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June 07, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-07

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Bifan'cha rd Leads Hitters Absolute Quiet
A4n Athletic Tilts
t A H vg o 40 l
d9 b .K T..J ~*i. ~ ~

- - A

Record of 1.14; Hirsch Is Next with L20

With ony fouar games remaining
in the 1944 baseball campaign, hard-
hitting shortstop Bruce Blanchard
continues to lead the Wolverines in
the batting department, sporting a
fancy .400 average.
Going into the recent Notre Dame
seiies, Blanchard boasted a .411
mark but only collected three hits in
nine trips tothedplate against the
°Irish hurlers to drop 11 points. Nev-
ertheless, he enjoys a comfortable
margin over right fielder Bob Nuss-
baumer who is next in line with .359.
Left fielder Bill Gregor holds the
third spot amoig the regulars with a
.333 mark. Steady Don Lund is next
in line and is the only other Michi-
gan man to sit in the charmed .300
circle. Lund has been hitting con-
sistently around .310 all season and
came in with .38 after the two
Notre Dame tilts.
Wiese Climbs
Reserve outfielder Bob Wiese has
been climbing steadily in the hit
column after getting off to a slow
start and is now resting at .296, only
four percentage points off the .300
pace. He is followed by first sacker
Elmer Swanson, batting .283, and
third baseman Mike Farnyk, who is
pounding the ball at a .246 clip.
The team as a whole lost nine
points in its average over the week-
end, falling from an even .300 to
.291, a very commendable figure. Op-
posing batsmen have not fared so
well against Wolve.rine pitchers and
so far have amassed a rather puny
.164 mark.
Gregor Is Leading Slugger
In the slugging department, Greg-
or leads the way with seven extra
base blows including three doubles,
three triples, and a home-run. Blan-
chard, Lund, and Swanson follow
closely behind, each having six long
hits to their credit. Lund is out in
front in home-run production with
two to his credit. Blancard, Gregor,
and Swanson have onse apiece.
Gregor and pitcher Elroy Hirsch
lead in three-base knocks with three
each. The presence of Hirsch in this
column is surprising as the powerful
hurler has made only seven hits all
season. Lund and Blanchard each
have four doubles to show the way
in that phase of hit production.
Hit for 216 Bases
Of the 152 safe blows which the
Wolverines have made in the 16
games played to date, 38 have gone
for extra bases. Five were homers,
16 were three-base blows, and 17
fell in as two-base wallops. Thus the
152 safeties have gone for 216 bases.
The preponderance of triples in
this total is unusual as such hits
are considered rare in baseball cir-
cles. It can be partially explained
by the speed of the Michigan squad
which has stretched several ordinary
two-baggers an extra base.
Pitching Records Good
A study of the pitching records
hung up by lefty Bo Bowman and
Elroy Hirsch, who throws from the
right side, Coach Ray Fischer's two
ace hurlers shows the effectiveness
of the Wolverine hurlers during, the
season. Hirsch leads in the won and
lost column with a perfect five and

zero record as against Bowman's five,
and one.
The earned run average column
shows Bowman giving up seven
earned runs in 55 innings on the hill.
Hirsch' record is only slightly infer-
ior with six runs in 45 frames. Brokeri
cown, lBowman's earned run aver-
age ier nine-inning gamie rests at
1.14 with Hirsch trailing at 1.20.

NEW YORK, June 6-- tAP)-
Spo;rs tribute to D-day was the
wlcmnity of almost absolute quiet
today in its stadiums and fields.
Only Delaware State Park and
Bay Meadows of the larger racingt
plants operated while the Pacifict
Coast League was the only baseballt
circuit among the majors and top
minors to do full ::cale business.
FW.i:ht , -i at me iting the 10-round
affailr between Sammy Angott and
flrW Williams at Philadelphia, als9
were set back. ' s
Hors ~.aing tojr

Coach Djoherty Awa~rds
29 Letters in Track
Seven Men Receive Secondary Awards;
Hiimes To Run i NCAA Meet on Saturda y
Twenty-nine varsity track men of Hume, Cannonsburg. Penn.; Doss
the 1943-44 squad were awarded the Hume, Canonsburg. Penn.; Max Kel-3
"Block" M yesterday, while seven i 1y, Loda, Illinois; George Kraeger,
received secondary awards for cin- Indianapolis, Indiana; Jack Martin,!
derpath participation. Huntington, W. Virginia; Eugene
The excessive number of letter j -_ --------- --
winners was due largely to team I :- .
Lalance and the many point-getters
which enabled Coach Ken Doherty's
°cluad to capture both the indotr and
utdoor Conference titles. The:
names of those honored contains "::

M~anko ..
Ncssbau m'e
hirsch ... .
G rego. .
'Lund e. .. ..
Wiese,. .
S.wanson ..
Phelps ...
Farnyk ...
Bowman ..
Kell ......
Nelson ....
T E AM . . .
The adver
ed in a ma
Brooklyn F
1944 edition
club in a pr
tured wild

maLzny rsL year mnen as ve t as ver-
r' I h .hjhje racing industry, which an- rars competing for the second and
_______ nncelans to close on D-day two third Years.
~-~^- weeks ago waxen President Roosevelt thal'AreSrvis. emen
G AB T PUT, suggested that citizens go to their Hal re alroiceen
..........2 3 2 .667 homes and churches on invasion day, Over half of the members of the
. .16 65 26 .400 quickly fell into line. team were servicemen, many of them
Pr ......14 39 14 .359 New York, Chicago, Boston and creceiving their M after having
........ .6 20 7 .350 Detrait. turf plants cancelled their Roxborough, who was drafted into
....... . .15 57 19 .33 I ingrans early followed by Pascoag the armed services just before the
....... ..16 52 16 .308 Park in New England, Charlestown indoor Big'Ten Meet was included
... 1 27 8 .296 in West Virginia, Ascot Park and on thi,e list. Elroy Hirsch garnered
.. ... ..16 53 15 .283 River Downs in Ohio, Canada's his third letter of the year while
.........I2 4 1 .250 King's Park and the old country running with the thinclads, and upon
.........7 4 1 .250 trotting association at Westerbury, the receiving of his baseball award,
. ' . . 15 57 14 .246 N. Y. will become the first Wolverine
.. . .......E6 19 . 4 .211 Botl scheduled Major League con- athlete to be a four-time winner.
.........:16 58 II .189 tests, night affairs at Pittsburgh and The inclads last week lected
..........16 56 10 .178a B'ooklyn, were switched to other Ross Hume. to captain the next
. , .. . .... ,6 6 1 167dates. The two games listed in the years' squad, thus replacing his
......... 2 0 .000,international league, whose president brother, Bob, who led them so cap-
..........1 1 0 .000 Frank Shaughnessy said he had ably this season. The Hume twins
"two sons over there and I am not and four or five other as yet undeter-
. . . .. .16 522 152 .291 much interested in baseball today," mined entries will wind up all Michi-
s ....16 489 80 .164 also were postponed. gan's track activities this, Saturday,
- ----.- - American Association games, at when they trek to Milwaukee to com-
* Kansas City and Milwaukee went pete in the National Collegiates.
h mtates unplayed but St. Paul and Minneap- List Follows
tohis made plans to be hosts to Toledo The complete list of letter-win-
* and Columbus, respectively. ners:
5 11 - . The smaller minors also were dot- Richard Bernard, Williamsville, N.
* Led with cancellations.- Y.; Charles Birdsall, Rocky River,
ICC 01.t ] Bout Hfeld Tomorrow Ohio; Bruce Blanchard, Detroit,
?romoter Herman Taylor said the Michigan; Philip Collia, Charleston,
nt of D-Day was celebrat. Angott-Williams bout would be held W. Virginia; William Dale, Wayne,
anner reminiscent of the tomorrow night, weather permitting,Mcan; Melin;Detwhiler, st.
3odgers yesterday by the in Shibe Park. A Buffalo card also Plasncciar slAn; Joh E ily
of the Wolverine baseball was set back a day. The latter post- Richard Forrestel, Akron. Ohio; Wil-
actice session which fea- ponement followed orders of Gen. lis Glas, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Elroy
base running and even John J. Phelan, New York State Hirsch, Wausau, Wisconsin; Robert

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Sports Editor
NSTEADt OF MINNESOTA, it is now Northwestern that Michigan's base-
ball team will have to fight off to win its ninth Big Ten Title in 24
years and Michigan's eighth Conference Championship of the year.
Up until last Saturday te Wildcats were rated only a mathematical
chance of cpping the crown, while the Gophers were expected to step
right in if the Wolverines stumbled twice against Purdue. But all that
is changed now.
Northwestern trippr'd Minnesota twice last week end, and now
has a record of eight wins and two losses, while the latter iakcomn-
plete ly ouzt of the runnaing. Now Xll Mich~iigan ha~s to do to take .thec
ndisputed crown is to split with the Boilermakers; but a double
. loss would put it iin second laere, only percentage points ahead of
the gophers.
Coach Ray Fisher will thiow his two top hurlers Bo Bowman and
EBioy Hirsch against the Boilermakers, and between them we think th ey
aught to salvage at least one win. Purdue, however, did show that it
would be tough in its last two games with Ohio State.
A rainy day would enable Michigan to back into tkle title, for the
championship is decided on a percentage basis.
THE HUME TWINS, Bob and Ross, will be out to better their own record
Saturday at the National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships
at Milwaukee, but they will also be running against the clock.
Seemingly the top of the collegiate crop, the brothers ran their
fastest mile while winning at thie Central Collegiate Championships,
being timed in 4:14.6, and finishing 20-yards ahead of Jerry Thompson,
This week they should be push d even more, and if so, might achieve
their goal of breaking 4:10.
Whether or not they will compete in the NAAU meet in New York
s week later is still undecided, but if they do their habit of finishing
races with arms locked will undoubtedly be broken.
Racing against the all nations top-flight stars, with the exception of
Gil Dodds, they would probably have to go all out to win, and this question
of family supremacy would, at least temporarily, be decided.
One of the stars they would be sure to face is Bill Hulse, holder
of a 4:06 mark, and for Hulse and Bob Hume the meeting would be a
rubber match, each having beaten the other once indoors. Personally
we would like to see such a meeting, for it would probably result in
the lumes' best performance of the year.
It is doubtful if any other Wolverines will enter the NAUU meet,
but four others, Jack Martin, John Sisley, George Kraeger and Dick
Barnard may run in the NCAA this week.
GONE TOMORROWS: One of the track letter winners announced
yesterday, Bob Nussbaumer, is a three sport man, while four others, Bruce
Blanchard, George Kraeger, Fred Negus, and Elmer Swanson, have won
monograms in two sports. Then there is always Elroy Hirsch , . . . Bill
Cain, Wolverine pitcher in 1942 and 19'43, was the highest man in his
graduating officers candidate class at Fort Benning.


Moody, Oak Park, Illinois; Fred
Negus, Martins Ferry, Ohio; Robert
Nussbaumer, Oak Park, Illinois,
Thomas Paton, Okemos, Michigan;
James Pierce, Sault Ste. Marie; John
Purdue, Ann Arbor; Carl Nichols;
Robert Segula, Corunna, Michigan;
Fred Stoliker, Detroit; Elmer Swan-
son, Detroit; Robert Ufer, Pittsburg,
Penn.; George Vetter, Detroit; Ju-
lan Witherspoon, Detroit, and John
Roxborough, Detroit.
The minor award winners include
Warren Bentz, Henry Dolan, Ralph
Gibson, Sheldon Kavieff, Robert
Thompson, Rex Wells and Ben Rich-

wilder wagering among team mem-
bers of three and four pennies on
individual hitting.
Especially successful in the latter
practice was second-string first base-
man Tommy King, who cashed in on
two hits. The cage star has been
thwarted at the plate all season, but
yesterday hit a dribbler that went
for a base hit and a solid bngle about
which there was never any question.
King, whose winnings came largely
as a result of transactions with regu-
lar first sacker Elmer "The Great"
Swanson, was unable to lure right-
-fielder Bob Nussbaumer into any
"deals." Perhaps the Oak Park Flash
remembered an earlier day in which,
to his great chagrin, King pulled the
hidden ball trick on him in a practice
The most surprising feat of the
day, however, came when catcher Bob
Stevenson, who usually has trouble
getting down the line with any great
speed, ambitiously tried to beat out a
bunt that went foul. Then, making
first on a slight overthrow of the bag.
the intrepid "Stevie" took off for
second while the first sacker fumbled
for the ball. He arrived safely with a
highly individual Stevenson slide on

Athletic Commission Chairman, or-
dering all Empire State rings to'
remain dark tonight.
An all-star soccer game at the
Polo Grounds, where the entire gate
receipts went to the Red Cross, was
Ray Schalk Signs uis
Scout with Chcago x Cubs
CHICAGO, June 6-(AP)-Ray
Schalk, one of the greatest catchers
of all time, today signed as a scout
for the Chicago Cubs.
Schalk, who started his major
league career with the Chicago
White Sox in 1912, managed the
team in 1927 and 1928. He was the
White Sox regular catcher for 15
years, playing in 100 games or more
in each of 12 seasons. He was a
famed battery mate for big Ed Walsh
the iron man pitcher for the Sox.

Of Athletics
NEW YORK- (P)- Confidence
note: Gene Sarazen, the gentleman
ex-farmer, already has begun to fig-
ure out how much income tax he'll
have to pay if he wins that $13,500
worth of war bonds in Chicago's Tam
O'Shanter open golf tourney
Maj. Spec Moore, Army end coach,
expects to be on active duty before
the next football season and Sgt. Vic
Hanson, ex-Syracuse coach, likely
will assist Earl Blaik . . . The Giants'
Bill Voiselle and the Dodgers' Calvin
McLish, two of the season's rookie
pitching standouts, were on the same
team at Oklahoma City a couple of
years ago.

All work and no play makes Jill
a dull girl So get your share of
smun and fun and keep your dis-
position hright. We've the shorts



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