F I Fty -gau Y at Fifty-Fourth Year i r U'd ather leftight By SAMUiEL cPRAFTOlN 76e P en dukqn Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan tinder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant. . . . Managing Editor Claire 1herman .Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . . . City Editor Evelyn Phillips . . . . Associate Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . . . Sports Editor Bud Low . . . , . Associate Sports Fditor Jo Ann Peterson . . . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Hall . . Associate Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- piiblication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the reg-}lar school year by cars rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY KOFFMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. _ '° K ., ,. I f. P t F .. rw* - K el:Z7 N \4 Na . ',i / r p , - rs; L LYE ..:: -. s Y h a ti ,. I&ry .r 5 T\k **Hold It, Men!' t NEW YORK, May 19-Most of the Republican candidates have taken a line against President Roosevelt which is likely to kick back and em- barrass them during the coming cam- paign, and because I was taught at my mother's knee to be helpful to suffering fellow creatures, I rise. to warn them of it. Almost every jack among them dislikes and distrusts federal govern- ment. They have said so. often. The Republican preference, clearly ex- pressed, is for state government. So, in a sense, the nomination of any leading states'-rightser has to be viewed as a boring-from-within op- eration, an effort to capture the fed- eral government so as to keep it from governing. They want to have the job so as not to do it. Mr. Dewey, to take one example, is afflicted with a vast pessimism concerning t h e instrumentality which he seeks to have placed in his hands. He has said, many times, that major decisions, even in such fields as agricultural planning, are best made locally. So he is, in a sense, a man pledged against strong federal action; the main direction of his campaign lies along the promise that he will be a president who will not bother anybody. While Mr. Dewey does not go quite so far as the Chicago T'ri- hune, whose idea of a proper fed- eral government would be a big navy entirely surrounded by Clare Hbffman, it still remains true that Mr. Dewey has argued that the federal government ought to do less and less, rather than more and more. He does not want to get in there and do; he wants to get in there and not do. Mr. Dewey is, as I say, much more moderate than some of the extreme states' rights men, who, hate all the capitals of the world with a fine and equal hatred, loathing London, Mos- cow and Washington with almost impartial fervor. Yet he is running (or his friends are running for him) a curious, inverted campaign, based on the usual pledge that, if elected, he will do less than the incumbent. The usual campaign promise is a promise to do more. Sometimes, when the wispy clouds are scudding across the moon, and the winds of oratory are blowing right, one gets the feeling, especially among the lesser contenders, that they turn something of the same eye upon Washington as that which the Yanks in Italy turn upon Cassino. They want to get in there and blot out the enemy headquarters. They are committing themselves, rather heedlessly, to an administration somewhere between the inert and the cataleptic. They seem to be pro- mising to pull down the federal ap- paratus, and to let the ruins stand as a kind of museum, with a Presi- dent installed as a night watchman, sitting in a tipped-back chair among the empty buildings and the quiet streets. Yet, some evening, while a candi- date is fixing his dress tie for the big speech, the news may be brought to him that the price of wheat has fallen thirty cents in a week. The chipper speech he had prepared, about how pernicious is federal in- terference with agriculture, and how adorable is the law of supply and demand, will strangle in his throat. It is a thin, flat position some of these men have drifted into. A de- cline in a handful of indices will leave them utterly unable to cast a shadow. 0, for round men, of three di- mensions made! I hate to keep bringing up Mr. Willkie, but I once did hear him tell a group of farm- er's in a small Indiana town that their new-found love for the law of supply and demand was the funk, and that they had better think ahead to a time when they might need federal help. They didn't like it, either. And he didn't care, either. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) --;; . - :« ' -_ _ *{ Adult Intelligence SEIVERAL WEEKS AGO Dr. Ruthven made the statemernt that any group of adults could carry on a more intelligent discussion than any group of undergraduates. With the sincere desire to absorb some of this adult intelligence, we went to Rackham Audi- tOrium Thursday to sit in on an Adult Education Institute panel discussion on Post-War Problems of Labor and Employment. As it transpired, no questions on post-war labor and employment were to be answered. One of the panel's members announced that he did not want to see full employment after the war. Ac- cording to him, it would be much more desir- able not to work but to lie under a fig tree all day. When Prof. Riegel presented figures demon- strating the job to be done if the problem of post-war employment is to be solved, it made the industrialists uncomfortable. They squirm- ed in their chairs -and decided there was no problem of post-war employment. It seems there are so many grandmothers working in industrial plants now, according to one of the men on the platform, that once the grand- niothers go back to being grandmothers, the 8$000,000 men (Prof. Riegel's figure) returning from the fronts can simply step into the jobs vacated by the grandmothers. When it was time for questions from the floor we thought, "Now we will see the intelligent dis- cussion among adults of . which Dr. Ruthven spoke. Now we will find how an army of un- employed can be avoided during conversion and contraction of our economy. Now we will know the functions of management and labor, res- pettively, in dealing with problems of post-war labor and employment." Instead, the audience, loading their guns with emotion, ignorance of facts and a liberal amount of vituperativeness, delightedly leveled them at the lone labor leader. T HEIR QUESTIONS, completely remote from the post-war period, demanded justification for war-time strikes, the closed shop and other labor problems. Gibson, president of the Mich- igan CIO Council and labor's only representative, not only on the platform but to a large extent in the audience, single handedly and, with the tone of explaining about the birds and the bees, de- fended labor's position. His questioners could disagree only by closing their minds to his ex- planations, and they did just that. When the question of strike violence came up and unions were being condemned for their use of force, it was not a member of the group, but an "outsider" in the audience who called attention to the findings of the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee relative to man- agement's strong arm tactics. In loading un- ions with the responsibility of slowing up the war effort the name of Sewell Avery was not once mentioned-not once did any one suggest that strikes may be the result of uncoopera- tive management, perhaps even management provoked to foster labor hatred, as revealed by PM. No one brought out the fact that of all the man hours lost in 1943 only one-fourth of one per cent (.0025) could be attributed to strikes. We undergraduates knew these facts, but it was an adult discussion. Undergraduates, too, are concerned with post- war problems, and would benefit by discussion of them. Because of their youth, they have a large stake in the post-war period: for they will be directly affected by labor and employment conditions. They will be living in the post-war , i . Y h1 -' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1I WASHINGTON, May 19.-Handsome, hard- hitting Major-General Patrick J. Hurley, ex- Secretary of War under Hoover, has had a series of conferences with Administration officials which has left everyone breathing heavily and which probably means he won't be too chummy with the Administration any more. The thing all began at Teheran, where Hurley told the President he had some important ideas regarding the Atlantic Charter and the Near East. The President, then busy with Churchill and Stalin, expressed his interest, but asked Pat to submit a memo and talk to him later in Washington. Hurley did so. He drafted a 30-page memo- randum entitled, "A Proposal To Carry the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter to the Peo- ples of the Near and Middle East." In it, Hurley argued that part of the Near East is ,controlled by the British-which, he said, is not- the Atlantic Charter or the Four Freedoms, but imperialism. Part of the Near East, he continued, is controlled by Russia- which is not the Four Freedoms, but commun- ism. Therefore, he proposed that the United States serve as a guide to develop the Near East through economic missionaries. Each government-Iran, Iraq, Arabia, Syria, etc.-would invite the United States to send a corps of economic advisers to their countries-on irrigation, oil, crops, trees, financial matters. These economic advisers, in turn, would - invite various American business representatives and corporations to come to the Near East and help develop the different areas. In this way, Hoover's ex-Secretary of War argued, the Near East would enjoy the Four Freedoms, and the United.States would enjoy a commanding position in one of the richest oil areas of the world. Hurley was paid $104,- 000 by Sinclair Oil in 1942 after he had gone into uniform, though some of this was for services rendered the previous year. Conference with FDR... Hurley called on the President with his plan on a Saturday noon, had lunch and remained three hours. Roosevelt seemed quite impressed with Hurley's argument and also was rather perturbed over Hurley's report on British lend- lease activities in the Near East. The General said that the British were sell- ing U.S. lend-lease goods in the Near East in order to enhance their prestige with Arab rul- ers, and told how he had come across a large automobile caravan of British scientists look- ing.for locusts in the Arabian desert. The sus- picion was that they might be oil men. Among other things, Hurley argued that the United States needed a strong soldier-ambassa- dor in the Near East to keep an eye on the British, and that he was the man to do the job. He pointed out that 'military matters were so important in that area that no American am- bassador could work on a level with British mil- itary conmanders unless he also had military rank. Therefore, Hurley, a major general, would be perfectly qualified if given the rank of per- manent ambassador to the Near East. He al- ready held the honorary rank of roving am- bassador through a cablegram from the Presi- dent confirmed by a letter from Ed Stettinius. The President, who has been fond of ebullient Pat, already had a good man, Jim Landis, in Cairo. He replied: "Pat, you want to be petted all the time. I've given you everything you wanted. I've followed your policy in the Near East. I sent you to Iran and to Moscow and China, and now you want to be an ambassador." "Without the rank of ambassador," countered Hurley, "I wouldn't have the chance of a cut cat on a back fence." In the end, the President, who seemed to like Hurley's plan for U.S. economic missions to the Near East, sent it over to the State Department. He asked Pat to talk about it further there. Globaloney .+. . In the State Department, Hurley's memo was carefully studied, with divided opinions. Assist- ant Secretary Adolf Berle and Wallace Murray, political adviser on the Near East, were for it. But Secretary Hull, Assistant Secretary Dean Acheson and Under-secretary Stettinius were against it. One report on the Hurley plan described it as "hysterical, Messianic globaloney." When the ex-Secretary of War heard about this, he was infuriated. Later, at a cocktail party, he bumped into Wallace Murray, who dropped the remark that the official who described the plan as "hysterical, Messianic globaloney" was a young man named Eugene Rostow in the div- ision of supply and resources. Hurley then went to the State Department and demanded a showdown conference with Rostow and Assistant Secretary Acheson. During this session, he lost his temper and challenged Rostow to fight. Hurley finally apologized, but continued to talk vigorously about the "stuffed-shirt diplo- mats in the State Department who were kow- towing to the British." It was time, he said, "For the President to fish or cut bait," and he threatened to "take the issue to the country." "The President," fumed Hurley, "means noth- ing to me. He puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 140 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Victory Gardens: All plots at the Botanical Garden are now ready for use. Plot numbers may be learned by telephoning the Storehouse. It is requested that those who have not yet contributed one dollar for plough- ing do so at once. Cars may be parked south of the road (not north) and should not stand parallel to the road, but at, an angle and well off the gravel. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Peter Alan Somervail Smith, Chemistry; thesis: "Reactions Involving the Radical NH," this morning, 309 Chemistry, 9:30. Chairman, R. N. Keller. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Howard Theodore Siefen, Chemistry; thesis: "The Synthesis of Compounds Re- lated to the Sex Hormnones," today, 309 Chemistry, 8 a.m. Chairman, W. E. Bachman. By action of the Executive Board the ,Chairman may invitE' members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Arthur Louis Cooke, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Concept and Theory of Romance from 1650 to 1800," Monday, May 22, 3223 Angell Hall, 3 p.m. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts Student Recital: Violet Oulbegian, pianist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, May 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A student of John Kollen, Miss Oulbegian will play compositions by Brahms, Moz- art, Ravel and Chopin. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions College of Architecture and De- sign: The exhibition of sketches and water color paintings made in Eng- land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc- tor on leave in the College of Archi- tecture and Design, will be continued until June 1. Ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. One-man exhibit of watercolor paintings by Richard H. Baxter, Ann Arbor artist, is now on display in the Rackham Building. The exhibit, sponsored by Professor Avard Fair- banks, opened on May 15 and will continue through May 21. It is op- ened to the public daily from 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. Events Today. Michigan Sailing Club: Meeting of those going to the lake at 1 p.m. in the Union on May 20. The Lutheran Student Association and Gamma Delta will have a joint party Saturday evening at 8 in the Womens' Athletic Building, corner of Forest Ave. and N. University Ave. All Lutheran servicemen and stu- dents are cordially invited. Wesley Foundation: Groups will be leaving the Wesley Lounge at 9 p.m. for a treasure hunt. Coming Events The Michigan Alumnae Club will hold the Annual Meeting and Tea at the home of President and Mrs. Ruthven on Wednesday, May 24, at 3 o'clock. The regular Sunday evening meet- ing of the Lutheran Student Associa- tion will be held Sunday at 5:30 in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Miss Bonnie Jellema will be the speaker and her topic is "An Interpretation of Church Colors and Symbols." First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30" a.m. Prof. Kenneth Hance is the leader. Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brash- ares will preach on "His Disciples Today." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Mrs. Martha Wentworth of the School of Music will speak on "The Evolution of Sacred Music." Supper and fellowship hour follow- ing the meeting. Election of officers. L ±5 REPEAT: President Roosevelt is as good as reelected. To those of you who consider this state- ment an expression of over-confi- dence, allow me to submit some fur- ther evidence. First, to the latest straws in the political wind. Most sensational of these is the decision of Martin Dies not to run again for the job of Con- gressional hatchetman. Tribute must be paid in this case to the CIO Po- litical Action Committee under those auspices a goodly number of voters met the Texas poll tax exactions and prepared to cast ballots in Dies' baili- wick. Possibility of exercising the franchise meant death to Congress- man Dies-as it would mean death for any of the Southern Bourbons who have just succeeded in murder- ing the dangerously democratic Anti- Poll-Tax Bill. Elsewhere, less inhibited com- munities went all out for President Roosevelt in primary elections that have surprised the most optimistic. Alabama did itself proud. Not only was Roosevelt-man Lister Hill, who had to fight his way through a cheap smear campaign, renominat- ed for the Senate in rousing fash- ion, but Joe Starnes, five-time itepresentative from Alabama's Fifth Congressional District was roundly and quite unexpectedly defeated this time. Starnes, you remember, is the labor-persecuting reactionary extraordinary a n d long-time lieutenant of Martin Dies. Much significance adheres to these events because the Republicans have been banking on the cleavage be- tween the New Deal and the Southern wing of the Democratic Party. How they hailed Senator Barkley's break with the President sver the tax bill! Then, the two principals in this dt- ma kissed and made up before Har- rison Spangler could swallow his "Booray." Senator Barkley is sche- duled to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic Convention whidh, in its turn.,is scheduled to draft FDR on the first ballot. F a rift comes it will not stem from the Democratic ranks. Five hun- dred and thirty-five delegates of a requisite five hundred and eighty nine have already pledged' themselves to the President. Labor, whose bene- factor the New Deal has been from ti beginning, will votethe Demo- cratic ticket, for its bread is clearly buttered on the Rooseveltian side. California is a crucial state, so crucial, in fact, that Gov. Warren has been named the Republican key- noter and hope runs high thathe will be the vice-presidential candi- date. But look what happened in California t h i s week. Sheridan Downey, called by the United Press "a strong Administration U. S. Sera- tor," was re-nominated by a four to one majority over a field that includ- ed his strongest Republican opposi- tion. Nobody on earth can beat Roose- velt this year. He will win despite all the handicaps imposed by Con- gress, despite the loss of the sol- aier vote and the migration, of un- registered workers. He will won for the reason that he stands head and shoulders above anyone com- peting for the office, and the coin= try knows it. Tom Dewey is at the -zenith of his strength as of today. With each speech he makes, his popularity will decline. If he opposes the Presi- dent's foreign policy he is doomed; if he favors it, why change horses or horsemen in mid-stream? If he op- poses Roosevelt's social reforms, he will alienate the independent votei; if he espouses them, how does he qualify to enhance these reforms? Tom Dewey will squirm and writhe; but he cannot wiggle out of this dilemma. If he says he likes Roosevelt's policies, then Roosevelt, in this critical era, is the man to carry them out; if he says he dislikes them he is licked, Wendell Willkie wert through all this once. He tried to hold both points of view and it was very nearly true that each tirme Wilkie spoke, he lost a million votes. The election will be closed. I agree with Miss Fagan that every vote counts and that everyone should be urged to vote-for it has become his duty more than ever. All of which does not alter the fact that Roosevelt is in the bag. -Bernard Rosenberg. pies): 11 a.m., Morning worship. The Rev. Parker Rossman will speak on "A Religious World Mind." 4 p.m., Students will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street for a trip to Riverside Park where there will be games, a picnic supper and vesper service. Student's Evangelical Chapel: The regular worship services of the chapel will be held at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with the Mr. J. Vanden Bosch of Grand Rapids preaching. The chapel is at 218 N. Division. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division Street. Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Sub- ject "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A convenient Reading Room is maintained by this chutch BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Pop's cold is better. But he has to stay in bed . .. The doctor- .:n He's better?.. . Then there's nothing to worry about. m'bov. If he'll just take things easy. Cut down on smoking. And- Pop's worried about the plant, though ... Production. And the I Manpower? I'll set aside all my other activities, Barnaby, and pitch in!... The output of another dozen men on' the assembly line may help- 3 H NSOV More or less ... My job will release the president and the board of directors A - fr natv Aut, -. I s