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June 09, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-09

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U~r it4anu at
Pf ty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low. .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall
Marjorie Rosmarin

. . . . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
.* . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
. .Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ccnd-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
. are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.

'He Has Loosed the Fateful Lightniing of His Terrible,
SwiftSword -'

EngAlnd's Postwar Employmient Plans

F[HE UNITED STATES should take immediate
notice of a post-war plan for unemploy-
ment which has emerged in England after two
and one-half years of work. Issued in the form
of a White Paper by Lord Woolton, Minister
of Reconstruction, it is the first plan for the
prevention of depression ever to be undertaken
by a democratic government-the first plan but,
it is to be hoped, not the last.
Necessity warrants a complete, overall
government program in this country; yet we
have only begun to tackle a problem that
will be of major concern after the war.
The White Paper embodies the New Deal
recovery policy of government spending in de-
based years but also seeks to expand trade,
thereby cultivating a healthy economic system.
In order to stabilize employment, it provides
for maintenance of yearly private investment
and increased purchasing power when private
investment falls off.
Recurring depressions might cease if the
flow of goods to the consumer is kept constant,

purchasing power is potent enough to take
goods off the market and investment opportu-
nities provide an outlet for accuculated sav-
ings. Private enterprise, so far, has failed
to maintain these standards and it is evident
that government action is needed to prevent
street walking and bread lines.
All this calls for centralized control.
Whether or not any country is capable of
creating a perfect system for full employment
cannot be foretold. But certainly any system
requires the coordinated action that gov-
ernment can offer.
Veterans in need of jobs and reconversion
are short-run problems that we must face at the
end of the war. Maintenance of a decent stand-
ard of living for the entire populace is a
long-run goal, national and international in
scope. Britain, showing more foresight than we,
has definite plans for the future. It behooves
us to catch up.
-Carol Zack

I'd Rahler Be

- 1
INVASION OR OTHERWISE, many newspapers
have maintained their political and mili-
tary faith in General MacArthur, who, it seems,
is accomplishing in the Pacific single-handedly
what it is taking several million men to do
in Europe.
In yesterday's Detroit Free Press, there is a
big black headline on page one reading "Key
Airfield Taken by MacArthur". In the story
it is revealed that the captured airdrome "gives
General MacArthur a base within bombing
range of the Philippines."
Then the story goes on to describe the
heroic feats of the General which certainly
no other general has ever done, not bare-
handedly like our boy "Doug": "Stalled and
bloodily repulsed earlier in a frontal stab
from the initial beachhead, established May
27, Mac Arthur got in behind the enemy
positions and swept on to the airfield from
the rear."
The above description not only constitutes the
neatest trick of the war, but is one of the
most nauseating ways the press has stooped to
keep the General's name in print.
People know about the British 8th Army under
General Montgomery or the American 5th Army
under General Clark. There has been much
told of their brave efforts and the men of the
rank and file.
How many readers even know the name of
MacArthur's army or anything about his men?
SeClaLI1' (~o~rge's INea
AFINE ARRAY of political buncombe is being
trotted out in the fight to knock out the 30
per cent night-club tax, and the choicest speci
men to date is the move of Senator George of
Georgia to exempt service men from paying
Isn't it odd that exempting soldiers and sail-
ors from taxes is considered only with regard
to attending cabarets, and not when it comes
to buying jewelry or luggage, making long-
distance calls or engaging in other substantially-
taxed pursuits? It would seem more worthwhile
to make it easier for a service man to buy a
ring for his girl or necessary luggage for him-
self, or to call his family by telephone, than
to visit a dine-and-dance spot.
The campaign season always brings out the
buncombe, and Senator George is one .of those
who must stand for re-election this fall.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

o ./e 6diior
Poor Tennis Courts
proud of its long record of con-
ference championships in a great va-
riety of sports, has, for student use,
only four decent tennis courts out-
side of those used exclusively by
members of the varsity tennis squad.'
Taking a tour around campus, we
find the courts down behind the in-
tramural building looking like the
debris left by bombers after an air-
raid. Only male students enjoy the
mock privilege of using these courts,
but only male acrobats could pos-
sibly enjoy a set played on the
maze of cracks, pebbles, tar and
the grass that cover the IM courts.
There is one nice clay court near the
architecture school, but only one.
The court between Newberry and
Barbour halls is a joke and is in ex-
ceedingly poor condition.
The best tennis courts on cam-
pus, and by far those most in use,
are on Palmer field. However,
even here we meet setbacks. The
clay courts, although well rolled,
are not lined and the exigencies
of Michigan weather usually finds
them more wet than dry. The
other four courts, "the" four, are
of concrete and with the use of a
broom can be restored to good
playing condition after a rain. On
these courts the powers that be
have ruled that women have pref-
erence over men, irregardless of
how long the latter wait for a
Hundreds of students rush these
courts from morning till night on
weekends, fewer on week days. only
to find themselves waiting for hours
to get on a court, and in the case
of male students, the wait is often
in vain.
The difficulty is twofold. In the
first place, we have too few decent
courts on campus, and more must
be put in proper playing condition.
Also, on the few available Palmer
field courts, women have preference
and men students, disgusted with the
awful facilities down at the intra-
mural building, frequently find a
great deal of difficulty in getting on
a court, and once there find their
position insecure under this pref-
erence ruling. This rule, at least
until sufficient courts are made
available, so that all who wish may
play, should be abrogated, and the
far more sensible and more fair rule
of first come, first serve should take
its place.
Willard Greenwald,
George Gordon,
Bob Wisbaum,
Sam Goodman.
FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 156
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
Sunday, June 11. from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 4 and

6:30 p.m.
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
SThe attention of students and fac-
lty is called to the following regula-
tions of the College:
1. Students are in no case examined
at any other time than that set for
the examination of the class in which
the work has been done. In case of
unavoidable conflicts a special ex-
amination during examination week
may be arranged for a class by the
instructor, with the consent of the
Examination Schedule Committee.
2. It should be noted that a report
of X (Absent from Examination)
does not guarantee a make-up exam-
ination. An instructor must, in fair-
ness to those who take the final
examination at the time announced
for it, give make-up examinaions
only to students who have a legiti-
mate reason for absence.
ma E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean,
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science and the Arts; College of Ar-


Montgomery Ward
During recent Congressional hear-
ings on Montgomery Ward, WLB
Chairman Will Davis was on the
witness stand being cross-examined
by Chicago's hard-working Repub-
lican Representative Charley Dewey,
partly with questions slipped to
Dewey by Montgomery Ward's John
CIO leaders who sat in on the
hearing came up to Dewey later and
jokingly reminded him that, if he
wanted to be re-elected, he shouldn't
forget the 500 members of the Mont
gomery Ward union living in his
district. So Dewey invited CIO lead-
er Leonard Levy over to his home
that evening, where they talked for
two hours.
During their conversation, Dewey
seemed impressed with the union's
point of view regarding "mainten-
ance of membership."
"Sewell Avery has been claiming
in his advertisements that you de-
mand a closed shop," the Congress-
man remarked. "But he's, absol.utely
wrong. Under maintenance of mem-
bership, any worker has fifteen days
in which to withdraw from the
union, but once he decides to stay
in, he has to stay until the contract
expires. That isn't a closed shop."
Avery Says No
About this time, Mrs. Dewey came
in to say that Sewell Avery was on
the phone.
"Ask him to come over", suggested
CIO's Levy, "and give his point of
view. And after hearing him, my
union will be glad to leave this
question. of maintenance, of member-
ship entirely up to you, Congressman.
We'll let you act as arbitrator and
settle the whole dispute."
But when the proposition was put
to Avery, he refused. Congressman
Dewey argued at some length, but
got nowhere. Later he remarked:
"Sewell Avery is just one of these
feudal members of society and there's
not much you can do about him."
However, in subsequent lont-
gomery Ward hearings regarding
the post-office, Congressman Dew-
ey has continued to heckle the gov-
If Montgomery Ward workers de-
cide to go after Dewey next Novem-
ber-as they undoubtedly will-they
probably will have an easy time. In
1940, Dewey was elected by a major-
ity of 6,900. In 1942, this margin
slipped down to 2,124. Meanwhile,
chitecture and Design; School of Ed-
ucation; School of Forestry and Con-
servation; School of Music; and
School of Public Health: Class lists
for use in reporting Spring Term
grades of undergraduate students en-
rolled in these units, and also grad-
uate students in the Schools of For-
estry and Conservation, Music and
Public Health, were mailed Thursday.
June 8. Anyone failing to receive
theirs should notify theoRegisti r's
Office, Miss Cuthbert, phone 582, and
duplicates will me prepared for them.
Seniors-June and October Grad-
uates: Come out for Senior Swing-
Out, Sunday, June 11, 6:45 p.m.
Bring your cap and gown and march
with your school.
Order of March, and place of for-
mation of schools: 1. Literary Col-
lege-main diagonal walk, by library.
2. Education School-walk in front
of Pharmacy Bldg. 3. Engineering-
main diagonal, behind Lit. school.
4. Architecture-main diagonal, be-
hind engineers. 5. Medical school-
walk between library and Waterman
gym. 6. Nursing- behind Medical
school. 7. Law-walk from library to
University Hall. 8. Pharmacy-be-
hind lawyers. 9. Dental school--walk

from library to Natural Science Bldg.
10. Business Administration-walk to
left of Pharmacy Bldg. 11. Forestry-
behind Business Administration. 12.
Music school--main diagonal beyond
library, toward State Street. 13. Pub-
lic Health-- behind Music school.
14. graduate school-behind Public
Health schoo. . tre campus sing
in front of the library after the
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Doc-
tor Jerome Conn, of the Department
of Internal Medicine of the Univer-
sity Hospital, wil present a Biological
Chemistry Lecture on "Sodium
Chloride Metabolism under Condi-
tions of Hard Work in the Tropics",
at 4 p.m. today in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building. All
interested are invited.'
Academic Notices

there are not only 500 Montgomery
Ward families in his district, but
also 5,000 CIO families.
Britain and India . . .
Churchill's recent "powerhouse"
speech before Commons didn't click
with persons high up in the Admini-
stration. Actually, it brought out the
growing differences between him and
the President, also his spats with
Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, also
the importance of overhauling U. S.-
British political relations. (Admini-
stration permanent peace ideas are
much nearer those Eden).
Here are some of the differences
which realistic advisers inside the
Administration have been wanting to
have straightened out with Churchill
for some time:
1. American boys will never fight
to protect India in the future, so it
is foolish to let Churchill think that
Britain and the U. S. A., through
alliances with Russia, can help guar-
antee the Empire. The only protec-
tion to India must be a healthy India
willing to protect herself.
2. The United States will insist
on giving Hongkong and other for-
mer Chinese possessions back to
China. When this was proposed by
the President at Cairo, Churchill
flatly refused.
3. An alliance of big powers as
proposed by Churchill cannot keep
permanent peace in the world any
more than the Congress of Vienna,
which divided up Napoleon's empire
in 1815 among Russia, Austria, Eng-
land and Germany.
4. President Roosevelt, so far as
he has thought things out, favors a
peace machinery based on coopera-
tion with small powers as well as big.
He doesn't go for Churchill's Metter
nich idea of balancing the world
among heavily armed big powers.
5. The old British Empire for
which Churchill fought fifty years
ago in the Indian northwest border
wars, and in the Sudan and the
Boer wars, will never come back
despite his youthful memories. And
the United States can never assume
the drag anchor of helping to protect
that kind of an Empire in the future.
Every time the British have been
pulled into a war in the last half
century, we have helped pull them
out. Therefore we should have a
large vote in the set-up which may
make or prevent wars in the future.
Some of these general ideas were
hinted to Churchill during the Cairo-
Teheran conference-with no very
favorable reaction. It may be that
in the near future they will be taken
up again.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Student Recital: Gertrude Peck,
harpist, will include compositions by
Handel, Corelli, Gluck and Debussy
in ner recital at 4:15 Sunday after--
noon, June 11, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Miss Peck is a student of
Lynne Palmer, and the pro:gram will
be open to the public.
Events Today
Post-War Council: There will be
a business meeting at the Union at
4:30 today for the purpose of electing
officers for the summer semester. All
members should attend.
e Cray-on Drawings: Don't be jealous
because your friends have a good
crayondrawing of themselves to send
to their family or best gal. Come to
the USO and have one made your-
self. There drawings are done very
well, and in color. Make an appoint-
m~ent for any hour fromI 1 to 5 on

Friday afternoon.
Dancing Class: If you didn't know
before, you know now that the USO
has dancing classes every Friday
night from 7 to 8 p.m. These lessons
are under the direction of Lt. Flegal-
and let us tell you that you'll really
know .how to dance when you get
Friday Night Fun: Another USO
Friday night dance. If you want some
fun and variety for a Friday night
this will fill the bill. Junior Hostesses
to dance with-and" if you don't care
to dance, there are a lot of other
things to do. Dancing from 8 to
B'nai B'rith Foundation: Friday
evening services will be held at 7:45
p.m. and will be led by Elliott Organ-
ick, '44E, and As. Hazvey Weisberg.
Sylvia Savik, '45, will speak on "The
Misguided JewishLisbesal." Asocial
hour and refreshments will followv.

RICHMOND, VA., June 8-Surely there
should be signs and portents in the sky; comets
should wheel, and clouds ought to assume signi-
ficant forma4ions! But the elevator at the John
14arshall Hotel was slow in coming, and the
clock on the wall cleared its throat in the same
tired fashion as ever, precisely as if this were
not invasion day.
I felt a sense of disappointment in the first
few men I talked to. They sought for an out-
ward and visible sign to show how big the day
was. .But all they saw was breakfast. And some-
one had to serve the hot cakes at Ewart's
Cafeteria, just as on Monday.
Should we perhaps, on this day of days, have
worn white robes and kneeled on a hill? Every-
thing round about seemed small and out of
scale, from the three-button sack suit to the
seven rules of salesmanship.
Xet this is a false discontentment. . For we
are ordinary. And before the morning was
gone, this seemed to me part of the glory of
the day. The thing that was being done in
France was being done by ordinary men. The
clouds part over the Continent, and from
them there descends, not a god, no; but a
former vacuum cleaner demonstrator with a
picture of his child in the pocket of his uni-
Hitler scans the skies in terror, watching -for
the coming of Fate, and it arrives in the form
of lumpy youths who not so long ago were
taking their girls to the Roxy of a Saturday
How precious they are to us, and how doubly
precious in their very ordinariness! For it
means, that the forces of life have taken the
plain people of the earth, lumps, pimples, lesions,
hates, fears and all, and have molded. them
into a fist big enough to bang fascism with.
Tt. ,,,,-,lrl Sa'u.v he~n nntrik if wew e acAn.

It is the fascists who have known how to
behave appropriately on big days, with their
self-conscious monster parades, their torches
burning up the black and dark night, and all
the distracting, varied aspect of common hu-
manity laid aside. It is the fascists who have
always known how to look unusual.

But it is the humdrum and
is beating them, the overfat
sized, the readers and comic
writers of learned papers.

the usual which
and the under-
books and the

The plain world is beating them, and it is
almost as if the leaves of grass were beating
them, as if the sun and the water were beating
them, and all manner of unadorned sweet and
plain things.
That we have been able to mold this power
without even ending our quarrels with each
other; that we have done so on the run, hig-
gedly-piggledy, like people pouring out of a
house at the cry of fire means, in sum, that it
is still the plain people of this earth who
make the histor'y of it, in spite of all recent
German political inventions pointing in a
contrary direction.
It is ordinary folk who are shaping the future
of the planet; that is what the invasion says.
It is a great promise. For the terror of evil men
must be all the greater when they think that
this is being done to them by beings who have
never once stopped scratching head, counting
penny, buying and selling, wondering and fear-
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

My aunt's house is on the beach, . . . This method of fire-making.
Barnaby, and she-Say. What's requires a degree of patience,
that Salamander friend of your Gridley. . . A shame to give up
Fairy Godfather doing anyway? now. On the verge of success-

By Crockett Johnson

My aunt has a house on the
beach and she may invite me
to visit her this summer-

Yes. Today is a scorcher! A
reminder that we ought to
be giving thought to our
vacation, Barnaby. . . Have

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