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June 11, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-11

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Allies Speed Drive

To Cut Off Cherbourg

Nazis, Finns, Report Red Offensive

Troops Advance Along


Axis Fears
Soviet Threat
On East Wall
Karelian Isthmus
May Be Scene of
Russian Assault
By the Associated Press
LONDON, June 10-The Germans
and the Finns said tonight that the
Russians had launched a "general
offensive" on the Karelian Isthmus
of the Finnish front above Leningrad.
and one Berlin commentator sug-
gested that it might be the opening
blow of a Soviet onslaught across the
entire eastern front.
Berlin said there was accelerated
action on five sectors of the eastern
front in addition to the new action in
Suspense Heightened
From the blood Iasi front in
Romania to the long-dormant north-
ern theater suspense was heightened
as the third anniversary of Hitler's
June 22 invasion of Russia ap-
proached, and in high places every-
where it appeared that master Soviet
strokes could not be deferred much
longer if they were not already under
The Finnish .Army communique
broke the first word of the reported
new. offensive, declaring that the
Russians early yesterday morning
started a general offensive on the
Karelian Isthmus supported by
"particularly heavy artillery fire and
strong air forces."
Attacks Repulsed
"Attacks made at various places
were repulsed except for a few small
and limited penetrations" the bulle-
tin said. "The enemy sustained con-
siderable losses in killed and more I
than 10 tanks were destroyed. Our
fighters and anti-aircraft defense
shot down a total of 24 enemy planes.;
"The battle continues."
The German Transocean commen-
tator Van Olberg said over the Ber-
lin radio that it was "too early to
judge what tactical and strategic
significance can be attached to this
blow," but he said that it might well
be the initial swing of a Soviet
sledge-hammer assault developing
across the entire Eastern front.
Jap Destroyer
Routed off New
Guinea by Allies
Navy Thwarts Second'
Nip Attempt To Relieve
Troops o Bia Island
By the Associated Press
Accurate Allied naval gun fire
routed a Japanese destroyer force in
a brief night engagement off north-
western New Guinea, thwarting a
second attempt to relieve beleaguer-
ed enemy troops on Biak island, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
The Nipponese turned and fled at
high speed without firing a shot.
American and Australian warships
chased them for an hour and a half
and possibly damaged one by long
range fire. Japanese troops in bar-
ges were abandoned by their escort.
U. S. ships wiped them out.
Nin Ships Sunk
Within the last week MacArthur
has reported the sinking of five Japa-
nese destroyers, damaging of two

others and a cruiser in a sudden
reappearance of enemy warships
which have avoided naval engage-
ments for six months.
The Palau islands, guarding the
approaches to the Philippines, were
bombed for the first time by land-
based bombers Thursday night, Mac-
Arthur reported. Large fires and
explosions were started. The at-
tackers probably came from the Jap-
anese built Wakde airdrome, 700.
miles south of Palau.
United States aircraft ranged the
full length of the Caroline Islands.
Besides Palau, south and southwest
Pacific planes slashed at Truk, Sat-
awan and Nomoi.

Coast To




BRITISH SOLDIERS, wounded in the first assault wave to hit the
beaches of France, leave an LST at the British coast on their return
to their homeland for hospitalization. (AP Wirephoto via Signal
Corps radio).

_ .._. i

Powerful Underground Work
Increases French Resistance

Fleeing Nazis
Stop Retreat
Beyond Viterbo
Fifth Army Meets
Strong Resistance of
Important Enemy Units
By the Associated Press
ITALY, June 10.- Nazi forces in
Italy, fleeing northward in a rout
that the Allied command declared
had become a "catastrophe," turned
to make a stand of stubborn but not
fully disclosed proportions late today
around a village some miles northeast
of Viterbo, which is 40 miles above
George Tucker, Associated Press
correspondent with the Fifth Armny in
the field, wrote in a dispatch timed
9:30 p.m. tonight that the previously
almost-unopposed race of the Allies
to overtake the retreating Germans.
had slowed perceptibly when they
ran into a maze of German 88-milli-
meter and anti-tank guns in and
around the village.
Action Is Sizeable
The Allies brought up tanks, in-
fantry and artillery, and the fighting
''quickly assumed the character of a
sizeable action," Tucker said.
Indications were that the Fifth
Army, which has advanced at a speed
of about 15 miles a day since the fall
of Rome last Sunday, had succeeded
in its racing efforts to overtake and
engage some important units of Col.-
Gen. Eberhard Von Mackensen's 14th
Yanks Fan Out
Capturing the ancient town of
Tuscania, 13 miles northeast of Tar-
quinia, which fell Friday, the Fifth
Army had fanned out with just such
an overtaking battle intended.
Earlier Saturday a headquarters
spokesman had described the Ger-
man army as "retreating in a com-
pletely disorganized fashion," with
the Fifth Army "unable to catch up
with any important element of it,"
despite the speed of pursuit.
Tucker wrote tonight that the Ger-
mans were beaten "but by no means
Dewey 'Short
In GOP Vote
June 10-(AP)-Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey's pledged and publicly claimed
delegate strength for the Republican
presidential nomination wound up
yesterday at 391, or 138 short of the
required majority, as Nevada named
a six-vote delegation to complete the
party's national convention delegate
roster of 1,057.
Next in a field of eight avowed,
publicly receptive and "silent" candi-
dates is Gov. John W. Bricker with
65, while 478 delegates are unin-
structed and unclaimed by supporters
of either candidate.
Both the Dewey and Bricker camps
expect generous aid from the free
and unclaimed delegates constituting
nearly half the convention roll. These
delegates are spread over 30 states
and Hawaii.

® ersey de BARFLEUR 2
AMERICAN DOUGIHBOYS are reported over one-third through Nor-
mandy today, working under an umbrella of Allied fighter planes to
block off the strategic port of Cherbourg. Insigny, 32 miles South of
Cherbourg already has fallen to Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley's fighters.
Late reports place Allied armies at Montebourg within 15 miles of
embattled Cherbourg. Heavy attacks are reported from Caen to
Montebourg along a fifty-mile front.
Good Weather Enables Planes
rr T *11* 1 -11 *

By the Associated Press
FORCE, Sunday, June 11-U. S.
troops smashed a third of the way
across the Normandy peninsula
yesterday in a drive to seal off the
prize port of Cherbourg and cap-
tured two towns and a handful of
villages under cover of Allied fight-
ers striking from newly-seized air-
fields in France. w
A German broadcast placed the
Americans near Montebourg, only

American, British, Canadian Forces Attacking Heavily
Along 50-Mile Stretch Between Caen and Montebourg

15 miles southeast of Cherbourg,
after the Germans had withdrawn
to "shortened defense lines."
Allied headquarters bulletin No.
10 issued just before midnight said
"Allied progress continues along
the whole of the beachhead." This
meant that the American, British
and Canadian troops now were at-
tacking heavily along a 50-mile
stretch between Caen in the east
and Montebourg in the northwest.
A dispatch from the front dis-
closed that the Americans, with

artillery support, had begun strik-
ing inland Friday after using the
first three days to secure their
beachheads and establish contact
with the British-Canadian forces
in the Bayeux sector, east of the
expanded 35-mile-wide American
front. The Americans gained six
miles in their first smash inland
from the sea, and veteran troops
were spearheading the attack, the
dispatch said.
Improving weather which found
Allied fighters now hitting from
France for the first time in four
years aided the Allied forward move-
ment. Heavy bombers attacked Ger-
man airfields in Normandy and Brit-
tany, behind the battle line, and
fighters strafed the enemy's armored
and transport movements.
Bradley Leads Yanks
The Americans under Lt. Gen.
Omar N. Bradley captured the small
but valuable port of Isigny, 32 miles
southeast of Cherbourg, toppled
Trevieres eight mileseast of Isigny,
closed in from both sides on Karen-:
tan, six miles west of Isigny, and
slashed "in several places" the main
Paris railway leading into Cherbourg
Heavy fighting raged at Carentan,
the late Allied bulletin said. The
Germans had flooded the terrain i .
that sector, causing difficulties, a
spokesman said.
Sevefe fighting with strong enemy
armored units also flamed through
FORCE, June 10-(AP)-Allied
Headquarters announced today
that Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gomery, Commander of Alled
ground invasion forces, had estab-
lished his advanced headquarters
in France.

By the Associated Press;
LONDON, June 10.-French resis-
tance to the Germans is rising, with
sabotage and insurrection all overa
Frence, it was learned at Allied head-1
quarters tonight.
Every French village, it was de-l
clared, offers information, medicalt
Tomorrow Set
For Openoin of
Fifth War Loan
Cook Is War Finance
Chairman; Ann Arbor
Quta Is $6,000,000
"Despite the fact that the inva-
lion called for an earlier opening of,
the Fifth War Loan Drive in Michi-
gan than was anticipated, we know;
that a number of people are waiting
until the later opening to purchase
bonds". Warren F. Cook, Washte-
naw County war finance committee
chairman stated yesterday.
We hope that everyone will vol-
untarily buy bonds as quickly as pos--
sible starting Monday, Cook said..
Ann Arbor's quota of $6.000,000 is
based on the assumption that every-
one would buy at least one extra
$100 bond.
Complete selling organizations
throughout the city will make it pos-
sible for every resident to be con-
tacted to purchase bonds, Fred Benz,
Ann Arbor war finance committee
chairman, announced.
Bonds may be purchased throagh
all schools, factories, women's organ-
izations, retail merchants, neighbor-
hood war clubs, service clubs, frater-
nal organizations, the American Le-
gion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and
underwriters for life and general in-
MYDA To Hold
Electiaon P anel
"The importance of the 1944 Elec-
tions" will be discussed at a meet-
ing of Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action at 7:45 p. m. tomor-
row in the Grand Rapids Room of
the League.
Speaking at the panel discussion
are: Marvin Shapiro and Harvey
-~_,t.,,, TT- . n" - -T- .. tatc

assistance and any other possible
help to the Allied forces.
Although the Allied High Com-
mand was withholding for the stra-
tegic moment its instruction to the
underground to strike all-out for the
liberation of the country, front-line
dispatches and continental reports
told of multiplying blows against the
Nazis. Unrest also was reported in
the German Reich itself.
Sabotage on Upswing
While some observers were inclined
to be conservative in their estimates
of these reports-which seeped out
of the Netherlands and northern
Italy as well as France and Germany
---it was conceded that the invasion
of Normandy had inspired increasing
sabotage behind the French lines,
The most sanguine reports came to
the French press service in London.
These said French patriqts were
engaged not only in widespread sabo-
tage but were fighting pitched battles
with occupation troops deep behind
the German lines.,
300 Nazis Taken
The French press service said pa-
triots were engaging more than 2,000
Germans in the Vosge district in a
battle in which they had captured
more than 300 Nazis. It also reported
fighting at Bourg and Macon, which
lie near the Haute Savoie, a center
for the fighting French Maquis.
The Algiers radio said the French!
underground had dynamited rail-
ways between Paris and Normandy
and Brittany, delaying German troop
movements to the front.

10 rstas11n naeSO in r ranet
By the Associated Press ers made three attacks during the
Sunday,. June 11-Allied air power The first planes to take advantage
swept back into action in support T of thefisplanstte dvantag
the invasion yesterday, establishing of the newly constructed landing
bases on the beachheads in France, strips-whose existence placed Alled
and, it was announced today, U. S.-
fighter commands alone sent nearly LONDON, June 1.-U(P)-Berlin
2,000 planes into the sky. was bombed last night for the see-
Clearing weather enabled heavy ond night in a row by RAF bomb-
bombers to roar across the channel ers which also bombed targets be-
again after a 15-hour lull and Allied hind the Germans' invasion battle
planes of all types blasted German lines.
troop concentrations arid tanks, bug I_ _-
gun positions and airdromes as well aircraft in action from French soil
as rail and highway transport. aicatnatonfmFrchsi
Libratorsdmpedh h avya dsoffor the first time since 1940-were
Liberators dumped heavy loads ?f American C47 troop carriers which
explosives behind the battle zone in were used to fly wounded back t
both Normandy and Brittany and Bre dwenk
the tireless Marauder medium bomb- Britain,
noms, w.rocl>s nu 1 'dlfl l_

Re~cho o Prcpe rings~

"TJnhe h('V('{Ic in j .uvcnile delin-
qi.ency in Ann Arbor during the last
two years is due mainly to the fact
that most people have given up the
principles of life, that were proved
to be right long ago," Judge Jay
Pray of the probate court stated yes-
"The war and the influx of par-
ents into war plants, leaving their
children at home, neglected and un-
disciplined, is another factor", he
Judge Pray has been a judge in
the probate court for the past 20
years. Since he has been judge
he has seen the rates of juvenile
delinquency rise from 30 cases a
year to 120 and more per year.

"Beer gardens have their'effect on
parents and children. Parents spend
anywhere' from one to ten hours in
beer gardens, and then come home
intoxicated. Fights and separations
occur from this practice, and the
children themselves are harmed in
the long run," he stated.
Over 60 per cent of the children
today are drinking liquor. Ten
years ago there were only one-half
of one per cent who drank. People
over twenty-one are obtaining li-
quor for minors, who in turn take
cases of the stuff to cottages and
picnic grounds along the roads,
he continued.
"You can't raise angels in a devil's
nest", he said. If homes are rotten,
teh ,hilraron aerPnP.' cied. '1Thae

To Pay Tribute
"D-Day Services" to honor the
more than 4000 local servicemen, will
be held at 4 p. m. today on the Hu-
ron Street side of the court house.
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Hon-
or Roll committee, the observance
is intended as a tribute to residents
of the Ann Arbor area who are now
serving with the armed forces. The
names of men who have died in
service wil be read and "taps" sound-
ed for them, while the gold star
mothers will be honored.
Ceremonies will open with an in-
vocation by the Rev. Fr. Robert Al-
len of St. Thomas parish and will be
presided over by the Rev. C. W. Car-
penter, president of the Ann Arbor
Ministerial Association. The Rev.
Henry Lewis, pastor of St. Andrew's
Episcopal church will deliver the
sermon and the benediction will be
pronounced by the Rabbi J. M. Cohen
of the Hlll o ndnationn.

'Bombs, rockets anzd a razz of buz-
lets were poured down upon the Ger-
mans as the Allied airmen put a
protective roof over the embattled
infantrymen aground and blasted
positions in and behind the German
While these blows were raining
down from the west, Lightning fight-
er-bombers from the Mediterranean
flew deep into the Balkans and made
a daring dive-bombing attack on the
last major refinery still operating in
the often bombed Ploesti oil fields.
Meanwhile up to 500 heavy bomb-
ers struck at a refinery at Trieste.
hit by RAF night bombers only a
few hours earlier,
Auto Price Celings
A re Effective July 1
WASHINGTON, June 10-(AP)-_
Price ceilings for all used passenger
automobiles, under consideration by
the Office of Price Administration
for over a year, go into effect July
10 at levels generally of January,
Price Administrator Chester Bow-
les, announcing the new regulation at
a news confernen today. sid the

the fifth day in the Caen area of the
British-Canadian sector. A front
dispatch said Allied artillerymen had
taken up positions in a struggle for
a ridge commanding Caen, and that
engineers had been partly successful
in the setting of a tank trap against
reinforced Nazi panzer units there.
Viehy Broadcasts
To the east, on the left flank of
the Americans, the old Gothic city
of Caen near the mouth of the Orne
River was reported in flames as
British and Canadian gunners pump-
ed shells into desperately resisting
Germans entrenched in that vital
communications hub.
The Allies also stood firm under
savage Nazi counterattacks launched
by two German tank divisions and
two infantry divisions. The British
and Canadians were fighting fierce-
ly to keep the German panzer divi-
sions from the good tank-fighting
;ountry between Caen and Bayeux,
and according to German reports
also were spearing southward toward
St. Lo and the wooded hills where
Allied big guns could command road
junctions at the base of the Nor-
rnandy peninsula.
Normandy InaI sion Led.
By Airborne Divisions
June 10-(AP)-America's first two
airborne divisions-the 82nd and
101st-were revealed tonight as lead-
ing the invasion of Normandy with
their traditional battle cry "Ger-
It was the third assault for the
82nd which spearheaded the attacks
on Sicily and Salerno, when the U.
S. Army was enlarged in 1942, the
82nd was reactivated in March under
the command of Maj. Gen. Omar N.
De Gaulle Scores
LONDON, June 10-(AP)-Gen.
Charles De Gaulle said today that
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's proc-
tninnt n the Trnh nnnl nn

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