FOURB TH fiU1 . it AN . A..lY FR DAY. tUNE 2. 1944 ,. ------ Fift y-Fourth Year ' j.. r-. r 1 -: _ l -. , . _ -. fat f' i y 'iaa of of Edited and managed by students of the University MiVichigan unrder the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Editonral Staff Jane Farrant Claire sherman . Stafn Wanallace Evelyn Philips , Harvey Frank . Bud Low. . Jo Ann Peterson , Mary Anne ison. Marjorie Hall Marjorie Rosmarin Elizabeth A. Carpenter Margery Batt . . . . Managing Editor . . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor , .Sports Editor . , . Associate Sports Editor . . .Associate Sports Editor . .Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor usiness Staff . . . .Business Manager . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press- = The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4,25, by mail, $5.25. LVVJember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY KOFFMAN ;ditorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf and represent the views of the writers only. KEEP 1HERE seems to be something of a movement op the part of parent and church groups to re-introduce religious education into the public schools here in Ann Arbor, and throughout Michigan. This raises the old arid fundamental questions of the separation of Church and State institutions (like the schools), - and the idea of freedom of religion (which cal include freedom from religion.) The state has no duty to raise "moral" or "Christian" citizens. Its job is to educate Americans to obey its laws and to help write better ones. And the truth is that if we would teach kids in civics classes to obey the Michigan statutes forbidding dis- crimination against minority groups, to permit their opponents the pursuit of happiness, too, and to be conscien- tious voters and candidates, we would probably end up with a generation more Christian than if it had been brought up on some of the imagina- tive fables of The Bible. The proponents of this play say that the great need in education to- day is to give the "young people" a moral code to "keep them out of trouble." This kind of training can be gotten only through religious edu- cation, they feel. and since many parents do not insist that their chil- dren go to Sunday School, many chil- dren are now deprived of these neces- sary moral principles of living. It .is certainly true that many people base their personal rules of conduct on religious tenets. But it is equally true that many people have set up their own rules, and that the latter frequently resem- ble the Ten Commandments and what is known as "Christian liv- ing" as closely as do the former. BUT WE can't begin to set up these individual standards until we have learned to reason quite thor- oughly, and unless we practice logical thinking on all kinds of subjects. It is important in building edu- cated Americans that they be capable of self-analysis and understanding of the bacc principles by which they live. We ought to help children as much as possible to build up their "why" faculties, their ability to rea-' son, their intellectual curiosity. But if children become so accustomed to religious education that they accept it in the same way that they accept the inevitability of 2 andt2 equalling 4, we will be going backward. Wheth- er or not the children end up super- naturalists, at some time in their lives they should sit down and evalu-' ate religion and its part in their lives and in society. The schools should do nothing to take away this ability to reason; but putting religion into the currisulum would tend to have this effect. Religious education in the home or in Sunday school is perfectly acceptable to society as long as it does not 'hinder aur advancement, and as long as it d~esn't try to take away from non-believers or free- thinkers their right to their ideas. But that is where religious educa- tion should remain-in the homes and in Sunday schools. The American people fought long and hard to get rid of the Salem witch-burniings and the oppressive fear of hell and the devil which little children grew up with in colonial days. We are more and more substi- tuting a little logic and a scientific * - ~ 'My Position Remains Entirely Unchanged' UdB Rather eRAflt By SAMIUEL GRAFTON e Gret Stone Face ITH Republican convention time a little more than three weeks away, Gov. Thomas Dewey has broken his stony silence only to say, "My position on that (the Republican nomination) remains unchanged." Just what that position is, we are left to de- duce for ourselves. A recent Gallup poll gave Dewey 65 per cent of the Republican vote and. predictions of newsmen give him enough dele- gates already to -carry the convention. The position .must look pretty good to New York's coy candidate. We can also make some guesses as to Dewey's position on foreign affairs. An investigation of the governor's actions since his name was first mentioned in connection with the GOP presi- dential" nomination reveals several statements on foreign policy. At the Mackinac Conference last September, Dewey expressed his favor of a post-war alliance with Great Britain. He declared that making treaties or entering a group of nations determined on international action would not impair Ameri- can sovereignty, as Bricker seems to fear. In April Dewey, sensing the growing trend °of opinion in favor of international cooperation, indicated that he saw the necessity for some kind of four-way agreement. He stated that we should "organize in cooperation with other na- tions a structure of peace backed by adequate force to prevent future wars," and establish and maintain conditions calculated to promote world- wide economic stability. Neither of these rather innocuous statements could be so construed as to cause alienation of the most nationalistic faction in the Republican party, and New York's foxy governor rightly considered that his scalp would be perfectly safe. In the field of domestic affairs he has been even more crafty in refusing to make any com- mitments tt all. We are still in the dark as to the silent candidate's position on such allimportant questions as the poll tax, price controls, reor- gauization of. national administrative maclr- inery, post-war policies toward labor, reconver- sio of, industry, the tariff, jobs for returning veterans. These and a score of other domestic problems are the important issues of the com- ing election because the general aims of our foreign policy already have received united support" Few question the necessity for inter- national cooperation, but there are many who wonder what is going to happen here at home. The 65 per cent of Republicans who support Dewey would have us believe that their boy knows all the answers and just doesn't choose to say. But we have a more than sneaking suspicion that Tom Dewey, far from being the strong silent hero, has no answers, no opinions, no plan of action. Three weeks remain until convention time and apparently Dewey will continue to play his little game. But people tire of such simple games after too long a while. If Dewey should receive the GOP nomination, and it seems likely, even his 'supporters will demand more than a pan- tomine. --Jennie Fitch COMPANY D's "Rumor Has It" turned out to offer a fairly wonderful evening at the Lydia Mendelssohn. The performance had a spirit and a freshness which many a big-time, tinseled and mascaraed musical might envy. Best of all, was the music. Whenever the clean but lifeless book came along, lots of people sat around with that intent Let's-catch- up-on-the-plot expressiodn. But sooner or later the music, under Pifc. Robert Coimmanday's direction, took over, and everything was smooth sailing. Pfc. Ken Pierson and Pfc. Jim Rhind have shown decided originality in their composition for one thing. A beguine with plenty of zing and a smooth waltz are the highlights. Never mind the fact that the beguine doesn't have much of a place in the show or the story, or that the dance routine which accompanies it isn't too ex- citing. The music's there, it's good, and so just enjoy it. After Company C's ill-fated offering this year, we were rather afraid about voices. Would ev- erybody stand around waiting for a song cue as if it were a streetcar? Would tune be something to strive for constantly, and miss? The answers are all no. Judy Chayes and Syl- via Nykaznp were each as good as they were dif- ferent in style. Lucille Genuit, besides being mighty pleasant to watch, gave her songs plenty of pep. And whenever Staff Sgt. Henry Schneide- wind was in charge of a song, there wasn't much doubt that the "song was going over. There were little things wrong with the show, of course. The timing was bad here and there in the second act, and the audience had plenty of tiie for conversation. Gags were given a slightly too good going-over-fob example, that "Dewey-nomination" line was perfect as it stood without the other lines tacked on it. Several people, like Pfc. Jerry McCroskey of the quartet, were inclined to grin too much at their own Red Skeltonish humor. But these are unimportant. It was the spirit of the performance which made the evening one to remember. There have been loads of army shows around here lately, on stage and screen, but not too many of them have given us the feeling that This is Good and This is Funny and This is Really American. "Rumor Has It" gave us that feeling quite often. The boys and girls behind the show 'made us want to wave a flag a lot more than any U.S. Government short ever did. Everyone in charge deserves credit. We wish wecould name them all, but then there's that paper shortage. There's Pfc. Arty Fischer, the director, and his assistant, Pfc. Robert Gendall, who have been using all that precious army commodity, free time. There are the rest of the girls on campus who really helped Com- pany D out. And we shouldn't forget even the pitband (predominantly woodwind), which was as good as several professional pitbands we've heard. Let it go that it was a very fine evening in all. And that we are proud of Company D and their "Rumor Has It." -William Kehoe NEW YORK, June 1.- Our official approach to France seems to be based on the theory, or maybe on the hope, that there is a group of Frenchmen who have never been able to make up their minds as between Petain and de Gaulle. These are careful, slow- moving chaps, low in passion, high in inertia, who do not feel, even after four years of French slavery, that all the facts are yet in. If any such idiots can be found, the way to handle them after the invasion is, obviously, to invite them, or their representatives, into the de Gaulle movement, to take appropriate but humble place in it to which their long hesitation en- titles them. But we have long preferred to as- sume a kind of either/or position in regard to this hypothetical group: either it must rule, or de Gaulle must rule. Why need the two groups be mutually exclusive? If any large body of Frenchmen with no opinions can be located, it can be given whatever representation it deserves within the de Gaulle movement. In every other occupied country, we talk of unity, of all-party governments, of broadly- based cabinets. It is only when we come to France that we display an either /or feeling. In the case of Greece, one man, Papandreou, has been picked, virtu- ally out of a hat, and assigned the task of forming a government that will represent all shades of Greek opinion. No one pretends that Pa- pandreou is beloved of every Geek; no one claims that, if a full and free election were held, Papandreou would be chosen to head the government. He is simply considered to be ade- quate to the task of forming a unity government; which is exactly the task that ought to be entrusted to de Gaulle for France, and certainly one to which de Gaulle has 20 times the claim of a Papandreou. attitude for the unreasoning faith of the Dark Ages. It would be a step backward to re-introduce into the schools ministers as teachers and The Bible as a textbook. -Ann Fgan DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1944 , VOL. LIV No. 150 All notices for The Daily Oficial ful- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To the Members of the Faoulty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The June meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts for the aca- demic year 1943-44 will be hed on Monday, June 5 1944, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should ,be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the June meeting. Edward H. Kraus Agenda 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of May 1, 1944 (pp. 1079- 1081) and of May 8, 1944 (pp. 1082- 1084), which were distributed . by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted wtih this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee- Professor J. E. Dunlap. b. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor G.R. LaRue. c. University Council-No Report. d. Senate Advisory Commit- tee-Professor C. D. Thorpe. e. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Elections- (Nominating Com- mittee: J. W. Eaton, C. B. Slawson, H. M. Dorr, Chairman). A. Four members of the University Council to serve for three years to succeed Pro- fessors J. L. Brummn, H. T. Price, L. L. Watkins and H. H. Willard, whose terms of office expire Oct. 1, 1944. B. Two members of the Administra- tive Board to serve for three years to succeed Professors F. A. Firestone and E. B. Ham. Professor Ham has not served an entire three-year peri- od as he was appointed- to succeed Professor Arthur Smithies, absent on leave since February, 1943. The lists of nominees accompany this com- munication and will serve as ballots. Consult revised pages 1015-1017 of the Faculty Minutes for lists of pres- ent members of the University Coun- cil, Administrative Board, and other committees. 4. Credit for basic courses in the A.S.T.P. curriculum (see enclosure). 5. Correspondence Study (consult pages 1047:1057 and 1082-1084). 6. New Business. 7. Announcements. W E HAVE long had the feeling that because there may be some anonymous group in French life that is entitled to be heard, it is therefore entitled to 'rule, We had exactly that approach to North Africa; we felt that because conservative French army officers of the Giraud type were entitled to a voice in French affairs, they were therefore entitled to manage French affairs. But all such lesser groups are entitled to just what they are entitled to, and no more. Because It would be an outrage to cut their heads off, it does not fol- low, with inexorable logic, that they must be put in charge of the govern- ment. I do not know whether we are going to find quite so many mindless won- ders in France as we expect. But if we do find a group of them, let them select from among themselves (if they can come to a decision, which seems doubtful) one man to represent them on de Gaulle's cabinet as the minis- ter who speaks for Frenchmen with no opinions. If, on the other hand, these par- ticular and perhaps imaginery Frenchmen do not want to come into a French unity movement, then there is no need for us to give them anything, even the time of day, For, while we must be prepared to make concessions to any decent, even dumb, French group we come upon, each such group must be pre- pared to make concessions, too, or else what does unity mean? Under this approach, whatever few remaining problems stand in the way of our final accord with de Gaulle must rapidly evaporate. De Gaulle cannot give us a certification that every Frenchman loves him. But he should not be required to produce any such absurd document. The point is that a unity movement can be organized around him, and that it cannot be organized around any other conceivable Frenchman. And that's all that had to be demonstra- ted. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) held at 2:30 p.m., Junie 24, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets will be ~eady for distribution at the Information Desk in the Business Office on and after June 5. Candidates for degrees who will march in the academic pro- cession will need no tickets, but upon presentation of identification cards they may obtain tickets' for families and friends. Notice to Men Students: All men students living in approved rooming houses who expect to move from their present quarters at the end of this term must give notice of intention to move in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students on or before noon, June 3. Students terminating con- tracts must vacate their rooms be- fore 6 p.m., June 24 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Students may obtain forms for term- inating contracts at Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall. Assistant Dean of Students C. T. Olmsted Academic Notices Doctor Examination for Sister Mary Petronilla Francoeur, Latin; thesis: "The Relationship in Thought arid Language Between Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Martin of Braga," Satur- day, June 3, 2009 Angell Hall, at 9 a.m. Chairman, J. G. Winter. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and Ogvanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will present its annual spring con- cert at 4:15, Sunday afternoon, June 4, in Hill Auditorium. The program will include compositions by Weber, Kern, Gould, Sousa, Wagner, Padilla, Holst and Paganini, and will be open to the general public. Events Today Crayon Drawings: For a perfect likeness of yourself, come to the USO and have ar drawing made by Mrs. John Bradfield. It's colored and it's darn neat. Make an appointment for any hour from 1 to 5 on Friday after- noon. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medi- cal lldg. "The Role of the Adrenal Cortex in Metabolism" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Ann Arbor Library Club: Fourth meeting, 1943-44, at 7:45 p.m. at the William L. Clements Library. Talk on Manuscripts by Mr. Howard I. Peck- ham. Election of officers. Refresh- -1 '1 enr / n, t=.= i r -l . WASHINGTON, June 1.-While dynamic, pop- ular Eric Johnston, president of the U.S. Cham- ber of Commerce, has been wowing them in- the East, the folks back in his home state of Wash- ington aren't too happy. Republicans in Wash- ington State call Eric "ballot-shy." Reason is that he won't come back. and runm for the Senate seat of retiring Senator Homer Bone, soon to be come a circuit judge. Repub- licans think that the live-wire president of the U.S. Chamber might help to lift up the entire GOP ticket and give them a chance to win. But he won't come.. They attribute this to the almost-forgotten fact that Johnston did run for the Senate in the Republican primaries in 1940 and was snowed under. He was beaten by Republican Steve Chad- wick, former American Legion commander, who got 137,000 votes against Eric's 40,000. Then, in the final election, Chadwick was beaten by Democrat Mon Wallgren, now in the Senate. Democratic candidate for Bone's place will be go-getting young Representative Warren Magnuson of Seattle, who ,will be hard to beat. If Johnston should run against him and lose, his national prestige might go down the drain, Also, friends urge that he is doing an A-1 job for the 'U.S. Chamber. Suddenly, according to Sergeant A. A. Edge- comb of New Orleans, the company came to a bridge constructed a few hours before, by U.S. engineers. On it was a freshly painted sign. It read: "Huey P. Long Bridge." There were a lot of Louisiana boys in the com- pany who knew of bridges Huey built all over Louisiana during his reign as Kingfish. They got a big laugh and felt better after that. Capital Chaff. . . The Democratic National Committee is con- sidering a reply to the GOP campaign circular which features a picture of Sewell Avery being carried out of Montgomery Ward by soldiers, and alongside it a picture of a Berlin push-cart ped- dler being carried off by Storm Troopers . . . The Democratic reply will be a picture of Sewell Avery being carried off by soldiers, and along- side it a picture of the defenseless Bonus Army being run out of Washington at the point of bayonets by Hoover and MacArthur. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) To the Editor: Having been, for some time, a reader of The Daily, and being duly appreciative of its merits, I now take the liberty of criticism. Namely, an article entitled "D-Day Prayer" writ- ten by Ray Dixon. I would like to ask him if he has ever stood, on Nov. 11, of other years, for one moment of silence and prayer. None of us need to be reminded of the significance of that date. But, MVr. Dixon states that a moment of silence on D-Day willbe "an unfortunate method of focusing attention on a specific in- stant that has the Hollywood touch." Surely dear Mr. Dixon can't have escaped hearing the time worn re- mark, "Americans don't know there is a war on." What better way can you suggest for the supreme impor- tance of D-Day to be brought before the people of our nation, than the moment of silent reflection to be designated according to the plan worked out by the Office of Civilian Defense?--Bette Shurtleff BARNABY By Crockett Johnson TOTAL PRODUCTION Those good reports are making you look better. The factory is doing better WIT HOUT Pop, isn't it, Mom? -~ CRUGKE~if Ii DO-N 5OV BaRrrnabv. 1 w kikH+H+H+ H+HRH+H I-