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June 04, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-04

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UIW Mi u jai
Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . Editorial Director
Stan Wallace . . . . . City Editor
Evelyn Phillips .. . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Hall . . . Associate Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
raer, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers -only.

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F IREWORKS have been sputtering
and exploding in Chicago for the
past three weeks as a result of the
high-handed action taken by the
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. John-
Irate residents, educators, and
members of the Citizens' School
Committee have accused Johnson
of exploiting his position as Super-
tendent to palm off his texts on
Chicago schools. Emphasizing that
the Superintendent already has 20
books on such varied fields as elec-
tricity, graphic arts, metal crafts,
local history, and English litera-
ture safely ensconced in the Chi-
cago curriculum, some Chicago
educators have threatened im-
peachment of Johnson.

the situation as an unfortunate oc-
currence. However, a far more ser-
ious charge has been made.
Misusing his authority as Sup-
erintendent, Johnson has seen fit
to demote Dr. John DeBoer, from;
Chicago Teachers' College to Herzl
Junior College because he dared
to disagree with a curriculum
planned for the fall. Faculty mem-
bers, in sympathy with DeBoer,
maintain that Johnson rejected
DeBoer's suggestion because it was
not based exclusively on the needs
of the elementary school teacher's
Communities that find their school
superintendents obdurate to reason-
able proposals might take a lesson
from C'hica o Citizens beCame c

g1U1 11CcU. L1 so1 T ~~i1 5U
Leader of the group is Dr. J. A.
Ladersidet oupheCmier. JInA.concerned over Johnson's dictatorial
Lapp, president of the Committee. In methods that they exerted pressure,
asserting that the Board of Educa-mthsthat teetd ohs '
tion knew about Johnson's colossal the resulte-Superntendent Johnson
compromised. Although he denied
book-making machine when they any compromise with DeBoer and
apointed him for the third term last called the report "pure, unadulterat-
March, Dr. Lapp has asked for legis- ed bunk", Johnson adopted a curricu-
lation against those who use the lum for next fall which closely re-
school system as a market for their sembles the one suggested by the de-
own productsuc .mmtedprofessor. The new program
Certainly the Citizens' Committee has 130 hours instead of the suggest-
is right when it protests against this ed 128; the 12 hour integrated course
unconcealed exploitation of a posi- in study of the community has been
tion. A Superintendent is just as divided into a series of geography
much a public servant as a teacher; add history courses; the required
he is expected to act accordingly. His courses in music, science, mathema-
duty is to serve the whole commun- tics, and methods of teaching Eng-
ity to the best of his ability, not to lish show some increase; and the
make use of his position for his per- elective courses have been cut from
sonal benefit. 27 to 15.
Johnson's newest book has a num-
ber of errors in it, according to "The WjHEN Dr. DeBoer was shown the
Chicago Sun." Not only does it man- new curiculum, he said, "Dr.
age to misquote two lines of poetry Johnson evidently has abandoned his
three times, but it also puts the plan of imposing the curriculum of
wr'ong title on Tennyson's poem, the old Prussian normal school on
"The Brook". It would seem from the Chicago Teachers' College.
these minor evidences that the book "However," he continued, "the
is not the best of its kind in the field. main issue of the controversy is not
But, if mere exploitations were the settled. There has been nothing said
only complaint Chicago citizens had about the right of the teacher to of-
against Johnson, one might dismiss fer constructive criticism without

School Head Penalizes Free Expression

This statement is significant. The
public, it is true, did make Johnson
back down. Protesting citizens did
force a compromise.
But if American teachers are to
educate for democracy they must
enjoy some freedom themselves.
It has been said that democracy
thrives on the right of the indivi-
dual to express himself. It is be-
lieved that one of the fundamental
precepts of our form of govern-
ment is that of granting to the mi-
nority the right to be heard.
Significant progress has come in
science, in literature, in education,
and in government when a few indi-
viduals who had a new idea were al-
lowed to express themselves. While
it is not true that all change is pro-
gress, yet it is even less valid to say
that maintaining status quo makes
for development.
If the America which we picture
for the future is to answer satisfac-
torily even a part of the challenge
she has received, then surely educa-
tors who are expected to be leaders
should have the right to express
themselves without fear. If educa-
tion is to advance without timidity,
if schools are to do their part in solv-
ing problems of racial prejudice, of
economics, of national and interna-
tional confusion, then the foundation
stone-freedom of expression-can-
not be removed.
The controversy in the Chicago
school system is probably unusual
insofar as it is a little more flagrant,
and has been brought to the public's
attention through the newspaper. It
is undoubtedly true that other teach-
ers in other colleges and in high
schools are laboring under similar
difficulties. But nothing will be
done to alter the situation until
American citizens become sufficient-
ly scandalized to demand a change.
-Virginia Rock.

In th' Glue Works!

Workers Need Job Guarantee Too

LABOR, antagonized by the Selective Service
Administration's job-priorities-for-returning-
veterans ruling; may give the administration a
real fight to referee between the worker and the
No vocational guidance or education program
is mentioned in the ruling which flatly declares:
"A returning veteran is entitled to reinstatement
in his former position or one of like seniority,
status and pay, even though such reinstatement
necessitated the discharge of a non-veteran with
greater seniority."
Members of the armed forces, of course, have
every right to expect reinstatement in the kind
of work with the kind of pay to which they were
accustomed before they went to war. A man
who risks his life for his country deserves the
best possible economic opportunities, and even
that can never repay him for his sacrifices.
The ruling seems fair enough, therefore, but
here are the facts released a few days ago 'by
the National Safety Council: Machines have
taken a larger toll of lives and health than
have enemy guns. A little short of 60,000
more lives have been lost in factories than on
'the battlefields of this war. The number of
workers injured totals 9,500,000 as compared
with 66,121 Allied fighters wounded. Further-
more, 312,585 more workers are absent from

machines because of per'manent disabilities
than men reported missing in action,
Labor is already objecting to the ruling on the
grounds that it is discriminating against World
War I veterans and displacing men and women
who have families to support.
Connecticut has launched a successful voca-
tional program for veterans which might well
serve as a model for the rest of the states. Lists
of available types of work are published fre-
quently by the state and a veteran is entitled to
make any choice he likes. Vocational experts
are at his disposal to guide him in his choice;
however, the entire service is optional.. The ve-
teran is sent to the vocational school of his
choice where he is thoroughly trained. Every
person who has gone through one of the schools
and has really put forth an effort to learn has
been able to qualify for a good job. The state
has opened more than 30 different schools of
this type.
Displacement of the worker is unfair, and
failure to reinstate the returning veteran to his
former capacity and pay is equally unjust. _ The
new ruling, however, has adopted the course of
injustice to the worker. A satisftcory vocational
program for him must be worked out for him,
-Marjory Fisher.

I'd Rather Be Bi ht

iomlinie Says
W HILE the Italian capital and the Vatican are
strategic in world interest and risk, it may
be well to recall the beginnings of Christianity in
Rome. Certain early followers of Jesus visited
Rome, but it was Justin Martyr who effectively
carried the settled form of the Gospel for non-
Jews from Ephesus to the Eternal City, Known
as "the philosopher," Justin preached the
"Logos" or "Word." "His doctrine of God," says
McGiffert, "was practical not speculative." He
expounded the idea of God's Son. For its proof,
he drew heavily on the Old Testament in the
Septuagint version. No New Testament yet ex-
isted, though he could draw upon "Memoirs of
the Apostles" which became the books of Mark,
Matthew and Luke.
His effort to portray the central meaning of
God's spirit in creation and redemption is gen-
erally aceepted as introductory to the master-
ful work of Origin, moving toward a synthesis
of Christian belief and Grecian philosophy.
The nature of God and the fact of immaterial
reality were central problems with which they
wrestled, much as their successors in theology
have done for 1900 years.
Justin, wandering from place to place as was
the custom of early scholars, discussed Chris-
tianity with that conviction and depth of pur-
pose which cleaves society into disciples and op-
ponents. This determination coupled with his
ability to disconcert his critics cost him his life,
In the two Apologies and the Dialogue (150
A. D.) with Trypho, a Jewish thinker who de-
fended the idea of Messiah, Justin was defend-
ing his fellow Christians primarily against a
charge of atheism. However, as in the case of
the trial of his Master before Pilate in Jerusa-
lem, it was the question, "Are these Christians
patriots or traitors?" which brought him to his
Today, strangely enough, Jews are the chief
proponents of the religious thesis. Christians
join with them to assert that man has a pri-
mary allegiance which transcends the state.
The religious also insist that only when these
two loyalties can be reconciled can mankind
know full freedom. If the perpendicular re-
lation of the solitary soul to God can be
matched by a horizontal devotion to fellow
man-one form of which is the state-then
men and peoples can serve a higher value not
themselves, and in this perspective understand
that rights issue in duty as each privilege is
matched by an obligaion.
It was Jesus who, when asked for the great
commandment, replied: "Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the
great and first commandment. And a second
like unto it is this: Thou shalt love thy neigh-
bor as thyself. Of these two commandments
the whole law hangeth, and the prophets."
(Matt. XXII:37-40),
--Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Rleligious Education.

y o R w: <:
WASHINGTON, June 3-The drive
to put the Republican party on rec-
ord against any future third term
which is being waged by James L.
Wick, Niles, Ohio, newspaper pub-
lisher, has met with considerable suc-
Wick's campaign. in cooperation
with Pathfinder Magazine, is being
conducted not merely to help defeat
Roosevelt by putting the Republicans
on record against even a third term,
but also because Wick believes such
a policy would help Dewey. Wick
fears some people might vote against
Dewey when they stopped to think of
a 42-year-old youngster and the
number of years he might remain in
the White House if he followed
Roosevelt traditions.
Senators who have endorsed Wick's
no-3rd-term idea include: Vanden-
berg and Ferguson (Mich.); Capper
and Reed (Kans.); Wilson (Ia.) ;
Willis (Ind.); Bridges (N. H.);(Ball
(Minn); Bushfield (S. D.); Wiley
(Wis.); Robertson (Wyo.).
Kellems aLetter Inqu-iy
The McKellar committee and Of-
fice of Censorship have now got
down to interesting tactics in trying
to trace how the Kellems letters to
a Nazi agent in Argentina leaked out
to this columnist.
Secretary Hull has indicated that
he does not want any State Depart-
ment people to testify publicly before
the McKellar committee unless it can
be proved in advance that they had
access to the Kellems letters and that
they also know this columnist. One
gentleman has been singled out, aft-
er much sorting and sifting, who ap-
parently is to be made the goat at
a public hearing, though, as far as
this writer knows, he was not the
source of any leak.
However, if the McKellar com-
mittee really wants something
worthwhile to investigate, they
might probe into why the British
have access to all U. S. censored
mail containing important trade
information, while Byron Price
doesn't bother too much about
In the Panama Canal Zone, for in-
stance, British censors sit right in
the U. S. office of censorship, not
only reading all mail, but copying
any letters which they consider im-
This one-sided arrangement exists
at other key points. In wartime, it
is important to give your allies the
benefit of all information, but some
people inside the Government think
that it should be a two-way proposi-
tion and we should take advantage
of British information, too.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 152
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-.
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: There will be a meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts in Rm.
1025, Angell Hall, June 5, 1944 at
4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting
and the proposed agenda and reports
have been distributed through cam-
pus mail. Edward H. Kraus
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this college on Monday, June 5, at
4:15 p.m., in Rm. 445, West Engineer-
ing Building. The purpose of this
meeting includes: Nominations for
Executive Committee member, elec-
tion of University Council member,
and routine business.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The attention of students and fac-
ulty is called to the following regula-
tions of the College:
1. Students are in no case examined
at any other time than that set for
the examination of the class in which
the work has been done. In case of
unavoidable conflicts a special ex-
amination during examination week
may be arranged for a class by the
instructor, with the consent of the
Examination Schedule Committee,
2. It should be noted that a report
of X (Absent from Examination)
does not guarantee a make-up exam-
ination. An instructor must, in fair-
ness to those who take the final
examination at the time announced
for it, give make-up examinaions
only to students who have a legiti-
mate reason for absence.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean,
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts
Hygiene Lectures: If sufficient in-
terest is shown, there will be a repeat
examination for the required Wo-
men'sHygiene Lectures. Sign up by
Wednesday at the Health Service.
Miss Gorman of the Detroit Home
Service Section of the American Red
Cross will be in our office to inter--
view girls interested in Home Serv-
ice work onsTuesday, June 6. Call
ext. 371 or stop in at our office for
appointments. 201 Mason Hall. Bu-
reau of Appointments.
Petitioning: Positions on the sum-
mer Women's War Council, including
the president, personnel administra-
tor, secretary, treasurer, Surgical
Dressings chairman, and Judiciary
Council, will be open to senior and
second semester junior women. Posi-
tions on JGP, Soph Project, and
Frosh Project are open to women in
these respective classes and three

Auditorium. Tickets will be ready
for distribution at the Information
Desk in the Business Office on and
after June 5. Candidates for degrees
who will march in the academic pro-
cession will need no tickets, but upon
presentation of identification cards
they may obtain tickets for families
and friends.
Hopwood Contestants should call
for their manuscripts at the Hop-
wood Room on Monday or Tuesday.
The American Youth Hostels, In-
corporated are sponsoring a bicycle
trip to -Mexico from July 2 through
Aug. 18 at a total cost of $155.00.
More, detailed information may be
obtained from Miss Janina Diedbala,
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Doc-
tor Jerome Conn, of the Department
of Internal Medicine of the Univer-
sity Hospital, wil present a Biological
Chemistry Lecture on "Sodium
Chloride Metabolism under Condi-
tions of Hard Work in the Tropics",
on Friday, June 9,. at 4 p. in. in the
East Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building. All interested are invited.
Band Concert: The University of
Michigan Concert Band, William D.
Revelli, Conductor, will be heard at
4:15 today in Hill Auditorium' in a
program of compositions by Weber,
Wagner, Sousa, Padilla, Jerome
Kern, Morton Gould and others.
The thirty-first annual spring con-
cert, the program will be open to the
general public without charge.
Events Today
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet this afternoon in the Fire-
place Room, Lane Hall, at four-
T h e Congregational - Disciples
Guild will meet at 5:30 p. m. at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard St., for a
social hour and tea followed by a ves-
per service.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its supper meeting at
5:30 today at the Lutheran Student
Center, 1511 Washtenaw.
Avukah will present "Palestine
Night" at its final meeting this sem-
ester. The evening will include mov-
ies, folk-dancing and refreshments.
"Palestine Night" takes place from
8-10:30 p. m. at the Hillel Founda-
'Coming Events
The University of Michigan Section
of the American Chemical Society
will meet Wednesday, June 7 at 4:15
p. m. in Room 303 of the Chemistry
Building. Dr. N. J. Kreidl, of the
Research Laboratory of Bausch and
Lomb Optical Company, will speak
on "Glass Research Turns to Crys-
tal Chemistry". The public is cor-
dially invited.


NEW YORK, June 3.-A soldier with a San
Francisco APO number writes to me that the
thing which gets him down is "verbal politics,"
under which head he includes most speeches
about states' rights and bureaucracy.
He wants to know in definite terms, whether
his "neighbor's wife will be able to go to the
corner grocery and get ample food, or stand
in a breadline; whether Yang and Yin can till
their farm in peace and decency."
This sergeant says: "Sooner or later all gen-
eralities must be brought to earth." He is afraid
that "increasingly the people think of the world
to come in paralyzing abstractions, in sonorous
but deceptive generalities."
He is against politicians who have "climbed
to the white-capped fastnesses of defunct theor-
ies and generalities, and refuse to return to the
level on which all men live." He says:
"Behind every principle pis life, the specific,
individual, unshakable fact. On this level, our
hollow-sounding solons find no refuge. . .. On
this level most decent Americans are come to
agreement. It is wrong for a Negro to be denied
employment to the limit of his capabilities; it
is fitting that each man should be able to give
his child a full education, and live a secure old
age. . . , Here there is no doubt."
Doubt arises only when our politicians dismal-
ly repeat each other's worn-out remarks about
"individualism" and "escape from a mythical
bureaucratic tyranny." This soldier would re-
mind them of "the all-importance of the con-
crete instance, of the necessity of placing every
theory in a human context, of the crucial and
decisive nature of factual verification."

our problems; they had not come together, us-
ing all that transportation, merely to have a
party. Yet what went on seemed so ceremonial,
so mysteriously ritualistic, as to be almost to-
tally divorced from the common life of our time.
If the 12,000 Brewster workers read, or lis-
tened to, some of the Governors' speeches, these
must have seemed to them like words floating
down a strange and remote planet; and a pretty
vague planet, too.
There was so much, so very much, about
states' rights, about local sovereignty, about
the American way, and much of it was fine,
and thoughtful; but there was absolutely no
nexus connecting these speeches with the belly
of mankind, One wonders how these speeches
would have sounded in a courtyard of one of
the three Brewster plants, to men facing a
payless payday, and with food to buy at war
And one wonders what would happen to most
political oratory, if each speech had to be tried
out on a tired soldier, waiting for a train late at
night, or on a workman who has just lost his
That is what I get out of this V-mail letter
from a soldier who spends his spare time con-
templating the naked souls of politicians, rather
than mooing at pin-up girls.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Mom. Mr. 'Malley, my Fairy
G odftofher, fixed things so Pop
won't think the factory can
not tin bettr without him..\

By Crockett Johnson

Product ion was going down.
And ever since Pop got sick
it's been going up. But when
Pon phones the oifce teday-

Your father's going back to
work this morning, Barnaby.

rake if easy today, John.. And
don't lef anything upset you ..

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