SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAIR NEWS VX1 a ..d._m... _. av ama.... .. ...m mr . .. amm... .. ..,... w" v . . ra.v ._. THJ nazis Concentra ROUGH DARK HOURS: De Gaulle Is Hero of Norman People Set Free by Allies tte Subs in Channel To Cut Allied Lines By The Associated Press LONDON, June 10.-Gen. Charles De Gaulle is the hero of that fringe of Normandy so far liberated, dis- patches from the front said today as the shadow army of the underground sprang to action in southern France and reportedly planted its banners of liberation almost at Vichy's gates. Free for the first time since France's fall in the bitter summer of 1940, Frenchmen on the coast-some of whom were pressed into service to build the German Atlantic Wall- have been telling the Allies: De Gaulle only Leader "Gen. De Gaulle, as well as Brit- ain and America, has been our con- stant hope through the darkest hours. He is the only leader for us." Reports from Spain said a flame of revolt was sweeping through central and southern France, and heavy fighting between the underground and collaborationist militia was re- ported at many points, including Gannat, only ten miles from Vichy itself. On the fighting front the French underground was carrying out or- ders of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force, serv- ing as guides and furnishing informa- tion on German troop movements as requested in a broadcast before D- Day. I Traitors Not Neglected Despite their joy at being once more free, the liberated French have not neglected traitors and collabora tors, and violence against these per sons continues daily. To the south, far from the front French guerrilla forces resorted to arms and it is believed they have seized both sides of the Rhone and Saone valleys and are in action both north and south of Lyon. Thirty collaborationist militiamen were reported killed at Macon on the Saone, while the Tricolor waved in city halls, windows and balconies through towns and villages in the region of Auvergne, where Chief of Government Pierre Laval had an electorial stronghold for years. Crucial Naval Contest Expected by Strategists By GLADWIN HILL Associated Press Correspontent f LONDON, June 10.-After a number of unsuccessful attempts to cut gashes in the greatest naval battle armada in the world's history, German channel forces were concentrating their submarine power today against s Allied cross-channel lifelines, and American officers were expecting a crucial struggle in a big German naval effort within the next few days. In the latest of the slim German navy's unprofitable forays into invasion waters, a light force of British coastal vessels sank four out of seven heavily-armed trawlers in two skirmishes off Holland early today, with the loss of one motor torpedo-- II . -- FIRST TO DIE ON FRENCH COAST: Yank Invaders Buried in England 1111 YN rf MRS.MINIVER ROSE HOTHOUSE ROSE ROSY FUTURE BRIGHT FORECAST (a rose by another name) e boat and two casualties. While a German destroyer of a - previous engagement lay smouldering wreckage on the French coast, Al- lied warships kept up their air-tight 0 e collaboration with the air force to d keep the Germans' U-boats under h water and ineffective, and the armies' reinforcements and supplies streamed into the Seine Bay, "greatest sea terminus the world has ever seen es- tablished for purposes of battle," with the precision and regularity of rail traffic, a front report said. Weather Bad The biggest obstacle for the fleet thus far has been the weather-not Nazi sea units. Allied, warships roamed the channel at will, and Ger- man bombing at the Seine anchor- age was described as "spasmodic." Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, aboard the Flagship Augusta, was antici- pating a desperate German effort to halt the continuous strengthening of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's advancing and unyielding units, and believed the struggle would come soon, a corespondent aboard the ship reported. Second Destroyer Lost The loss of a second American destroyer in the invasion was dis- closed in a dispatch from the chan- nel naval forces. No details were given, but these two ships were said to be the U. S. Navy's only losses up to the fourth day after the inva- sion landings. The Berlin radio reported that al- lied cruisers and destroyers were en- gaged by Nazi units in violent battle in the western part of the channel. The broadcast said that "one enemy cruiser and destroyer were damaged and also one German destroyer." Colonel, AWOL, Gets Decoration LONDON, June 10.-(P)-Col. Ralph Bagby of Evanston, Ill. - the first paratrooper to return to England from France-and who helped plan the airborne operations for the in- vasion, was AWOL when he went along and made his first parachute jump during the initial stages of the invasion. Col. Bagby, who said he went along to "see how things were going," has been reprimanded and will be deco- rated. As a staff officer he was not supposed to take an active part in the operations. The Colonel, who in civilian life manufactures dairy products mach- inery, dropped from a troop carry- ing planes four hours before landing barges touched the French coast In- vasion Day: Bagby said he and the men with him "just raised hell gen- erally" with German fortifications and gun positions. Allied Objectives Along French Coast Attainable Decisive Battles Still To Be Fought; Troops Battle for Cherbourg By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Associated Press War Analyst Bright prospects of attaining indi- cated immediate objectives mark the first week-end of the Allied second- front invasion of continental Europe although decisive battles are yet to be fought. There is every indication that the great port of Cherbourg at the tip of the Normandy Peninsula may very soon be in Allied hands. That seems the initial Allied goal. A well sheltered and equipped French harbor through which to pour ashore troops, tanks, guns and stores to establish an offensive front in France is the urgent need of General Eisenhower and his staff and Cher- bourg would fill their present require- ments. No Clue for Large Plans Yet even accepting the view that the battle of Normandy is in reality the battle for Cherbourg, it gives neither friend nor foe any certain clue to larger Allied plans. There is no hint yet as to where and when the march to Berlin from the west will start. Until the Nazi War Staff knows that, it dares not commit its full reserve resources to action. Those reserves will be strictly husbanded until General Eisenhower more fully shows his hand. The next week's developments should prove up more definitely both the Allied purposes and the Nazi ability to meet the danger without resort to wholesale retreats in Russia, in the Balkans and in Italy to shorten front and conserve manpower. It is obvious, however, that a German re- treat from the Italian peninsula is already in progress. Follow-Up After Rome The fast Allied follow-up on the capture of Rome is filled, too, with deadly menace for the foe. He is in grave danger of seeing his armies cut apart in the center by the Allied drives up the Nera and Tiber Rivers northeast of Rome. Loss of the criti- cal road and rail communication keys at which those spearheads are aimed could nip off the whole German left flank in Italy and pin it against the Adriatic for annihilation. The German 14th army retreat up the Italian west coast above Rome is' out-pacing badly the 10th army es- cape from the Sangro bulge in the center and on the Adriatic flank. With every step gained by General Clark's fast-moving pursuit of the foe the danger to the 10th army in- creases. The Nazi 10th army must effect its withdrawal through the narrow de- files of the Appenines. Retreating troops and transport can escape only over canalized routes critically ex- posed to air attack. By HOWARD COWAN Associated Press Correspondent BROOKWOOD AMERICAN CEM- ETERY, England, June 10.-The first American dead from the terrible bat- tle across the Channel rested tonight beneath Biitish soil. Rows of flag-covered caskets of brown, polished wood lay at the bot- tom of mass graves opened by a steel- jawed steam shovel. As a double column of officers and enlisted men led by five chap- lains approached in a slow march, the English operator of the steam shovel stood silently in his cab, his hand clutching his cap, his black hair blowing in the wind. There was nothing to mark this as anything but another military fun- eral, but it seemed to drive home with cruel sharpness the increased tempo of war on the French coast. With Capt. Sumner Johnson, U.S. Ninth Air Force chaplain of Terry- ville, Conn., I drove to this cemetery. It must be one of the most beautiful in the world. Here lie American dead from the first world war. Here in the gently-rolling hills where the grass always is green and towering pines scent the breeze, will lie the dead Nazis Announce Allies Moving Near Cherbourg; LONDON. June 10-d ()-German News Agency broadcasts said tonight that six American divisions with "orders to conquer Cherbourg for- tress" began a large-scale attack yesterday and rolled to a point near Montebourg, 15 miles southeast of Cherbourg. Nazi formations "Fighting their positions were able to successfully stem a further advance of the Amer- icans by Friday night," the tians- ocean agency said. More U. S. parachutists dropped behind German lines, Berlin said. The Americans were using two air- borne and three infantry divisions, one tank division and numerous special formations on a 14-mile front between Montebourg and Carentan, the Germans said. The Axis high command reported without Allied confirmation that the Allies had made another attempt to land at Trouville, seven miles across the Siene Estuary south of Le Havre. Allied Troops Wage House To House Battle By ROGER GREENE Associated Press Correspondent representing the combined American Press. WITH ALLIED FORCES IN FRANCE, July 10-Allied troops are battling from house to house in the northern outskirts of a village north- west of German-held Caen after experiencing a bitter dose of Nazi trickery. Tank-led attackers stormed and captured the woods and northern houses of the village late yesterday whereupon the Germans broke out and started waving white flags. But when the Allies started to enter the Germans cut loose with spandaus and machine guns, forcing a with- drawal to the northern end of this highly strategic village which domi- nates Caen. Now heavy Allied armored rein- forcements are rolling forward. from this war until they are moved home. There were no mourners inside therhododendron-bounded ceme- tery save one. An English girl, her eyes red and puffy from weeping, stood in the road a few feet away, and chewed nervously at a wrinkled handkerchief. She wore a rough leather coat, no hat, and no stock- ings. One of the Americans was her husband. Another was a flier, a P-38 pilot. From his base somewhere in England four of the twin-tailed craft dipped near the small group. Flying in per- fect echelon, their engines muffled, they circled once and disappeared. Another American I knew. He was the crew chief aboard a troop carrier plane riddled by ground fire beyond the bridgehead on Cherbourg Penin- sula Tuesday night. Capt. R. F. Grady, Philadelphia, Pa., read the catholic service. Maj. F. J. Smeltzer, Shamokin, Pa., be- gan the protestant service with Scripture. There was a prayer by Lt. Ford Gilbert, Long Beach, Calif. The raw wind gusting from the skies drowned out the words and we could only catch parts: "I am the resurrection . " Capt. Frank H. Lash, Navy chap- lain of 1512 Axtell St., Clovis N.M., said a prayer and read from the Bible. Capt. John A. Moore, Lake Helen, Fla., and Lt. Dezil Carty, 28 Edgecombe Ave., New York City, a negro, concluded the service. We stood at attention and saluted while a firing squad set the hills echoing with three volleys. Corp. Joseph Ferlazzao, 100 Daisy St., Clearfield, Pa., sounded taps. Swelling and then fading as the wind rose and died came the an- swering taps from the far side -of the hill, where the flag stood at half-mast before the white chapel with its ivy-clad columns. They came from the bugle of Sgt. Her- bert E. Thompson, 17 Belleview Ave., Ilion, N.Y. We marched away, eyes straight ahead and the silence broken only by the cadenced crunch of heels into gravel walks. The flag still was at half-mast as we climbed into our jeeps and trucks, and an officer explained: "The flag remains at half-mast so long as there are unburied dead in- side the cemetery." I took one last look as we headed toward the gate. The English girl stood at the edge of the still-open grave, her hands shoved deep into her pockets. The steam shovel wheeled ponder- ously and clawed up a scoopful of sodden earth. UNIVEiRSITY GRILL 615 East William 3rd Door from State Reservations Now Being Taken for Commencement Day Noon and Night Phone 9268 Perfectly Air Conditioned F ^! l ) III 1i' To give you that radiant Rosy Look-your choice of four make-up shades in Revlon color originals. Each blessed with that famous Revlon cling. "Double Feature" contains Nail Enamel plus cub-size Adheron. 750. Matching Lipstick, 600 and $1.00, 3.eJheHdarry On State at the Flead of North University IL' =: ( - - THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION * ANN ARBOR, MICH. SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1544 necessity for a second front was beyond all question, for no nation was ever brought to surrender by aerial attack alone. * * * FIFTH WAR LOAN DRIVE started in Michi- gan on D-Day. Army per- sonnel, under the direction of Col. Young, have already collected $1,000 cash value of bonds. All Army and civilian personnel of the 3651st Service Unit will be contacted by "minute men" consisting of 130 officers and enlisted men. Com- panies and classes will compete against each other and prizes for the highest man in each company, and to the highest man in the service unit will be present- ed at the conclusion of the drive. SHIP'S BALL, only for- mal all-Navy dance of the semester, was held yester- day in the Intramural Buil- ding. Yellow and gold flags, a velvet drape with an eight-foot anchor and a gangplank and canopy out- side in the garden by the coke bar were included in the decorations. Johnny Lnne his 17-niee nrches- at 2:15 p.m. over Station WJR. Prof. Waldo Abbott was interlocutor and Mr. Walter Weber, assistant football coach, was the sports expert on the ques- tion bee. Also on the board of experts were Amos Mor- ris of the English depart- ment, Randolph Adams, director of the Clements -Library and Arthur Hack- ett of the School of Music. * * * APPOINTMENTS for publications were made last week by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publica- tions. For The Daily, Jane Farrant was reappointed Managing Editor, S tan Wallace was reappointed City Editor and Betty Ann Koffman was named Edi- torial Director, succeeding Claire Sherman, a gradu- ating senior. Lee Aimer was appointed Business Mana- ger, succeeding Betty Car- pentar. Griffith Young was appointed Managing Editor of the 'Ensian fox the com- ng year and Al Srere was named Associate Editor. Janet Gray was reappoint- ed senior Business Mana- ger of the 'Ensian. A * EXAM R e n lnnc . inn 1 1 for a Man To Remember!, / C' k . t 4 w :QCi "/ y y SV Wr ti ' 9 C9 ~\ i9 O9 Ara flattering summer 9 There's nothing so flattering to a foot - or to summer clothes - as a smartly styled spectator pump. .The beauty of our Naturalizers is their easy, clinging fit that gives your foot a lovely line, with "no slip - no gap - no pinch." fi95 KING VISITS GENERAL-Somewhere in England, King George VI pays a visit to the headquarters of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, now leading invasion forces. His Majesty is shown (left) leav- ing a mobile unit. -AP Photo June 18th is Father's Day, the day when Father will be the King of the home. Make his day a specially happy one by sending him a special Father's Day card. This is your chnce to let your dad or husband know how much you love