires all em- oral public.
s ployees of commercial establishments
handling food to attend two lectures Publication To Ceas
r dealing with sanitary practices in
e handling and preparation of food The Daily will cease publication
y before receiving a permanent food the semester on Friday. Publica
- handler's certificate. will be resumed, Tuesday, July 4

United Jewish
Appeal Drive Oi Clmpus...
Goes Over Top
!sUmp% Must lie In---
Fund Reaches $2,101 All league house representati
Mark; $100 Still Out must turn in stamps and money
the social director's office int



Su ebbori~

Will I

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In a month long campus drive, theL
United Jewish Appeal fund closedt
$500 dollars above its $1600 quota;1
Elise Zeme, '44, student director att
the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation in
charge of the UJA committee an-
nounced today.1
Of the $2,100 pledged, only $100
remains to be collected. At the UJA
Victory dance, held last Saturday at
the Foundation, $140 was collected
for the drive through the sale of ad-
mission tickets, a war bond raffle
and the auctioning of goods contrib-
uted by Ann Arbor merchants.
The Junior Girls Project, which
makes an annual donation to some
campus fund, this year chose the
United Jewish Appeal drive as bene-
ficiary in contributing $100 to the
(continued ifrom Page 1)
promoted from professor to professor
of law.
College of Pharmacy: Charles H.
Stocking was promoted from asso-
ciate professor to professor of phar-
macy. '
School of Dentistry: From assis-
tant professor to associate professor:
D. G. Hard, dentistry. From instruc-
tor to assistant professor: M. C.
Crowley and H. E. Faust, dentistry.
School of Music: From associate
professor to professor: J. Brinkman
and M. R. Rhead, piano. From assis-
tant professor to associate professor:
T. B. Lewis, voice, and A. J, Whit-
mire, violin. From instructor to as-
sistant professor: A. C. Case, piano,
and G. C. Filkins, theory of music.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: J. P. Slusser was promoted from
associate professor to professor of
drawing and painting.
School of Nursing: Ada Hawkins
was promoted from assistant profes-
sor of nursing and assistant director
of nursing education to associate pro-
fessor of nursing and assistant direc-
tor of the School of Nursing. Agnete
Fenger received a promotion from
instructor in nursing to assistant pro-
fessor of nursing and supervisor of
pediatric nursing, and Beatrice E.
Fisk was promoted from instructor to
assistant professor of nursing. Flor-
ence M. Harvey was promoted fromc
instructor to assistant professor of
nursing and assistant director of
nursing service.

League between 3 p. m. and" t p. n
today. This will be absolutely the
last collection which will be made
this semester. according to Ann
Schutz, '46 publicity chairman.
vivukuh To Meet - . .
Avukah members will meet at 8
p. m. today in the Hillel Founda-
tion lounge to choose delegates to
the convention of the national or-
ganization, The American Student
Zionist Federation, which will be
held in Chicago June 23, 24, and
The policy of the local chapter
will also be discussed at the meet-
* * *
inr. II(ar,,e To Spe **
Speaking on "Trends in the Con-
sumer Movement," Dr. Colston E.
Warne, president of Consumers Union
and professor of economics at Am-
herst College, will give a University
lecture at 4.15 p. m. Friday in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Dr. Warne will also lead a discus-
sion of current developments in the
fields of price control and civilian
supplies at 8 p. m. the same day in
the Union. Both programs arc open
to the public.
'* * *
Adcvisors- To M1 . .
There will be a make-up meet-
ing of transfer orientation advisors
at 5 p. m. tomorrow in the arden
Room of the League.
This will be the only make-up
meeting for transfer advisors.
*g g * *
UIS()Sing Swing...
Singing and dancing with refresh-
ments will be featured at the USO's
Sing Swing tonight.
Tomorrow night the USO will pre-
sent another of its newly inaugurated
Wednesday night dances, which will
also include refreshments on the
program. Servicemen and junior
hostesses are invited to attend these
Ruthven Is Reelected
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, presi-
dent of the University, has been re-
elected to the College of Electors
which will help choose the men and
women to be elected to the Hall of
Fame in 1945, it was announced yes-

FoilFather * .
Don't forget his day by gift-
ing him with a -set of HIS
toiletries . . . including talcum
powder, shaving lotion, hair
dressing, and a variety of other
articles for his pleasure. Also
Calkins-Fletcher offer a set by


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p ,R- o ..- _ _ ..
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and yours for the asking. Play-
suits and shorts make it easy
and make you easy on the eyes.
The Elizabeth Dillon Shop has
those new gob shorts and
oodles of gaily striped T shirts
to choose from, too . . . It's the
lay clothes center.
Need Cash"?
Instead of selling books to
you, WAHR'S are reversing the
process. They will replenish
your wallet by relieving you of
all your old texts and what-
have-you . . . Don't overlook
this profitable offer.
Yuu Artist
Supreme ..
"Do" your legs with Vida-
Ray's new leg make-up . . . Lay
a smooth foundation with their
powder base . . . Complete the
picture with a whiff of "Gala-
vanting" cologne, in cream or
liquid. Vida-Ray has various
creams and a woodsy skin
freshener, too. .. And MADE-


* :
' .



Our galloping 'success
shorts in cotton gabardine '<
-in giddy checked ging-
ham. Cut like a four-yearr
old's shorts with a button <:
bib front and suspender
straps that do away with
hoisting. Every bicycling
and gardening hoiden from
the campus and the hills
of Ann Arbor will descend
on us at once. They're thatX
The shorts priced at
$4.00. The shirt at
Back the Attack
with that
Extra War Bond!

you left behind
e. Take homse a
!e. . Show then
You'll find many

r'' " 6 ' ,)l
i 43$

Don't forget those

when you come to colleg
gift for each and everyon
you havenet forgotten ...I

r }


.. ..
. :.;:

Jewel r}
Li pstic

suggestions in th
sories at Collinse
your gift needs an
ie Stick


id your pocketbook
1 1' f


e wide variety of acces.-

:; :;

yt '

They're picked to fit

FeA ra"
.: a.
/ f
rf- ITT .
t z







I I 1 I I 9 s DEEM - A WAwr w I IU

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