TIlE MICTU GAN L_ AILV PA GE 1I Senior Coeds To Be Honored At Lantern Night Tomorrow WI* * . WAA To Give Annual Event Line of March To Start at Library; Go To Palmer Field Senior women, dressed in caps and gowns will be the honored guests at the Annual WAA Lantern Night to be held at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow at Palmer Field with the line of march forming at 6:45 p. m. in front of the library. Every one is invited to attend the Song contest in which 30 houses have entered 'songs, according to Shelby Dietrich, '45, Chairman for Lantern Night Sing, and those coeds who are not singing with their hous- es are asked to join in the Line of March. Coeds To Wear $ows All of the undergraduate women wil wear colored hair bows, yellow for juniors, red for. sophomores, and green for freshmen. These bows will be sold in the campus houses and in the booth on campus tomorrow by the JOP Committee. Leaders Carry Lanterns Because of the shortage of lan- terns, only two of the leaders of the Line of .March will carry them. As is the custom, the presidents of the campus organizations for the past year will lead the parade, with Mon- na Heath, President of the Women's War Council, Marilyn Mayer, Presi- dent of Judiciary, Doris Barr, Presi- dent of Assembly, and Nancy Hat- tersley, President of WAA, being the women. Two of them will carry flags, aid the other two lanterns. Band Leads March The Ann Arbor High School Band led 'by Mr. Charles Yates, will lead the procession down to Palmer Field, where the coeds will form a SHELBY DIETRICH block "M" and "V" and sing "Hail to the Colors" and "The Star Span- gled Banner," led by Patty Spore past president of the Women's Glee Club. WAA To Present Cup Feature of the evening will be the presentation of the WAA sports Par- ticipation Cup to the House which has earned the greatest number of individual participation points. Last year the Cup was won by Kappa Alpha Theta. In case of rain the event will be held in Rackham Auditorium, and the Line of March will not be held. If it rains during the program, the singers, judges and audience will go to the dining room of Jordan Hall to complete the program. If the weather is uncertain, houses may call the WAB' after 6 p. m. to find out where the event will be held. Boulevard Ball Is 'Pay-Off' Coeds May Repay Date Debts at Leap Year Dance The "pay-off" opportunity is one of the main features of "Boulevard Ball," to which coeds may invite their dates for an evening of enter- tainment and dancing to the music of Jerry Wald's orchestra from 8:30 p. m. to midnight Saturday in Wat- erman Gymnasium. As compensation for the many dances and parties to which they have been taken this year, the wo- men on campus thiough their two organizations, Assembly Association of independent women and Panhel- lenic Council, have planned one of the year's best events, featuring a top dance band which will leave an engagement at a prominent New York hotel for "Boulevard Ball." Skit To Be Given The gymnasium will "become" a park through novel decorations, and streets denoting the coed campus residences will be indicated in all directions. In adjoining Barbour Gymnasium a coke bar will be set up, and smoking will be permitted there. Highlighting the leap year, vice- versa affair will be a skit featuring Doc Fielding, who has rapidly be- come the campus' favorite student entertainer. Local Songs To Be Featured Recent music by local composers will be another feature of the affair., The hit songs from Junior Girls Play, "Soldier of Mine" and "The Michigan Stomp," will be presented, and the Co. D quartet will sing "We Hope They're Beautiful," from the forthcoming musical comedy, "Ru- mor Has It." Additional Hostesses Are Needed at USO Registration for USO Junior hos- 'tesses will reopen tomorrow at the USO Club from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Requirements for the applicants are: two letters of recommendation from persons who have known the coeds for at least one year. One of these letters should be from a clergy- man. Minimum age is 18, and fresh- men and sophomores should get their letters from their home town, while juniors and seniors may receive theirs from Ann Arbor. Every Junior Hostess must have spent at least 10 hours in the Club so far. Those who have not will for- feit their cards. Sharpe, Plate To Head Bomber Scholarship Fund Committee WAA NOTICES Marcia Sharpe, '45A, and Jim Plate, '45L, will head the Bomber Scholarship drive for the coming year, according to Jean Bisdee, '44, retiring chairman. The new central committee, which will take over Bomber Scholarship activities next semester, includes the following: Glenn White, finance; Mavis Kennedy, publicity; Nancy Pottinger, program; Bob Precious, alumni; Mary Lee Mason, special drives; and Paul John, personnel. The co-chairman also named stu- dents to the several committees as follows: finance, - Robert Lindsay, Ann Speed, Body Granger, Betsy Perry; publicity - Tom Bliska, Sue Polowe, Charlotte Brobecker, John Horeth, Charlotte Rueber, Judith Ruetenick; program - George Dar- row, Marion Johnson, Jean Gaffney, Georgianna Leslie, Allen Armstrong, and Dick Freeman. Atten d an e Falls A1 t Bandage Unit The League Surgical Dressings Unit weekly honor roll is led by Al- pha Epsilon Phi sorority and Pray League House, according to Mickey Theilen, publicity chairman. No dormitory contributed a suffi- cient number of hours to meet the minimum honor roll requirements. Other sororities who gave 16 or more hours are Delta Delta Delta, Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Delta Pi. Jellema, Cordes, and Augsburger League Houses met the minimum of three hours required for League houses. The Unit is open from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. each week and in- dividual workers are urged to at- tend as. the specific number of hours asked of each house is not enough to fill the quota set by the Red Cross. Cotton blouses, dresses or smocks must be worn. Woolen lint must not be allowed to enter the dressing. Nail polish, is also prohibited. Cot- ton headresses are supplied by the Red Cross but workers are asked to bring their own as the .Upit's supply is limited. Coeds are asked to work two consecutive hours. Instructors are always present to aid newcomers. "Invading forces need huge quan- tities _of surgical ,dressings," Miss Theilen said. "The two hours of work done by a coed can save the life of a wounded soldier," she added. The list continues with: alumni - Doris Chapman, Dick Chenoweth, Helen Baldwin, Elaine Stembol, Sandy Perlis; drives - Shirley Sick- les, John Clippert, Mary Kimball, Milton Budyk, Joyce Livermore; per- sonnel - Bob Gaukler, June Retzlaff, Art Shufro. Natalie Ann Maguire, and Dick Mixer. Bomber Scholarship has now reached approximately one-fourth of its $100,000 goal through dances, a concert, a carnival, and other cam- pus events. The same features will be carried through by the new com- mittee, together with new events and campaigns. The purpose of the Bomber Schol- arship Fund is to bring servicemen back to schodl after the war. The money is being put into war bonds, and the amount, $100,000, will theo- retically buy a bomber. Volunteers Commended The April honor roll of University Hospital volunteer workers is led by Barbara LaSha, who contributed 41 hours, according to Carol Evans, former chairman of soph project. Olive Whitaker and Ellen Vinacke were next on the honor roll with 29 and 28 hours respectively. Clarice Givens, Lois Perkens and Doris Trumpter were next with 26 hours for Miss Givens and 24 for the lat- ter two. Softball: 4:30 p. m. Tuesday; Al- pha Zi Delta. 5:15 p. m. Tuesday: Kappa Alpha Theta vs Jordon 3, Zeta Tau Alpha vs Alpha Chi Omega. 7:15 p. m. Tuesday: Alpha Epsi- lon Phi vs Kappa Delta, Jordan 2 vs Mosher, Ingalls vs Couzens, and Jor- dan 1 vs Martha Cook. University: Women's Riding Club: 6:15 p. m. Tuesday in front of Bar- bour Gym. Modern Dance: 8:30 p. m. Tues- day: and Thursday in the Dance Studio. Golf: 3:15 p. m. Wednesday at the WAB. Swimming: 8 p. m. Wednesday in Barbour Pool. Archery: 4:30 p. m. Tuesday and Thursday at the WAB. Outing Club: A canoe trip has been planned for Saturday, May 27 from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Reservations must be made before Thursday at 5 p. m. to Lee Wellman at 3018. Only those who can swim and have had some canoeing experience should at- tend. Oa .<"(>:<:'2<' ) ""'>aO0 """0"""0<"""0 O THE THEME 0 In handwoven cloths J We have a nice assortment of bridge and dinner sets, nine-piece lunch sets. Buy ^ them for distinctive gifts!.- Always Reasonably Priced GAGE LINEN SHOP 10 NICKELS ARCADE Umy }®UrOenp .OnpG etG et)n'PU ot)"neU t x._. , I 'I Brilliant, young coats - tops over everything through summner! Short or long - choose yours from our super collection.h Priced froi $29.95 SHKORTIES froma $12I95 ( z ' ; , r r iF '1 EAC WITHIN YOUR REACI You can save your dimes and dollars for War Bonds-and have the clothes you need too! For a good coat and suit are bare es- senIials in a wardrobe which may havelittle else in it, yet see you beautifully garbed for any time . . . place .. . occasions. S/ate Street Store Monday 1:!ours: Noon to 8:30 P. M. , 1. i{ b :; ' THE WINNER CARDIGAN SIJIT suminer topper 25 . make your selections now while size ranges are complete on the "hard-to-get" cottons. 1.. I ;n . .. « Clean-cut and collarless -most versatile suit for spring thru summer .. . into fall. Right day and night-super with tail- ored r frilled accents. See our top collection of gabardines and flan- nels in pastel and darks. : > <;:. ' ' ..r from $29.95 also In "Strutter" at 16.95 In "Sibreeze" at 22.E5 i 'r f . i i SPORTS SHOP Our tailored cottons in their modest little way win plaudits from all sides. They have the fresh American look everyone likes. Theirs is the small price everyone can afford. Choose one- or two-piece styles in seer- sucker, chambray, or gingham . .. tailored as carefully as hisunifor-! Two-piece cottons and butcher linens in solid colors. Printed skirts and solid color jackets.. . also seersuckers ,1 .{r 5-,. .r .. SHOPPING NOTES CLEARANCE of early spring SUITS, COATSE, DRESSES at Reductions to 1/2 of Oiginal Price. Handy little coat you'll be thankful for whenever a cool breeze blows. Tailored in a soft swagger style with pretty petal lapels. Gold, mint green, cherry red or navy in 100% wool shetland-type tweed. Misses' sizes. and jerseys. 8.95 to 12.95 Jumpers in seescrsuckers, stripes, prints, and solid colors. I f