I'AOE r FOURJ THE MICHIEIAN flAllY SUJNDAY, MAY 28, 1944 .. .. ... ....e. r..,..es. a . . -a--t-w .a ar .e Fi fty-Fourth Ye ar T. j .L7. -F ; - S is -.. - _ - . - . f ' -, " - . Y ill r _ /Y~ ~ ~ : - Z n . F~ ... ._ . : C IA - ' I-- te 2- Ud Rather Be light By SAMUEL GRAFTON Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Jane Farrant, Claire Sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank. Bud Low Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Hall Marjorie Rosmarin Editorial Staff , ManagingEditor * , , Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . , . Associate Editor * . . . . .Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . ., Associate Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor . . . Associate Women's Editor ,.Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter Margery ]Batt . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of alI news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school, year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the .views of the writers only. NEW YORK, May 27. - Still on the subject of the French under- ground, let us take up our old excuse for pot recognizing de Gaulle; I mean the one that has whiskers on it, the excuse that we do not really know whether the French people are for him. But if there is a class of the un- certain, the doubtful, the waverers, in France, we encourage it to con- tinue in that unprofitable mental state by our own uncertain, doubt- ful and wavering attitude toward de Gaulle. That group (if it exists) will tend to mirror our own official attitudes. If the word passes through a French city that the allies are not really for de Gaulle, the temptation becomes strong on the part of the doubtful to hold themselves, also, apart from de Gaulle. Why should they join a movement which has failed to win" our smile, and thus put themselves out of the running? When the same town hears that General Eisenhower is empowered to deal with any Frenchmen who strike him as suitable, the temp- tation arises among Frenchmen to form non-de Gaullist groups, in the hope of dealing with Eisen- hower. Thus there is no such thing as a "nor-political" or "neu- tral" approach to de Gaulle on the part of the allied powers. To be indifferent to his claim, to act or speak in derogation of it, is to to organize opposition to it. De Gaulle represents a precious thing in political warfare; a "center," a "pole," about which activity can be organized. That is his greatest value; it is a cherishable asset. It is an asset we diminish by our policy of promoting competition among other prospective centers of French activity. We sweat praises of unity through every pore in all our speeches, but unity abhors a vacuum, unity must accrete about something, it must start at some point, with some man or program. And so must we. If we were to say to de Gaulle that we insist he admit into his movement all re- sponsible and decent elements of the French community, that would be a different matter. We would have a right to make such a de- mand. That would be something like unity; all possible elements, how- ever diverse, grouped about a com- mon center, But we want to do business with- out the store. What we are pro- moting is not unity, but competi- tion. We are stirring the ambi- tions of every slumbering fat-cat and uncommitted heel in French politics to come forward in the hope that he, and not de Gaulle, will receive our accolade. (Let us, for a moment, think of the Russians, whom, we bitterly claim, have a vexatious habit of out- smarting us in European politics. The Russians are about to go into the heart of Poland, as we are about to go into France. They have, this week, received in Moscow the emis- saries of the National Council of Poland, a union of many groups, with a definite executive head. They would not dream of going into Po- land without a "center" about which to organize. We are not only dream- ing of that; we are boasting of it.) These practical considerations of political warfare dispose of the myth that we have a "non-politi- cal" approach to de Gaulle; that we merely intend, in lofty impar- tiality, at some later date, to count French noses, and to see how many of them veer toward de Gaulle. Frenchmen were not born de Gaullist or anti-de Gaullist. Their views are shaped by. events, and we are shaping the events. If there is a body of neutral French opinion, we are keeping it neutral by keeping our distance from de Gaulle. And if there is no such body, there is no excuse for "waiting' until later" and for not recognizing de Gaulle. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) United Fronts * * . An object lesson in the close tie between the home front and the war front: Machine-tool firms had expected to taper off production this year. They talked of re-conversion, and planned for it. Then came the struggle 4'or Cas- sino. This showed that aerial bomb- ing had decided limitations, that more artillery was needed for storm- ing fortified Europe. Military plan- ning was revolutionized, and produc- tion at the same time took a new turn. Now the WPB notifies the machine-tool industry that it must sustain or exceed its present produc- tion rate. Every civilian, whether war-plant worker or plain citizen, should re- member that war front and home front are one. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Dominie &Says THREE major considerations en- gage the thoughtful Christian as he approaches D-Day. In the Cross is the hint of a philosophy of his- tory as well as a theory of leader- ship. First, in voluntary sacrifice, the guiltless one dies for the guilty. In life he dies to correct the evil ini- tiated by guilty persons. In hope and faith, a mystical remedial is added. Christians see in Jesus' Passion, including His willingness to die if need be, a revelation of the meaning of social existence. God's guarantee that good will survive in spite of all evil is ,made certain in the crucifixion. In a world struggle, we see many innocent youth giving their lives to halt specific evil which they themselves did not cause nor have any chance to halt. The second consideration con- fronting the human mind is that of Kairos. This is a belief that there is a right moment of time in which eternity breaks into history and de- mands a decisive step. Tillich, Nie- buhr, Brunner, and other neo-ortho- dox thinkers apply the theory as a dialectic religious socialism or "Cri- sis" theology. To them, certain min- or sects have the truth. Those who protest against the customary hu- man forms, who refuse to rely on human justice, who firmly repudiate the ideas of human progress, as such, and consistently count on God out- side of history and beyond time to scramble man-made error and es- tablish a Godly epoch, are true to God's purpose. A third consideration is the ten- sion between status-quo-anti and radical cultural realignment within every country. The redemptive va- lue here turns upon projected good rather than upon requited evil. The Malvern Conference of 1941 in Bri- tain, committed its members to five dramatic changes: (1) Natural re- sources belonging to God ,for all men, must be made available to all; (2) The child is of God; hence, equal opportunity must be provided for all children; (3) Man's loar being a Divine vocation, security against unemployment must be guaranteed; (4) The extremes of wealth, a test of God's patience with man, must be done away by clipping wealth from one end of society by taxation and clipping poverty from the other end of society by redistribution and social security; and (5) Finally, the family, God's unique criterion of so- cial control, must supersede profit, power and all other rights. Such changes constitute man's solitary possible vindication of his'soul in our epoch. So runs the cultural or social theory of the Cross. -Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education Pearls of Great Price Letters to Vets STUDENTS and members of the faculty are being urged to back the drive being spon- sored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to write two letters over Memorial Day to men and wom- en in uniform. One of the letters should be addressed to a person in the armed services on active duty and the Qther to some wounded or hospitalized serv- ice man or woman. These letters, which should be dated on the holiday, are being written in an effort to join citizens and veterans together in order to take increased devotion to those who have died and to those who still carry the brunt of battle. Adolph Schneeberger who is, with the aid of Local Post Graf O'Hara 423 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, directing the drive inz Ann Arbor said, "We respecrfully suggest tha on Memorial Day all citizens join with veterans and honor those who have given their last full measure of devotion, "We, the veterans of foreign wars, can un- derstand the yearning, the hunger for letters that bridge the fox hole or the ship with home and the real things of life." With these thoughts in mind it is hoped that everyone on the home front will take the time to get into the mail the day before Memorial Day the letters and remember that there are men in other parts of the world who are fight- ing to keep America safe for those they love. -Elizabeth Knapp. Cruiser Deal APPARENTLY having nothing better to do, certain Congressional elements now are agi- tating for an investigation of President Roose- velt's activities in the purported sending of a few over-age American cruisers to our Russian allies "without the consent of Congress". If this action of sending the ships did take place, it is probable that another long and lengthy Congressional investigation of the wartime powers of a chief executive is in order. These investigations have in the past led to nothing but a favorable opinion toward the President from Attorney General Francis Bid- dIe and, as in the Montgomery Ward case, the matter is dropped like a hot potato. Although there was undoubtedly need for some inspection of the Ward deal, the sending of antiquated warships to Russia is hardly a matter worthy of even the least important mem- bers of the House and Senate. No one would deny that the Russians can put the ships to good use as the Red Navy is not all that it could be. It is only to. be regretted that Russia did not have sufficient naval strength in the Black Sea to prevent the evacuation of the German armies of the Crimea a few weeks ago. It sa happens that with the' surrender of Italy, Roosevelt and Churchill made a deal with Stalin whereby the Allies would transfep> one-third of the captured Italian fleet, or its equivalent, to Russia as part of the peace terms. This all sounds very simple, but un- fortunately such transactions have to be rati- fied by the U. S. Congress before any action can take place, and Congress has a way of rendering even the most simple things into a D.Day Prayer GOVERNOR KELLY has issued a proclama- tion asking all citizens of Michigan to pray en masse on the day the Allies begin their all- important invasion of Europe. According to the plan worked out with the Michigan Office of Civilian Defense, whistles will blow for 90 sec- onds to be followed by a moment of silence. Traffic is expected to halt and factory workers, office employes and store customers are asked to cease activities and pray. . This is an unfortunate method of focusing attention on a specific instant that has the Hollywood touch. D-Day will be of the greatest significance in world history for it will mark the beginning of the end of the war. But difficult days, months and perhaps years of struggle will follow-each one as important as the other. REIL1IGIOUS faith will be of the utmost value in helping the invaders and their loved ones through the trying days ahead. However, it should not be necessary to set aside a certain minute on a certain day for people to lay down their work, silently meditate and petition God for help. At the first sign that invasion is underway, millions of mothers, relatives and friends of servicemen in the European theatre will al- most automatically pray for their loved one's safety and success. Dramatizing the event can, at best, only give an artificial and super- ficial tinge to the solemnity of the occasion. A Detroit minister recently summed up the reaction of many people to the Governor's plan. He said: "With many of the finest and most enduring values we are constantly tempted to be satisfied with the superficial aspects. For example, there is a plan afoot to open the churches for special prayer the moment the invasion of Western Eur- ope begins. Here again the attention is focused upon a certain day or hour. It would be un- fortunate indeed if such objectivity should di- vert the minds of the people from the true meaning of prayer which is perhaps the great- est source of comfort and spiritual strength. Have we not been praying all along, and shall we not continue to pray after D-Day? There may be weeks and months in this sanguinary conflict when our boys will be sustained only by the knowledge that we have not failed and will not fail to remember them daily with af- fectionate interest. The theatrical cannot add anything to the importance and real function of prayer." -Ray Dixon. wise-but nothing will come of it because of the omniscience of Mr. Biddle, who has proved himself a very handy man to have around. And for once, his favorable opinion would be the cor- rect one. Get out the law books, Francis! -Bill Mullendore. DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, May 27.-Not much has leak- ed out about it, but the ticklish problem of meat rationing has caused almost as much trouble behind the scenes in the Administration as it has to the housewife. It almost prevented OPA Administrator Ches- ter Bowles from going on the air last week, It also culminated in a letter written to Bowles by Food Administrator Marvin Jones, pointing out that it was his, Jones', job to determine how much food there was in the country, and Bowles' job to ration it. The argument has been friendly, but it illus- trates how difficult it is for two good men (Bowles and Jones are rated careful, conscien- tious administrators) to decide exactly when meat and canned vegetables should be rationed. OPA boss Bowles believes that the country can scrape through the .summer and perhaps early fall without returning to rationing of meat '.ti or most canned vegetables-if the weather is good. But war food boss Jones is more cautious., He thinks maybe Bowles is too optimistic. The showdown came when Bowles was sche- duled to go on the air in his regular radio broad- cast last week with an exlanation of why most meat and canned-vegetabel rationing was aban- doned and when he thought it might be resumed. WFA Tries Censorship . . . e When Bowles sent his speech over to the Of- fice of War Information, Elmer Davis and the War Food Administration clamped down a stiff censorship. They didn't want Bowles to talk about rationing at all The matter was then referred to Economic Stabilizer Vinson, who f in- ally passed the ticklish dispute on o ice Byrnes at the White House.e. Byrnes leaned toward war food boss Jones and against Bowles' radio talk. However, Bowles argued that it would look extremely funny to the public if his scheduled broadcast on ration- ing suddenly was called off. So, in the end, Bowles virtually took the bull by the horns and went on the air. Next day, he receiv'ed a letter from Jones in answer to one which he had sent Jones-telling Bowles bluntly and firmly that he should stick to rationing, not undertake crop estimates. Jones said that his men were making a study of crop conditions and would arnounce the out- come shortly. He said that, except for predict- ing the weather, he could soon tell how much food the country would have on hand. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) Every mile our boys win means longer com- munication lines. These ean greater expense, more energy, more of everything from all of us. Let's All Back the Attack: Buy More War Bonds.t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Sunday, May 28, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 147 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notice School of Education Faculty: The May meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, May 29, in the University Elementary School Li- brary. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. 'The General Library, all Collegiate and Departmental Libraries, and all Study Halls will be closed on Memor- ial Day, Tuesday, May thirtieth. All Students - Registration for summer term and summer session: Each student should plan to register for himself according to the alpha- betical schedules for June 29 and 30. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Registration Material: School of Forestry and Conservation. Registra- tion material should be called for beginning June 1 at Room 2048 Na- tural Science Building. Registration Material: Colleges of L. S. & A., Education, Music, Public' Health. Students should call for Summer Term and Summer Session registration material at Room 4 Uni- versity Hall beginning June 1. Please see your adviser and secure all neces- sary signatures before examinations begin. Registration Material: College of 'Architecture. Students should call for Summer Term and Summer Ses- sion registration material at Room 4 University Hall beginning June 1. The College of Architecture will post an announcement in the near future F giving time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this no- tice before seeing your classifier. Admission to the School of Bus- iness Administration: Application for admission to this School beginning with the Summer Term must be filed not later than June 1. Information and application blanks available in Rm. 108, Tappan Hall. La Sociedad Hispanica offers two fifty dollar ($50.00) scholarships to the National University of Mexico Summer Session. Students interested please apply at Rm. 302 Romance Languages Building not later than May 29. Hlours: Monday, 12:30 p. 11:00 p. p. m. as Undergraduate hours on May 29, shall extend until m. and on Tuesday until m. Sunday will be 11:00 usual. The Detroit Civil Service Commis- sion announces daily examinations, Monday through Saturday for posi- tions in engineering, personnel and other professional and management fields.. You need not be a resident of Detroit. Stop in at our office for further details. 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. Women students (except fresh- men) may attend the Company D show on Thursday, June 1, without obtaining late permission from the Dean's office personally. Those at- tending must return to their -resi- dence directly after the performance. Freshmen may not attend on this night as the performance is given on a weekend night. Academic Notices Master's Candidates in History: The language examinations for Mas- ter's Candidates in History will be held on Friday, June 2, at 4 p.m. in Rm. B, Haven Hall. Those intending to take the examination should sign up in the History Office, 119 H.H., during the week before the examina- tion. Doctoral Examination for William Madison Boyd, Political Science; the- Concerts Faculty Recital: Kathleen Rinck, pianist, and Dorothy Ornest Feld- man, soprano, will be heard in a program of compositions by Schu- bert, at 4:15 this afternoon in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions College of Architecture and De- sign: The exhibition of sketches and water color paintings made in Eng- land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc- tor on leave in the College of Archi- tecture and Design, will be continued until June 1. Ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The Lutheran Student Association will have its Little Ahram this Sun- day. The group will leave from tlie Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington ' t., immediately following the morning worship services. Saginaw Forest has' been chosen for the Ahram this year because it is within walking distance. Dinner and supper will be served and the group will return in the late evening. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p. m. for a hike at the club quarters in the Rackham Build- ing, entrance northwest corner. All graduate and professional stu- dents and alumni are cordially in- vited to attend. The Society of Women Engineers will hold a special meeting at 2:30 p. m. in the Michigan League. Wesleyan Guild Meeting-We will leave the church at 4 o'clock for an outdoor meeting at "The Meadows." Dr. E. W. Blakeman will speak on "The Christian in the Post-War World." Supper and fellowship fol- lowing the meeting. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet this afternoon in the Fire- place Room, Lane Hall, at four- thirty. 7" h P fzr, Oa3irhi - Thgi~r.#tnl BARNABY So, m'boy, to spare both General Eisenhower and Admiral Nimitz an arduous journey, / dispensed ...: riL nn~n r rmn t. By Crockett Johnson Mom, Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, got the Army-Navy "E"... I I'm going downtown to shop. Don't disturb your father. . , rV GETABLES l