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June 04, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-04

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AP Relays False Announcement of Invasion.




Message Sent
By Young Girl
'For Practice'
Report Denied Two
Minutes Later; Wired
Throughout Aericas
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, June 3.-A young
British girl teletype operator em-
ployed in the London bureau of the
Associated Press punched out a strip
of practice tape tonight and within a
matter of moments was responsible
for transmission throughout the
United States and Latin America of
an erroneous announcement that the
Allies had landed in France.
Through almost incredible cir-
cumstances, the error sl ip p ed
through the most elaborate system
of safeguards and censorship ever
established both by the Associated
Press and Allied authorities.
The girl, Joan Ellis, had been prac-
ticing on a disconnected machine.
and in violation of instructions in-
dluded in her exercise this urgent
"Flash Eisenhower's headquar-
ters announce Allied landings
At 4:39 p.m., Eastern War Time.
the flash appeared on the A.P.'s direct
London printer in New York and was
relayed immediately throughout the
United States and to Latin America.
Less than two minutes later came
a message, "Bust that flash," and
word was sent out at once to editors
to withhold publication. At 4:44 p.m.
another London message directed
that the flash be "killed," and this
was done.
In the two-minute interlude be-
tween the erroneous flash and the
withhold order, however, the incor-
rect news had been announced over
many radio stations in America and
at some baseball parks. In New York's
polo grounds the crowd observed on
minute of silence after the word was
given over the loudspeaker system.
Possibly the calmest city in the
country was Washington, where
few seemed surprised at the report
and, when it was subsequently cor-
rected, many officials said they
were confident it was "only slightly
Clergymen hurried to .call special
services which had been announced
for D-Day when they heard the
"flash" and many church bells were
rung to summon congregations to
special prayers.
Air raid sirens sounded in Valdosta,
Radio Station WOL at Washing-
ton remained silent for a full min-
ute after it it ceived the flash to
honor invasion soldiers.
Revised Senior
Swng-Out To
Be Held Sunda'
Senior Swing-Out, a revised Uni-
versity tradition, will begin at 7 p.m.
next Sunday in front of the general
library, Gerry Stadleman, secretary
of 'the literary school senior class
announced yesterday.
Swing-Out, the traditional march
of seniors, was abolished in 1940,
supposedly for the duration, but has
been revised to give new students on
campus the benefit of some old Mich-
igan spirit. The march was formerly
followed by a lecture program in Hill
Auditorium. A campus sing on the
library steps will be substituted this
year, however.

Seniors who will graduate in Octo-
ber or February are invited to take
part in the parade. Marchers will be
grouped according to their school in
the University. The same order to be
used during the commencement exer-
cises will be followed. Literary seniors
will lead, followed by seniors from
the School of Education, from the
engineering, medicine, nursing, law,
pharmacy,, dental, business adminis-
tration, forestry, music, public health
and graduate schools.
The line of march will proceed from
the library toward Alumni Memorial
Hall on South University. A turn
onto State Street will be made which
...mt ho snln...a a ~nNrtTTnct~cit

Vichy Says

Europe Blasted
In Two U- S.
Aerial Assaults
Attacks Strike
Invasion Coast
By The Associated Press
LONDON, June 3.--The ramparts
of Europe-under vast new aerial
pressure of shuttle raids by American
planes using Russian bases- were
blasted on the west twice today by
U.S. Fortresses and Liberators with-
out the loss of a single bomber.
Both the assaults by U.S. heavies
were directed against the Nazis' in-
vasion coast of northern France and
out of a total force of perhaps 1,000
bombers and fighters taking part in
the double operation, only one fighter
failed to return.
The Pas de Calais region also was
hit Friday by Fortresses and Libera-
tors without loss. Thus the cost of
three attacks on Hitler's vaunted west
LONDON, June 4, Sunday.-()--
RAF bombers were "over enemy-
occupied territory last night," it
was announced today.
wall by nearly 2,500 planes dropping
an estimated 4,500 tons of explosives
has been one single-engined plane.
This means that only one man is
missing from a total of nearly 16,000
airmen flying against Pas de Calais
in the last two days-an example of
the way in which air units are paving
the way for the landing of ground
forces at a minimum loss of life.
While the heavy bombers were hit-
ing the coastal fortifications, hun-
dreds of fighters and fighter-bombers
of both the American and British sec-
tions of the Allied Expeditionary Air
Force ranged back and forth across
France and the low countries in a
series of attacks on the enemy's
transport and communications.
Half of the 6,000-ton load was
hurled yesterday by 1,000 bombers on
emplacements that the Germans,
awaiting invasion, have installed in
the Pas de Calais area. Other bombers
raided the Boulogne area.
From bases in Italy, U.S. heavy
bombers attacked targets in Romania
yesterday and streaked on to newly-
prepared American bases in Russia in
the first west-east shuttle raid.
In today's double-barreled assaults
on the west wall, bombers were able
to carry maximum loads because of
the short distance involved.
House Passes
Lend-Lease Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 3. - After
hearing a hint that the Allied inva-
sion of western Europe may come
within "the next ten days," the House
passed by a record vote of 280 to 23
today a $3,920,070,000 supply bill to
finance Lend-Lease, the Foreign Ec-
onomic Administration (FEA) and
the United Nations Relief and Reha-
bilitation Administration (UNRRA)
for the fiscal year starting July 1.
Trhe measure went to the Senate
after Chairman Cannon (Dem., Mo.
of the Appropriations Committee de-
plored talk about "Juggled funds and
the New Deal" and added solemnly:
"Now who wants to juggle funds,!
when over across the seas within the
next few days I hesitate to mention
the number of men who are going to
be wiped out?"
Off the floor, Cannon declined to
Efforts to restore a technical cut
of $350,000,000 in UNRRA funds fail-

ed despite a final administration fight
and a warning that the reduction
would "cripple" the legislation.

T hree Islets of f New Guinea
Are Invaded by Yanks, Aussies
U.S. Troops Make Landings on Owi, Owendi;
Lone Liberator Carries Out Raid on Woleai
By The Associated Press
American and Australian amphibious troops invaded three more
islands off the New Guinea coast Friday, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced
today. All three landings were unopposed.'
The three-fold operation, flanking ground action on Biak and New
Guinea, was carried out while Japanese armies were being driven southward
in Burma and southwest China, and themselves made another big stride
in their sweep through central China,, _ __ --

U.S. Sixth Army troops splashed

ashore on Owi and Owendi islets,
both within artillery range of the
Japanese positions on Biak, major
island of the Schouten group. On
Biak other Sixth Army troops drove
Nipponese from open ground north
of Bosnek, the American base. One
hundred Japanese suicides were found
after one counterattack was repulsed.
Seven of 15 raiding Japanese planes
were shot down over Biak.
The Australians landing was on
Karkar, 35 miles northeast of Madang
and offshore from their advance up
the coast toward by-passed enemy
garrisons. Only last night Tokyo
radio announced Lt. Gen. Shigeru
Katagiri, commander of the Madang
garrison, was killed in action two
months ago. That was before the
Aussies took the town.
In one of the most sensational
sorties over Japan's Caroline Islands
a solitary Liberator was credited with
inflicting 500 Japanese casualties in
a surprise raid on Woleai. Truk and
Puluwat were again hit in daily Caro-
lines strikes while other bombers
swept deep into the Dutch Indies.
Rocket-firing Allied planes and the
"grim courage and determination" of
Chinese infantrymen forced Japan-
ese troops southward in the battle for
Nazis Fortify
South French
B order Area
LONDON, June 3.-(P)--The Ger-
mans were reported today to have
fortified the Pyrenees border between
Spain and France in an extension of
the Atlantic Wall to joint with Med-
iterranean defenses.
German newspapers boasted of de-
fense techniques against invasion
with pictures of a"one-man bunker
system" along the Atlantic Wall,
describing it as a network of single-
soldier foxholes each fitted with
machine-guns throughout the depth
of the coastal defenses.
Tension was heightened as the Nazis
intensified their campaign against
civilians to throttle resistance in the
occupied countries. The French radio,
at Brazzaville, North Africa, reported
that 28 hostages had been executed
in St. Quentin, France, after the kill-
ing of a Vichy military leader.
Amid reports of mounting sabotage
in France, Hitler has apparently sum-.
monecd Vichy Propaganda Minister
Philippe Henriot to Berlin. The
Vichy radio said Henriot left for Ge-
many today and would have the op-
portunity to meet some "high Ger-
man personalities."
lume3 Break Record
For details concerning the Hume
twins' spectacular achievements in
the central collegiate track meet
consult the sports page in today's
Daily. There also appears a story
on the baseball team's 6-4 wn over
Notre Dame.

the Burma Road, dispatches from the
Orient said yesterday.
The first use of flying rocket bat-
teries by fighters and bombers in the
Asiatic theatre broke ui Nipponese
attempts to relieve beleaguered gar-
risons in north Burma. The airborne
bazookas blasted trains and river-
craft headed for Myitkyina and Mo-
Much Japanese ammunition and
equipment was captured by Ameri-
cans inching forward inside Myitky-
Seniors Ma
Get Tickets
EXercises To
Be Held at Hill
There should be plenty of room in
Hill Auditorium for all who need
tickets to the 100th annual Com-
mencement exercises to be held at
2:30 p.m., Saturday, June 24, Herbert
G. Watkins, assistant secretary of the
University, said yesterday.
His statement came as a result of
a request made by a student that the
exercises be moved to Ferry Field
where they have been held in former
700 To Graduate
Present indications are that only
slightly more than 700 students will
graduate at the end of this semester,
he said, and Hill Auditorium's seating
capacity of more than 4,000 should
provide ample room for all who have
a legitimate reason for attending.
Tickets for the Commencement ex-
ercises will be ready for distribution
starting tomorrow at the information
desk in the business office, Rm. 1,
University Hall. Upon presentation
of their identification cards, candi-
dates fo'r degrees may obtain tickets
for their families and friends. Grad-
uates marching in the academic pro-
cession will not need tickets.
Outdoor Difficulties
Reasons given for not holding the
Commencement outdoors included
the necessity for two set-ups-one on
Ferry Field and one in Yost Field
House in case of rain-and the added
expense of building special platforms
and renting folding chairs and a
public address system. In addition,
the labor is not available to make the
necessary preparations.
It was also announced yesterday
that Rev. Edward H. Redmond of the
Unitarian Church will give the invo-
cation at the Commencement exer-
cises and that Prof. Warner G. Rice
will be master of ceremonies. Shirley
W. Smith, vice-president and secre-
tary of the University will deliver the
annual Commencement address.
Graduates will not receive their
diplomas on the day of Commence-
ment because it is impossible to com-
plete student records and certifica-
tion of individuals for their degrees
in time for the graduation ceremon-
ies. Therefore, seniors will be pre-
sented as candidates for degrees on
June 24, receiving their diplomas
later if their final marks entitle them
to graduation.

Shuttle Bombing
To Russians
U.S. Efficiency in
Operation Seen
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, June 3-American shut-
tle bombing between Russian and Al-
lied bases was established with clock-
work precision, it was learned to-
night, giving Russians an impressive
view of the United States efficiency
of which they had heard so much.
U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harri-
man and Major Gen. John R. Deane,
head of the American military mis-
sion to Russia, returned to Moscow
today from the dramatic first Amer-
ican landing yesterday at a Russian
base. The newspaper Izvestia located
the base in the Ukraine.
They were delighted with the
smoothness with which this initial
operation was carried out, and a
large Russian military delegation,
which witnessed the action, also was
understood to have been visibly im-
pressed by the modern equipment at
the base and the perfect organization
of the flight.
The landing was executed with
the same neatness as on American
bases in England and Italy, scores of
Flying Fortresses roaring over in
They were called in by the control
tower and refuelled immediately for
the return flight.
S tucdents Ask
For Repeated
C'o-Hop Dances
"Let's have Co-Hops every after-
noon and every evening," said one
soldier last night at the street dance
sponsored by the Inter-Cooperative
With the driveway behind Univer-
sity Hall crowded with dancers in
formals and street clothes the en-
thusiastic crowd called for another
outdoor dance with its conga lines
and spontaneous singing.
One soldier said that "this takes me
back to Philadelphia." Another said,
"I came prepared to laugh and I am
leaving very much impressed."
Using the University public address
system for music, the dance records
could be heard over the entire cam-
pus. Sand was placed on the drie-
way for the dancers and refresh-
ments were sold at one corner. Ev-
eryone called for more street dances
In the near future and Irv Statler,
president of ICC, stated that the Co-
ops are prepared to give the campus
more as soon as possible.

Gen; Clark Sees Destruction of Many
Enemy Forces as Most Immediate Task
By The Associated Press
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NAPLES, June 3.-American troops raced
through Rome's outer approaches from the south and southeast tonight
under orders to destroy the retreating German armies, five of whose 18
divisions already have been practically annihilated and whose defensive
lines have been blasted apart.
With the city's skyline in easy view of the advancing American armor
and infantry, it appeared that within a matter of hours Rome might become
the first European capital to be liberated from the Nazis.
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark, commander of the Fifth Army, instructed his
subordinates, however, that the immediate task was to pursue and destroy

as much as possible of the German T
Rome's Safet
Up to Gesrmansi
By The Associated Press
PLES, June 3.-With its armies near-
ing Rome, the Allied "command to-
day placed upon the Nazi military the
responsibility for making the city
a bloody battlefield or withdrawing
and sparing it further ravages of war,
and the Germans countered quickly
with a claim that Rome, "can be re-
garded as a city free from armed
Issuing a special communique, one
day after Pope Pius expressed hope
that Rome "at all costs may be saved
from becoming a theatre of war," the
Allied conimand'said the United Na-
tions forces "have only taken and
will only take military action against
Rome insofar as the Germans Use
the city, its railways and roads for
military purposes."
Promptly the German propaganda
agency Transocean countered with
what it called an official statement
by a German foreign office spokes-
man concerning the Pontiff's plea. It
"On the German side, everything
has been done for months to preserve
Rome from such fate. Rome today
can be regarded as a city free of
armed forces."
Germans, Reds
LONDON, June 4, Sunday.-(IP)-
German forces fighting a bloody bat-
tle for a strategic hill position near
Stanca, north of Iasi in Romania,
brought up reinforcements and at-
tacked incessantly yesterday for the
fifth consecutiveday, but were re-
pulsed in every thrust, Moscow said
early today.
The broadcast midnight supple-
ment to the Russian communique de-
clared that Soviet troops "by power-
ful fire from all types of arms" check-
ed the enemy and inflicted heavy
In the day's savage fighting the
Russians "wiped out up to a regi-
ment of German infantry and burned
out and disabled 17 enemy tanks and
self-propelled guns as well as eight
armored troop carriers and three ar-
mored cars," Moscow stated.

'enth and Fourteenth Armies and that
entry into Rome would come after-
Besides the five Nazi divisions, vir-
tually destroyed since the present Al-
lied offensive began May 11, several
others have been battered badly, and
front-line dispatches tonight said
further progress was being made to-
wards the goal of annihilation.
There was no word as to how many
Germans might be caught by the Am-
erican, British and French troops
converging below Rome and be add-
ed to the 16,000 prisoners already
in the Allied bag.
The belief grew, however, that the
Allied forces closing in on a pocket in
the northern edge of the Sacco Val-
ley still held by the enemy could hope
to trap only a relatively small pro-
portion of the German units which
earlier had been reported there.
' This was supported by front-line
accounts tonight showing that, de-
pite its apparent speed, the, Ger-
man retreat was not a rout.
He said further that the Germans
were taking time in their flight to
pillage the countryside and were
leaving snipers behind to try to de-
lay the Allies.
The Americans were thrusting up
both the Appian and Casilinian Ways
and across open country, while other
Allied troops converged on routes
leading up to the city.
Fifth Army fighters smashed apart
the Germans' last mountainous po-
sitions guarding Rome by seizing most
of the Alban Hills mass dominating
the capital on the south. Descent
from the hills would put them with-
in ten miles of Rome's outskirts.
The Berlin radio broadcast that
Rome now was "free of armed
forces," indicating the possibility
that the city might not be defended.
Tonight the Allied command broad-
,cast over the free Italian radio at
Naples to Italian Partisan forces in-
side Rome, declaring "Rome's liber-
ation is at hand" and apprising them
of their duty to locate mines and
booby traps which the Germans
might leave behind and to prevent
German sabotage.
Stuidents Denied
Requ ests for
Earlier Exams
A flood of requests from students
asking permission to take their final
examinations earlier than officially
scheduled have received a flat "No"
in most cases from the Administrative
Board of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Are Exceptions
With the exception of men leaving
school for military service or stu-
dents who have unavoidable con-
flicts, permission to take final exam-
inations at other than the specified
times will not be granted, according
to Assistant Dean Erich A. Walter.
After considering the matter at
their Friday meeting, the Board vot-
ed to confirm the official practice of
the College which is stated in the
following regulation:
"Students are in no case examined
at any other time than that set for
the examination of the class in which
the work has been done. In case
of unavoidable conflicts a special ex-
amination during examination week
may be arranged for a class by the
instructor, with the consent of the
Examining Schedule Committee."
Calendar Was Known
It was pointed out in the discussion
that students knew the dates of the
University calendar when thv ra-

War Bond To Be Presented
' To Outstanding Band Member

A twenty-five dollar United States
war bond, gift of Mr. Frank Com-
manday, will be presented to an out-
standing member of the University
Concert band just before the 82-piece
organization plays the finale, Mor-
ton Gould's "American Salute," on
its 31st annual spring concert to be
given at 4:15 p. m. today in Hill Au-
Commanday, who with his wife
has been visiting their son, Bob Com-
manday, Co. D and flutist with the
band, was so impressed by the band's
rehearsals that he decided to give
a bond 'to the band member who has
progressed the most throughout the
year. A musician himself, he has
played French horn with the New
York Symphony, Boston Philhar-
monic and the Westehester Sym-
"American Salute"
The haunting melody of "When
Johnny Comes Marching Home" will
hb featurer in the "Americnn a-

bers are now scattered throughout
the world, but one of them will ap-

Student BringsA bout Law Revision-

Because of the determination of
a Chinese-American student at the
University and repercussions of sev-
eral articles by The New Republic,
the f,,anaci,, ylonrnment h has

train in Buffalo because she was
"Chinese," Miss Chong declared,
"I shall never be able to under-
stand why, even after I produced
legal proof of my American citi-
zenshin T e fnrcead tn p't nff the

those members of Canada's Parlia-
ment who applauded China's first
lady so heartily ask the Government
whether such action as described by
the American magazine is a part of
I Governmen nolicv While Par-

i < > ........................................................a

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