PAGE EIGH ~. ....U. .~ J.~.U. .5. ~.4 .L.U. 5. ~N £~3~ .1. ~ .E..~ .t3. .3. 1j .3. 1Tla M TCI 4.a 1TI'1- l ...N LiR I . U LA 23 Engineers Win Awards For 1944-45 Mandelbaum, Donovan, Hunt, Boyer Awards Granted to Students , Twenty-three students in the School of Engineering were awarded scholarships for the year 1944-45, it was announced yesterday. Two of the students will graduate at the end of the summer term. Winners of the Simon Mandel- baum Scholarships are Edward Rog- er Hotte, James Takaharu Sakai and Robert Lawrence Taylor. Fifteen students were granted Cornelius Donovan Scholarships. These include George Adomian, Al- lan Henry Albert, Frank R. Arams, George Geist Binder, Jr., Robert Norman Dolph, Evan Albern Fraden- burgh, Harry Hawkins Haft, Richard; Nelson Hamme, Richard Douglas Le- Clair, William Coryell Meecham, Harold Miller who will graduate this summer, Eugene Gordon Moody, Naldo Frank Pierpoline, Paul Martin Stein, and Ralph Edgar Strem. The Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholar- ships were awarded to Donald Max Blue, Henry Masami . Noritake, who will graduate at the end of the sum- mer term, Donald Hurl Vance, and Arthur Daiel Wilson. Charles Woodson Wilson IIl re- ceived the Joseph Boyer Scholarship, and James Robert Stelt was granted the Robert Campbell Gemmell Me- morial Scholarship. GUILDS TO MEET:r Experiences Ds an Overseas Ambulance Driver T o Be T old Hugh White, speaking on his ex- periences .as'an overseas ambulance iriver for two years in the present war, will speak at 6 p. m. today be= fore the Canterbury Club at St. An- drew's Episcopal Church. White, who has just returned to this country, has been with the American Field Service attached to the British Eighth Army, and has served in both the African and Ital- ian campaigns. All servicemen, students, and others whodare inter- ested are invited to attend. Preced- ing his talk will be a picnic supper to be held on the lawn of the Rev. Robert Mull, or in case of rain in .Pa ige Hall. subject will be "Faith Beyond Free-{ dom."k "An Interpretation of Church Col- ors and Symbols" will be the topic of Miss Bonnie Jellema's talk at 5:30 p. m. in the Zion Parish Hall for the Lutheran Student Association. Fel- lowship hour and supper will precede the program. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will hold a picnic on Island Park. The group will leave from in front of the Rackham Building at 3 p. m. today and will have supper on the Island. The Roger Williams Guild will not hold a meeting this week because or a Baptist Planning Conference. Picnic Sup ers Pnniied ----___-__ Gh "Id Congregational - DisciplGs (ranid Rapnids Builds Iuidwill leave thxe Guild House at 4p. m. today for an outdoor meet- Anti-Aircraft Guns ing at River"side Park. Softball, tennis, badminton and croquet as GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., May 20 well as a picnic supper and vesper -(P)-Public disclosure for the first services will be held. In case of rain time of Grand Rapid's outstanding the group will meet at the same time contribution to the war was made in the recreational hall of the Con- Friday when the United States gov-' gregational Church. ernment authorized its release from Mrs. Martha Wentworth of the censorship. School of Music will speak on "The It is the rapid-fire stratosphere Evolution of Sacred Music" at 5 anti-aircraft gun. The biggest of its p. n. at the Wesleyan Guild meeting kind in the world, pumping its 4.7 at the First Methodist Church. There inch shells more than eleven miles will also be an election of officers in the air. for the coming year. Supper and fel- The gun has been in production lowship hour will follow the meeting. for many months at the Grand Rap- Guild to Hear Talk ids stamping plant of General Mo- Westminster Guild at the First tors Corporation and E. F. Fisher, Presbyterian Church will hear a talk general manager of Fisher Body Di- and discussion lead by the Rev. Ed- vision, was authorized Saturday to ward Redman at 5 p. m. today. His announce some of the details. I 'Will Be Today M embers of Hillel To Receive Awards The annual Hillel Honors Ban- quet, to be attended by approximate- ly seventy-five persons, will begin at 5:30 p. m. today at the Hillel Foun- dation. Prof. Jacob Sacks of the pharma- cology department will present the awards and scholarships which in- clude Hillel keys given to those stu- dents who have given meritorious service to the Foundation; the Hillel Cabinet Award, given to seniors and graduates who have given outstand- ing service to the Foundation; and the Milford Stern Award of $10 pre- sented to the Hillel member who has contributed most to the Foundation through public speaking. Other Awards Listed The Hillel member who has made the most significant contribution to the cultural content of the Founda- tion's program during the past year will receive the Arnold Schiff Me- morial Award of $25. Winners of the cash scholarships of sums ranging from $150 to $250 con- tributed by the Pisgah Auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith of Detroit and the Women's District Lodge No. 6 will be announced by Prof. Sacks at the banquet. These scholarships are of three types: the work scholarship, the student director scholarships and the hostess scholarship. Officers To Take Oath The fifteen recently elected Hillel council members to be elected at a council meeting this morning will be sworn into office. Stan Wallace, '44, anti Faye Bronstein, '45, will also take the oath of office as president and secretary, respectively. IilrE Strident Council To Meet ait Foundtion The Hillel student council will meet at 10:30 a. m. today in the Foundation lounge for the purpose of choosing seven new council mem- bers. 'Umor Has It" "Rumor Has It" is the name, but Pfc. Arty Fischer, show director, isn't leaving it to "rumor" to bring the campus Co. D's musical comedy on June 1 and 2 in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Among other attractions, "Rumor" has it in the way of music. There are ten songs, all of them with a point of novelty, by Pic. Ken Pierson and Pfc. Jim Rhind. The songs are presented by the principals, a male quartet and a five-part mixed chorus. The coeds in the singing and dancing choruses will, Pfc. Fischer says, falsify a certain rumor: that "four out of five women are beau- tiful, and the fifth goes to Mich- igan." Pfe. Fischer believes, and observers seem to agree, that he has found 35coeds without "that fifth." The singing chorus is directed by Pfc. Bob. Commanday, formerly of Yale University, and the group has spent two months in steady practice and hard work to justify the rumor that an excellent musical show is forthcoming. The singing chorus will make its debut with "The Jacqueline," a rhurn- (Continued from Page 1) take their places as members of self- governing communities." She states that much is being done already to raise the standard of liv- ing in British African colonies, but that the cry everywhere is "not enough." Thus, she says, the Colonial Development and Welfare Act was passed in 1940, an act which author- ized expenditure of 50,000,000 pounds over a period of ten years on schemes for promoting social and economic progress and 500,000poaunds a year for research. The funds, she states, come from the British taxpayer. "Already," she concludes, "the government has declared that these funds will not be 'anything like enough.' It is to the British taxpayer for financial help when the war is that the government will turn again over." ba with a new twist to its rhythm. The dancing chorus, which is directed by Dorothy Murzek, '46, will give its version of "The Jacqueline" with a specialty number and a routine by a group of the chorus. A waltz, "So Much in Love," com- bines the tempo and melody of the Strauss era with modern harmony by the singing Ilhorus. '1'he chorus joins the rest of the cast in the finale, "Rumor Has It." In the singing chorus are Pfc. Dick Cacciato, Pfc. Fred Timpano, Pfc. Dick Robertson, Cpl. Arnold Hurwitz, Pfc. Dave Shepard, Pfc. John Whit- CO. IJ TO STAG;E MUSICAL S1H0W: rin n n i _ "[n_"nTLnj-fL1-l_ an ]-_ Fin n.iB . BR0KNS a EsmP 2 -Fftf-g- F_ - - . Fr ___ I___ F, naive news in this F 'baby last' Sandal T"he bro adround~edl roomfiy toe that mnakes youtr fooat soa cdoably youcng. F The high s/rap that magkes iocr Fankle ~s/jim x. White Suee. 9. S 1 08 East Washington Phone 2-2685 ~r LYLYLFL LYLU1.J 1iu 5_ _ COLD FU R STO RAG E in Ann Arbor's Only and Michigan's Best Cold Fur Storage Vaults LOOPS A ND BUTTONS REPLACED- MINOR RIPS SEWN - GLAZING - including year 'round,all risk insu-rance. CLASIFID DVIT ISING $ .00 I i 0 G A _J ' -- r, c. CLASSIFIED $ AO per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of lOc for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request HELP WANTED PART OR full-time help any day of week including Sunday. Campus Bike Shop, 510 East Williams. HELP WANTED-Permanent office management job open to person capable of writing, editing and gathering material for fraternity and sorority publications. Excel- lent position for wife of medical student, for wife of faculty man, or for journalism graduate. With proper attention, future salary may be -considerably increased. Offers good opportunities for advance - ment in similar offices throughout the country. APPLY: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday afternoons, 232 Nickels Arcade, or phone 3011 for appointment . Allen Raymond, Manager. PERSONALS_ AVAILABLE B. T. O. VAN PELT-- smooth, big-time operator, will be available for Panhellenic. Call 23125.Ask for AvailablewCharlie. MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGED by mistake two weeks ago -black chesterfieldecoat. I have one too big 'for me. Mine must be too small for you. Call 2-4143. YOUR chesterfield was too short, but I had it lengthened. I am sure mine will fit better if you take in the hem. Mac. WILL the lady who borrowed the framed map for a "couple of months" please get in touch with me immediately? J. B. Saunders, Nickels Arcade. MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Green bacteriology notebook and music 41 syllabus. Very imp. Connie Maher, 4121, ext. 2147. LOST, May 12-Maroon and Black Sheaffer Lifetime pen. F1eward. Please return, 4536 Stockwell. WANTED TO R ENT WANiTE'D--Apar tment. Two Turk-I ish army captains doing graduate work would like 4-room apartment. Call Geo. Hall, ext. 2131, Interna- tional Center. MUSIC student wishes to park at- tractive house trailer adjacent home with available toilet facilities. Location within two miles campus. Rent or lease. References furnish- ed. Box 17, Michigan Daily. CALL 2-56-56 FOR PICK-UP-_ Dependable Furrier for Three Generations THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION ANN 4RBOR, MIC_ SUN)AY, MAY 21, 1944 i * ployment. All went well until questions turned to the labor union's function in the war. Then excited members of the audience shot question after question to John W. Gibson, presi- dent of the Michigan CIO Council and labor's only representative on the pan- el. He voiced fears that technological improve ments would displace many veterans but another mem- ber said improvements would cheapen products & cause greater demand, thus creating greater employ- ment. Gibson said that the CIO has abided by its "no- strike" pledge and that any strikes within the CIO to- day were unauthorized, and the result of wartime ten- sion or inexperienced, ex- citable employes. Preced- ing the panel, Dr. George E. Shepherd said that Chi- ang's driving ambition was to enable China to over- come the disgrace of the past 100 years when she was dominated by foreign powers. He said we will some day see an industrial- ized China and that their for an intensive course in English. SPORTS made the best of last week-end. It seemed to be "Elroy Hirsch Day" Saturday, for the prospec- tive four-letter winner first turned in a winning leap of 24 ft., 2% in., in the broadjump, during the tri- angular track meet, and then hurriedly changed in- to his baseball togs to pitch the baseball team to a 5-0 shut-out win over Ohio State, while limiting the Bucks to one hit. It was his third victory of the season against no defeats . . . The tennis team got its third and fourth dual meet vic- toriesofthe Big Ten sea- son, defeating both Wis- consin and Illinois by lop- sided scores . . . The Wol- verine golfers registered a double triumph on the golf links when they swamped Ohio State, 16-2, and the reserve quartet out-classed Western Michigan, 16/2- 1'2 . . . And in a meet that was full of surprises, Mich- igan's track squad massed Lettuce crisp, cool as a cu- cumnber COTTONS. Cele- brate National Cotton week with a smart cotton dress as REPRINT BOOK BARGAINS H ilton -The Story of Doctor Wassell Werfel - The Song Of Bernadette Bartlett - Familiar Quotations Stone - They Also Ron Burnett - This Is My Best Wells - Outline 0f History. Hilton - Random Harvest $1 .00 $1.49 $2.98 $1.49 $1.98 $1.98 $1.00 well a'; sportswear. Exciting new bathing suits styled by Gantner's of Cali- fornia for beauty and free- dom. One- and two-piece models in gay stripes, bright prints and solids. do BLACK AND WHITE-Sally, Fortune Ryan, sculp- tress granddaughter of the fabulous Thomas For- tune Ryan, feeds her black Scottie and white Sealy- ham on her lawn. -AP Photo. r rsr mnn i r Zi° rxrc mII \ r~sMJ~)~ A' t A Ill