TomE MICHI.N .AILY ' H ? TD , ' 25, I944 Gov. Kelly Proclaims 'D-Day' as One for Solemn Refl ection > . U' CooperatesE With Michigan H OCD on Plans Sirens, Church Bells, Whistle, Carillon Will Announce Invasion Governor Harry F. Kelly has pro- claimed "D-Day," invasion day, as a day for solemn reflection and prayer, when all people of Michigan are asked to petition Providence for suc- cess in battle and for the safety of servicemen, Ann Arbor Police Chief Mortenson revealed yesterday. In connection with Gov. Kelly's proclamation, the Michigan Office of Civilian Defense, with the coopera- tion of the University, churches and city officials, has devised a plan for simultaneous state - wide observance of D-Day, No False Alarms The day to be officially observed as D-Day will be designated by the Gov- ernor. This is being done to guard against premature observances based on false invasion reports and to pro- vide for the simultaneous one-min- ute pause. The day will be chosen immediately after it has been au- thoritatively recognized that the in- vasion is under way. Ann Arbor air raid sirens, the Uni- versity whistle, the Carillon Tower and church bells will be used to an- nounce the invasion, after official re- ports have been received by the City Police. At that time the signals will be used for a period of 90 seconds. This is to be followed by a cessation of all activities for a period of one minute, which is to be given over to silent prayer and reflection upon the solemn significance of the occasion. . Chief Mortenson emphasized the fact that the observance is specifically not a celebration, but a moment for solemn reflection upon the cause for which we fight and prayers for the men and women who are risking their lives in the battle. Occasion for Prayer The purpose of D-Day observance is to retain control over invasion ob- servances by avoiding the develop- ment of anything that might have the characteristic of celebration; to prevent by means of' official an- nouncement flash observances based on erroneous reports; to take ad- vantage of the value of unanimous prayer as stated by leading .clergy- men, and to emphasize to the public that this is an occasion for solemnity and prayer. Travieso Talks On Venezuela Emphasizing the willingness of Venezuela to cement relations with all countries in the Americas, Dr. Armando Travieso, in a talk spon- sored by the Latin American Society end International Center, last night spoke on "Caracas the Intellectual." Travieso explained that the fertile soil of the country has not been ade- quately cultivated and that the rich mineral resources have not been ex- tensively exploited. "Manufacturing has advanced enormously," Travieso stated, explaining that large amounts of national and foreign capital have been invested. Couneil Airs Fall Election Coming Presidential Voting Is Discussed Parliamentary, economic and in- ternational phases. of the coming presidential election were discussed at a Post-War Council panel last night by Prof. H. M. Dorr, Prof. Sho- rey Peterson and Prof. Kenneth G. Hance. "We are facing a crisis in world or- ganization," Prof. Dorr said, "and be- cause of the system and workings of the American government our action in such a crsis depends to a large degree on the President." When- ever the American people believe that something is at stake, the authority is always in the President, he added. Economic Aspects Discussed Discussing economic aspects of the election, Prof. Peterson said, "We can be certain, whoever the candidates are, they're all going to say that they are friends of capitalism and that they want to make it work." Prof. Peterson posed two questions on which a "tremendous amount hinges as far as the future of our society is concerned": the employ- ment problem and the cartel issue. "The future organization of economic life hinges to a substantial extent on what might be called the cartel issue," he added. "Yardstick" Suggested Remriarking that we are an "inter- nationally minded" people, Prof. Hance proposed a "yardstick" for judging presidential candidates. Con- sideration of experience and ability and point of view, he believes, could well serve as a measure of the can- didate's worth. He added that this is a time when "experience must be measured very, very heavily." "We want a President who has an international point of view," Prof Hance said. Highlights On Campus .. . T"enn is Club T'o Met .. . The Tennis Club will meet at 2 p.m. Saturday on the Palmer Field courts, or in case of rain, in the Women's Athletic Building, accord- ing to Harriet' Risk, '47, manager. All women interested in joining the club are invited to attend the meet- ing or to call Miss Risk at 2-3225. * * * Baltai To IIear Ober ... Bahai's one-hundredth anniveri- sary will be commemorated in Ann Arbor by an open meeting at 8:15 p.m. Saturday at the Michigan League with Harlan Ober of Mas- sachusetts speaking on "One Hun- dred Years Nearer World Unity." Walter Olitzke of the Metropolitan Opera Co. staff will sing. * *x * WAA f*icials Club..*. Officials Club, the latest addition to the WAA sports clubs, which is headed by Irene Turner, '46, will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the WAB. The purpose of the club is to give coeds instruction in officiating at basketball, volleyball and softball games. JAP OFFERS NO RESISTANCE-The body of a Jap soldier lies on the beach near Aitape, New Guinea, as invading Allies unload material from the hold of an LST. ---AP Wirephoto. CA TURES 13 KRAiTS. Anzio Tank, Douhle Trouble,' Carries Oti with Its Reputation By DANIEL DELUCE Assojcated Press Corresponadent WITH THE FIFTH ARMY AT ANZIO BEACHHEAD, May 23 (de- layed). - "Double Trouble," a tank that belies its name, rumbled back from the Alban Hills at dusk today with a shell hole in its nose, red wine in a water can and 13 German pris- oners trailing behind. Steering his aged steel monster to the nearest mechanical surgeon, Sgt. Ralph Johnson poked his dusty face out of the driver's seat and grinned "We are trading it tonight for an- other one- Triple Trouble'." The 22-year-old Kentuckian from Louisville who had to leave his bride of six weeks to come overseas, was the first tanker to drive across the Cisterna-Rome railroad at noon to- day and crack the German beach- head line. While machine-gun bullets spat- tered against "Double Trouble's" rugged frame, Gunner Cpl. Arthur Boenze of St. Louis, Mo. "fired at everything-Krauts going down in dugouts and Krauts climbing trees." When the platoon leader, Lt. Walter Russell, of "Somewhere on Lng Is- land," lost his own tank on a mine, he hailed "Double Trouble," climbed in and the sortie continued. (Continued rom Page 1) Referring to the problem arising out of the appropriate role of public debt-financed investment as a means of providing full employment, Palmer said, "Here one can make a con- vincing case to the effect that public investment will raise the level of employment by some multiple if pri- vate investment does not fall. Our experience in the middle 1930's sug- gests that one cannot overlook the depressing effect of public investment on private investment if the public investment competes in any way with private investment opportunities. "The one type of public invest- ment that will not deter private investment is preparation for war. This was fully demonstrated in many countries in the late 1930's and early 1940's. It is not a consol- ing conclusion." Palmer opposed any pay-back pro- gram on lease-lend debts incurred by other nations, saying, "If all the Allies are contributing men and ma- terials to the fullest extent of their respective abilities, wvhether England or the United States or Russia uses a particular tank or gun or soldier is unimportant. "We don't ask payment for troops killed, and it would be equally urnreasonable to ask pay- ment for goods. Such balancing of accounts would impede full inter- national confidence and coopera- tion" Rather than announcing cancella- tion of such debts now, he indicated that it might be desirable to use such cancellations as a device to force recalcitrant nations into line in es- tablishing international currency sta- bilization programs or in opening up markets. 't o !Here's an euaton to be rettem- About 1,000 yar'ds beyond the rail- way embankment "Double Trouble"' shuddered and stopped. A German' 88-shell had squashed in the face of the tank. Slowly, "Double Trouble" inched away from the battle, but not before Sgt. Johnson spotted the entrance to an interesting tunnel. Leaving the controls to the assistant driver, he and Sgt. Lawrence W. Butler of Grand Rapids, investigated with tommy guns. They found a tunnel 75 feet long into the hilside and inhabited by 13 Germans including a junior officer and a plentiful supply of native wine. "It wasn't a bad souvenir hunt," said Sgt. Johnson. Miss Pamela Hinkson, author and traveler, will speak at 4:15 p.m. today on "India" in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Committee of the Save the Children Federation andTheta .Sig- ma Phi, honorary journalism society for women. Miss Hinkson, daughter of Kath- erine Tynman, Irish poetess, and author of "Indian Harvest" and "Golden Rose," is visiting the Brit- ish consulate in Detroit. The Save the Children Federation, headed by Mrs. Preston Slosson, con- tributes to the support of a British nursery, Trenvince House, in Red- ruth, Cornwall, England. Former 1u11( Leader Questioned in Spy Trial WASHINGTON, May 24.-()-A maze of legal debate today bogged down the mass sedition conspiracy trial in U.S. District Court. Peter Gissibl, 39, German-born for- mer leader of the Chicago unit of the German - American Bund, through whom the prosecution hopes to link pro-Nazi activities in this country to officials in Germany, spent consider- able time on the witness stand, but answered only few questions. The City Beat:' . .4 Today's Ann Arbor News In Summary Hos phal Wants Help ... An urgent, appeal for volunteer, workers to do night shift kitchen duty in the University Hospital was, broadcast yesterday by the Office of; Civilian Defense. Hours during which volunteers are needed are from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. and from 10:30 p.m. until 2 a.m. Need for help on week-ends is especially urgent, it was announced, * * * Fireman Loses Hand .. . Herman Miller, city fireman, ac- cidentally lost the tips of four fin- gers on his rig'ht hand yesterday, when a paper clipper in the press shop where Miller is employed as a part-time worker descended up- on his fingers when a release lever was tripped accidentally by his thigh. Miller was treated at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital and was released. * * * Driver Goes to Court . .. Peter Betanzos, age 26, driver of a car in which four people were seri- ously injured in a traffic accident Monday, has demanded an examina- tion upon arraignment before Muni- cipal Judge JTay H. Payne on a charge of felonious driving. One:of the in- jured, Miss Ardis Haskill, age 20, of 1227 S. Forest Ave., was still in criti- cal condition yesterday at St. Jos- eph's Hospital. * * * 'Santa' Enters Hospital .,.. Albert Warnhoff, age 54, of 722 Packard, Ann Arbor's own "Santa Claus" to many hospitalized crip- pled children, entered St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday to undergo an operation. Baxnd T o Give Spri n Concer t 31st Annual Program Will Be Heard June 4 The University Concert Band, un- der the baton of Prof. William D. Revelli, will present its 31st annual spring concert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, June 4, in Hill Auditorium. Composed of approximately ?5 members, the band will conclude its season with this concert. The band will also function during the summer session, giving numerous outdoor concerts for students. Selections by Beethoven, Padilla, Strauss, Wagner, Van Weber, Proko- fieff, Paganini, Rachmaninoff, Cur- zon, Holst, Sousa and Gould will be heard on the program. A special feature of the concert will be a new symphonic paraphrase on Jerome Kern's popular "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Recital To Be Given Kathleen Rinck, pianist, and Dor- othy Feldman, soprano, members of the School of Music faculty, will pre- sent an all-Schubert program at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Miss Rinck will play "Moments Mu- sicaux" and t'he "Sonata in B-flat major." She will also accompany Mrs. Feldman in six vocal selections, The recital is open to the public. v" For INDR/IDUALIZED FIHSTORAGE ALL CAMPUS DANCE: Tickets for BlouICevard Ball' T o Be 501(1 T oday, T omorrow Final ticket sales for "Boulevard entertainment will feature Doc Field- Ball," formal dance which will be ing as master of ceremonies, songs held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight Sat by local composc=;s, including "We urday in Waterman Gymnasium, will Dope They're Beauti.iful" from "Ru- take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to- mor Has It" and "Soldier of Mine" day and tomorrow on the Diagonal from Junior Girls Play. The Co. D and in University Hall, and from 11 quartet will sing the first and Dee a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Lesser the latter. in the League lobby. Decorations will turn Waterman Remaining tickets will be sold from Gymnasium into a "park," complete 9 a.m. to noon in the League lobby with street signs marking campus Saturday. Men may now buy tickets, coed residences, shrubbery and park although the dance is primarily coed- benches. Another feature of the eve- bid. ning will be a coke bar, run by coed "Boulevard Ball" combines for the waitresses, in Barbour Gymnasium. first time the efforts of Panhellenic Council and Assembly Association to Mortar BOard To Meet present one of the major dances of There will be a meeting for all old the year. It is the only all-campus and new Mortar Board members at dance of its type. 7 p.m. today in the League, accord- The Ball features the music of ing to Bette Willemin, president. The Jerry Wald and his orchestra and room will be posted on the bulletin vocalist Ginny Powell. Intermission board. 217 East Liberty St. a 1 I --i !,.. How to STOP FUSE TROUBLE before it happens! jul ;ill .. - ..--..... - - III L i" a MUSC SIWP WILL BE CLOSED from Friday, May 26th to Tuesday, May 30th Onclusive OPEN AS USUAL WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st It's no fun sitting in the dark simply because a blown fuse has plunged your house into a black- out. Most fuse trouble can be stopped before it happens by observing a few simple precautions. (1) Frayed lamp cords and extension cords are often responsible for short circuits. Such frayed cords are dangerous. Have them repaired BEFORE they cause trouble. (Don't loop cords over a nail. Don't kink cords or tie them in knots. Don't run cord through a door lamb or under rugs.) (2) Never put an.electric appliance in water. Never poke at the element of your electric toaster (or any other appliance) with a fork or sharp tool, whether turned on or off. (3) Don't connect too many appliances and extra lamps on one circuit. (4) Be careful not to overload your washer, or feed too many pieces of clothing through the wringer at one time. The same is true of your ironer. (5) Disconnect appliances by pulling on the plug-never jerk out the cord. Do not let cords come in contact with water, grease or acids. (6) If a faulty lamp or appliance burns out a fuse, disconnect it at once-and don't use again until it has been repaired. r I Electricity is not rafioned. But its production requires coal and railroad transportation. Don't waste if! U e I iii I)