I ai3
Cloudy, L ttle Change
Allies Advance on Cher
Germans Predict Allied
Invasion of Belgium
By The Associated Press
LONDON, June 9-German broadcasts-"predicted today that the Allies
would invade Belgium soon "between Dunkerque and Ostende," and said
that airborne reinforcements on the invasion front were helping to pack
an Allied punch in an increasingly bitter battle of Normandy.
Predicting the new invasion, the German radio said:
"Divisions ready in northeast England and Scotland have not yet
been thrown into the fight. It can be assumed a big part of these forces
will be thrown into some invasion attempt which should start within
the next few days.
Action Expected i-
* * *
st casualties in the stor i
toni Bill,
nitro Set- p
of th
the A
ir Forces Return
o Aid Invaders
Yaiks Cut 1Vamn Nazi (omuiinncation
[Jues With (apitire of St. Mere Eglise
CE, Saturday, June 10--Allied air power roared back to the support
e French invasion during the night after bad weather that found
merican, British and Canadian ground forces advancing against
fighting Gerznans on thc Chcrbouzrg peninsula and southwest of
x without their accustomxed aerial aid.
hortly before dawn today it was announced that RAF heavy
e:rs went out over France in strength during the darkness. Their
s were not disclosed immedi- " * *
itut te vital W Us o 1 ' -/
n .vithoutt the vita weap ox of
"Combined action is being expecte
somewhere between Dunkerque an
Ostende. For this, special Canadia
troops are in readiness as well a
several airborne and very strong tank
divisions. Apart from Montgomery'
army, Eisenhower has at his disposa
more than 50 divisions, half of which
are allocated for the French-Belgian
After claiming yesterday that the
Allied beachheads were being nar-
rowed by Field Marshal Gen. Erwin
Rommel's counter blows, Nazi broad-
casters today conceded the main
bridgehead had been widened.
Landings Advanced Inland
They acknowledged three Allied
advances inland-A five-mile wedge
driven southwest of Bayeux toward
St. Lo; a six-mile advance west of
Bayeux "where spearheads of Ger-
man counterattackers now stand,'
and an advance of over a mile by
Americans from fallen Ste. Mere
Eglise toward Valognes on the road
to Cherbourg.
Y'anks Sink 4
Jap Destroyers
Off New Guinea
U.S. Bombers Thwart
Reinforcenent Attempt
By The Associated Press
Four Japanese destroyers were
sunk and a fifth damaged Thursday
by American bombers that thwarted
an attempt to reinforce crumbling
enemy positions off northwestern
New Guinea, Southwest Pacific
Headquarters announced today.
A Japanese task force of six de-
stroyers and a cruiser was spotted
off Manokwari, Dutch New Guinea,
150 miles west of Biak island where
U. S. sixth army troops have seized
one airdrome within bombing range
of the Phillipines and are preparing
to drive on two others.r
5 Zeros Shot Down
While Lightnings engaged inter-
cepting Zeros, ten Billy Mitchell med-
ium bombers attacked the Nipponese
flotilla at masthead height. After
four destroyers were sunk by direct
hits and the fifth damaged, the
cruiser and the remaining destroyer
Five Zeros were shot down out of
the ten interceptors. Three Ameri-
can planes were the only price paid
for the Japanese defeat. Three other
Zeros were shot down Wednesday out
of a flight of 25 interceptors over
Truk. One bomber was lost in that
Caroline Island raid.
Enemy Repulsed in Burma
New Japanese war clouds threat-
ened unoccupied sections of north-
central China yesterday as Allied
troops took advantage of a break
in the monsoons to push the enemy
back in Burma and India.
Ship's Ball To
Be Given To®day
Formal Will Feature
Johnny Long's Band
Ships Bal. the only all Navy for -
hal dance of the semester, will feat-
ure Johnny Long and his orchestra
from 9 p. m. .to midnight today in
the Intermural Building.
Tickets will be sold at the door.
Sponsored by the sailors and ma-
rines of the campus V-12 Unit, invi-
tations to the dance have been ex-
tended to all Navy personnel includ-
ing RONAG's, medical and dental
students and sailors stationed off
Play Produio .inand .Navy decor--
Fifth Army
s haes Nazi
s North of Rome
Germans in Adriatic
Sector Join in Flight
By the Associated Press
ROME, June 9-Pursuing the shat-
tered German 14th army at contin-
ued breakneck pace northwest of
Rome, Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's
Fifth Army forces swept through the
communication centers of Viter-
bo, Vetralla and Tarquinia today as
Nazi troops in the Adriatic sector
joined the general enemy flight up
the Italian peninsula.
Viterbo, a vital highway and rail
junction 40 miles from Rome, fell
before a swift seven-mile thrust from
the area of Lake Di Vico. Tarquinia,
on the main coastal highway 55 miles
northwest of the capital, was seized
in a 10-mile stab by Allied troops
driving on from the captured port
of Civitavecchia. Vetralla is on a
lateral highway connecting Vierbo
and Tarquinia.
Kessering Unable to Rally
There yet was no sign that Field
Marshal Albert Kessering had been
able to rally his fleeting remnants,
and it was doubted here that he
would attempt to make another ser-
ious stand short of a line beyond
Florence, some 150 miles from Rome,
Although Clark's forces were aver-
aging roughly 15 miles a day in their
grim chase they found it difficult to
keep within shooting distance of the
Clark's vanguards were more than
130 airline miles from the starting
points of the big offensive launched
less than a month ago.
Nazis Withdraw in Adriatic
A five-month deadlock was broken
in the Adriatic sector when the
Nazis, after carrying out heavy de-
molitions, began withdrawing along
a five-mile front between the coast
and Crecchio. Eighth army forces
pressed after them two miles and
occupied Tolla, only seven miles
from the provincial capital of Chieti.
The Germans thus were retreating
along virtually the entire width of
the peninsula.
Lt. Gen. Sir Oliver Leese's main
Eighth Army continued to meet stiff
resistance from German rearguards
east of the Tiber, but drove some
10 miles beyond Tivoli and seized
the towns of Agosta and Palombara-
War Bond Sale
County Goal Pushed +
Above Previous Quotas,
The response of Ann Arbor resi-
dents to the Fifth War Loan Drive,
is "very satisfactory," according to,
Warren F. Cook, Washtenaw County
war finance committee chairman.
Michigan's Bond Drive opened of-
ficially on June 6, after the an-
nouncement of the invasion of the
coast of France by Allied troops.
The National Drive officially starts
Goal Highest in History
Washtenaw County's goal for the.
drive has been set at $9,105,000, the
highest goal ever attempted in the
county and 21.8 per cent greater
than that asked in the previous War
Loan Drive. Ann Arbor is again1
being asked to bear the burden of
the county's quota, Cook said.
Ann Arbor's quota has been set
at $6,000,000, of which $4,700,000
must be filled by the sale of E
Bonds; $3,227,750 by savings banks
and corporations; and $1,472,250 by
AMERICAN DEAD IN FRANCE-These are dead American soldiers-the fir
ing of the Allied beachhead in Northern France.
Butt in Basket
Said the lighted cigarette to
the waste paper, "Greetings
Gate, let's conflagrate."
And so it was, that a slight
blaze resulted outside the Chem-
istry Building yesterday when a
well-meaning student flipped his
still-burning fag into a campus
waste basket. Flickering flame
soon drew a number of spectators
who put out the blaze. The '47
Corps, responsible for placing the
containers on campus, was put
out too.
It seems the freshman girls ap-
preciate the cooperative spirit of
the cigarette-tosser, but feel that
such sensationalism is not neces-
sary to attain their goal of an
unlittered campus-butt definite-
Therefore, they urgently re-
quest that before putting it in, you
put it out.
Undersecretary of War Robert P.
Patterson will be the guest speaker
at graduation ceremonies to be held
July 11 for members of the sixth,
officer candidate class and seven-i
teenth officer class of the Judge Ad-
vocate General school.
According to Col. Edward H.
Young, commandant of the school,
Maj. Gen. Myron C Cramer, Judge
Advocate General of the United
States, will accompany Undersecre-
tary Patterson to Ann Arbor from
Washington and will participate in
the exercises.
Approximately 140 members of the
officer class, the largest number ever
to graduate since the opening of
the JAG school in September, 1942,
will receive diplomas and 34 mem-
bers of the officer class will be grad-
uated. Mr. Patterson and Gen.
Cramer will review 300 servicemen,
included members of the graduating
The ceremonies will probably be
held in Hutchins Hall, Col. Young
said, although arrangements are not
as yet complete. The program, in-
cluding Mr. Patterson's address, is
open to the public
Senate Passes Cot
Altering Price Co
V ___
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 9-The Ad-
ministration suffered a major reverse
tonight when the Senate passed a
price control extension bill bearing
the controversial Bankhead amend-
ment providing for adjustment of
textile ceilings with a view to rais-
ing the price of raw cotton.
The amendment, which OPA Ad-
Of .S F orces
Are in London
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 9-President
Roosevelt today announced the ar-
rival in London of General George
C. Marshall, Admiral Ernest J. King,
and General H. H. Arnold, top army,
navy and air force commanders.
Their arrival in London was an-
nounced by Presidential Secretary
Steven Early at 5:09 p. m. (E. W.
T.) today.
"The President is happy to an-
nounce that the Joint Chiefs' of
Staff have arrived safely in London,"
Early told reporters.
The three high command officers
went to London to attend a meet-
ing of the Combined Chiefs of Staffs.
Early, said the meeting had been
planned previously to be held "as
soon as possible after D-day. They
arrived today."
Marshall is Chief of Staff of the
Army; King is Comander in Chief
of the Fleet and Chief of Naval
Operations; Arnold is Chief of the
Army Air Forces.
Senate OK's Appointment
Of Koch as Postmaster
The appointment of Oswald J.
Koch as postmaster of Ann Arbor
was confirmed.by the US Senate yes-
- Koch, who has been acting post-
master since June 1, 1943, will sup-
ervise the work of the main postof-
fice. From November, 1937, to June,
1943, he was superintendent of the
Michigan State Highway Department
in this area.
ministrator Chester Bowles warned
would "shatter the entire stabiliza-
tion structure, was approved 39 to 35.
Senator Bankhead (D-Ala. denied
it was inflationary.
Act Extended
It was tacked onto the bill extend
ing the Price and Wage Stabilization
Act to Dec. 31, 1945. The measure
now goes to the house.
Several other last-minute changes
were written into the bill. One, by
Senator Stewart (D, -Tenn.), would
direct OPA to adjust ceilings on
fresh fruits and vegetables to take
into account producers' losses due
to the "hazards of production and
marketing" such perishables.
Farm Loan Rate Raised
Other amendments would lift the
government loan rate on six major
farm commodities, including cotton,
corn and wheat, from 90 to 95 per
cent of parity, and remove the auth-
ority of the War Labor Board to
veto increases in wages up to $37.50
a week, when the increases were
mutually agreeable to employer and
The senate rejected 42 to 25 an
amendment by Senator Thomas (D-
Okla.) to substantially increase crude
oil prices.
Local Air-4faxi
The "temporary" discontinuance
of an air-taxi service linking cities
of southern Michigan after operation
for less than two weeks was an-
nounced yesterday in Lansing by
Francis Airways.
Withdrawal of planes from the
air route is due to an increase in the
firm's charter service, it was stated.
The service began May 25, when
the first plane took off from Lansing
and landed at the Ann Arbor Munici-
pal airport at 11:29 a. m.
It marked the first time Ann Ar-
bor had become an airplane stop
since American Airlines took over
operation of the Thompson Aeronau-
tical Association several years ago,
and gave up Ann Arbor as a stop
because an increase in plane size
made landings here impractical.
The taxi service linked Ann Ar-
bor with Ionia, Grand Rapids, Kal-
amazoo, Marshall, Jackson, Detroit,
Pontiac. Flint and Owosso. Two
round trips were made daily, and
both passengers and freight were
UJA Dance To
Be HeldTonigh
The UJA Victory dance, featuring
'Doc' Fielding as master of ceremon-
ies and a group of entertainers from
Sigma Delta Tau sorority, will take
place from 9 to 12 p.m. today at the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
At the dance, the winner of a
twenty-five dollar war bond, raffled
nff rnrn f,, ..4. a f vnanlr -..il11ho . n
air support, Allied headquarters an-
nounced in a post-midnight con-
nunique that an American flying
wedge of parachutists and infantry-
men had cut the main German com-
munications lines to the potentially
great landing-port of Cherbourg by
capturing the town of St. Mere Eg-
lise and sweeping on across the
broad-guage Cherbourg peninsular
railway and the parallel highway in
heavy fighting, and, that repeated
German naval attempts to interfere
with the beachhead operations had
been nipped at their inception.
The communique gave these addi-
tiona l points in reporting the fourth
day of the Allied invasion of Nor-
Allied Gains Announced
Further Allied gains have been
made west and southwest of captured
Heavy fighting continues in all
Fighting is severe in the area of
Caen, where the Germans are mak-
ing a desperate effort to stop Ihe
British-Canadian advance;
The weight of armor on both
sides is increasing;
Numerous enemy strong-points
that originally were by-passed have
now been eliminated;
The weather has deteriorated but
the beachheads nevertheless are be-
ing developed steadily;
Poor visibility and stormy weath-
er cut air activity to a mnimun;
Eight British, Canadian and Pol-
ish destroyers blew up a German
destroyer, ran another aground and
damaged two off Ushant Island
near the Brittany Peninsula before
dawn Friday; and an American-led
destroyer force intercepted a force
of heavy armed German light craft
andedrove them off the beachhead
area in the vicinity of the St. Mar-
couf Isles in the Seine Bay.
The previous communique, issued
Friday shortly before noon, had an-
nounced continuing gains in all sec-
Parachutists Near Lessay
The Germans said the Americans
had advanced another mile beyond
Ste. Mere Eglise, which is 18 miles
southeast of Cherbourg, and ti-
mated that phe weak secondary roads
left to the Nazis in the peninsula were
already threatened if not broken by
IAllied parachutists who, the enemy
said, were operating on the other side
of the peninsula near Lessay, bottle-
neck of the west coast road and a
small spur railway.
The Americans, commanded by
Lt.-Gen. Omar Bradley, who himself
was in the field, also made gains on
the southeast flank of their 28-mile
stretch of beachhead by capturing
Formigny, midway east between St.
Mere Eglise and Bayeux.
Fiercest Fight Near Cae
West and southwest of Bayeux the
Allies held onto an important hill and
poured their armor into a fight that
may prove to be the key to the tank
battleground between Bayeux and
The fiercest fighting of the v'hole
invasion swirled around Caen, nne
miles inland from the bay of the
Seine, where at least two Germnanx
Panzer divisions were trying to hld
that strong-point and win maneu-
verablc control of the good tank-
fighting zotie to the west.
The headquarters communiqu
made clear that the Allies also were
getting their heavy armor into action
and that the Germans had not been
able to out-match it.
Fire Sweeps Virginia
Ieclanmation Warehouse
Destroyers Halt Nazi
Move to Norman Coast
By The Assqcisted Press
Slied Expeditionary Force, June 10,
Saturday--Eight British, Canadian
and Polish destroyers intercepted
four German destroyers apparently
bent on a sneak smash at the Allied
Normandy coast line before dawn
yesterday, blowing up one of them,
chasing another aground in flames
and scoring hits on the other two
which escaped, a communique an-
nounced early today.
The grounded enemy vessel was
believed to have been finished off
later by a bombing attack.
Battle off Brittany
This point - blank engagement-
which cost the Allies damage and a
few casualties on only one ship, the
British destroyer Tartar-was the
most dramatic of three surface ac-
tions announced, and was fought off
the tip of Brittany near Ushant
(Quessant) Island.
In addition, Allied naval units con-
tinued their battering of the invasion
coast, plastering 46 short targets
during the 24 hours ending at 8 a.m.
Germans Launch Torpedoes
Spotted by a patrol plane before
midnight Thursday the quartet of
German destroyers was intercepted
by the British destroyers Tartar, Ash-
anti, Eskimo and Javelin, the Cana-
dian destroyers Haida and Huron,
and the Polish destroyers Blyskawica
and Piorun.
The Germans, apparently coming
up from the Bay of Biscay around the
tip of Brittany, joined battle on par-
allel northward courses, loosing a
torpedo barrage which the Allied
craft dodged.
German Craft Flee
The Tartar "passed through the
enemy's line" and at point-blank
range scored repeated hits on the
Nazi leader. Soon there was a general
melee. A torpedo fired by the Ashanti
blew up one Nazi ship. Another en-
emy vessel turned tail for the .coast,
and the Canadian destroyers Haida
and Huron ran this one down, beach-
ing it in flames on the Isle de Bas.
The other two German craft fled
westward with four Allied craft in
pursuit. They escaped after being hit
several times.
During Thursday night an Allied
destroyer force under Rear Admiral
Don Pardee Moon of the U.S. Navy,
intercepted a force of heavily-armed
German light craft.
Plan Submitted
To WitesCross
For World Pe ace Group
The draft of a proposed constitu-
tion for the International White
Cross, a world peace plan, was sub-
mitted by Robert Klinger to the or-
ganization's executive committee in
a meeting last night at the Interna-
tional Center.
A vote on the constitution will be
taken at the next meeting of the
group at 7:45 pam. Friday at the
Dr. Oscar Fazekas, a Hungarian
lawyer who emigrated to the United
States in 1938, and Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
are co-sponsors of a booklet describ-
ing the White Cross movement.
BY The 4ssoceiated Pr'ess
WASHINGTON, June 9-Thepassibility arose today that President
Roosevelt and General Charles De Gaulle, who do not see eye to eye on the
administration of Prench affairs, may have a man-to-man talk in
Washington this summrer°.
President Roosevelt said at a press conference that Vice Admiral
Raymond Fenard, head of the French naval mission, had visited him to
ask if the President would be willing to receive De Gaulle, who is
leader of the French Committee of Liberation.
* * * *
LONDON, Saturday, June 10-A scurt of fighting northwest of
Tarnapol in old Poland was announced early today in the broadcast
supplement to the Russiain conmuniquc. '
The announcement came after earlier Moscow dispatches had
indicated the Red Army is ready to onen its expected offensive from
the east in coordination with the Allied invasion of Europe from the