. q , p r ir t 4&till WP'eather Cloudy and In VOL. LIV No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1944' PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Open Twin Offensive in Italy * * -~c M FDR Vote In Texas Is Contested Georgila GOP To Name Two Groups By The Associated Press Texas Democrats, torn by dissen- sion over the fourth term and other issues, yesterday split into two fac- tions each of which will send delega- tions demanding to be seated at the party's national convention. Amid scenes of turbulence, backers of a proposal to pledge the state's 48 delegates to the national convention to renomination of President Roose- velt withdrew from the regular state convention after being beaten twice on test votes. - Will Go Unpledged Thereupon, the regular 'convention proceeded to elect an unpledged dele- gation and adopt resolutions critical of the national administration. One warned that if the "rump convention" delegates were seated at the national convention, the electors' chosen by the regular convention would not be bound to support the party's national nominees. Governor Thomas E. Dewey, mean- time, picked up still more delegates for the Republican presidential nom- ination. Maryland's 16 plumped into the Dewey column of pledged or claimed votes when the state Republican con- vention adopted a resolution recom- mending that the delegation support the New York governor. Technically, the delegation will go unpledged since this was .the decision of the voters in the presidential preference primary in which Dewey was not a candidate. Dewey Claims 373 Votes Maryland's 16 raised the Dewey total to 373 with 530 convention votes required to nominate. A factional Republican fight de- veloped in Georgia, resulting in two separate conventions yesterday and rival delegations to the national con- vention. One group instructed 14 delegates for Dewey. The other chose four uninstructed delegates-at-large. The issue between the groups was reported to be solely the question of control of the state party. By The Associated Press LONDON, May 23.-German pro- paganda reached a deep pitch of gloom today, perhaps in an attempt to create Allied over-confidence on the eve of invasion. In a broadcast from the Nazi-con- trolled Paris radio, the Fench com- mentator Robert De Beauplan declar- ed that as a result of the Allied aerial offensive against communications targets, "the French railway system is in complete chaos." It was the fifth anniversary of the formation of the Axis military alliance, and there was sobriety ev- en in the message Hitler sent Mus- solini on the occasion: "I want to express my unshakable belief that despite all difficulties that have to be overcome, at the end of this struggle the tri-partite powers will have victory." Whatever their motive, the Nazis permitted the French commentator De Beauplan to draw this gloomy picture of inside France "The French railway system is in complete chaos. The Allies have suc- cessfully pulver°ized into rubble whole mashalling yards. They have des- troyed countless locomotives. "Saboteurs have also put out of action the whole hydro-electric sys- tem of France. The whole problem i of transpcrt in France is a desolate sight." Presi1dential 4Criss' Will Be Panel Topic Three faculty members will discuss "The Presidential Ci isis" in a Post- War Council panel at 7:45 p.m. today Mystery Stories Favored For Outside Reading Current Literature in Display Cases Has Largest Circulation, Says Librarian Student interest in outside reading, according to Miss Fredericka B. Gillette ,chief circulation librarian of the General Library, is manifested mainly by the borrowing of mystery stores and by choices from the two library display cases, one containing the latest books on the war and the other current fiction and popular non-fiction such as biography, travel and hobbies. The display of new books on the war and of other current literature is designed primarily to encourage outside reading among students and an effort is made to purchase those books calculated to interest college readers most. During a ten-month period---- - v ' nni ,A -Anna stena~lF r os N. * Are 60.; , erme o m, _ V e lletist r ,4 ro~ n n eJ- A Y 6 R o cc a se c a r l e 'R ° . , SezzQ ..TereI. S-\' - Pi di onno Ar'zio ;. _ .edn.te WAY I4od-_L."Aqu no A Terrancinb wer - drlen -e c WHIERE A1LLIES RATTLE T OWARD BEACHH EAlD AND ROME -- Arr°owvs indicate points on the southern front in Italy where Amlrerican, French, British-C: aadi an and Polish forces ar°e attacking. Americans rcd Terracna, but were drien out by German counterattac . In - set map shows relation of front at Terracina to beachhead and Rome. 4,000 PLANES:. Greatest Fighter Force Escorts Yanks in Raid on Continent Drive Endangers Nazi 10th Army Clark Directs Attack from Beachhead ,Twenty Miles from Hliy City Outskirts By EDWARD KENNEDY Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NAPLES, May 23.-Massed Allied armies on the Anzio beachhead and on the main Italian front launched simultaneous offensives today, touching off a great battle which may determine the fates both of Rome and of the German Tenth Army within the next few days. Paced by a terrific aerial onslaught which rained thousands of bombs on Nazi troop concentrations and communications, American and British troops of the Fifth Army dashed out from the beachhead less than 20 miles from the outskirts of Rome under the personal direction of Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark, who had -established field headquarters in the battle zone. Veteran American infantrymen struck toward Cisterna in order to cut the Germans' principal line of communication with the main Italian front, and British tommnies hit directly toward Rome. (The Swiss radio reported that Allied troops also were attacking at the eastern extremity of the beachhead and had reached Lake Di Fogliano, ------ ---r south of Littoria and only 20 miles from July, 1943, to April of this year, the total circulation of books from the two display cases was 6,156. Of this number 1,736 were from the war shelf. That a large proportion of these Lauc Attack 11.. Navy Is Silent on Marcus Island Assault By The Associated Press Chinese forces have cut the old Burma Road. This striking development in the Asiatic war theatre was announced by the Chinese High Command yes- terday, almost simultaneously reports from the field said Chinese troops had launched a major counter offen- sive far to the north in Honan Prov- ince. There they were said to have regained some strategic positions from the Japanese. Meanwhile the U.S. Navy main- tained strict silence concerning.the Japanese-reported American task force aerial strike against Marcus Island, less than 1,200 miles from Tokyo, but announced continued bombing attacks against Nippon po- sitions in the Marshalls. Japs at Chefang Wiped Out The Chungking High Command said the Chinese offensive from the Salween River district of Yunnan Province carried one spearhead across the old Burma Road at Chefang, only 28 miles east of the Burma border. The Japanese garrison at Chefang was encircled and wiped out. More than 200 Japanese died there and much war material was captured. The operation left the Japanese with only an inferior trail supply line to South- ern China. Heavy monsoon rains, general throughout the Burma area, delayed Allied operations against the Jap- anese Myitkyina base. Previous re- ports pictured house-to-house fight- ing in the city with the Allies holding a third of the place. Imphal Reinforced The Chinese were making progress on other Yunnan and Burma fronts. The Allied Southeast Asia Com- nand announced there were indica- tions that the Japanese in the Imphal sector of India, 220 miles west of Myitkyina, received some reinforce- ments and were attempting to' take the initiative. The Japanese were repulsed when, with artillery support, they counterattacked against the Al- lied road block on the Riddim Road. In the southwest Pacific, reinforce- ments of the Sixth Army, presumably! flown in transport planes to the re- cently-seized Wakde airfield, have extended a river bridgehead on the nearby Dutch New Guinea mainland. were taken out by servicemen was evidenced by a decided drop in cir- culation in March when many serv- icemen left the campus. Circulation of fiction, biography and other books in the general display case also drop- ped at , this time. The figures and estimates given include those books circulating among members of the faculty although Miss Gillette said that faculty members withdraw few- er books than formerly, perhaps be- cause of their heavier wartime sched- ules, Spring Brings Reading Very heavy circulation of books not assigned for class reading occurs in March, April and May, Miss Gillette said. The month in which this cir- culation is heaviest depends to a This article appears in connec- tion with the current pgll on stu. dent reading habits being con- ducted by The Daily. Twin ques- tions in this week's poll are: 1. Can you honestly say that you read beyond the scope of your as- signed class readings? 2. Do you follow the current news? Another article related to the general question of students' "ex- tra" reading will appear in tomor- row's Daily. The results of the stu- dent opinion poll will be printed in Friday's paper. large extent on the dates of mid- semesters, term papers and finals, she added. Mystery novels formerly were giv- en a special shelf in a display case, and the shelf was always empty be- cause of a large turnover, Miss Gil- lette commented. This type of book is now kept only on the stack shelves, where there is a widely varied col- lection, Mystery in Demand Approximately a thousand volumes of mystery stories were presented to the Library several years ago, but most of these volumes have been worn out. Some especially popular books, now on the reserve list are: Dancing Saints by Leslie Cameron, Cartoon Cavalcade by Thomas Craven, Under Cover by John Roy Carlson, The Robe by Lloyd Douglas, Citizen Tom Paine by Howard Fast, Der Fuhrer by Con- rad Heiden, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway, Between Tears and Laughter by Lin-Yutang and So Little Time by John P Marquand. Among the approximately 200 books in the war display case are: An American Diary by Samuel Graf- ton, D-Day by John Gunther, As I See It by Stephen S. Wise and Jour- neys Between Wars by John Dos Passos. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, Toward a Better World by Jan Christian Smuts, Roger Fry by Virginia Woolf and The Human Com- edy by William Saroyan are included among books in the general display case. By Tlie Associated Press LONDON, May 23.-American hea- vy bombers escorted by the greatest fighter force ever sent on a single mission blasted Nazi airfields, freight yards and other targets in occupied France and military objectives in western Germany today, rounding 18 hours of assault in which more than 4,000 Allied planes rained 5,500 tons of bombs on the enemy. The attack .was carried into its third straight night, by RA1bombers which were heard roaring toward fortress Europe. Later the German radio repqrted "nuisance raiders" over Brandenburg province territory. Berlin lies in Brandenburg province, 1,000 Escort Planes More than 1,000 Thunderbolts, Lightnings and Mustangs, some of which did double duty by descending to strafe ground targets, accompanied a force of Liberators and Flying Fortresses about 750-strong on the daylight offensive into France and Germany. The escort force was de- scribed officially as history's greatest. As the tonnage in five days of a great pre-invasion onslaught mount- ed to 22,000, the German air force summoned only a token force to oppose the daylight blows, which the German-controlled Paris radio said were "systematically pa ralyzin g" communications. One Amer ic an bomber and three fighters were lost. Weather' tmproved The weather, which had provided cloud cover ,for the American Libera- Post-War Nursing . Is Lecture Subject In the fourth of a series of five School of Public Health dedicatory lectures, Miss Marian Sheahan, di- rector of public health nursing, New York State Department of Health, will present a~n address at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the publie health au- ditorlun. "Post-War Planning for Public Health Nursing" will be the subject of the address. Miss Sheahan is Thairman of the National Nursing t ommittee on Post-War Planning and is a candidate for the presidency of the National Organization for Pub- lic Health Nursing. tors and Fortresses in their attacks on airdromes, freight yards and other military targets, improved tonight and air lanes across the straits again were clogged with attacking Allied planes. American Marauders were seen heading across the channel and an- SMOOTH SAILING LONDON, May 23, -/P)-The weather of Dover Strait tonight was clear and cool, with the water smooth and visibility fair. There was some low mist, after a mid-day shower. A northwest wind swung to the southwest at dusk, blowing lightly. A high barometer climbed a few more points. The temperature at 10:30 p.m. (4:30 n.m., Eastern War Time) was 41 and tending downward. othlerforce, believed also to be Mar- auders, winged toward Boulogne lat- er. The Vichy radio network left the air early tonight and the German radio still broadcast warnings of Allied planes over western Germany. * * Radioman Risks ifeT o SaveCrew % A U.S. FLYING FORTRESS BASE IN ENGLAND; May 23. -U(})-.Sgt. Raymond Allen, 21, Penns Grove, N.J., radioman on a Flying Fortress, swung by his legs for nine minutes in an open bomb bay door today and held the spinning arming vane on a bomb to prevent it from exploding prematurely. The Fortress was on a bombing run over the railyards at Epinal when Allen noticed the arming wire and fuse coming out of a bomb at the bottom of the bay. He grabbed a portable oxygen bottle and hung head down in the bomb bay with his legs entwined in the catwalks and grabbed the spinning vane, In peril of being pulled out of the open bay by the suction of the wind or of having an arm mangled, he held his position over the gaping doors for nine min- utes until the bomb was released. Streamlined Income Tax Bill Is Passed - Unanimous Vote Sends .Measure to President WASHINGTON. May 23.-- (P)- The streamlined income tax bill, de- signed to bring about "taxation with-= out irritation" for 50,000,000 persons, was approved finally by Congress today, and sent to the White House. The measure passed unanimously in both houses-the first time in the memory of lawmakers that a major tax bill has received such emphatic approval. It went to the President as the House, on rWotion of Chairman Doughton (Dem., N.C.) of the Ways and Means Committee, accepted technical Senate changes, Affects 50,000,000 People The legislation re-shuffles the en- tire income tax structure, repealing the wartime "victory" tax and set- ting up new normal arid surtax rates and exemptions-while keeping ac"- tual tax burdens at substantially their present levels for most people. However, it did not pass without a floor fight. Rep. McLean (Rep, N.J.) renewed his assertions that it is not merely a simplification bill but a revenue-raising measure. McLean. a member of the Ways and Means Committee, previously had said it would increase individual income taxes by $2,000,000,000. FDR Anproval Seen The measure, virtually certain of presidential approval, would: 1. provide that some 30,000,O0 wage and salary earners, with in- comes up to $5,000, no longer will be required to file income tax returns. 2. Change completely the with- holding levy against wages and sal- aries-effective next Jan. 1-to de- duct currently the full tax liability thus beginning in 1945, these tax- payers would owe the government nothing at the year end. (There would be no change in the payroll deductions for taxes this year.) 3. On 1944 income, a short-cut is provided for these 30,000,000 tax- payers. The government would com- pute their taxes for them. from the main battleline near Terra- cina.) Liri Valley Defenses On the main Italian front Britons, Canadians and Poles of the Eighth Army at the same time smashed fur- iously at the main Hitler Line de- fenses in the Liri Valley, 35 miles east of the beachhead, and American and French divisions battered ahead on a rugged front extending from Pico down to Terracina on the sea. It was the greatest Allied striking force yet thrown into battle in this war outside the Russian front, The foe, 17 divisions strong, was known to has been committed to battle by Field Marshal den. Albert Kesselring in the hope of staving off the disaster which Gen. Sir Harold Alexander promised him. No Nazi Reserves For the enemy it was the show- down. The Nazis were left without any reserves close at hand to throw into the battle. Kesselring could obtain reinforcements only by moving new divisions from far to the north over railroads and highways already badly battered by Allied air might. The final battle fo Rome might not be long delayed. Newly-prepared German defense lines along which the Allied command predicted the enemy would make his last stand before yielding the Eternal City is roughly only seven miles north of the beachhead perimeter. Powerfully reinforced during the past week, Allied men and armor on the beachhead struck out savagely an hour before dawn in the direction of Cisterna on the ancient Appian Way. Daniel De Luce of the Associated Press wrote from a forward field post: "Trained especially with tanks for the past month the doughboys swarmed across the flat, green no- man's land in the wake of scores of Shermans, their guns blasting Ger- man foxholes and weapon pits at point-blank range. With a heavy advantage in armor and artillery, the cooped-up beachhead troops went into battle vowing they would fight through to Rome before they fin- ished. "Despite scattered clouds and a low mist which combined with the smoke from guns and chemical ma- chines to reduce visibility to less' than a mile, Allied planes flew in at almost strafing height to bomb the en- trenched enemy." Japs Approve Relief 'Stpplies For Internees WASHINGTON, May 23.- (/P- The State Department announced Tuesday that the Japanese had ap- proved the purchase of $25,000 worth of relief supplies monthly for Ameri- can civilian internees and prisoners of war in the Philippine Islands. The American Government for months had long sought such approval. American funds for this purpose already have been made available. Meanwhile, American diplomatic officials are "continuing to press the Japanese government" for full reci- procity in granting permission for neutral insnection of civilian and r~ricnricr n r. t°,-. ,, lni.' IiJ1".T Vnf lr "+Ol THE PATTERN OF THE FUTURE LIES IN OUR HANDS: Post- War Depression Is Not Inevitable, Declares Dean Griffin Editor's Note: This is the first in a series, of three articles on various phases of post-war planning in the economic field. The views presented are not necessarily those of any department of the University and The Daily does not intend to imply that they are the only acceptable vIews on these subjects., Tomorrow's article will be a discussion of the national debt. By MARGARET FARMER "Depression at the end of .this war is not inevitable unless we allow ourselves to be overcome by unwarranted fear of the future," Dr. Clare E. Griffin, dean of the School of Business Administration, declared yesterday. "Depressions are largely of our own making," he said. "Businessmen are influenced by public attitudes. A general fear psychology and obsession with the possibilities of depression induces them to cut down payirolls and expansion-and we have depression. " *lhl A 'itvl,11 T°,Cgriffin 'pointed O l ble~J'~ is smal- Dr-' Gri' -o d - perity is that the war on the two fronts will probably end at different times. The shut-down on war pro- duction will come gradually, making the transition period much easier than if it all came at the same time." Dr. Griffin did not belittle plan- ning of post-war public works to counteract possible temporary un- employment, "Such planning is necessary as a form of insurance," he stated. "We should hold public works in reserve so the government can tide us over +Ff ii'fi 1 . a t u f t h - - willing to expand old business or es- tablish new ones. "The business enterprisers are the men who decide whether to hire, to build a new wing or put in a new showcase, to invest money, or not. How they feel about the future is what determines whether the coun- try has 'good times' or not. "The biggest difficulty in the past has been that the situation hasn't been such to lead businessmen to take risks. Enterprisers have been fear- ful of heavy taxes, of labor demands, "As to the national debt-the government should make clear its intention of reducing It, especially during periods of high employment and national income." Hie further favored elimination of inter-state and foreign trade barriers, Referring to the labor-management situation, he said, "What we need most as far as labor is concerned is recognition of common interests by both management and labor "The divergent interests of labor and capital have been over-empha- i "But there's no reason why we nut tThat this ianer calls for tem-