FOUR TilE MICHlGA N IILY TUESIDAY, JUNEi 6, 1944 Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controi of Sjudent Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Claite sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank . Bud Low Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Hall Marjorie Rosmnarin . . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor S.Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor se Asociate Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Busine1 ss Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter Margery Batt. .. . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- lublication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as aecond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: DOROTHY POTTS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Question is Answered , Prelude to Victory j F THE ALLIED INVASION continues at its present successful pace, the Allies will not only be victorious but victory may come much sooner than our military experts have dared to hope, with the saving of a large number of British, Canadian and American lives. The first assault, though it seems momen- tous, is only a preview of what is to come. There is no doubt that this drive in northern France will quickly be followed by drives from other parts of Europe. . The Russians may be expected to launch a great drive within the next week and probably it will come in a day or two. They have been quiet for the past few weeks, storing up their strength so that when the British and American invasion began, they could throw their strength on the Germans at another vital point. The German defensees in the Balkans are probably weaken than at any other point. That puts this area on the list of possible places from which the Allies may attack Ger- many. In dealing with the Balkans, however, we are faced with the question of supply. This is probably one of the main reasons why France was chosen for the original drive. The Balkans are too far from the munitions and supply 'depots of England to hope for much from that area. Though the Nazis may be very 'pregnable at this point, the question of get- ting the necessary manpower and equipment would make it impracticable. As President Roosevelt said, the capture of Rome was only a moral victory and of little real military significance. r te German de- fenses in Italy begin behind Rome. Since Cassino, most people have been agreed that though our troops have been advancing in Italy, that country will probably not be the road that will first take us to Berlin. However we should not underestimate the importance of the Italian campaign, for the present time it is diverting many Axis forces elsewhere. T!HERE ARE MANY other possible points where landings might be made. Included among these are Denmark, Norway, and the low countries. It is impossible to say as yet whether the Supreme Headquarters will decide to strike Germany through any or all of these countries. But one thing seems almost certain to everyone who has been watching the invasion. The Allies must strike hard and at MANY points. Even in such places as northern France there is an enormous problem involved in getting food and supplies to our forces. The whole question has become one of time. During the last war the lines were fixed and victory depended on pushing the enemy back. Military experts at that time thought in terms of miles. Things have changed, however, so that now we are thinking in terms of countries. At one time reports claimed that the Ge- mans were using as many soldiers against Russia as they now have in the whole of Europe. There can be no doubt that they have been greatly weakened. With the suc- cess of our initial drive, we can begin to hope for success in Europe by the end of this year. This does not mean however, that Buy a Bond Today THOSE OF US on the home front cannot fight with guns, bayonets and hand grenades, but we can make use of one of the most power- ful weapons in the world-U. S. War Bonds. The Fifth War Loan Drive, originally scheduled to begin June 12, was officially begun yesterday morning to coincide with the opening of the invasion of Western Europe. Our generous subscriptions will help to main- tain the gigantic figures of 11,000{ planes and 4,000 ships that were used in the opening attacks. They will support the drive through France into Germany.' Investment in bonds today is investment in the future, as well as a pledge to our soldiers overseas that we are behind them 100 per cent. Buy a Bond today. -Aggie Miller Coeds Fail Duty I1 )DAY HAS ARRIVED with mighty Allied forces invading Hitler's Europe; and yet the League Surgical Dressings Unit now enter- ing its final week of bandage rolling for this semester has failed to meet its quota. Now, as the casualties in Europe begin to mount, handages will be needed in much greater quantity than ever before. Each division of our liberating forces must be completely equipped to meet every possible situation-surgical dress- ings are an essential part of that preparation. Every woman on campus can afford to give at least one hour of her time from 1 to 5 p. m. today, tomorrow, or Friday in rolling bandages to help our men in their invasion of France. Ann Schultz ROUND ' B y D RE W PEARS ON WASHINGTON, June 6 - Both1 sides are playing it down in the news, but a red hot GOP controversy is rag-1 ing round the large and not easilyj moved frame of Wendell Willkie. The tug-of-war is to get him committed to go along with the] Republican candidate-and there doesn't seem much doubt that the1 candidate will be Dewey. GOPj leaders with their ears to thej ground figure that Willkie has a1 big bloc of do-or-die followers who will follow him to the bitter end, and that these followers could tip' the scale between victory or de-I feat. They figure that a million votes at a minimum could be swung away from the Republicans to Roosevelt, should Willkie choose to support the President. That is why men close to Willkie, such as Harry Luce, publisher of Time, Life and Fortune, have been urging him to get on the Dewey band-wagon. On the other hand, a few die- hards such as Clarence Budington Kelland, Arizona novelist who was deposed as publicity chief of the Republican National Committee. have been passing out word that they don't want Willkie's support for Dewey. Kelland is a close friend of Herbert Hoover's, was one of Hoover's guests at the famous Bohe- mian Grove celebration near San Francisco. However, it is not known whether he voices Hoover's ideas when he wants Willkie to be spurned. Simultaneously, certain other GOP l eaders, apparently worried about Kelland's sour-grapes attitude, have been making advances to Willkie. The last thing they want is to lose the Willkie bloc of votes. Radio Station DEBUNK*.. * A new high in Axis gall was re- vealed the other day by Dr. Robert D. Leigh, head of the Foreign Broad- cast Intelligence Service of the Fed- eral Communications Commission. Radio station DEBUNK has been definitely located in Germany, al- though its announcers mischievously claim to be broadcasting from here. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 154 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the President ;in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Senior and Graduate Engineers: Mr. C. R. Woodhame of Consolidated Vulteen Aircraft Corporation, Fort Worth, Tex., will interview engineer- ing students in Rm. 218 West Engi- neering Building, today, June 7, 1944, concerning employment with that organization. Application blanks are available and interview "schedule is posted at Rm. 221 West Engineering Building. German Departmental Library books are due Thursday, June 8, regardless of the date issued. Petitioning: Positions on the sum- mer Women's War Council, including the president, personnel administra- tor, secretary, treasurer, Surgical Dressings chairman, and Judiciary Council, will be open to senior and second semester junior women. Posi- tions on JGP, Soph Project, and Frosh Project are open to women in these respective classes and three USO colonels will be chosen from women in any year. Petitioning will continue until 5:30 p.m. today, at which time all petitions must be turned in to the Undergrad Office at the League. There will be no interviewing. Senior Class Dues may be paid Thursday afternoon from 1-5 in the booth outside Rm. 4 in University Hall. Would individuals who have not been contacted please pay them then, and would those girls whothave been collecting in various houses bring in their collected amounts at this time. Lectures University Lecture: Emilio Harth Terre, Professor of Fine Arts in the School of Fine Arts, Lima Peru, will 'b Pendulum i HE INVASION is on. We exult in it. General Eisenhower and Pres- ident Roosevelt have proceeded with the utmost solemnity in' impressing upon us the importance of this gigan- tic undertaking. No one can any longer doubt that the' Axis armies will be smashed to smithereens. We have complete faith in our armed forces, their striking power and in- vincibility. No person with his wits about him has the same faith in political victory. It was along these lines that I was thinking Monday. night before the invasion news gave me the same lift it gave everyone. Each victory we have won thus far has been accom- panied by reactionary cockiness which is subdued in times of stress. The loftiest principles emerged from the darkest days. They recede with the light of victory. The Atlantic Charter was promulgated when de- feat stared the Allies in the face. It has grown more meaningless with. every inch we progress on the road to Berlin. "The strangulation of idealism" is a good phrase to sum ip what has been occurring lately in our political circles. I coin it with mal- ice aforethought to point up and blend with certain statements that emanated from the heads of the British and American governments last week. President Roosevelt would prob- ably balk at using such a motto. But he did not hesitate to assert baldly in a press conference a few days ago that the next peace was going to be much more cynical than the last. I believe him implicitly. And, as though to reinforce one's confidence in the certainty of our moral forfei- It specializes in daily .propaganda programs for mid-Westerners. Dr. Leigh reported that his FBIS was monitoring the station one night and picked up the following an- houncement: "Before we continue the program tonight, we would like to inform you that the Federal Com- munications Commission has re- newed our license and given us a new wave-length, commencing June 15." A short time later, the station went off the air temporarily, declaring that it was in difficulty with the FCC because of a news broadcast. When DEBUNK returned to the air after a few days, it announced that its difficulties with the FCC had been straightened out, that it was oper- ating on FCC License No. 382, and that the FCC had awarded the station a gold'medal. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) ture, Mr. Churchill reassured the Commons and the world that the war, in his opinion, will become "in- creasingly less ideological." It would take a great deal of ingenuity to make this a less ideological war than it is today. However, I sincerely be- lieve that Messrs. Roosevelt, Chur- chill, Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin can attain that worthy end. By hook or crook, with the proper amount of perseverance we can sink to any level. Why, after all, should our enemies monopolize lechery and greed? THOSE are bitter words. But, I cannot in good faith retract them. Check back on World War I. Idealism got a big build up then- and was followed by a bigger let- down. Today, in the' very midst of another war, we have the let-down without ever having had the build-up. We see John Doe suffering from a political hangover, although he has not touched a drop of libertarian liquid. There are bags under his eyes; but, he's been at home asleep. College students are representa" tive of youth and youth is proverb-. ially idealistic. When total dis- belief spreads its contagion to the campus-as it has in this year of 1944-we can be very sure of its existence among older groups. Af- ter maturity has set in, young peo- ple are supposed to become prac- tical and skeptical. If, at twenty- one, we have already experienced pangs of practicality and shafts of skepticism, what shall we feel at thirty-tone? Walter Lippman wrote in "A Pref- ace to Morals:" "It is common for young people to rebel, but that they should rebel sadly, and without faith in their own rebellion-that is some- thing of a novelty." Novelty it no longer is. We take the cue from our leaders, and echo that striking pass- age from a remarkable essay by E. M. Forster, "I do not believe in belief." In what should we believe? In the petrification of the status quo? In the resuscitation of monarchy? In the coming struggle for domination of the Middle East? I can compose a most unlovely paean of pessimism on this subject, but little more. If someone will pry Mr. Roose- velt's hand off Idealism's ornate neck and loosen Mr. Churchill's trusty grip, maybe it can live again and become the basis for better things. Else all of us will soon be chanting: "We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw-Alas Our dried voices, when We whisper together, Are quiet and meaningless . ". . -Bernard Rosenberg I d ratlher Be lRaight By SAMUEL GIRAFTON t NEW YORK, June 6-About once a month, now, there is a new scandal over the fact that our soldiers "do not know what they are fighting for." There then follows a rather mechanical effort to outfit our men with war aims, as with socks. ' We dimly feel that every good soldier ought to have a bar of chocolate, a canteen of water, and a set of war aims. Our soldiers are the best equipped in the world, and, by heaven, they ought to have the best underwear and the best war aims that money can buy. Our lust for organization here takes hold of us, and we dream dreams of classes at which thousands of bright and shining lieu- tenants will tell our men what their war aims are. But who will tell the lieutenants? The captains, perhaps. 'And who will instruct the captains? Climb up the hierarchy of American authority,. as far as you like, and for your trouble you will come to a dead end called Congress which, as the New York Herald Tribune has quite prop- erly pointed out, would split a gut yelling "Prop- aganda!" if we tried to tell our soldiers any- thing more sensational than that two plus two makes four. As a matter of fact, the Army sometimes can't even say that. The Army certainly would not be allowed to say that Franco is a fascist, and therefore merits the scorn of all free men. Yet that is a two-plus-two-makes-four statement, if ever there was one. It is the simplest kind of mental arithmetic, but, as of this date, it is still out of bounds, propaganda-wise. We tell 'em all about sex, but nothing about Franco, for ours is a selective candor, of curious shape and strange design. The Army could probably make a first-rate scandal by lining up its men and telling them that we are fighting to preserve free labor unions which are, on the whole, excellent things, and that we hope that the Germans will join them in large numbers. A dozen Congressmen would be stretched out colder than pickerel by the news of this, and there would be such a rushing about of the page boys with aspirins and asafoedita as would jnelt with pity the stoutest heart in the gal- leries. O THERE IS MUCH we can't say and much we won't say, and yet there is also the unhappy feeling that there is much that we must say. Every once in a while, one of our Blimpier editorial writers tries to resolve the dilemma by doing a growling piece which pro- claims simply that our war aim is to win. He's usually pretty angry about it, too. Well, now! he says. That settles it. Only it never does, partly because the neigh- boring editorial is likely to be a piece about what a crime it is for someone to want over- time pay during a war which is, after all, a war for human freedom and the dignity of man. The plain truth is that our search for war aims is part of our war. It is one of the incomplete battles of our war. War aims are not a mere convenience toward winning the war. They are the war. They are to be found only as the result of deen struggle. When found they represent profound moral victory. We are making some progress. We have had a glimuse, now, of what unity of the great nations might mean but no second lieutenant could have told us about that. You don't invent war aims, you don't get them by wishing, and you don't buy them for a dollar, either. You have to fight for them. You have to fight the cynics, scoffers, wreckers and disrupters in American life just to win the right to have war aims. If we defeat some of these elements in the coming elections, our soldiers will get the point, and without a com- plicated classroom apparatus, either. A few words written on a wall are always enough, if they are the right words. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) lecture (in Spanish) on the subject, "Colonial Architecture in Peru" (il-t lustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Thursday,E June 15, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre, under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. ,The public is cordially invited. Lecture: "Cultural Patterns ofa Peru." Dr. Manuel Garcia Calderon, of Peru. Fourth of a series of lectures' on The Culture of 'the Latin-Ameri-, can Nations; auspices of the Latin- American Society and the Interna- tional Center. 8 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium. The public is cordially in- vited. A cademic Notices Doctoral Examination for Francs Joseph Donohue, Education; thesis: "The Development of American Ca- tholic Theory, Attitudes and Prac- tices with Regardtto Public Support for Parochial Schools," Thursday, June 8, East Council Room, Rack- ham Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, A. B. Moehlman. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Events Today League House Presidents: There will be a meeting of all League house presidents and zone chairmen at 4 p.m. today in the League-see League bulletin for the room. Assembly Board Meeting: .The weekly meeting will be held at 4 p.m., today at the League-see League bul- letin board for the room. All dormi- tory house presidents and war activi- ties chairmen please be there. The University of Michigan Section of the American Chemical Society will meet today at 4:15 p.m. in Rfa. 303 of the Chemistry Building. Dr. N. J. Kreidl, of the Research Labora- tory of Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, will speak on "Glass Re- search Turns to Crystal Chemistry." The public is cordially invited. Fun and Frolic: You bet, a Wednes- day Night Danc has been added to the USO program because of the on "The Cathedral of Cuzco, Peru." Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. Coming Events House Presidents: There will be ari important House Presidents meeting of the Interfraternity Council on Thursday, June 8, 1944. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the IFC office in the Michigan Union. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert held in the Men's Lounge of the Graduate School at 7:45 p.m. will feature the commence- ment of a series of programs on American Music. Music from the earliest American sources that serve as an influence on our composers today such as, Psalms of the Pilgrims arranged by Billings, Revolutionary Songs, Old World Ballads, Indian Music, American Negro Songs, Work and Play Songs, Sentimental Songs, and Songs of Stephen Foster will be played. Our next series will include such outstanding orchestra compos- ers as Paine, Chadwick, Foote and Loeffler. Another series will present compositions from Griffis, Carpen- ter, MacDowell and Ives, men who have captured the true American spirit in their symphonies. We will conclude with programs of Twentieth Century composers such as Hanson, Roy Harris, Copland, Gershwin, Pis- ton and others. Crayon Drawings: Don't be jealous because your friends have a good crayondrawing of themselves to send to their family or best gal. Come to the USO and have one made your- self. There drawings are done very well, and in color. Make an appoint- ment for any hour from 1 to 5 on Friday afternoon. bDancing Class: If you didn't know before, you know now that the USO has dancing classes every Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. These lessons are under the direction of Lt. Flegal-- and let us tell you that you'll really know how to dance when you get through. Friday Night Fun: Another USO Friday night dance. If you want some fun and variety for a Friday night this will fill the bill. Junior Hostesses to dance with-and if you don't care BARNABY i'll be home soon, Ellen.. We've checked the outpt By Crockett Johnson . It was only that big display graph that caused a panic. Everyone here says he though someone else had been takin cr rs f whj.;ji 1 we nwi,,, ht rg Pop's working late, Mr. O'Maley-] d