' :T d T A TT. ' : 1 War Council Is coordinator of Coed Activities Women's Governing Body is Composed of Executive 'Board, Project and Committee Heads The Michigan League, center of women's campus activities and gov- erned by the Women's War Council, is functioning at full speed in a war- time program of activities which have supplanted the old pre-war extra- curricular work traditionally carried on by college women. As a governing board, the Women's War Council is composed of an ex- ecutive board which discusses the pro's and con's of all problems before the board and presents alternative solutions to the whole War Council. The executive board is made up of the president of the Women's War Council, Vice-president .and person- nel administrator, the secretary, the treasurer, and the president of Ju- diciary Council. Chairme nAre Members Members of the War Council are chairmen of the class projects- Frosh Project being the care of the campus grounds, Soph Project the providing of volunteer workers at the University and St. Josephs' Hospi- tals, and Junior Project the sale of stamps and bonds via unusual en- tertainment projects. Also on the War Council is the chairman of surgical dressings, the group which rolls bandages for use by the armed forces. Similarly, the Child Care Committee chairman, who is in charge of recruiting wo- men to supervise the work and play of children living in the Willow Run area, is part of the Council. And the chairman of the Social Committee is a council member, her duty being to supervise-all social events, includ- ing the Ruthven and International Center teas held weekly. Recruits Volunteers The vice-president, who is also the personnel administrator, is in charge of getting coeds to work for various campus organizations, such as the University laundry and the Union, whenever paid " or volunteer workers are needed. Thus, any or- ganization .needing help i free to call on the office of the personnel administrator to recruit the required help. Other War Council members in- clude the president of the Women's Athletic Association, the chief USO s, n .. 1 n. MICTp . T 1± I!a TI",5. SThTR a USO Summer Plans Include Varied Activities The Ann Arbor USO took over Harris Hall last fall, and made it in- to the present USO Club. Before this, dances were held at the League, and the USO ceased to function dur- ing the week. Now Harris Hall is open to servicemen and junior hos- tesses all the time. Plans for the summer include Fri- day and Saturday night dances, weekly dancing classes for soldiers, and fudge parties, taffy pulls, danc- ing, games, group singing and other activities during the week. A classi- cal music hour will be featured on Sunday afternoons. Open House is also held every Sunday afternoon and evening. Future plans include USO picnics and Sunday morning USO' breakfasts. Junior hostesses must be between 18 and 30 years of age, and are re- quired to present two references. Freshmen women must bring these references from their home town, and one should be from a clergyman, if possible. Attendance at a meet- ing for prospective junior hostesses and an interview are compulsory. Colonel, the women's editor of The Daily, the presidents of Panhellenic and Assembly boards, the chairman of the Orientation-Tutorial Commit- tee, and the Bomber Scholarship Committee head, the latter's job be- ing to help raise money for the $100,-. 000 fund which will send men and women in the armed forces to school after the war is over. Interviews Coeds Judiciary Council is the body which makes the campus rules for women-all rules regarding closing hours, delinquencies, and the like, and it is also the body which sub- jects the offenders to punishment when and if the rules are violated. Another important job carried on by Judiciary Council is the interviewing of all women who are petitioning for campus activities jobs. "Judish" selects the women who show the most promise and who have the best ideas for carrying on activities to head all projects, including War Council positions. Thus it is that a coordinating body has been formed to direct women in campus affairs, to recruit workers a sthey are needed by other organi- zations, and generally to see that University women enter into a con- centrated program of war activities for the duration. Dean Alice Lloyd Make Most of Opportunities DEAN LLOYD URGES FRESHMEN To the Freshman Women: r[O THE ENTERING WOMEN, there is a special message this year. The women of America are now almost the only young people in the world who have the privilege of higher education, and moreover, have that experience in college communities, where to see the sun by day and the stars at night does not mean the threat of death and des- truction from the air. In these war years, though we all realize that the world is a suffering world, we women of America are to an unusual extent untouched by it in our daily lives. THIS PUTS upon every woman who enters the University of Mich- igan this year the obligation to make the experience of college a truly significant one. Upon the women of America rests the three- fold obligation of preserving our cultural heritage, of preparing our- selves to do some important and specific task toward the winning of the war and later the preserving of the peace, and finally, and most important of all, to maintain the values of a Christian Democracy- a public-spirited interest in the welfare of all people, tolerance and vision in facing the problems of our Nation, always with a fine sense of personal integrity which alone can produce a healthy and sound society. Those who are fighting for us will want to find a good society to come back to. It is our privilege to preserve these values in a world of strife. O THE FRESHMEN who now enter in June, 1944, the University of Michigan has a warm welcome, because we believe that, as you accept education from the State, you will help to preserve the culture and traditions of a nation founded on the principles of freedom of spirit, of freedom of religion, of freedom to know the truth. -Alice Lloyd Dean of Women League Offers Many Activities For Women By BETTY ROTH Center of coed extracurricular and' recreational 'activity, headquarters of government for women students on campus, the two-million dollar Michigan League provides extensive facilities that make it recognized as the outstanding organization that it is. All coeds automatically become members of the League on enroll- ment and graduation entitles them to a lifetime membership in the or- ganization. League Facilities The Undergraduate Office on the first floor of the League is the co- ordinating center for coed govern- ment, housing nthe Women's War Council and Judiciary Council, and integrates al campus war activities. Open to the public is the cafeteria and soda bar on th first floor of the. League. Meals are served also in the second floor dining room, the Russian Tea Room and in private rooms on request. For the convenience of .students and guests, the League provides a beauty shop and the luxurious third floor library, where coeds curl up on sofas and chintz chairs to study with comfort as well as quiet. Dancing in Ballroom On the second flooi of the League is the 1Main Ballroom which, since wartime necessity has made the Union Ballroom largely unavailable, is the scene of nearly all campus dances. On each weekend, there are all-campus dances on Friday and Cooperatives Will Be Open This Summer Cooperative houses that will be open to women during the summer are: Muriel Lester, Alice F. Palmer, Rochdale and Stevens, each with housing facilities for about 20a wo- men. One of the fundamental principles governing these houses is that they will have open membership, regard- less of race, religion, or creed. Mem- bers do all the work in the house, and each resident is asked to con- tribute at least six hours a week. The first cooperative house at Michigan was founded in 1932, and since then there has been a rapid and continuous growth of such resi- dences. Information and application for residence may be made through the Office of the Dean of Women. Fresh- men and students whose academic rating is below the University aver- age are not eligible for membership. Saturday evening in the League ballroom. At the opposite end -of the second floor is the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre, where Play Production plays are presented as have been Army productions and various movies. In addition to the ping-pong room, the beautifully decorated and spa- cious Ethel Fountain Hussey Room, the Grand Rapids Room, and Kala- mazoo Rooms on the second floor are available for use. A popular place to meet, Ann Ar- bor's own answer to "I'll meet you at the Astor" is the League Lounge. I. 8 I i 1 - ; Burr Patterson & Auld Fraternity Jewelers at Michigan Open all Surrmer. J udici ary To Enorce Rules, A ppoint H eads Enforcement of University house rules, considering petitions and in- terviewing applicants for League po- sitions, formulating house rules in conjunction with the Office of the Dean of Women, and discipliing vio- lators of house rules constitute the duties of the Judiciary Council. As president of the council, Natalie Mattern, '45, directs the activities of the group. Dorothy Pugsley and Cor- nelia Groefsema are the senior mem- bers and Ruthann Bales and Harriet Pierce serve as the junior members. Olive Chernow, Janet Morgan, Judy Rado, and Joan Schlee are aides to the council and assist with the cleri- cal work. The council has complete jurisdic- tion over infractions of house and campus regulations and their deci- sions are referred to the Office of the Dean of Women where they are re- corded. The council is also respon- sible for recommendations of appli- cants to the various positions in the League and on the central commit- tees of class projects and war activi- ties. Among the more important of the recently revised house rules arre the following: Officers: Each house shall have a house president and a war activities chairman with other officers and committees chosen as needed. Elections: The house president shall be elected or chosen by the wo- men ,in the house. The presidenkt must be elected by the close of the second week of classes of the first semester of each school year. President: It shall be the duty of the house president to call a meeting of the students in her house once each month unless otherwise speci- fied in the house constitution, and other house meetings as needed. She shall preside at these meetings and be responsible for the enforcing of rules and quiet hours. She is a mem- ber of the House Presidents' Associa- tion, and must attend the monthly meetings of that group. Signing out: Any student expect- ing to be out of the house after 7:30 p. m. must register the occasion and place on leaving and sign in when she returns. Registering an engagement makes it possible to locate the stu- dent in case of emergency calls. Telephoning: No local calls may be made or received after 10:30 p. m. or the hour determined by the resi- dence head and the Dean's Office without special arrangement with the house president or house mother. In case of emergency, long distance calls may be completed after 10:30 p. m, Calling Hours: Calling hours for men begin at 3 p. m. Monday through Friday. On Saturday and Sunday the hours shall be decided by the in- dividual house. Closing Hours: Closing hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be 10:30 p. m. and guests must leave the premises at that time. Closing hour on Friday and Saturday is 12:15 p. m. if the house so votes and otherwise 11:30. On Sunday houses close at 11 p. m. and guests must leave at that time. Mid-Week: Any woman wishing to be out of her house overnight dur- ing the week must register her plan in the Office of the Dean of Women before 4:30 p. m. of that day. She must leave her address at her house and sign in when she returns. Late permission: In order, to se- cure permission to return after clos- ing hours, women must register at the Office of the Dean of Women. Campus: Women who attend the following events must be in the house one-half hour after their ter- mination: parties that are late dances by permission of the Commit- tee on Student Affairs, Choral Union and May Festival Concerts, Oratori- cal Association Lectures, Dramatic Season Plays, their own class func- tions, athletic events, Play Produc- tion, special lecture and functions in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Freshman Women: In the case of plays which run throughout the week, freshmen are expected to at- tend on weekend nights. Permission for all late campus functions not Bill Layton To Playt For League Dances Dancing, always the perfect way to spend an evening, will be no ex- ception this summer when Bill Lay- ton, who has now taken over Bill Sawyer's band, will continue to sup- ply smooth music for the weekend dances at the League, Although the undergraduate office of the League has no special social plans for the summer term, the League will be rented out for those occasions when outside bands come to Ann Arbor or when other campus organizations plan dances. With the exception of these weekends Bill Layton and his orchestra will supply the music every Friday and Satur- day night. N ead In colorful posies, so life-like you want to smell them. t Coeds Aid Willow Run Village Schools Child Care at the Willow Run Vil- lage is a new war project at the Uni- versity this year. The problem of what to do with the children living there while their parents are working in the bomber plant has become quite acute, and Michigan coeds have taken it upon themselves to help in solving of this problem. There are three newly-built schools and two community centers which try to keep these youthful inhabi- tants busy during the day. Volun- teers are driven to these schools and community centers every day except Sunday, and remain there from 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. Prescriptions Drug Sur Student Supplies SWIFT'S DRUG STORE withfroh o eiig MagaZines Sta tionery nd ries Paramount DEVELOPING and PRINTING of your films. Thle exffll£i '~t he c41 '1npu4 719 North University 340 South State St. Phone 3534 t 1209 South University RUTH ANN OAKES, Mgr. Ii! _______- I II 4 C '1 'I _re 1 a " n "w s. . . !li., ii, , nl w'sa ' w " : -- _ " a '+w " _ s:tj y ; x, k'Ri A t! iA t .. " \ ,-s ' /' a tI' /r lJ ',: r : :' . ... rr l ..N ' j." Ir" .r" "" .. r Ii d +" d _. I When ou coe up o A2 his'sm--. cotos Dese.fom$.9, n forals.1295.P-s Thy saggd e yma../. Y tj 4 - 9' f"'^ - WH ITE W H ITE WHITE Like the first spring flowers - our new series of dazzle-white hats are nore flattering than ever. These are priced from $2 - $12.50