Defendants in StateConspiracy Come Ready To Stan
d Trial
Action on 13
Turned Over to
Circuit Court
Former 'U' Regent
Testifies as Witness
By The Associated Press
LANSING, May 31.-Thirteen
fendants named in a grand jury war-
rant charging them with conspiracy
to corrupt the 1939 legislature's ac-
tions in passing the intangible tax
law were bound over today to the
circuit court for trial.
Major Charles F. Hemans, former
regent of the University of Michigan
and self-styled dispenser of graft to
legislators, testified as the prosecu-
tion's chief witness, declaring that
as the hired agent of five of the de-
fendants, he had paid "bribes" ap-
proximating $2,000 to nine others,
who then were members of the State
Senate and House.
Only 13 Defendants Involved
Only 13 of 14 defendants named'
in the warrant were involved in the
examination completed today before
Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr,the
grand juror. The 14th, Armand E.
Robichaud, public relations counsel
of the Beneficial Management Cor-
poration, is fighting extradition to
Michigan from his home in Newark,
One-by-one, Hemans named the
defendants and testified that each
had played a part in efforts to corrupt
legislative consideration of the in-
tangible tax.
He asserted in a matter-of-fact
voice that a "jackpot" was formed to
"buy" legislators' votes and- assure
that the tax bill was either amended
as the alleged bribe payers wanted,
or defeated.
Obtains "Jackpot" from Many
He testified that to form the "jack-
pot" he obtained a sum of money, the
amount not mentioned, from Robi-
chaud as the agent of Beneficial
Management, which operates small
loan companies in the state; $3,200
from Julian Thompson, lobbyist for
the Household Finance Corporation
of Chicago and the Michigan Associ-
ation of Small Loan Companies, and
another contribution from John E.
Hancock as the "treasurer" for a
group led by Abraham Cooper and
George Omacht
eDefense counsel moved to have the
warrant quashed after Hemans had
testified as the final witness, but
Judge Carr held these arguments were
not convincing. The defendants were
released in bond for trial tentatively
scheduled for the current term of
court, which will not end until Sep-
Inter-Guild Will
Hear Frankena
At Conference
Prof. William K. Frankena of the
philosophy department will speak on
"A Personal Religion for World Liv-
ing" at the Inter-Guild Spring Con-
ference to be held at Holiday House
from Saturday afternoon to Sunday
The group will leave Lane Hall at
1 p.m. Saturday for the Episcopal
retreat camp on Pine Lake near Pon-
tiac, according to Midge Cavins, pres-
ident of Inter-Guild.
Prof. Frankena will speak Saturday
night and Sunday afternoon and Wil-
liam Muehl, director of the Student
Religion Association, will speak Sun-
day morning. Also on the program
for the two days are swimming, a
wiener roast, square dancing ,and
other outdoor activities. The student
directors of the guilds will take part
in a panel discussion on "Purposes of
the Guilds."
The main purposes of the Confer-
ence are to make it possible for the
leaders of the guilds to become better
acquainted, to plan the program for
the following year, and to exchange
new ideas, Miss Cavins said. The
guilds on this campus work to enrich
the individual student's religious life
and plan their programs accord-
ingly, she added.
Committees for the Conference are
Central Committee, Fred McKinney,
Jean Graham, Midge Cavins; food
committee, Priscilla Hodges, Faith
Simpson, Doris Lee, Joe McMillan;
recreational committee, Andy Ander-
son, Phillip Eggertson; registration
committee, Ernest Van Valkenberg;
transportation, Jean Graham; func-
tional corhmittees, social, Priscilla
Alden and programs, Dorothy Pugs-
Anyone interested in obtaining fur-
then information about the Confer-
ence may call Ernest Van Valkenberg,
OHiO--CALIFORNIA-NEW YORK-Governors John W. Bricker (left) of Ohio, Earl WVarren (center)
of California and Thomas E. Dewey (right) of New York exchange greetings before -the Governors'
Conference luncheon at Hershey, Po.
BIartlett Jitli
Speak Before
Phi Ka pa Phi
Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, chairman
of the botany department and di-
rector of the Botanical Gardens, will
speak at the spring initiation of Phi
Kappa Phi, scholastic honorary so-
ciety,.at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Prof. Bartlett, consultant to the
Department of Agriculture in the rub-
ber plant investigations, will speak
on "Pan-American Solidarity." He
has just returned to the University
after spending a year and a half in
South American countries in connec-
tion with his investigations for the
Department of Agriculture. While in
South America Prof. Bartlett also did
research on social, civic and econ-
omic problems.
Approximately 100 students selected
from the various units of the Uni-
versity and a small number of facul-
ty members will be inducted into
membership following Prof. Bartlett's
A reception for members will be
held immediately after the initiation
in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
On Camn )u .. .
Pictures on uDisply..
A photographic display of pictures
taken by Bob Felton and William
Samborski will be on exhibit in the
lobby of the International Center
through the month of June, Lili
Rabel, a member of the staff of the
Center, announced yesterday.
The photograplhs by Bob Felton are
studies in color taken at Greenfield
Village, the Botanical Garden in De-
troit and a few on the campus.
There are a number of pictures
taken by Samborski including several
pictures of campus scenes.
* -
Club To Etertain ...
. The Dance Club will present a
classical dance program at 4 p.m.
today in the Dance Studio of Bar-
bour Gym. This program will con-
clude the group's activities for the
season, according to Jean Parsons,
'46, president. The public is invited
to attend.
.' *
Uni To lBe Open.. .
Surgical Dressings Unit will be
open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow, according to Harriet Fish-
el, head of the unit.
Attendance was very poor yester-
day, Miss Fishel explained; only 11
women attending, when capacity is
70. .No dormitory has yet filled its
"When invasion comes, surgical
dressings will be a necessary part of
the supplies, so we need all the help
we can get right now," Miss Fishel
JGP Bond Sale Eids .. ..
Because this is the final week of
JGP stamp and bond sales, stamp
representatives of dormitories must
turn in their money and unsold
stamps from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
at the League. League house col-
lections will be held from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. tomorrow and from 9 a.m. to
noon Saturday.
Soldiers Try Chinese Ways
Along Banks of the Salween
Associated Press Correspondent
ARY FORCE on Salween Front-You
find Americans in the darnedest pla-
ces, and looking as if they were at
home in almost every one.
On the way up to look at the Sal-
ween, for instance, you stop off to fill
your canteen at the camp of one of
the "Y" force units working with the
Chinese troops. This unit is set up in
a house on the outskirts of a large
Chinese village, and in the kitchen,
where you get your boiled water, Pvt.
Boyd J. Watson of Ezel, Ky., is pre-
paring the noon meal.
Though he is working with Chinese
utensils in a Chinese kitchen, he
acts as if he'd been there all his life.
In a large metal bowlrset into arn
opening in a mud brick stove, he is
cooting a .very choice-looking dish
composed chiefly of chicken livers
and gizzards and eggs.
Then several hours of jeep riding
later, you run into Capt. Henry J.
Lemire of Attleboro, Mass., and Lt.
John R. Sanders of Fargo, N.D., who
are attached to a Chinese regiment
temporarily bivouaced in a much
smaller village just a short distance
from the Salween.
Finally, after an hour and a half's
fast up-hill hike (the uphill speed is
caused by the pace-setter, Lt.-Col
John Nance of Portland, Ore., who
used to climb mountains for fun back
home), you come upon a Chinese ar-
tillery position overlooking the Sal-
ween Valley, and here you meet tall,
rangy Lt. Ray Pitman of Fayetteville,
N.C., and Sgt. Albert F. Chambers of
Martin's Ferry, O.
Here are two Americans stuck in a
remote corner of China's "wild west,"
Concert Band
To Play Sunday
Highlighting the 31st annual Uni-
versity Concert Band spring concert
to be given at 4:15 p.m. -Sunday in
Hill Auditorium will be Paganini's
famous "Moto Perpetuo" (Perpetual
Motion), performed by the first clar-
inets and woodwinds.
This number, usually a show piece
for violin, will be played by a band
for the first time. A symphonic para-
phrase of Jerome Kern's "Smoke Gets
in Your Eyes" will also be performed.
The woodwind quartet, organized
last fall by Barbara Litchfield, flute;
Mary Laughlin, clarinet; Doris Reed,
oboe; Ann Choate, French horn;
Sylvia Deutscher, bassoon, will play
Carl Eppert's "A Little Syphony."
This group of students is rapidly
becoming one of the feature musical
attractions on campus and in the
state. On May 22 the quintette played
six programs to more than 6,000 stu-
dents arid musicians of the Grand
Rapids high schools and junior col-
Gustav Hoist's "First Suite in E-
fGat, Opus 28," which the band will
play, was one of the first works by
an important modern composer to be
written expressly for band.
Morton Gould's "American Salute"
will close the concert in a rousing
finale. Compositions and arrange-
ments by Gould have been featured
by Toscanini, Stokowski, Iturbi and
Katharine Gibbs
" A college girl with
" r Gibbs training is pre-
6i5IS pared for a top secret&.
yet almost contpletely acclimated, notl
only to the primitive living conditions
but to working in harmony with peo-
ple who have not only a different
language but even an entirely differ-
ent outlook.
It was dark by the time we reached
the jeep-head and as we started for
headquarters Capt. Fred Watson of
Oakland, Calif., riding beside Nance
in the front seat, loaded his .45 in
the hope we might come across a
wolf. Once they thought they had
one. The jeep's headlights picked up
two golden eyes to one side of the
road. They disappeared in the dark-
ness, but Watson spotted the animal
with his flashlight. "Cat, house, grey-
striped," he said in disgust.
Alumni Award
Scholarships ,
Seniors from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti
and Chelsea High Schools were
awarded Alumni scholarships and
list scholarships from the University
clubs throughout the state it was an-
nounced yesterday by Dean Clarence
S. Yoakum of the graduate school
and Clark Tibbits, director of the In-
stitute for Human Adjustment, heads
of the scholarship program for the
Alumni awards were presented to
Frances E. Bull of University High
School and to V. Loren Brooks,
Charles Chadwick, Jeannette N. Col-.
lins, Roger D. Wellington, Marjorie
H. Warren, Jean Cummins and Don-
na E. McCourtie of Ann Arbor High
School. These will receive scholar-
ships which provide tuition for the
two semesters of the freshman year
and for each year thereafter if 'a
high standard of scholarship is
List scholaitships were awarded to
Robert H. Ware, Ann Arbor High
School; Janet L. Cork, Ann Arbor
High School; Richard Richards, Chel=-
sea High School: Alice L. Kirby, Yp-
silanti High School; Juva R. Trausch,
Lincoln Consolidated High School;
and Ruth Devine, St. Thomas High
The list scholarships go to students
in schools accredited by the Univer-
sity and the Alumni scholarships are
awarded to students in towns where
the alumni clubs are located.
Donald C. May and Miss Mildred
Hinsdale headed a joint committee
of the Ann Arbor Alumni and Alum-
nae Clubs,'which selected the recip-
ients after interviewing 32 candidates
who were recommended by schools in
the county. C. F. Ramsey, Mrs. Erie
Layton Gates, Dr. Hazel Losch and
John E. Nicholson, Jr., were also
members of the committee.
T he City Beat:"
Today's Ann Arbor News
I hi snmmary
Band To Piay . . .
The Ann Arbor High School Band.
directed by Charles M. Yates, will
open its sixth annual summer musi-
cal season at 8:15 p.m. today in the.
West Park Shell.
The program includes "The March-
ing Band" by Kleffman, "Cavatina"
by Huff, "King Cotton" by Sousa,
"The Mosquitoes Parade" by Yoder,
"Anchors Aweigh" by Zimmerman
and "My Hero" by Strauss.
A cornet duet will be played by
Paul Mason and William, Penn, ac-
companied by Martha Wells at the
S * *w
Concert Planned . , -
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
will present the second concert of
the annual summer musical sea-
son at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, Jupe 8,
in the West Park Shell.
* * *
Proceeds Announced.. ..
Proceeds from the American Le-
gion and Auxiliary Poppy ay sales
held Saturday totaled $2,071.84. The
Veterans of Foreign Wars and the
Auxiliary collected the gross amount
of $1,513.25.
* * *
Sg. B oyce Appointed...
Sgt. Leon Boyce of the Women's
Army Corps has been put in charge
of the local WAC recruiting office,
replacing Sgt. Virginia Day, who
left Ann Arbor yesterday for De-
First Lt. Janet Lindner of the
Air WAC, is replacing Lt. Barbara
Rogers as head of the WAC re-
cruiting in the territory which in-
cludes Ann Arbor.
* * *
S couLt Camlip To Oen.. .
The Boys Scout Council of Michi-
gan will operate its Conservation
Camp from July 20 to Aug. 31. Sen-
ior scouts, 15 years old and over, can
register for the camp.
The scouts will camp in tents and
will spend about five hours a day in
conservation work under the direc-
tion of authorities of the State De-
partment of Conservation.
** * *
Wcaste Paxper C'ollectd .e
Fifty-three tons of waste paper
was contributed by Ann Arbor res-
idents in the drive held last Thurs-
day and Friday, according to
George H. Sandenburgh, city en-
- - * * * *
Driver °Fied .. .
Allan James, age 59, of 543 Eliza-
beth Street, driver of a car in which
he and his companion were injured
Tuesday when the car hit a parked
automobile in the 1300 block of State
Street, was fined $35.70 by Jay H.
Payne yesterday. James was charged
with driving while intoxicated and
for not having a driver's license.
(Continued from Page 2)
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, June 2, at 4 p.m., in
Rm. 319 West Medical Bldg. "The
Role of the Adrenal Cortex in Metab-
olism" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Formal Fun: The USO does it
again with another formal dance!
There will be an orchestra for dan-
cing, and it's a good one. Junior
Hostesses, orchestra, refreshments-
who wants more?
The Research Club: The final
meeting of the year will be held in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building at eight o'clock, Wednesday
evening, June 7, 1944. Professor John
W. Bean will read a paper on "Oxy-
gen Poisoning" and Professor Harold
E. Wethey on "The Cathedral of Cuz-
co, Peru." Officers for the ensuing
year will be elected.
Horse Show
Closes Friday
WAA Will Sponsor
Nine Riding Contests
Registration at the booth in the
League Lobby for the Annual Spring
Horse Show to be held at 2 p.m.
Saturday will be kept open through
tomorrow, according to Emily Peter,
'45, president of Crop and Saddle,
WAA club which is sponsoring the
All men and women interested in
riding are invited to enter the show,
which -will have nine competitive
events. The show will take place at
the Golfside Riding Stables, with
transportation to the stables furn-
ished. Those who desire transporta-
tion will meet in front of Barbour
Gym at 1:30 p.m. on the day of the
The show will be opened by a flag
raising ceremony led by Shelby Die-
trich, '45, president of WAA, follow-
ed by the riding events. Although no
prizes will be given, ribbons will be
awarded to those placing first, sec-
ond and third in each class.
Highlight of the show will be a
drill presented by eight members of
the Crop and Saddle. This drill will
demonstrate the horsemanship of
the coeds in the club. The Univer-
sity Women's Riding Club will ride
in the Women's Horsemanship Class.
"All members of Crop and Saddle
and the University Women's Riding
Club must fill out registration blanks
also," Miss Peter said, "and it is main-
ly for them that we are holding the
registration open another day."
Deeb Is ienoninated
WASHINGTON, May 31.- (. )-
The Senate confirmed today the re-
nomination of Joseph 'F. Deeb as
United States District Attorney for
western Michigan.
Drive Opens
For Women's
Land Army
With a goal of enrolling 500 women
students for Women's Land Army
work camps this summer,nstudent
leaters at the University and seven
other Michigan colleges will begin
canvassing prospects this week.
Work to be done through July and
August will be primarily picking cher-
ries and snap beans, according to
Miss Ruth Peck, state supervisor at
East Lansing. Women who enroll
will camp either in the Allegan or
Traverse City region.
Workers will receive piece work
pay averaging 50 cents a lug for
cherries with an average day's pick
estimated at least five lugs. Snap
beans will bring two cents a pound
Students in the Women's Land Ar-
my will pay for their board out of
the earnings and will receive trans-
portation back to their Michigan
homes if they work two weeks or
longer, Miss Peck said. A prelimin-
ary work leader's training camp is
scheduled for June 19 to 24 at Alle-
gan for those eligible to attend.
Additional information and appli-
cations may also be available in the
office of the County Agricultural
Agent# or by mail at Miss Peck's
office at Morrill Hall, Michigan State
College, East Lansing.
Gas Rationing?
LANSING, May 31.- (P- The
StateConservation Department, sup-
porting predictions of an improved
tourist business this year, reported
today that Memorial Day brought
out 30 per cent more persons to state
parks than on the same holiday a
year ago.
The increase was attributed to per-
fect holiday weather and a mounting
desire for recreation. The depart-
ment said state parks close to popu-
lous centers showed the greatest up-
swing in attendance.
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