li I ip l'! i 1 ir t r 4 i seather VOL. LIV No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 12. 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reds Seize Berislav in Spectacular Push Wolverines Capture Big Ten Confe Record Point Total Tallied By T hindads Swanson, Boib Hume Win Two Events Each To Build Up Score By BILL LAMBERT Special to The Daily Michigan's powerhouse track team copped six individual titles and tied for another to amass a record team total of 75% points as they success- fully defended their Western Confer- ence Indoor Championship tonight in the Chicago Field House. Illinois, with Buddy Young, Bob Hinkle and Bob Kelley as its neu- cleus, came in second with 401%2 points; Purdue was third with 19 points, followed by Ohio State with 12, Iowa 8%, Indiana 8, Northwest- ern 7%j and Minnesota 4/2. Michi- gan placed in every event, and their team total was 21% points more than their record breaking winning score . of last year. Michigan completely dominated the meet, with both Captain Bob Hume and Elmer Swanson scoring double victories. Hume nosed out brother Ross in the mile and copped first in the two-mile. Swanson strode through the highs never losing a heat, and defeated Buddy Young of Illinois in the lows for one of the evening's prize upsets. The 440-yard Conference indoor crown comes back to Ann Arbor for the second successive year on the head of Bullet Bob Ufer, as he snared See MICHIGAN, Page 7 Post- War Talk By r. Plise Will eToy UNRRA Representative To Discuss Problem Of Supplies After War Dr. A. H. Philipse, a member of the Economic, Financial and Shipping Mission of the Netherlands, will speak at 3 pm. today in the Gand Rapids Room of the League under the sponsorship of the Post-War Council. The lecture will cover some of the problems of post-war food and medi- 'The Six Brucettes' To Be Featured in Victory Varieties rence Track Meet LAWYERS GRADUATE: JAG School Will Hold Largest Review Parade "The Six Brucettes," an attractively costumed, beautiful group of dancing girls, will make three ap- pearances in the first professional vaudeville show ever to be presented by the University. Planned to answer a long-felt need for first class entertainment in Ann Arbor, Victory Varieties will be staged at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in Hill Auditorium. Tickets are available at the USO and campus and downtown stores. jBridgehead v * * * k * * 'U' INNOVATION: Victory Varieties' To Feature Professional Theatre Talent The Six Brucettes, one of the more popular dancing groups in this area. of the country, will be a featured attraction of the University's "Vic- tory Varieties" show, to be presented at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in Hill Audi- torium. The first show of its kind ever to be sponsored by the University, Vic- tory Varieties will include headline professional talent from Chicago and New York hotels, night clubs and theatres. Similar shows have been put on by Producer Arthur Goldsmith of the Paramount Company at Purdue Uni- versity where they have met with singular success. Since the first per- formance last fall attendance has jumped from 3,000 to 9,000. "Sev- eral of the acts which were most enthusiastically received at Purdue will be featured on our show,".Dean Joseph A. Bursley pointed out. Tickets may be secured tomorrow through Saturday in University Hall corridor, the East and West Qi.uad- rangles, the USO, the Union and League, University Hospital news- Wor ld News By The Associated Press Caroline Islands Bombed U.S. FLEET HEADQUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, March 11.-Lib- erators of the Seventh Army Airforce again blasted Ponape and Kusaie in the Caroline Islands March 9, Ad- miral Chester W. Nimitz announced today. Nazi Capital Changed NAPLES, March 11.-Adolph Hitler has moved his capital from Berlin to Breslau, trustworthy in- formants said today, but the Ger- man machinery of government still is within range of Allied bombers. MESA Requests Hearing DEROIT, March 11.-A Congress- ional hearing on the question of granting representation on the War Labor Board (WLB) to unions affil- iated with neither the AFL nor CIO was demanded today by Matthew Smith, leader of one such group. "We want a Congressional hearing on this question and we're going to get it," .said Smith, who is secretary fof the Mechanics Educational Society stand and campus and downtown stores. The price of the tickets is 75 cents, tax included, and there will be no reserved seats. 'Other feature attractions are Georgie Tapps, internationally fam- o'us for his tap routines, Bert Lynn and his vibrolyn guitar, Hank, the Mule-a comedy novelty act, Lis- cheron and Adams, well-known ball- room team, and the Singing Com- man~ers. British Urge Irish To Agree De Valera Refuses To Close Axis Posts By The Associated Press LONDON, March 11-British pres- sure was applied on Dublin to accept the United States request for the closing of Axis listening posts in Ire- land, and in answer Eire's Prime Minister Eamon de Valera merely gave the British government a copy of the rejection he sent Washington, it was disclosed today. De Valera's refusal of the request, which was aimed at preventing the leakage of important military infor- mation, may bring.the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel be- tween Eire and the United Kingdom. Ship> Sale Refused WASHINGTON, D.C., March 11.- (A)-The State Department an- nounced tonight that it had refused sale of a merchant ship to Ireland because Axis submarines had wan- tonly sunk other American ships operating under the Irish flag despite Ireland's policy of neutrality towards the Axis. Premiere To Be Wednesday Tickets for "Tom Sawyer," the musical comedy which will be pre- sented by the 'Women's Glee Club at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday through Satur- day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre, with a Saturday matinee, will be placed on sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow at the theatre box office. The world premiere of the operetta which was written and produced by Wilson Sawyer will be given in Ann Arbor, and the show will then be taken to New York, Detroit, Chicago and other metropolitan centers, ac- cording to Sawyer, who is introdu- cing the musical comedy here as a compliment to the Women's GleeI Club. Three soloists from the Company A soldier choir will also appear in the operetta by special permission of Capt. George G. Spence, Company A commanding officer. Cpl. Arthur Flynn will play the part of Muff Potter; Cpl. Frank Haley will be the sheriff and prosecutor, and Cpl. Har- old Follond will portray Judge That-! cher. Lucile Genuit will play the part of Tom Sawyer in the leading role, with Mary Ruth Acton as Huckleberry See 'TOM SAWYER', Page 5 Allies Sink Jap Barges in Pacific ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, March 12, Saturday-'P)--Allied ground troops on newly-won positions around the rim of the Bismarck Sea had a breathing spell, headquarters report- ed today, while American light naval craft and planes hit the Japanese with stinging new blows. Gen. Douglas MasArthur said four troop-laden barges, either bringing in reinforcements, or evacuating Japanese from positions near Tala- sea airdrome. At the largest review parade in thes history of the Judge Advocate Gen-1 eral's School which will be held att 4:30 p.m. tomor'row in Yost Field House, 79 members of the OC class will receive their commissions as se-E cond lieutenants.L The public has been invited to the ceremonies in which four generals, a record breaking number, will parti-1 cipate. They are Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cra-k mer, the Judge Advocate General of the Army; Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aur-t and, Commanding General of the1 Sixth Service Command; Brig. Gen.- Thomas H. Green, Assistant Judge Advocate General, and Brig. Gen.t John F. Davis, Chief of Staff of the Sixth Service Command.' Other guests from Washington will include Col. Robert M. Springer, As- Detroit Averts ; Total Week-End Mil Tie-Up By The Associated Press DETROIT, March 11.-Striking dairy workers tied up virtually all of metropolitan Detroit's milk deliver- ies today but a "milkless week-end" apparently was averted to some ex- tent by emergency arrangementsto- night. Leaders of the United Dairy Work- ers (CIO) local 83, whose members walked out early today, announced a plan whereby dairies would sell milk direct to families "in need." Each buyer would be limited to two quarts. There will be no home deliveries, union stewards said, and patrons must call'at the dairies themselves. The union's announcement, made by a steward group, referred only in general terms to "need" but said the definition would include families with babies and invalids. The dairy workers walked out over what they said was unnecessary de- See MILK STRIKE, Page 3 'Linker, Clip pert Appo inzted to Meen's ,Judiciary J. Joseph Linker, '44E, and John Clippert, '45E, were appointed presi- dent and secretary of the Men's Ju- diciary Council yesterday, Joseph A. Bursley, an of students, announc- ed yesterdy. Linker was declared president of the Council on the basis of a petition listing his qualifications submitted by him last semester. The selection was made after an interview by the out-going Council and Dean Bursley. Linker is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, chairman of the honor coun- cil for engineering students, a mem- ber of Vulcans and an assistant ed- itor of Technic, the engineering school monthly. He is also a mem- ber of Tau Beta Pi honorary engin- eering scholastic society. Clippert, also selected on the basis of a petition, is a secretary on the Union Staff and a member of Phi Delta Theta. See PICTURES, Page 3 sistant Judge Advocate General, andt Lt. Col. Howard A. Brundage, Chiefx of Control Branch.I The 14th and 15th Officer classesk and the 4th OC class which are grad-S uating Tuesday and the 5th 0C class which had finished half its trainingt will take part in the graduation pa'r- ade. Music will be by the University band.1 In accordance with custom, mem-1 bers of the 4th OC Class will take the oath as second lieutnants at that time. Maj. Jeremiah J. O'Connor,Z Executive Officer, will read the let-f ters of appointment and Col. Edwardt Young, Commandant, will administert the oath.. Upon the conclusion of this cere- mony, the parade will be reviewed by the visiting officers. t Gen. Aurand will give the gradua-t tion address and Gen. Cramer, Cl. Young and Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School will speak at the ex- ercises, which will be held at 10:30 e a.m. Tuesday in Hutchins Hall. Followirig the speeches, Gen. Cra- mer will present diplomas to 27 mem- bers of the 14th Officer Class, 25I S~e GRADUATION, Page 3 Yanks Blast 1 Pas-de-Calais Raids Continued by RAF Night Bombers B3y The Associated Press1 LONDON, March 12, Sunday- RAF planes closed out an historic week of heavy aerial attacks last night with a trip across the channel under a "bomber's moon" following a big daylight smash by U.S. heavy bombers at military targets in Muen- ster, Germany, and the Pas-de-Ca- lais area of France. There was no immediate indica- tion what targets the British planes were after or whether the operation was by heavy night bombers or Mos- quitos. They were heard in one southeast English coastal district fly- ing towards the continent some time after nightfall and later they roared back across the channel The "bomber's moon" under which they flew was like that which the RAF used earlier in the week to accomplish night precision bombing. Axis-controlled radio stations gave the first indication that British planes were out to wind up perhaps the most significant week of the air war. S * * U.S. Bombers Hit Toulon, Florence ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NA- PLES, March 11.-(P)-American Lib- erators reached out from Italy today to batter the great Nazi naval base of Toulon on France's southern coast for the second time this week while Marauder medium bombers smashed at the railway facilities of ancient Florence for the first time in the war. At the same time Flying Fortresses also blasted Padua, important railway center in northeastern Italy, 50 miles from Venice. Opens Black Sea Campaign Captured Highway Hub Leads to Key Ukraiian Seaport of Kherson By The Associated Press LONDON, March 12.-Red Army troops forced a spectacular new bridgehead across the wide Dnieper River in the last 60-mile stretch held by the Germans near the Black Sea yesterday and captured the district center of Berislav only 37 miles above the big sea port of Kherson, Moscow announced today. Berislav is a highway hub for at least four major roads branching out into the Ukraine. Other Russian forces at the north- western end of the flaming 500-mile Ukraine front were reported still fighting in the streets of Tarnopol at the end of the third day of battle for the strategic rail town. The Moscow communique and its supplement-both recorded by the Soviet monitor-gave few details of the Russian crossing but for the first time spoke of fighting "southwest and south of Apostolovo." The Russians apparently crossed from Kakhovka which they reached early last November after racing in swift strides across the Nogaisk steppes. Among the gains reported by the Russian comuniques were: First Ukrainian front under Mar- shal Gregory K. Zhukov in southern Poland,.German counterattacks were hurled back in the Tarnopol area. More than 30 localities were catured 62 miles to the west in the Proskurov area of the western Ukraine, includ- ing the village. of Davidkvtsky, six miles east of Proskurov. The Russ- ians also crossed the Bug River and captured Pedosy, 13 miles northwest of Proskurov and four miles south of the river. Montgoery Predicts Fight To Extend to '45 By The Associated Press LONDON, March 11.- Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, radiating confidence, declared today the land invasion of Europe would come when Allied strategists believed bombing has reduced the Germans "to a pro- per state of mind," but predicted the fighting would probably extend into next year. In another reference to the inva- sion, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied Invasion Forces, told a graduating class at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst that he hoped to "meet them soon, east ofthe Rhine."' Montgomery, commander of Brit- ish ground forces under Eisenhower, said that the air assaults have al- ready opened the so-called "second front" and he likened Allied strategy against Germany and western Eur- ope to that which knocked Italy out of the war. He forecast that "the whole thing will be quite simple, and there will be no difficulty at all." "At the end of this year, if not sooner," he added, "we shall have it just about right for toppling over." Vichy Of ficial is Convicted ALGIERS, March ii.-(P)-A French military tribunal convicted Pierre Pucheu, former Interior Min- ister in the Petain government, of treason today and decreed the death penalty, dramatically ignoring Puch- eu's fervent and tearful warning that the dicision would "plant the first stake in a civil war" in France. The packed courtroom gave a muffled gasp when the conviction in the "purge" trial was announced by President Judge Leon Verin. Pope Pius AII Will Give Speech Today AT THE SWISS-ITALIAN FRON- TIER, March 11. -(IP) -Pope Pius XII, worn by the war, will, observe the fifth anniversary of his corona- DR. A. H. PHILIPSE . speak today cal supplies and will be followed by a discussion section. Dr. Philipse, who has had many years of experience in the service of the Netherlands government, was a representative at the recent UNRRA conference held in Atlantic City. He attended a three-day housing and food conference in Chicago March 8, 9 and 10. and is at present working in Washington. There will be no admission charge, and all those interested are cordially invited to attend, Gloria Rewoldt, '46, Council president, said. Rushing Registration To tar t Tomorrow FROM FOXHOLE TO EASY CHA IR: Michigan Man in the Army Tells of Post-War Plans Editor's Note: Mrs. Don Swaniger submitted this letter which she receiv- ed from her son, Don, a former mem- ber of The Daily Sports Staff, now sta- tioned in Italy. Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1944 Dear Folks, I was in my foxhole the other day gabbing away with a chum of mine and we chanced on the subject of the nars n' rretare nt after the war. three days without moving. You7 will see a hole well camouflaged, probably with a little mud and water in it to make it more con- vincing. You can bring me rations in cans and water to drink, but of course I must observe water dis- cipline. On the fourth day I'll move into. the basement. Such a change of pos-; ition will be done at night-by creep-< ing and crawling. During all this I will get rid of my rifle and my pack and begin to sleep in a cot. Then finally I eat good old Mom's food, crawl into a genuine bed and return full status to being that which is coiled civilian. .What a life-. What a wonderful life! I don't have an awful lot else to say. I sprained my ankle recently at a most embarrassing time but it is well taped and responding remark- one with a little brains ought to be going to school in order to win the ' war. Everything else being equal, they can keep their school until af- ter the duration. At that time I'll show them what good schooling can be put to. That is my whole ambition now-to return to the University of Michigan and study what I wish. amused me as per usual with his attitude towards being an officer.