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June 02, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-02

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Continued Warm and Humid

Americans Are in Sightof Hly


Swift Action
Is Predicted
By Stimson
Army Poised for
'ecisive' Period
By The Associated Press I
WASHINGTON, June 1.-The "pe-
riod of decisive action," against the
Axis powers is at hand, Secretary of
War Stimson asserted today, with
nearly half the Army's total strength
in action against the enemy or poised
in combat zones for new offensives.
Disclosing that 3,657,000 soldiers
are now deployed outside continental
United States, Stimson told a news
conference the overseas strength of
air and service forces is virtually at
its peak, while the movement of
ground troops-more than half of
which already are overseas-is in-
creasing at a rate which will lift
the overseas deploymnent total to more
than 5,000,000 men by the year's end.
Shifts Necessary
Indicating that the greater part
of this huge force is concentrated
against Germany, Stimson said devel-
opments will make it necessary to
shift portions of the overseas strength
from one part of the world to another fle
as the Allied grand strategy unfolds. OU~
Minutely detailed plans of the U.S. th1
Joint chiefs of staff have governed
the troop movements, he said, begin-2
ning with the decision on the size of 2,
the Armny-7,700,000 men-and the
order of its use to implement the
strtgi decisions of the Allies.
4.asualties Listed .
The air forces, he said, have nearly
half their total of 2,357,000 men and
more than half of their 34,000 combat
planes already overseas, forming "the LC
world' most formidable aeriald strik- frm
ingfocein oit f ize and fire- fiht
power." Cha
Stlmson also disclosed that Arm- coast
erican Army casualties in Italy heav
were 9,686 killed, 36,910 wounded and strat
8,554 missing. The total of 55,150 ters.
was an increase of 16,092 since the Mi
Secretary last reported on March 23, held
when his figures were 5,749 killed, boun
23,035 wounded and 10,274 missing. day 1
_____________________of f 1
P 7 FrTh
Is PJstone
Event Is Scheduled
Thursday Afternooii
"Rainy weather necessitated post-
poning the University clean-up hour ~
scheduled for yesterday until 3:45 L
p.m. Thursday," Pat Coulter, pub-
licity chairman, said yesterday.
The clean-up hour, sponsored by I
members of the Women's War Coun-
cil and the Union Staff will endeavor
to rid the campus of all debris ac-
cumulated during the year. Approxi- Pri'
mately 400 students have volunteered "husi
to work with the War Council, the Lieut
Union and ,the '47 Corps foreman to dlare
make the project a success. that
The campus has been divided into ont
nine zones. A runner will report to acter
the microphone which will be set up catio
in front of the library when eachpri
zone is cleaned.- Cokes and dough- prs
nuts will be supplied for everyone. Th
Foremen and workers are to meet B., 9
in front of the main library to receive paignr
instructions. Implements and waste brask~
containers will be placed in the zones stant

______ ___- - ______________________ ____ -

IE IIYED IN THE PATH OF WAR-An aged Italian woman who
d the battle zone around Minturno and returned when the Allies had
sted the Germans, gnaws at a piece of white bread--food supplied by
e Allied Military Government organization.
French Transportation Centers
H iein Heavy RAFN ight Raid .
__ _ _ _- --

INDON, June 1. --(P)- Strong
ations of medium bombers and
ter struck out across the English
nel toward the French invasion
late this afternoon after a
y RAF night assault on three
egic French transportation cen-
urky weather over the channel
the Allied daylight forces land-
d during the early part of the
but cleared in time for aseries
ights against the Nazis' already
battered tactical targets.
ht Yards Targets
e RAF opened the month of
with an attack which made it
oters Lack
P1uulis Uninformed
Attitude Is Deplored
By The Associated Press
otesting against what he called
--a-bye" politics, a supporter of
. Comdr. Harold E. Stassen de-
d last night it is "lamentable"
many people are better informed
he activities of comic strip char-
s than they are on "the qualifi-
ns and opinions of all possible
dential candidates."
e complaint was voiced by John
Quinn, who managed the cam-
in which Stassen won the Ne-
:a preferential primary. A sub-
ial write-in vote was recorded
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey in that
idates Silent
jinn said that either because of
cal expediency or of necessity,
majority of the principal presi-
al contenders do not talk about
cal subjects.
his creates an unusual situation
eini the public, generally speak-
is inadequately informed," he
in a statement issued in Wash-
y Supported
v. John W. Bricker of Ohio, an
unced presidential aspirant, de-
d at the Hershey, Pa., Governor's
erence this week that all candi-
ought to make their position
n and speak out on the issues,
atement generally looked upon
direct challenge to Governor
nas E. Dewey of New York. Most
blican governors left the con-
ce expressing the conviction that
y will win top place on their
's ticket, with Gov. Earl Warren

clear that the "Battle of the Rail-
roads" had not ended. A strong force
of about 500 night bombers dropped
probably more than 2,200 tons of
bombs on freight yards in Trappes,
Tergnier and Saumer, French centers
vital to the Germans for routing sup-
plies to their coastal armies.
Unspecified military objectives
along the French coast also were hit
in the night's operations, during which
the RAF lost eight planes. The noise
of the bombardment got Englishmen
up out of their beds. Virtually the
entire blow was delivered in 15 min-
Danube Canal Blasted
The British airmen spread out over
a 200-mile front of interior France
to hit the rail centers, rated as three
of the biggest being used for supply-
ing the German invasion front.
In another night operation the Al-
lied Meditrranean air forces sent out
Liberators which bombed the rail-
road tow tracks alongside the Dan-
ube River's iron gate canal oh the
Romanian-Yugoslav border.
Dislocation Likely
The month of June may see a com-
plete dislocation of the Nazis' mili-
tary transportation system in occu-
pied France, Belgium and Holland if
the Allied air forces maintain their
overwhelming assault on the railroad
targets behind the Atlantic Wall.
Since the all-out campaign to dis-
rupt communications in western Eur-
ope began early in March, American
and British planes have carried out
246 attacks on 94 railroad targets,
some in great strength. Most of these
raids were concentrated in France,
Belgium and Holland, but some were
made on points as deep as Bruns-
wick, Germany, 400 miles from the
channel coast.
Mercker Will
Make Adress
Tonge COil Banuet
Is Set for Thursday
"The Story Behind the Medicine
Chest" will be the subject of an ad-
dress by Harvey M. Mercker, manu-
facturing superintendent of - Parke,
Davis and Company, at the 15th An-
nual Tongue Oil Banquet of the en-
gineering and architectural schools at
6:15 p.m. Thursday, in the Michigan
Mercker, who is also the superin-
tendent of the Parke Davis Labora-
tory Division, received a B.S. degree
in chemical engineering from the
University in 1909. In 1940 an hon-

Yank Advance
Is Reported
By MacArthur
Reinforcemnents Pour
Onto Biak as Aussies
Close In on Japanese
By The Associated Press
A resurgence of Allied advances
against by-passed Japanese in the
Southern Pacific was reported today
by Gen. Douglas MacArthur a few
hours after amphibious Japanese
troops swept across Tungting Lake in
a growing Central China offensive.
Reinforcements poured onto Biak
Island in the Schouten group where
Americah infantrymen were halted
temporarily by fixed enemy defenses.
Two hundred miles eastward on New
Guinea's coast infantry patrols ran
the number of Japanese dead in the
Wake-Sarmi sector up to 1,453.
Yanks Land on Bougainville
Far to the southeast Austrialians,
pressing up Alexishafen, closed tight-
er a vise on thousands of isolated
Japanese. The Aussies advanced to
Guru, midway between Alexishafen
and the enemy strongpoint at Hansa
On the long quiet Solomons front
Alied amphibious troops made an-
other landing on Bougainville island
seven miles southeast of Torokina
River in a sudden expansion of their
Empress Augusta Bay beachhead.
Japs Threaten Changsha
The Japanese amphibious action
on the continent carried them into
the heart of Central China's rice bowl
and threatened the stronghold of
Changsha from a third side.
The operation by-passed Changteh,
scene of the bloodiest fighting in last
fall's rice bowl battle. It represented
a 35-mile advance for the western
column of the massive three-pronged
drive southward. It brought the three
spearheads on an even line along a
100-mi' front.
Strikles Crippale
In Three Cities
By The Associated Press
Strikes crippled transportation in
three cities yesterday.
Several hundred thousand residents
of St. Louis were forced to travel by
private automobiles, rucks and bi-
cycles or on foot in the wake of a
surprise walkout of 3,500 AFL bus
and streetcar operators. The action
was unauthorized, and Mayor Aloys
P. Kaufmann reported a union chief
agreed to notify the men to ~etrn
to their jobs.
Busmen Quit
Two hundred emuloyes of the East
St. Louis Il1.) bus lines also left
their posts.
Approximnately 175 conductors,
shopmen, and linemen stayed away
from work in Tampa, Fla., demand-
ing a signed contract, All but nine
of the 100 street cars were out of
service, but extra bus runs handled
most of the normal trolley ~oad.
27,000 Idle
The St. Louis disagreement was
over interpretation of overtime pay
provisions, while the East St. Louis
trouble stemmed from a dispute in-
volving a night superintendent afd
a worker.
Fresh controversies developed dur-
ing the day and others were adjusted,
while the net number of idle declined
to aproximately 27,000.
Detroit Dispute Ended

The last major strike in war-busy
Detroit was terminated when 1,900
workers who engaged in a nine-day
strike at Parke, Davis and Company,
producer of medical supplies, voted
to resume their tasks after hearing
appeals of CIO union leaders.
The lumber and logging industry in
the Pacific Northwest went back into
partial production, although it was
indicated a minority of about 15,000
men were still away from their jobs.
U* S. May Blacklist
Finnish Companies
WASHINGTON, June 1.-(VP)-The
Y e Tvi u .' - - s - a .r1 fn ir

By Te Associated Press
WASHINGTO7N, June 1..- In a
statement of potentially explosive
significance for colonial empires such
as those of the British and the Dutch,
Secretary of State Cordell Hull de-
clared today that the United States
is a champion of liberty for everybody
and virtually promised recognition
to any peoples who assert their free-
dom effectively.
At the same time, he expanded his
recent declarations on creation of a
post-war world organization to give
assurance to small nations, such as
the Dutch, the Belgians and the
Poles, that the United States intends
they should be treated equally with
the great powers on matters of com-
mon concern in the organization.
Statement Incomplete
It was, in fact, a question about
the rights of small nations which
touched off the secretary's statement
about liberty at a news conference
shortly after noon. He gave permis-
sion for the statement to be made
public verbatim, specifying only that
since it was extemporaneous his aides
should edit it so it would read
The statement was still in progress
of editing, however, in late afternoon
and only indirect attribution to the
secretary was possible up to that
The secretary was asked whether
there was anything he could say to
reassure small nations about their
security in the post-war period. The
questioner had reference to the
warning issued in London yesterday

Hull Declares U.S. Is
'Champion of Liberty'
Pronises Recognition for All Free Peoples;
Expands Declaration on World Organization

by the Netherlands foreign minister,
Eelco Van Kleff ens, that the small
nations would not be able to support
any world organization dominated by
a Big Four of the United States,
Russia, Britain and China.
To this the secretary replied that
the welfare of each nation in the
future depends upon the welfare of
GOP Agrees with Hull . .
WASHINGTON, June 1,- (.F)-
Agreeing with Secretary Hull that
foreign policy discussions with other
nations should be non-partisan, Sen-
ator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) pre-
dicted tonight the Republican plat-
form will parallel the party's Mack-
inac Island declaration for "respon-
sible participation" by this country
in post-war cooperation to preserve

all or, he added, most all. The latter
evidently was a reference to the
immediate post-war condition of
Philippines Cited
He said that as far as this govern-
ment was concerned, all of his dec-
larations and those of the President
have assured small nations of a posi-
tion of equality with all other nations
in every practical way.
Hull declared that, "We have en-
couraged all nations to aspire to lib-
erty, and to enjoy it. Our attitude
toward the Philippines is a striking
example. Nobody had to put us on
the witness stand to know what we
were doing for them."


Louise Bogan, poetry critic of the
New Yorker magazine, will deliver the
annual Hopwood lecture on "PopularĀ°
and Unpopular Poetry," at 4:15 today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Miss Bogan is recognized not only
as one of America's outstanding crit-
ics, but as an outstanding poet in
her own right. She is a native of
Maine and first had her work pub-
lished in "The New Republic." In
addition to her work on the New
Yorker, Miss Bogan also has pub-
lished several books of verse,
Winners To Be Announced
Following her address, the 1944
winners of major and minor Hop-
wood awards will be announced.
Awards, which are given annually,
were provided for in the will of the
late Avery Hopwood, '05. It is spe-
cified that the interest from one-
fifth of his estate be used for annual
awards for the best creative writing
at the University in the field of dram-
atic writing, the essay, fiction and
Editors or writers of national rep-
utation are selected annually to judge
the manuscripts, and the names of
those who made the 1944 selections
will also be announced after the lec-
Editors To Be Present
Former Hopwood winners and rep-
resentatives of major publishing com-
panies will be present to hear Miss
Russi an A rmy
Kills 800 Nazis
LONDON, June 2, Friday-(P)-
The Red Army, launching successful
counterattacks yesterday against the
German drive north of Iasi in the
Moldavian province of Romania,
killed 800 Nazi soldiers and knocked
out 18 tanks, Moscow announced
early today as the battle went into
its fourth day.
The broadcast Russian communi-
que, recorded by the Soviet Monitor,
indicated that the action was on a
smaller scale than in the two previous
days, saying that 18 German tanks
and 15 planes were destroyed during
the day.
This contrasted with what the
communique called "precise data" of
the fighting May 30 and 31, in which
148 German tanks were declared dis-
o.h r - Am.c,+,.rnvyrA - .n 17 O'7

Bogan's lecture. Among the Hop-
wood winners will be Dorothy Tyler,
editor of the University of Minnesota
Press, and Iola Fuller, author of "Loon
Feather" which won the 1939 major
award in fictions Publishers' repre-
sentatives will include Harry E.

Key Base
Of Velleti
Albaii Hills Ridge
Captured b y Yans
By The Associated Press
NAPLES, June 1.-American troops
in spectacular, danger-fraught night'
time advance have pierced the Ger-
mans' powerful defense line before
Rome, encircling the enemy strong-
hold of Velletri and capturing a tow-
ering ridge of the Alban Hills from
which they could see the dome of St.
Kenneth Dixon, Associated Press
field correspondent who accompanied
the Yanks in a moonlit "sneak" onto
3,000-foot heights behind the Nazis'
main defenses, said in a delayed dis-
Hundreds of Prisoners Taken
"All day long soldiers have been
delousing -these heights, cleaning out
>nipers, machine-gunners and fluid
enemy patrols which already ae
frantically trying to fight their way
out of the trap. Already hundreds of
prisoners have, been taken and it
looks from here like encircled Vel-
letri is soon due to fall to Fifth Army
The bitterly-resisting garrison of
Velletri was caught between the
doughboy raiders holding Monte Ar-
temisio, two miles north and north-
west of the town, and the main Allied
striking force fighting its way into
the tottering bastion from the south
and east.
Heights Seized
Between Velletri and Valmontone,
another principal bulwark of the en-
emy's defense wall before the Eternial
City, American troops had plunged
almost two miles up the volcanic
slopes and seized a point on Mount
Peschio ridge, highest feature of the
Alban Hills. Both Yank spearheads
were within 15 miles of Rome's an-
cient city wall.
"From these heights," wrote Asso-
ciated Press correspondent Edward
Kennedy from the front, "the dough-'
boys got their first glimpses of Rome
-a hazy mass of buildings in the
distance from the midst of which
rose the dome of St. Peter's, its lines
just barely visible."
The nocturnal stab through the
Nazis' elaborate defenses- possibly
the decisive "break" in what had
threatened to become a protracted
struggle for the Alban Hills-was
accomplished without a shot being
Rumor HasIts'
To Be Presented
The second performance of "Ru-
mor Has It," Co. D's original musical
comedy, will be given at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
As all the tickets have been sold
out a capacity audience is expected
for the show according to director
Pfc. Arty Fischer,
Judy Chayes and Staff Sgt. Henry
Schneidewind are playing the lead
roles. Other leads are Sylia Nycamp
opposite Pfc. Joe Sutton and Luille
Genuit opposite Pfc. Charles DeBare,
Pfc. Richard Pratt also has a fea-
tured role.,
The quintet for the show is com-

posed of Pat DuPont and Pfc.'s Phil
Brancucci, Paul Brazda, Gordon
Clarke 'and Jerry McCroskey.
The book for the show was written
by Pfc.'s Oscar Shefler, Dannie Gil-
man and Stanley Krenitz. The songs
for the show were composed by Pfc.'s
Jim Rhind and Ken Pierson. Pfc,
Dick Thomas and Pfc. Bob Comman-
day have arranged all the choral and
orchestral music. Dorothy Murzek
has been in charge of dance direction
and choreography.
Nazi.Puppet Regime
Set Up in Bulgaria
LONDON, June 1 -(A)--Bulgaria

and a truck will be available
move the collected waste.

to re-j

300 Af fected by
Chlorine Gas
NEW YORK, June 1.-()-Escap-
ing chlorine gas felled more than 300
persons at 8 busy intersection in
Brooklyn today.
Most of those overcome were re-
moved to hospitals, some in seriousl
condition. No fatalities were report-
The gas, leaking from a tank being
transported in a truck to a Brooklyn
pier, spread about two blocks in every
direction. Men, women and high
school students on their way home
began to cough, vomit, stagger and
then fall flat, creating a scene resem-
bling pictures from the war.
The gas, heavier than air, descend-
ed through ventilators into the sub-

for C
the rx
a sta
as a

will speak today
Maule, editor of Random House;
Jane Lawson, editor of Knopf; Ed-
ward Weeks, editor of Atlantic
Monthly magazine; John Tebbel of
Duttons; and A. J. Putnam of Mc-
Miss Bogan will be ti~e guest of the
University Hopwood. 'ommittee at a
private dinner following the lecture,
and all 1944 contestants are invited
to a reception to be. given in her
honor at 7:30 p.m. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
LONDON, June 1.-(P)-A German
military commentator declared today
that 15 Allied divisions-150,000 to
2000,000 men were massed in North
Africa, ready to strike at the French
or Italian Riviera when the signal for
the invasion from the west is given
in Britain.
The Germans were aware of plans
for notentially nowerfi1 nffensives

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