"' THE MICHIGAN DAILY FIDA I S Y. JUNE 2, 1944 THE COMFORT OF RACKHAM: Graduate School Building ' Is Pride of University There's a place in Ann Arbor where you can go to sleep sitting up. Not that this practice is approved by University officials, but they, too, must have discovered this phenom- enon sometime within the past few years. Everyone in Ann Arbor knows about it, and its fame has become so widespread that the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce is now at work sending out booklets devoted entire- ly to the history of this popular place. Its fame had spread so far that the Hotentots sent a cable to the Cham- ber of Commerce last week asking if they could have the plans for such an inner sanctum so that they could sleep sitting up and give their beds of nails to the local scrap drive. Ann Arbor is the only place in the country which can boast of such a place, and students, as well as Ann Arborites realize how fortunate they ;are. You, too, will someday have' pride in that famed place. Oh, but' wait a minute-something has been forgotten. You don't know where this place is. You'll know about it sooner or later, so it might just as well be sooner-meaning now. The place where you can actually sleep sitting up is the Rackham Lec- ture Hall located in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. The hall, which seats 1,200 people, is' a semicircular room with six radi- ating aisles arranged in a spacious' manner permitting movement to and from the seats without requiring oc- cupants to rise. The seats are more' comfortable than those in your local' movie hduse-perhaps more like your favorite living room chair. And be- cause they are so comfortable, they are conducive to sleep. The light- ing in this first floor room of the graduate school is provided by a series of small openings in the ceil- ing which permit cones of light to spread over the audience, and as they are turned on, you begin to imagine that stars are making their evening appearance. The present building of the School of Graduate Studies, which is on a direct line with the University Li- brary, was part of a gift given by Horace H. Rackham. The gift con- sisted of a site for the building, the building and furnishings, and a cap- ital sum of four million dollars. Students Use H ealthService Ninety-three Percent Receive Medical Care You can't get away from statistics. At least 93 per cent of the student body ends up every year at one time or another at the Health Service, and each student is due to wend his way to the four-year-old building near the League on an average of 10 to 12 times annually. The procedure is simple. You walk up a short flight of steps, enter the lobby, obtain a record at the counter, carry it to a waiting room and take your choice of the general physicians, among whom three women doctors are included. Then you wait and wait, leaf over magazines and wonder why the people ahead of you are so slow. By means of these few steps you can be treated by a medical center alleged to be one of the finest of its kind in the country with little, and in most cases, no charge whatsoever. Each student is entitled to 30 days of bed care and emergency opera- tions free. Eng l11ieers Ha ve Honor System Success Depends Upon Honesty of Each Stduent The Honor System, started by a student petition 28 years ago, pre- vails in the College of Engineering,- sparing the student the pain of watching the firm eye of a professor fixed fervently upon him when he is taking a bluebook. Before a student turns in a quiz paper or a bluebook, he writes on it a "pledge" demonstrating that he has neither received nor given aid dur- ing the test. He then signs his name. Whenever possible, the students sit in alternate seats. When the stu- dents complete the examination, they place the papers on the instructor's desk. The success of the Honor System depends on the integrity of the in- dividual student. It is considered un- ethical to make undue noise or to disturb other members during the examination. The duty or every stu- dent is to report anyone whom he sees violating the regulations. The Student Honor Committee, comprised of two members from each class, with one student from the junior class elected chairman and the chairman from the preceding year acting as an advisory member, is maintained for the purpose of hear- ing the trials of students accused of abusing the regulations. After studying the case, the com- mittee issues a recommended sen- tence which may be as severe as ex- pulsion. This sentense is sent to the Faculty Discipline Committee which reviews the case. Any student disciplined by .this committee has the right to file an appeal with the Secretary of the Col- lege within ten days after the de- cision. However, without the con- sent of the Dean of the College of Engineering, no student may be ex- pelled. South Americans Study in Law Quad MIusic School Gives Summer Credit Courses Courses in music for credit toward degrees granted by the University will: be given during the 31st summer ses- sion at the School of Music, and also at the National Music Camp at Inter- lochen, Mich Supplementing the staff of the regular year, the following guests have been added to the faculty for 4.he summer session: Otto Krueger, flutist for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Eric Leidzen, band com- poser, arranger, conductor; Albert' Luconi, clarinetist for the Detroit' Symphony Orchestra; Morten J. Lu- vaas, choral clinic at Interlochen, Aug. 7-21. Curricula are offered in the School of Music leading to Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees. En- semble, applied music, theory. msic literature and educatin courses will be offered in the summer session. Artur Schnabel, noted pianist, will again conduct private evening classes in the East Lounge of the Rackham Building this summer from July 3-29. * * . Band To Give Final Concert Climaxing a successful season, the University Concert Band under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli will give its final performance, the 31st annual spring concert, Sunday, June 4, in Hill Auditorium. The Concert Band will, however, continue to' function throughout the suummer term; rehearsals will be held two nights each week, and outdoor concerts will be given by the band. All freshman students are eligible to participate in these groups. Composed of approximately 75 members including Army and Navy personnel as well as civilians, the Concert Band has given several per- formances throughout the year. Co- operating with Bomber Scholarship, the band participated in "Symphony and Swing," a musical innovation in which the Concert Band played part of the program while Earl Hines and his orchestra "swung out" the latter half of the program. This perfor- mance was substituted for the Con- cert Band's annual winter concert. The marching band, comprised of 130 Navy men and civilians, played at all six of the University home games during the football season last fall. Placement Bureau Still Very Active The chief function of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information is to place students in jobs upon graduation. One division of the Bureau does personnel research work on the rea- sons for success or failure of indi- viduals in their jobs. It gives edu- cational and occupational guidance on the basis of tests and interviews with the students. The Bureau also collects occupational information which pis used to place undergradu- ates, graduates, and alumni in bus- iness and industry. The placement service in teaching positions helps locate undergradu- ates, graduates, faculty members, and alumni who are in the field but want to change. SCHOOL MOVES ON: Public Health School Seeks Solutions for Epidemics Youngest among the University'sv schools, the School of Public Health had its formal opening in May, 1943, in a new $750,000 glass and brick building financed by gifts from the W. K. Kellogg and Rockefeller Foun- da+ions. The purpose of the public health school, one of nine such institutions in the United States and Canada, is twofold: to train public health work- ers and to investigate causes of epi- demic diseases and seek cures. As a result of a $30,000 grant from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, it has become one of the main arenas of warfare against virus diseases in this country and boasts a fully equipped virology laboratory. In this unit research is continuously made into the problems of such virus diseases as infantile paralysis, influ- enza, a typical pneumonia, measles, chicken-pox and mumps. Under the direction of Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., studies have been made of the causes of poliomyelitis dis- semination and methods of inactivat- ing influenza, and in April discovery of a new vaccine for prevention of inflenza, ,successful in three of four cases, was announced. This vaccine. developed by Dr. Francis and Dr. Jonas E. Salk, requires the use ai hens' eggs. Foresry pen To Freshmen Following the policy instituted last year, the School of Forestry and Conservation will again admit stu- dents directly from high school, in- stead of requiring completion of the two year pre-forestry program which was in effect before the war. The change in curriculum was made in order to enable the student to get some training in this field and to become a better candidate for ef- fective ,service to his country even though his stay in college be short- ened, according to Dean S. T. Dana. For fifteen years a summer session in practical field work has been given at Camp Filibert Roth, situat- ed on Golden Lake, in Iron County, Michigan. Its location in the heart of the Ottawa National Forest makes it passible for students to observe the work done in federal forests. This year the session will begin July 3 and continue through October 1. ifi ac M~cICIGA sexs RABILIEAU- HARRIS i ii I... ! l t , N i "J f ~ l 1 ' Jewelry for Mother - pottery and glass for hostess gifts .. . stationery and knick-knacks for your friends -and you! 111I "XWhcrc f he ,good One of the most beautiful spots on Michigan's campus, visited by scores 1 ) ' 'every year, is .the $8,OOO,U00 Law Quadrangle, endowed by William Wilson Cook, a New York lawyer who died in 1930. The Law Quad is made up on the Lawyer's Club, the John P. Cook dor- mitory, the Legal Research Library and Hutchins Hall which houses the offices and classrooms of the law With a summier wardrobe that's ready for any cc - school. sion. You'll want scads of perky cottons, in date Summer Courses in r and casual styles, as well as blouses, play clothes, Schol Are Urch nget hose and jewelry thingomobobs. Dean Bennett of the Architecture It's smart School has disclosed that no changes would be made in the courses of- to buy your campus clothes fered by the art school for the sum- in ci college town. mer term. The regular courses will include architecture, design, drawing a n d painting. "Some of the courses will 335 be given in the block system rather than the ribbon system," Mr. Bennett 345 Maynard Street further stated. This means that ar- *-c chitecture design will be offered in N e a r t h e A r c a d e the first half of the semester, while architecture construction will be of- fered for the second half. clothes comne from"g' 50 350 119 so. MAIN STREET BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS chester Roberts Gift ,ho 312 South State Street Ii ' I! t ,: r- F j kFr Y r yy.yyb ':".,,F What ~h~#3 2 HERE'S YOUR IN SWER Clothes for every occasion &-° rdie ti- MAR SHALL v Brighten Your Rooms With Fresh Paint And Varnish SO. i- %= ^+aa"s 5 .t :'rs : :: } ,.k . r 1 _t y _ y .lt.," Sd' { ' K { Y 4, 3 '> i s. { i :: r w? { 3 . Vii: { " GOING OUT? Wear this srnooth stepping-out dress. Appropriate for movie, dinner, or dance date. Feel comfortable, look cool. in hard to find sizes 9 to 17, from j; GOING TO CLASS? Wear a smart, durable, two-piecer. Al- ways looks good, feels even better Wear with or without a blouse Of gingham, spun linen, and seer sucker, from $7.95. Sizes from 9<'- --* Pf LA YTIME? Playclothes with imagination and pep that old Man Sunshine will smile at - shorts, slacks, bare-back sun-suits play=- suits, plus accessories for them. / All at prices that bring joy to your hearts. tee"~ .' p ; ,.' :. f 5 $ ., . § s , . .y1J5y;3:: 1 . :7Z. " 3 . 3 ''35k". stir+.;? . s." 1: : iii 3yS.y f r' -,r.+95 3 t :: , . i, 3 ii .Y i s5, . iy i' 1 ,.. q st 5 5 34 t { }3 : 3 "53 } 3 , .t. 3. . ,y '> , , 333 . 'S i cut rate=-365 -Days - a 8 year Drugs... Tobaccos .. Cosmetics And Remember: No Paint Shortage! 'A, \.) We Feature REVLON and MAX FACTOR Cosmetics You'll be'writig home "so gl 1 I wated to buy my clothes at ? 4 's ,.: .;,s t .' x - WE DELiVER 0 as L - a C a ssin I - IIII I 11 El'' I El. Eu.