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May 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-21

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S'CP,'AY, I4 Y 2r 1944


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Fifty-Fourth Year

Id Rather lie Right


Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frankt .
Buzd Low
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall
Marjorie Rosmar
Elizabeth A. Carp
Margery Batt


orial Staff

* . . . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
* . . . Associate Sports Editor
, ,Associate Sports Editor
x . .Women's Editor
, . . Associate Women's Editor
in . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
enter . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


NEW YORK, May 20. - The ad-
ministration always reacts to the
sting when it is accused of not having
a clear foreign policy. If the hubbub
among the commentators rises to - a
sufficient level, Mr. Hull, or Mr. Con-
nally, or somebody, is escorted to a
microphone, to make a long speech
insisting that we do have a clear for-
eign policy.
There is a kind of up-and-down
wave motion in this field. The crisis
comes about twice a year. First the
bolder commentators begin tartly to
suggest that we ought to make up our
minds about France, Italy, Poland
and Greece. The murmur becomes
a chorus, many editorial pages join
in; finally the protest reaches storm
intensity, becoming a phenomenon in
At this point even the lightweights
of controversy, who wouldn't know
a foreign policy if it came to their
house for dinner, begin to join in,
writing secondary, or derivative
pieces, pointing out that a row is
going on.
It is then that we have the big
speech. The administration insists
in it that we do have a clear foreign
policy. It makes one or two con-
=cessions, such as Mr. Hull's recent
ambiguous declaration to the effect
that the United States foiesees a
role for the de Gaulle committee in
France. The big speech silences
the critics for a time. The crisis
passes. The pundits lean back to
see what they shall see. And, slow-
ly those incidents begin to accum-
ulate which will ,in time, lead to the
next crisis.
We are in just that stage now. The.
last big row was in March. Mr. Hull
then spoke. The period of contem-
plation is ending. We seem to have
broken with de Gaulle. And the
wave of protest is gathering momen-
tum toward its next approaching
Meanwhile, we see something very
curious going on in Europe. The ad-
ministration seems to have placed al-
most the entire problem of our rela-
tions with the Continent in the al-
ready over-burdened hands of Gen-

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use .
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail #matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
N/4/M4fl LI. Sn~l w * T~w 'I. Vw ._w *" .1I_

eral Eisenhower. Britain and Am-
erica have just signed agreements
with the exile-governments of Nor-
way, the Netherlands and Belgium.
It will be noticed that these were
signed for Britain by Anthony Eden,
foreign secretary, but that they were
signed for us by General "Ike."
The General has also been em-
powered to deal as he chooses with
any groups of Frenchmen he may
come upon who strike him as suit-
able. And that, of course, is not a
policy, but the very opposite of
It is hand-to-mouth politics, or-
ganized hunch-play; it seeks to make
foreign policy something which we
will discover on the battlefield,
whereas, in any sensible conception
of world affairs, it should always be
the other way around, with war as
the instrument for effectuating a for-
eign policy.
Thus the administration altern-
ately boasts that it has a complete
foreign policy, and, between-times,
boasts that General Eisenhower is
going to decide everything, which
is equivalent to a boast that it does
not have a foreign policy.
The administration is equally proud
of both theories, and equally vehem-
ent in the defense of both. Some-
,times it will declare that it has
thought matters through to the last
comma, and, sometimes, contrari-
wise, it will denounce policy, or poli-
tics, which is the same thing, as a
dirty business, of which it has wash-
ed its hands, leaving everything up
to the General.
The powers we have given Gen-
eral Eisenhower constitute a clear
confession that we have taken an
opportunistic position, that wa are
not following a plan, but scram-
bling for bargains, in just the way
that has so often made us look bad,
and even absurd. We demand that
our friends in Europe adhere to us,
while we adhere to whom we like.
These are some of the points to
be covered on the next big Sunday
radio evening, when the next big
crisis in foreign affairs leads to the
next big speech.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

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Sitoria s pubished in TLhe Michigan Daity
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Japanese-Aierican1s Merit Eqi

Who Can Lead Him to the Promised Land?

tional magazine such as "Life" takes up the
banner to plead for a fairer treatment of Japa-
nese-Americans by other so-called Americans.
Three weeks ago the editors printed a "news
editorial" on the case of Mr. Yamamoto which
should have made the residents of New Jersey
blush with shame. And it should have aroused
every American who prides himself for his tol-
erance to a violent protest against this "100 per
cent plus" Americanism.
Mr. Yamamoto is a Japanese who came to
America when he was 17. He was a field
supervisor of a 1,500-acre farm in California.
He planned to spend the rest of his life in
America, to educate his children in American
public schools. After Pearl Harbor he had
difficulty in getting field hands to work for
him, and finally he, along with thousands of
others, applied for relocation. A place was
found for him as a sharecropper in Delaware,
but as soon as the "citizens" of Rehoboth
Beach heard about him, they organized indig-
nation meetings; Yamamoto went into hid-
ing-and finally was forced to leave the state.
Not willing to give so easily, and still trusting
that Americans were tolerant of other Amer-
icans, Yamamoto went to Great Meadows, New
Jersey, to help Eddie Kowalick, a farmer. The
farmer did not care whether his helper was
Japanese or not, just as long as he would work.
Yamamoto promised his employer that he could
get more help for him if he wanted it. But an
exaggerated story about hundreds of Japanese
coming into the community spread so rapidly
that the worthy "citizens" got together to hold a
protest meeting. The War Relocation Authority
and a Methodist minister p'leaded for tolerance,
Eddie told the citizens how much he needed
help, and the town meeting passed a resolution
to have the WRA take Yamamoto away.
A vigilante committee was formed when some
of Yamamoto's friends arrived, there was open
talk of violence, one of Eddie's sheds burned
down mysteriously, and threats were made
against the life of his baby. Against such un-
derhanded, Ku Klux Klan tactics, Eddie had no
choice; he told Yamamoto and his friends that
they would have to go.
This is the sort of action some Americans
not only sanction, but instigate. This group
would be the first to protest if someone were
to call them "un-American."
The "citizens" of Rehoboth Beach and Great
Meadows never bothered to find out the facts
about Yamamoto or thousands of other Ameri-
can-Japanese who are in the same situation he
is. It made no difference to them that he was a
good worker, that he had been investigated by
the War Relocation Authority, and found to be
loyal. These "citizens" would probably not be
the least influenced by the facts amassed by the
WRA, the FBI, and the Federal Council of
THE PREJUDICE against the American-Japa-
nese is nothing new. It existed long before
Pearl Harbor. A careful study made by the
Committee on Resettlement of Japanese-Ameri-
cans discloses that in 1904 the American Federa-
tion of Labor resolved to exclude Japanese and
Korean, as well as Chinese laborers. In 1906
the Board of Education of San Francisco passed
an order requiring Japanese students to transfer
to the Oriental School, but President Theodore
Roosevelt forced the Board to drop this action.
In 1909 the California legislature considered 17
n - ... 7nvnn ill nm nxn _- n _~ ru -n>n i

leaders. It is no easy job to overcome the
dangerous results of such comments. Certainly
the record made by these adopted citizens should
have some effect on the attitude of Americans.
The criminal record of the Japanese on the West
Coast is the lowest of any racial group prior to
wholesale evacuation. Public relief to these peo-
ple has been unnecessary since they help each
other. Their intellectual and educational stand-
ards are among the highest of any racial unit.
Their skill in farming has changed deserted lands
of the West into the most productive farms.
Well, the facts are interesting, the reader
might say. But what can be done? Certainly
Americans who are tolerant can point out tot
others the unreasonableness of their preju-
dices. Certainly students and townspeople of
Ann Arbor who believe that all loyal Ameri-
cans, regardless of race, color, or creed, should
be treated with equal respect have an oppor-
tunity to do something else. Certainly any
individual in any community can attempt to
prepare the way for American-Japanese who
might come to relieve help shortages.
The pessimists and cynics might say such a
program or plan is based on nothing but wishful
thinking. They will argue that one cannot be
idealistic in this cold world of reality. Well, if
America, which was built on ideals, has lost its
capacity to believe in the equality of the com-
mon man, in the right of the individual to enjoy
his freedom, then our whole present war effort
has assumed the ghastly aspect of a hypocriti-
cal struggle. -Virginia Rock
Dies Ea is Oe
N0 LONGER. will the loud-mouthed dema-
gogue parade as the impartial investigator,
the informer be elevated as the savior of his
country, the bigot be hailed as patriot. The day
is past when to be liberal is to be "un-American,"
when the "American way" leads back into the
dark recesses of yesterday's intolerance, when
black is called white.
The quitting of Martin Dies is a victory for
that Americanism which Dies talked about so
much but understood so little. For Dies felt
the mounting wrath of the American workers
he classed as "red": their registration was up
25 per cent in his district. His own county
Democratic organization denounced him. His
withdrawal followed almost immediately upon
the announcement that a decent Democrat
would oppose him in the Texas primaries.
The ground swell of fundamental American
liberalism is running strong - Rush Holt was
stopped cold in his attempted comeback in West
Virginia; Martin Sweeney, friend of Father
Coughlin, Was blocked in his gubernatorial
aspirations in Ohio by liberal Mayor Lausche of
Cleveland, who is said to have a good chance
against the Republicans; Representative How-
ard J. McMurray, stalwart internationalist and
fighting liberal, was chosen as the Democratic
candidate for the Senate in Wisconsin.

WASHINGTON, May 20.-There hasn't been
much publicity about it, but a quiet move has
been started by those who bow before King Cot-
ton to drive a wedge in the hold-the-line policy
against inflation.
Mainspring of the drive is Oscar Johnston,
biggest cotton farmer. in the world. Down in
the rich, blank Mississippi delta, Johnston runs
the British -owned delta farms c overing 50,000
acres. Working with Walter- Randolph of Ala-
ama, he sold Senator Bankhead of Alabama
the idea that te xtle prices should be increased,
after which Iprirces fur cotton also could be
Bankhlead didn't need much selling on any
idea favoring cotton, so he has taken it up with
the Banking and Currency Committee, which
is considering the vital question of continuing
the Price Stabilizatior Act.
Senator Wagner of New York, committee
clhairman, has now appointed a subcommittee
to consider increasing the prices of textiles
and cotton, and he has obligingly put the fol-
lowing Cotton Belt Senators on the committee
-Bankhead of Alabama, Maybank of South
Carrolina, and McClellan of Arkansas. Two
non-cotton ReIpublicans l have also been ap-
poinited-I-Butler of Nebraska, who runs a grain
elevator, and New Jersey'S lawkes.
Strongest textile pleader for high-priced goods
is Spencer Love, WPB textile official. His sal-
ary as president of the Burlington Mills in North
Carolina, just before Pearl Harbor, was $52,800
plus $126,852.33 in bonuses-total, $179,652.33.
is company made a profit of $10,543,000 in
1943, compared with an average of only $1,623,-
000 in the three years before 1939.
IVallace Eoi I'oII Tax ,,,
After the Senate vote against throttling debate
on the anti-poll tax bill, A vote which was used
as a pretext by Administration leaders to side-
track the bill, a friend approached Vice-Presi-
dent Wallace and complained bitterly about the
need for "more democracy" in Senate rules.
"Henry," he said, "it's pretty bad when a
small minority can inflict its will on the entire
Senate and prevent action on important legis-
lation, such as the tactics that that coalition of
Southern Democrats and Northern Republi-
cans pulled today."
Wallace, who favored a record vote on the
controversial poll tax repeal bill, but whose hands
were tied because the President refused to de-
clare himself on the issue thought it over for
a moment, then replied:
"Well, that sword cuts both ways. The day
may come when a lot of these fellows who
were able to prevent democratic consideration
of the poll tax legislation may regret their
action. Yes, the time may come when liberals
like Claude Pepper will be in a position to
use the same tactics, and what happened today
will be a strong precedent to help them."
(copyrighlit, 1944, United Features Syndicate)


Dominie Says I
WHAT, THEN, is religion? Is it
that formal Mass in which we
participated, commemorating t h e
Passion of Jesus? Is it the soul-
kindling zeal of the evangelist at
prayer and work to get men to ac-
cept Jesus as Savior or is religion
those values out there in the culture
which the wise and the good of the
ages have bequeathed to'us? If we
could settle this question, perhaps
we, too, would worship. Here is the
case of most of the sincere Americans
who are outside the church. Are
they being saved or are they being
lost? Lost, says the bold evangelist.
Lost, says the reverent priest. Yet
priest and evangelist would have us
get saved by very different routes.
Why bother, says the pagan? Like
his Greecian predecessor he says "to
know and to look on with discrimina-
tion is the part of wisdom."
But there is evil, what about that?
Again there are several voices. The
first says, "So long as it is not caused
directly by me, why bother? The
law and its courts plus the police will
halt robbers before they get my
bonds, and as fr other evil, if some
men wish to go to hell, they should
be free to do so." "No," says voice
number two, "evil like a snowball has
a way of growing. The children
learn not only from their mothers,
pastors and teachers but from the
street gang, the radio salesman, the
newspaper headlines and the mov-
ies." The first voice is that of cl-
ture and of the indifferent members
of society who lurk in the shadow of
the noble Greek and permit Man-
churia to be taken, Republic Spain
to be scuttled and Haile Selassie to
fall before Mussolini. Voice number
two declares that religion is ethical,
he only is being saved, and only
those groups of the population are
worth their political salt, who estab-
lish better Psatterns, convert men to
change, and sensitize the conscience
of an epoch.
Now we have moved far from the
sacred Mass and away from the de-
vout psalm singers. Are we not off
the reservation, entirely? Our ques-
tion here is, what is the relation of
ethical questions to faith? Does re-
ligion team with ethics? Is not he
only religious who can believe in ap-
proved fashion? The trained be-
liever insists that faith in God, the
all-good and the spiritual basis of
reality, gives assurance and produces
'drive but -that fa.ith, in turn, is al-
ways being held in judgement by the
behavior it produces, or by society
itself. Then comes the inquiry, is
it not ignoble to conform? Does not
this put humanity or man in God's
place? Such is .the view of the
evangelist.uTo him, the religious
man is God's man and man's only
standard is in heavens or is revealed.
Behavior is incidenta,-leave results
to God. This matter of who is re-
ligious turns out to have wide rami-
fications. In the mean time two
wars, separated by a boom and a de-
pression and the liquidation of the
European Jews, engulf us. Agreed,
we are neither religious nor ethical,
as yet.
Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: The exhibition of sketches and
water color paintings made in Eng-
land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc-
tor on leave in the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, will be continued
until June 1. Ground floor oases,
Architecture Building. Open daily
except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is
cordially invited.
One-man exhibit of watercolor

paintings by Richard H. Baxter, Ann
Arbor artist, is now on display in the
Rackham Building. The exhibit,
sponsored by Professor Avard Fair-
banks, opened on May 15 and will
continue through May 27. It is op-
ened to the public daily from 2-5 and
7-10 p.m.
Events Today
Gama Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have an outing and picnic
supper today, meeting on the steps
of therRackham Building at 3 o'clock.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at 4 p.m. at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., for a t ip"to
Riverside Park, where there will be
games, a picnic supper and vesper
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet this afternoon in the Fire-
place Room, Lane Hall, at four-
The regular Sunday evening meet-
ing of the Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will be held at 5:30 in the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. Miss Zonnie
Jellema will be the speaker and her
topic is "An Interpretation of Church
Colors and Symbols."
'Coming Events

SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 141
Ali notices for The Daily Official Bu!-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Spring Term: Schedule of Examin-
ations, June 17 to June 24, 1944. Note:
For courses having both lectures and
quizzes, the time of exercise is the
time of the first lecture period of the
week; for courses having quizzes
only, the time of exercise is the time
of the first quiz period. Certain cour-
ses will be examined at special peri-
ods as noted below the regular sched-
ule. To avoid misunderstandings and
errors, each student should receive
notification from his instructor of
the time and place of his examina-
'Exercise Time Time of Examination
Mon., 8 .......... Mon., June 19, 2-4
Mon., 9 ..........Tues., June 20, 2-4
Mon., 10: Mon., June 19, 10:30-12:30
Mon., 11 ......Wed., June 21, 8-10
1Von., 1.........Fri., June 23, 8-10
Mon., 2 . Wed., June 21, 10:30-12:30
Mon., 3 ..Sat., June 17, 10:30-12:30
Tues., 8 .......... Sat., June 17, 2-4
Tues., 9 ...........Fri., June 23, 2-4
Tues., 10 ........ Thurs., June 22, 2-4
Tues.,11: Thurs., June 22, 10:30-12:30
Tues., 1 ........Tues., June 20, 8-10
Tues., 2 ........Sat., June 17, 8-10
Tues., 3.......Thurs., June 22, 8-10
Conflicts, Irregulars, Make-ups
...............Sat., June 24, 8-10
Special Periods
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
Soc. 51, 54: Sat., June 17, 10:30-12:30
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32
Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 . .Mon., June 19, 8-10
Pol.Sci. 1, 2: Tu., June 20, 10:30-12:30
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 12, 31, 61,
62, 91, 92, 153 ... .Wed., June 21, 2-4
English 1, 2
Ec. 51, 52, 54 . .Thurs., June 22, 8-10
Botany 1; Zoology 1;
Psych. 31 ..Fri., June 23, 10:30-12:30
School of Business Administration:
Business Administration 141
.......Tues., June 20, 10:30-12:30
School of Education: Education
classes meeting Saturday only, Sat.,
June 17, during regular class periods.
Ed. C1 ..Tues., June 20, 10:30-12:30
School of Forestry: Courses not

covered by this schedule as well as
any necessary changes will be indi-
cated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music: Indi-
vidual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of
examinations, see bulletin board at
the School of Music.
School of Public Health: Courses
not covered by this schedule as well
as any necessary changes will be in-
dicated on the School bulletin board.
Victory Gardens: All plots at the
Botanical Garden are now ready for
use. Plot numbers may be learned by
telephoning the Storehouse. It is
requested that those who have not
yet contributed one dollar for plough-
ing do so at once. Cars may be
parked south of the road (not north)
and-shouldanot stand parallel to the
road, but at an angle and well off
the gravel.
The Bureau has received announce-
ment from the United States Civil
Service Commission of jobs as typists,
stenographers and clerks in Wash-
ington, D.C. The salary quoted is
$1,752 per yr. Stop in our office for
details, 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of
Mr. Smith of General Motors will
be in our office to interview girls
interested in their training program,
alsoa few girls with stenographic
and typing experience. He will be
here on Tuesday, May 23; call BIxt.
371 for appointments or stop in at
201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appoint-
.Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in the School of Education:
These examinations will be held on
June 15, 16 and 17. Anyone desiring
to take them should notify Dr. Woo-
dy's Office not later than May 31.
Latin American Studies 194: This
class will meet on Tuesday, May 23,
at 3 p.m. in Rm. 18, Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur
Louis Cooke, English Language and
Literature; thesis: "The Concept and
Theory of Romance from 1650 to
1800," Monday, May 22, 3223 Angell
Hall, 3 p.m. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-


Americans are shaking
the doldrums. The battle
well begun.

themselves clear of
is not over, but it is
-The Nation


By Crockett Johnson

John, if you're going to get well,
you've got to forget the ofce--

Anybody there cart tell you.
The total is kept daily on ci

Everybody relies on that
chart-Say. t wonder who's

Pop doesn't have to worry
about the plant any more!.. .

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