PAGE TWO THE M I CHIGA N D A LY SA TURDAY. MAY 27, 1944 Fifty-Fourth Year +-, T ' '. -o ., ..' 5it 'F . ll i i _ . r r, ' Q Na s ,t : :..;;:. z , , ; <. , , .. - . .: t. " - / -mo . . ' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. :.. .. fl 1 * : , r t ,, . 'c ^ Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace . Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank . Bud Low Jo Ann 1eterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Hall Marjorie Rosmarin Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . .Associate Women's Editor . .Associate Women's Editor Busines. Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . Margery att ' . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- piblication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Prets, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. k'- ;;3!.- . A c... ,,..,~' W4ERRY-GO- ROUND :y DREW ' P E A RS O N WASHINGTON, May 26-General, Eisenhower has just issued an order which will mean all the difference in the world to harmony between U. S." and British troops during the inva- sion. He has ordered that all American Red Cross entertainment centers and other recreational hostels shall be open to all Allied troops, and that prices shall be lowered to meet the pay of the lowest-paid soldier. This may not seem so on the sur- face, but to those famliar with the unfort unate feeling between British and American troops in England, it is all important. It goes back to the fact that American troops are the highest paid in the world, and have been able to put British troops in the shade socially through sup- erior buyi ig power. When British Tommies see their girls go off with strangers who can afford to buy them a better time, it doesn't help morale. In addition to this, the American Red Cross has taken over various big mansions in England and transformed them into comfortable, sometimes luxurious recreation centers for American troops. No 'Keep Oul' Signs-... Some American Red Cross workers' have taken the initiative into their own hands and invited British troops into American centers. Their theory has been that, when soldiers of the Allied armies got to know each other, bickering and jealousy would disappear. The idea has worked when tried out, but it has not been tried out very much. General Eisenhower has now ruled that when Allied troops land in Western Europe, American centers shall be thrown open to all Allied troops, and that prices shall be re- duced to meet the meager salary of the British Tommy. General Eisenhower felt that it would not be good for Allied coopera- tion if British troops, when near an American recreation center, should be met with a "Keep Out" sign. Na- turally, British hostels will be open to American troops also. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) IN THE good old days, we are told. students and professors used to get together in Spring Parleys to discuss the state of the world, and what could be done about it. Al- though the parleys have died out, the world is in as great need of dis- cussion as ever, and the "what's to be done"s are still numerous. We now have, instead, several or- ganizations which discuss bits of1 subjects for three hours an evening. but which don't integrate these dis- cussions. and out of which little ac- tivity results. This is partly due to the fact that the discussions aren't long enough to lead to basic con- clusions, and partly because we stu- dents seem to be incapable of carry- ing out programs once they have been worked out. Now, near the end of the se- mester, it might be well if all the organizations on campus with somewhat similar functions: SRA, Hillel, Post-War Council, Inter- Racial Association, MYDA, etc., get together to plan a really com- prehensive extra-curricular pro- gram for the summer. It can in- clude discussions on current poli- tical subjects from several points of view, and with more preparation by more students, so that old ideas aren't just thrown around, but some of the "outside reading" we boast cf can be put to good use. And it might very properly spon- sor jointly a series of movies, somewhat similar to those the Art Cinema League used to show. Foreign films, documentaries, his- torical ones which have been dis- tributed very little, and ones in conjunction with University cours- es could be used. It is especially important that the campus remeiber that it is a part of the community by participating in local elections. It can do this most effectively by cooperating with the political action committee being set up in Washtenaw County among members of organized labor, the fac- ulty and students, and community groups. The first thing is to get Ann Arbor residents to register to vote in the primariesnbefore Junei21, the final. date. ,And then a voting booth should be set up on campus to help absentee voters unwind the red tape of ballotting this year. It also woulci te wise if these groups, their leaders, members and faculty advisors, seriously try to find out why so many good activities end up half-planned. It isn't that stu- dents are fundamentally irresponsi- ble, because these same students do good and consistent work on pro- jects they are truly interested in, when they know how. But they don't like to be told how, and some- times they feel that there is no need for responsible action on campus, "Wait till we get in the WAC, and then we'll obey orders." BUT TiAT'S no answer. It is as important to conduct polls pro- perly and get to meetings on time and carry out campaigns efficiently now as it will be to become good soldiers or war workers later. This is an educational institution, and certainly a good pface to learn pro- cedures we'll need all our lives. It isn't enough for us to shrug our shoulders with the cry that self-discipline has no place in col- lege life, and that the only kinds of standards we'll live up to are those imposed from above. Al- though this attitude is somewhat natural in wartime, when so much discipline does of necessity come from above, it is certainly not one we want carried over into the post- war period. Democratic peoples more than all others, perhaps, need to be able to figure out disciplined ways of carrying out the things they believe in. They have to reg- ister to vote ON TIME; they have to make it their business to find out how the local candidates stand on various issues; they have to consciously become active and trusted members of their comimun- ity groups, These things can be learned in college if we decide that they are important. Perhaps if Dr. Maier re- peated his evening non-credit course in Qualities of Democratic Leader- ship it would help, although this alone is not the answer. But cer- tainly if all the groups now working separately to solve the problem de- cided to try to solve it by working together, we might be able to re-in- troduce spring parleys with a mean- ing, and to be intelligent and cap- able citizens when we graduate. -Ann Fagan. KEEP MOVING Clock Watcher France, De Gaulle B ECAUSE Gen. Charles De Gaulle and his Com- mittee of National Liberation have never been the legally constituted government of France, we cannot recognize it as such. Secretary Hull emphasizes it. And Roosevelt is flatly behind him. This attitude is not limited to a refusal to recognize De Gaulle; it provides further that we attempt to ignore De Gaulle. Nor is suspicion of him beyond rthe limits of this first "expedient," now "cautious" attitude. It seems that we must first understand that we are not to trust De Gaulle blindly. There is little danger that we shall. We are to consider that he may have personal ambitions-for in- stance, he may wish to set himself up as dictator in France. That about a man who has never termed his Committee anything but a temporary arrangement and promises an election shortly after the liberation of France. We are told that there are some factions outside of France which do not support Dc Gaulle and that, therefore, there must be some of the same element within France. Mr. Roose- velt has similar opposition. Mr. Churchill has the same problem. Is any popular leader with- out opponents? And lastly De Gaulle reputed- ly has a most disagreeable personality-he just can't seem to get along with anyone-except the French people, who,,we insist, must choose their own leaders. NOW, on the eve of invasion, De Gaulle is in- vited to go to London "to talk things over." We still do not admit that he is best qualified to lead his resistance forces in aiding us; Gen. Eisenhower is to decide that. It's a bit hazy just what Roosevelt expects our troops to find in :France-perhaps a great, amiable and hidden leader of whom the French have never heard. Roosevelt evidently is most responsible for the "don't befriend De . Gaulle movement." This was clear when we asked Gen. Henri Giraud to visit us last summer. But powerful and influencial as we are, our attempts to play Giraud ahead of De Gaulle just didn't work. What we may expect to gain from this attitude is not at all clear. We know the French under- ground forces will be of the utmost value in the invasion. And these forces rally around De Gaulle. THIS IS CLEAR when pictures of the Maquis show them with the Croix de Lorraine, the De Gaulle emblem. And it is clear in their news- papers. "Liberation" carries a quotation from Ie Gaulle as a part of its masthead. "Combat" recognizes "in Gen. De Gaulle the one who rep- resents the will of the French people and who symbolizes their resistance to the oppressor." It is true that De Gaulle probably wants to build a greater France than we do. His faith in the French people is boundless. "Twenty centuries of history," he says, "show that we are always right in having faith in France." What people here are thinking of this attitude is becoming more and more apparent. Samuel Grafton repeatedly criticizes it rather violently, but he, of course, never mentions Roosevelt in connection with it. MARQUIS CHILDS stated in the Detroit Free I'd Bather Be Bight By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, May 26.-The French under- ground will want function, a role, a job, after we arrive. It will want activity. It will have been fighting for the liberation of France for four years, and it will not welcome, it will not be able to endure, unemployment in this field. Here is the clue to our whole relationship with the French underground. What job will we give. it? General Eisenhower has wisely instructed the underground, by radio, to prepare maps, to list clearings, to assemble data on the strength of bridges. But the French underground will not be content to sit by the wayside and point out the road to Paris, It will want to point out the road to the future, and it will want to walk on that road. Immediate use must be found for the under- ground formations, as formations. 'The under- ground organizations are all that now exists of an organized France. The rest of France has either been jailed or atomized; either frozen or scattered. But the underground has been building gen- uine institutions. It has given France its first clean and honest, though illegal, press. Its executive arm is a kind of police force, the only one in France which-can be trusted to be thor- oughly anti-fascist. To dissolve these organi- zations would unintentionally complete Hitler's program for the pulverization of France. French fascism has never been able to dissolve the underground. We must not innocently do it for it. ICYr T ODAY when members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Ann Arbor appear on the streets to sell poppies, most of the students will not have to think of reasons why they should step up and buy the flowers at the highest price. There is no worry about inflationary talk here when you are urged to pay the highest that you can. There is no price ceiling on that amount. Your needed contributions will be aiding the disabled veterans of World War I and II and their children if there is no one else to take care of them. The VFW has financed, built and maintained for some time the children's home at Eaton Rapids, Mich., and a large part of the proceeds from today's Poppy Day will go toward this project. It is certainly one of the worthy causes that has come to the public's attention and de- serves the support of everybody. It has been emphasized that each poppy costs between four and five cents and the dis- abled veteran receives one cent from each flower that he makes. So figure it out for yourself how much more is needed above the expenses; buy your poppy and wear it proudly. -Dorothy Potts The question of our relations with the French underground is not a question of whether it will like us or hate us, in static fashion. This is not a romance on a spark bench. The quality of our relations rests on how much we do together, and on whether we spall be together, or opposed. Whether the underground likes us or dislikes us, trusts us or distrusts us has not yet been decided; it will be decided by our ability to work with it; to find use for it. It is no set thing; it is a fluid question; the answer is up to us. We must watch out for a recurrence of that strange political apathy which came to South- ern Italy with our landing craft. Anne O'Hare McCormick has noted brilliantly, in the Times, how guerrilla aetivity flares in Northern Italy where we are not, dies in South- ern Italy, where we are. The Italians are apathetic only where we are among them. We come to rebuild. Yet something happens; the first effect of our presence is to dissolve, and to relax. Our desire for what we call "order" is almost a, mania; it might even be called disorderly be- cause of its disintegrating effect on popular or- ganization wherever we come in contact with it. The French National Committee has sworn in the entire organized underground, as a legal part of the French ai:my. We must recognize this organizational reality. We must find a way to keep underground organizations on the far side of the battle line going, as our partisans, and we must keep the underground organizations on our side of the line intact, as the living link with these partisans. The underground will be no problem if we use it. It will be a problem only if we try to kill it. We must not expect the underground to resemble our own remote vision of it. It will probably be proud, perhaps stubborn, touchy; it may even seem arrogant. We must try to understand. We shall be taking over the job to which it will have devoted years of peril; the job of freeing France. We must expect a reaction if we do this in flat terms of dismissal, ousting, firing. These men and women know something about the freeing of France. They will expect to be listened to. We must, deep in our hearts, un- derstand how much they will expect that. These are only some of the considerations that come tumbling to life as the hour of invasion approaches. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) Statistics on the Democratic and Republican conventions in Chicago have already been com- piled by statisticians who would rather be first than right. They run to 150,000 hot dogs, 250,- 000 bottle of soda pop, 40,000 ham sandwiches, 500,000 bags of peanuts, 300,000 cups of coffee. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 146! All notices for The Daily Official Ilul- estin are to be sent to the office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices The General Library, all Collegiate and Departmental Libraries, and all Study Halls will be closed on Memor- ial Day, Tuesday, May thirtieth. Admission to the School of Bus- iness Admrinistration: Application for admission to this School beginning with the Summer Term must be filed not later than June 1. Information and application blanks available in* Rm. 108, Tappan Hall. La Sociedad H-ispanica offers two fifty dollar ($50.00) scholarships to the National University of Mexico Summer Session. Students interested please apply at Rm. 302 Romance Languages Building not later than May 29. A cademic Notices Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in the School of Education: These examinations will be held on June 15, 16 and 17. Anyone desiring to take them should notify Dr. Woo- dy's Office not later than May 31. Master's Candidates in History: The language examinations for Mas- ter's Candidates in History will be held on Friday, June 2, at 4 p.m. in Rm. B, Haven Hall. Those intending to take the examination should sign up in the History Office, 119 H.H., during the week before the examina- tion. Doctoral Examination for William Madison Boyd, Political Science; the- sis: "The Administration of Terri- tories and Island Possessions by the United States," Monday, May 29, East Council Room, Rackham, at 2 p.m. Chairman, E. S. Brown. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Concerts Faculty Recital: Kathleen Rinck, pianist, and Dorothy Ornest Feld- man, soprano, will be heard in a pro- gram of compositions by Schubert, at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, May 28, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Bingo Party and Dance: Don't miss this USO Bingo Party and Dance, today. Bigger and better than the last Bingo Party. Prizes. We guaran- tee you will enjoy it. Bingo in the Tavern Roomn. Dancing in the Ball- room. Refreshments will be served. The Michigan Sailing Club will meet at 1 today in the Union. Wesley Foundation: A group will meet at the church at 5 o'clock to go to the Island for a picnic supper and baseball. Call 6881 for reservations. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have a supper meeting today at the Lutheran Student Cen- ter, beginning at 5:30. Outdoor rec- reation from 4 on. Coming Events The Society of Women Engineers will hold a special meeting at 2:30 p.m. in the Michigan League on Sun- day, May 28, 1944. The Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. for a hike at the club quarters in the Rackham Building, entrance northwest corner. All graduate and professional stu- dents and alumni are cordially in- vited to attend., There will be an executive commit- tee meeting of Michigan Youth for Democratic Action at.4:30 p.m. Mon- day, in the Union. Presence of mem- bers is compulsory. The Phi Kappa Phi iitiation of new members will be held in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, June 6. The initiation will be followed by a reception in the Assembly Hall. All members are in- vited to attend. Thought for the Future: USO Pic-' social hour and supper followed by the installation of the new officers. First Congregational Church: State and William Streets. Church School sessions at 9:25 a.m. and 10:45. At the service of public worship Dr. Parr will speak on "The Broken Walls." At 5 the Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet fob supper and the installation of officers. Student's Evangelical Chapel, 218 N. Division. The regular worship services will be held at 10:30- and at 7:30. The Rev. Leonard Verdulin will preach at both services. The chapel is sponsored by the Christian Re- formed Church. University Lutheran Chapel: Ser- vice Sunday morning at 11. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Jesus Interprets Pentecost." First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship at 10:45 a.m., Subject of the sermon by Dr. Lembn is "Be- tween Ourselves." Westminster Guild at 5 p.m. will be led by the Reverend Leonard Verduin. First Methodist.Church and Wesley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. Prof. Kenneth Hance, leader, Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will .preach on the theme "Transfigura- tion." Wesleyan Guild Meeting-we will-leave the church at 4 o'clock for an outdoor meeting at "The Mead- ows." Dr. E. W. Blakeman will speak on "The Christian in the Post-War World." Supper and fellowship fol- lowing the meeting. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division Street. Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Sub- ject, "Ancient and Modern Necro- mancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypno- tism, Denounced." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. A convenient reading room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington Street where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m. The Lutheran Student Association will have its Little Ahram this Sun- day. The group will leave from the Parish Hall, 309 'E. Washington St.,, BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I'm m . svfor . na... I I 1ThI'1 a nd ot fe rmvN IH I MyFairy Godfather will Copyright 4944 P