P AGE 'OTJR T HE M IChIGCA N D A LY THUR DAY, JUNE 1. 1944 FityFurhYeh w m -a rm - ma . ..-. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan undey the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jaine Farrant . Claire Sherman , Stan Wallace . Evelyn Phillips , IHarvey Frank . Bud Low Jo Ann Peterson , Mary Anne Olson, Marjorie Hall. , Marjorie Rosmarin Elizabeth A. Carpen Margery Batt . , . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . Associate Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Business Staff ter . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use. for republication of al news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school. year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. eiber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT ED ITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Politl Portrait: The Keynoter Poor Educations THE Selective Service Administration's May bulletin, reporting the Army's rejection of 240,000 registrants for failure to pass intelli- gence tests, demonstrates that the old adage, "charity begins at home," requires new emphasis. Educational deficiency problems have been practically untouched since the beginning of the war, presumably because a nation geared to wartime efficiency must concentrate only on international issues. Now we had best begin to ask ourselves how long a nation can naintain such efficiency when it is compelled to deny itself the equivalent of 15 battalions, because of its own neglect. Figures in the bulletin point out that physic- ally-fit Americans, eligible for service in the armed forces, exceeded by 33,773 the total num- ber of casualties listed through May 6! Those who have believed in the past that the United States could continue its failure to pro- vide education for all of its citizens, may now join the ranks of those who have long shuddered at the thought of our un-educated thousands. --M'tarjory Fisher Texas Democrats' HOSE '"Southern Boys" have always been a problem in the political world. They are even worse now that the presidential elections have become a major issue. This time it is the Texas Democrats. Not only have they split their delegates for the conven- tion, so that half will vote for President Roose- velt, and half won't; but, they have also drawn up a resolution for the party platform that ought to make them hide their heads in shame. They are still fighting for "states' rights," and to .protect these so-called rights they have resolved that they would oppose any Federal legislation seeking to take over any functions of the state. By this they are referring to the Anti-Poll Tax Bill, which is constitutionally valid. Congress does have the power to reg- ulate any restrictions against ar American citizen's right to vote. The Texas Democrats are also seeking to stop all strikes. By doing so they will be taking away the only powerful weapon that the worker has in this fight against exploitation by his employ- er. It is true that the worker should not strike during war time, for in doing so, he may hinder production for war. Usually, however, the work- er who strikes in wartime, is also thinking about his position in industry in the post-war world. Any advantages that he obtains now, will stand him and the returning soldiers in good stead when the war is over and industry is reconverted for civihan use. Texas delegates to the Democratic convention have also been instructed to oppose any proposal to "bring about social equality." Of course, a worker, or a poor white, or heaven forbid, a Negro, can't have the same social rights as plan- tation owners, and Big Business. What is the sense of trying to uphold and improve the de- mocracy we are living in, if a handful of sup- posedly powerful people can uphold such undem- ocratic and unprogressive measures? The stand that the Texas Democrats have DREW PEARSON'Sa WASHINGTON, May 31.-The othei day, this column carried a story involving Charles E. Wilson, executive vice-chairman of the War Pro- duction Board and a fine public servant-a story which I now find has done him an injustice. The story was that, over a year ago, during the heat of the War Production Board row be- tween the Wilson-Nelson forces and the Army- Navy-Eberstadt forces, Wilson probably by ac- cident had picked up, with a new long-distance listening device, a conversation in which Bernie Baruch, Undersecretary of War Patterson, Un- dersecretary of the Navy Forrestal and others were critical of the WPB and of the President. Chief point and occasion for the story was that the President was a forgiving person and had appointed Forrestal Secretary of .the# Navy despite the fact that he knew about this critical conversation. This main point, however, seems to have been obscured in all the speculation as to whether private conversations can be safe in the future. So further elucidation is in order. Fir'st, however, the main point I want to mnake here is that I now find Mr. Wilson did not use any long-distance listening device or any other device to listen in on the above con- versation. This colunist has often paid trib- ute to Mr. Wilson and is delighted to take this opportunity to do so again, and to say that, if any false impressions were given, it is deep- ly regretted. Mr. Wilson had absolutely noth- ing to do with the incident. He informs me that his former company, Gei- eral Electric, has not developed any long-distance electronic listening device. Nevertheless, other people have, so it looks as if the privacy of the nation might not be too sacrosanct in the future. Electronic experts say it is possible to focus a microphone from the top of a fairly tall New York building and pick up conversations in the street below. Also, a most unique listening device is reported to have been developed by Col, H. 0. Bixby, now of the U.S. Signal Corps, who also developed amazing underwater listening devices. By a small mircrophone placed in a book or a brief- caste and without any wires, it is reported that conversations can be transmitted to a receiving set some distance away, This device was devel- aped outside the Signal Corps and, if the Army is using this or a similar device today, it remains a mnihtary secret., So what Wvith radar and television, we may soon be walking around, both listening in and watching people at the other end of the block. Regarding the transcript of the critical Bar- .uch-Forrestal-Patterson conversation, there is no question but that this happened. Their con- versation was reported and the general content of it reached the White House, although by whom and how will have to remain one of those Wash- ington mysteries. (Copyright, 19q4, United Features Syndicate) Be Right By Sutnuel Grafton WEDNESDAY, May 31. - Mr. Churchill's "kindly words" for General Franco were not noble. The Prime Minister was boasting that he had made a good bargain; but it was a sordid bargain, and he knew it, and the words in which he proclaimed and defended it were sordid and grubby words. - His humor deserted him, and le fell with passion upon those Englishmen who are against Franco. It was almost as if, knowing that his friend- ship with Franco would subject him to attack, Mr. Churchill went all out to stir and rouse that attack to the highest possible peak, inviting the fiery coals to be heaped upon his head in a true ecstasy of self-immolation. He did everything he could possibly do to make English anti-fascists angry; he ridiculed their articles and cartoons; he was deliberately provocative in speaking of good relations with Francef after the war, when no military reasons for such relations would exist. It was as if a brave and stubborn man, dis- daining to be surreptitiously wrong, wrong like a Chamberlain, wrong like a rabbit, had decided to be magnificently wrong, like a lion. He com- bined offense and penance in one oration, with pseudo-dramatic overtones, as if he were baring his breast and inviting the dagger. PERHAPS Mr. Churchill, with his great instinct for putting on a show, felt that the story of English conciliation of Franco needed a touch of drama, to relieve its dreadful meekness. The touch of heroism which he could not supply by defying Franco, he supplied by defying Britain, by uncovering his bosom and challenging the lightning. That made him a brave man still; if he would not defy Spanish fascism, at least he could and would defy British anti-fascism. I leave it to psychologists to say whether this is a correct analysis of a passion with a wrong address on it. But it is interesting that in a speech in which the Prime Minister was strange- ly gentle with his born and sworn enemies, he was strangely angry with some of his best friends. He dealt them the blows he might have dealt Franco, as if to prove there was vigor in the heavy old arm yet, regardless of whose hand his own had recently clasped. Yet the accomodation with Franco remains ignoble, and Mr. Churchill cannot give it gran- deur by adding an irrelevant passion to it, like a second story. He spoke fervidly of rewards and punish- ments, summoning justice, like anger, to his rescue. He said that we are going to impose democracy on our enemies, but that we shall not seek to improve the government of Spain, because Spain turned out to be our friend.° C s- of '44--- To the Editor: We are the class of '44. We would have graduated this June, As I sit here in bed day after day, after a year and a half of almost continuous illness, a thought often comes to ipe of what 'should have been. Now, as graduation time nears once more, my mind goes back to five freshmen on a day--any day in the fall of 1940. War was still far away and our hearts were full of expectation as we began our college life. There was Arnie, Julie, Tom, Johnny and this writer. Arnie wantid to be an All-American tacle-and a law- yer; Julie, a good football guard- and a dentist; Tom, a football player; Johnny, a lawyer, and yours truly, a lawyer also. We couldn't see into the future then-if we could have, I doubt if we would have begun. Our dreams were large-but then, we had youth and ambition. Those dreams are still just dreams. We were the class of '44. We would have been proud to wear our caps and gowns this June. But fate stepped in-the future toyed with this fateful five. War broke and with it came a crash of visions. Arnie withdrew be- cause of studies. Sure, he tried! Tom and Arnie burned the midnight oil sweating over books-so did Julie. Arnie gave his best and broke his heart doing it. Julie became an Al- American football player as did Tom. Both worked hard and long and both knew fame as a result, Johnny and the writer were less athletic-worked at the Unlion staff-both carried on toward 'the goal of a law degree. But that was long ago. Today finds the once coveted '44 gradufation day uon urs. Today finds not dreams but saddening reality. We are the class of '44. Arnie is in the Pacific-a com- mando leader - fighting Japs. Johiny is dead-he gave his life for tle world of freedom in this year of 1944. Tom, Julie and this writer are fighting too-fighting for life against an unseen germ- the same germ. And so when they pass out the diplomas this June, we five will not be there. We might have been! We will be there in a way though-we will, in our minds, answer to the names when they're called: John Hunter, Arnold Kargenian, Julius Franks, Tom Kuzma and -Allan Anderson. DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 149 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Notice to Men Students: All men students living in approved rooming houses who expect to move from their present quarters at the end of this term must give notice of intention to move in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students on or before noon, June 3. Students terminating con-. tracts must vacate their rooms be- fore 6 p.m., June 24 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Students may obtain forms for term- inating contracts at Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall., Assistant Dean of Students C. T'. Olmsted Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting .of Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student Democracyfor our enemies and fascism for our friends! MVr. Churchill's anger falls upon the anti-fascists of England, and Mr. Churchill's justice falls upqn the most truly anti-fascist people in Europe, and this is a great dis- order. And, somehow the language of plain and simple morality comes sud- denly to seemeas exact, as accurate as the language of mathematics, in comparison with the unconvincing passions, the disordered logical chains, of expediency. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Th1 e Pend~lulumn THE CLAMMY hand of Toryism reached out and strangled an- other democratic hope last Wednes- day. Before then some of us-in our childish simplicity, had supposed a break with the Fascist government of Spain was imminent. We took the words of Lawrence Farnsworth to heart. He stated recently, "It is time to recognize Franco as the enemy he has always been." But Winston Churchill in his speech to Parliament was completely uninformed of this. He was there "to speak kindly words about Spain." Well, I am here io speak nasty words about Spain, and what is more to insult and abuse that gov- ernment in exactly the manner Britain's Prime Minister does not like. I cannot summon a sufficient number of insults and abuses to express the hatred of the people against the Madrid Mountebank who is a pale shadow of that pale shadow-Schicklegruber. We have been reading for months about how the Falangist gang and its Nazi-propped leader Francisco Fran- co were tottering as never before since the defeat of the Loyalists. The after-effects of a terrible Civil War have been devastating in Spain. Pov- erty and starvation are widespread, the old aristocracy has been restored and the leaders glut themselves while the masses gnash their teeth and shake their fists at a government they never wanted. This is the pic- ture drawn for us by the most reli- able foreign correspondents. Into it steps Winston Churchill. Does he encourage a powerful underground movement in Spain? Does he say, "Throw off this effeminate lackey?" No, Mr. Churchill does not. He looks forward instead to "ex- tremely fruitful trade between Spain" and his country, that it will "grow during war and expand after peace." He .says, "The internal political ar- rangements in Spain are a matter for Spaniards themselves." Giving the lie to this argument, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch compares it to the line used with respect to Greece. Churchill is the patron of King George, although Greeks seem to like him as little as Yugoslavs, the other protege of the Prime Minister. Writes the Post-Dispatch, "When opponents of King George mutiny, it was not a purely Greek matter-British forces attacked the rebels, killed some of them, and helped put down the re- volt." Isn't that a pretty picture. Doesn't it make your heart glow with hope for the future? Non-intervention is our policy with regard to Hitler's tepid puppet, but death to the opponents of monarchy. teeth. And he harbors some of the blind^ men in his own cabinet. His ambassador to Spain, whom he often takes occasion to praise is the notori- ous Sir Samuel Hoare. This Hoare is the ghost of the two Nevilles-Cham- berlain and Henderson-with whom he collaborated at the sell-out cere- monies of Munich. His retention in the foreign service is symbolic of our half-heartedness in this war against some portions of the Fascist scourge that blisters and pockmarks the whole world. Spain was the proving ground on which the mettle of republicanism was first tested-and found wanting. The USSR alone helped Loyalist Spain. But it could not then cope with German Stukas and tanks and the new strategy of terror which Axis generals had prepared as the prelude to the big show. Leon Blum, the head of the popular government of France, wanted to help the Loyal- ists, but he was handcuffed without the aid of Great Britain whose die- hard administration held on to its precious neutrality, while America followed suit. The initial mistake was made. Ever since it could have been re- paired. Today on a large scale Spain would not be much of ar: asset to either side because of its war weary cndition. Neverthe- less, Mr. Churchill pleads military expediency as a basis of his affec- tion for present day Spain. As a matter of fact Franco has not gone whole hog in open pr o-Nazi war- fare because: 1) Spain is prostrated and 2} the tide has turned in favor of the Allies, MVr. Churchill admits these factors may have affected Franco's pofsition. But he insists the General's abstention from at- tacking our troops at Gibraltar really puts himn in our goaod graces. Some Allied lives may havegbeen saved. Now I ask in all fairness whether this compensates for the dead Russians leveled by Spain troops fighting now on the eastern front? eChurchill boasts that Spanish ex- ports of wolfram to Germany have been reduced. Even Time magazine refutes this point by observing that the act does not diminish Spanish exports to Hitler's pal, the Portuguese Dictator Salazar. It is the policy of the U.S. government to carry on trade with Spain. Our ambassador, Franco sympathizer Carleton B. Hayes, urges us to help Spain. So, we ship goods to Franco who may ship them to Salazar who delights in shipping them to Hitler. J. Alverez Del Vayo, former foreign secretary of the Spanish Republic and no alarmist, warned the Allies last week that on the very eve of in- vasion we shall have an enemy at our back: the Spanish people. Can you blame them? -Bernard Rosenberg E VERY pats witlessly time Winston Churchill a Fascist on the back he kicks a democrat in the loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of bus- iness on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac-. counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or sum- mer session until payment has been made." Shirley W. Smith Vice-President and Secretary Admission to the School of Bus- iness Administration: Application for admission to this School beginning with the Summer Term must be filed not later than today. Information and application blanks available in Rm. 108, Tappan Hall. Seniors: The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn graduates not tostore diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in the aver- age cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas." Shirley W. Smith Hopwood Contestants who are to receive awards will be notified before Friday morning. JGP Dormitory Representatives are reminded that today is the deadline for returning stamp money to the League between 3 and 5 p.m. The American Youth Hostels, In- corporated are sponsoring a bicycle trip to Mexico from July 2 through Aug. 18 at a total cost of $155.00. More detailed information may be obtained from Miss Janina Diedbala, 6957. Women students (except fresh- men) may attend the Company D show on Thursday, June 1, without obtaining late permission from the Dean's office personally. Those at- tending must return to their resi- dence directly after the performance. Freshmen may not attend on this night asthe performance is given oha weekend night, of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli,sConductor, will present its annual .spring con- cert at 4:15, Sunday afternoon, June 4, in Hill Auditorium. The program will include compositions by Weber, Kern, Gould, Sousa, Wagner, Padilla, Holst and Paganini, and will be open to the general public. Events Today The Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit will meet at the Hillel Foundation, from 1 to 5 p.m. Please wear wash- able blouse or smock. Varsity Men's Glee Club: The final meeting of .the year will be held at 7:15 in the Glee Club at the Union. The keys have arrived and will be distributed. A big supply of refresh- ments will be on hand; and all for- mer members on campus are urged to attend. Let's all make this last get-together a good one. The A.I.E.E. will hold its final meeting of the term this evening at 7:3{} o'clock in the Michigan Union. Mr. Brownlee of Commonwealth and Southern will speak on "Relay Pro- tection." Officers for the next term will be elected at this meeting. Re- freshments will be served also. All electrical engineers are invited to the meeting. Coming Events Crayon Drawings: For a perfect likeness of yourself, come to the USO and have a drawing made by Mrs. John Bradfiekl. It's colored and it's darn neat. Make an appointment for any hour from 1 to 5 on Friday after- noon. Ann Arbor Library Club: Fourth meeting, 1943-44, Friday, June 2, at 7:45 P. M. at the William L. Clements Library. Talk on Manuscripts by Mr. Howard H. Peckham. Election of officers. Refreshments. Dancing Class: On June 2 the be- inners cls will beg-in uinder the~ BARNABY Mitchell says someone messed up the big boss's office .. Glued Emptied his cigar humidor. . o Broke his desk light... Recited Q <. Jummed his desk drawers . Mixed the y Crockett Johnson So the fellow who uses my - office on the day shift is c malinne,e~h? ..That'cs