THE MICHIGAN DAILY ussian Army Captures Enemy Stronghold Near COMRADES IN ARMS: Stronger Chinese-American Relationship Observed by Gale Editor's Note: Three films on con- temporary China will be shown next Saturday at the Rackham Auditorium. In anticipation of this, a series of ar- ticles representing the opinions of a number of people who are especially interested in China, will appear in The Daily,. The first of these, which ap- pears below, is by Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the International Center, as told to The Daily. Like all old friends who find thehn- selves in mutual straits, China and America are becoming better ac- quainted with each other than ever before. This is one of the more use- ful by-products of the war. The process of knowing each other better is at times painful. Gone are the days of romanticising our great sister republic across the Pacific. Thousands of American ground forc- es, technicians and airmen are see- ing China with their own eyes. It is an utterly unanticipated world for most of them. Previous Knowledge Abstract American knowledge of China hith- erto, save for a favored few mission- aries and businessmen, has been ab- stract, based upon the individual viewpoint and experiences of return- ing lecturers. Some of these had specific axes to grind and adapted their picture of China to their ob- jectives. Certainly the system of mutual aid cannot be effective unless each of us takes a strictly realistic attitude towards the problems of sucessfully conducting the war. While Ameri- can military representatives are see- ing West China suffering from infla- tion, from acute shortages of com- modities and in many other respects from the effects of a protracted war, the sterling qualities of the Chinese people canot but impress them. Educational Exchanges Praised On the other hand, the cultural exchange involving the visits of pro- fessors from Chinese universities and the continued arrival, though now re- duced to a mere trickle due to trans- portation difficulties, of Chinese stu- dents in this country continue to pro- vide the Chinese with first-hand in- formation oftheir friends and allies, the people of the United States. As a factor in this process of get- ting better acquainted, the Chinese Student Club at the University will sponsor a showing of three films on contemporary China. These will be shown next Saturday at the Rackham Auditorium CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 it Reds Renew Fight at North End of Front Nazis Repeat Attacks Near Stanislawow By The Associated Press LONDON, May .20, Saturday - Moscow announced early today that the Red Army was attacking in the Vitebsk area of White Russia and had captured a fortified Nazi strong- hold in that vicinity after a fierce two-hour battle. This disclosure of renewed ac- t vity on the northern end of the long front, made in the broadcast supplement to the Russian com- munique, was accompanied by Red Army reports of repeated Nazi assaults on Soviet positions near Stanislawow in old Poland. Five hundred Germans also were killed, the supplement said, during Nazi efforts to wedge into the Soviet lines near Tiraspol on the Dniester.- The Baltic Red air fleet set fire to the Finnish port of Kotka without loss and other Soviet planes bagged seven Nazi aircraft and two patrol vessels in a sweep off the northern coast of Norway, Moscow said. The Soviet communique said there were no essential changes during the day along the eastern land front, noting simply that 43 enemy planes were shot down. But there were several indications that the Rusians were preparing for at new offensive. From the German side there wasP increasing propaganda emphasizing the weight of an imminent Soviett onslaught, and there was stepped-upI bombing of Russian supply lifelinest in east Poland.C Although the Germans made much of air attacks at Sainy and RowesandE other nerve centers in that area,t there was nothing to indicate that4 the raids were any more severe thani the blows struck by Red fliers re- cently against the enemy's weakened1 feeder routes for men and munitions. New Budget Is City's Largest The City Council Thursday night unanimously approved a revised 1944-45 city budget calling for the expenditure of $673,975.88, higher than last year's budget by $64,520- .88 and the largest in the city's his- tory. Aldermen who had previously ap- proved tentativ~ely a budget totaling $696,575.88 for 1944-45 while acting as a committee of the whole pared this estimate by $22,600 in the new approval. During a towvn meeting last Satur- day, residents of the city, by a vote of 156 to 141, refused to raise the tax rate. A motion was defeated which would have permitted holding another town meeting before June 1, at which time the voters would again discuss the question of raising the tax rate. 'U' Graduate Killed Lt. Frank B. KeJJer, '41L, of Geis- torn, N.J., was killed Tuesday at the Lakehurst,. N.J., Naval Air Station when the training blimp he xbas in crashed into a large hangar. RESCUE YANK FLIERS-Nine of the 22 U.S. fliers rescued from the sea during the strike at the Jap base of Truk, April 29-30 were picked up by this Navy observation plane which taxied to the U.S. Sub- marine Tang. gC MREVIEW" A t t h e S a e . . . "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," technicolor feature opening today at the State Theatre, co-stars Maria Montez, John Hall and Turhan Bey. Edmund L. Hartmann, who wrote the original screen play, describes the movie as "fiction in that we have taken liberties with the character of Ali Baba, and written a new tale about him-one designed purely as entertainment. It is fantasy in its treatment of 'Open Sesame' and the 40 casks. It is fact in that our story is based on historical accuracy." The original musical score for "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" was written by Edward Ward. J. Kiern Brennan wrote the lyrics for the thieves' theme song, "Forty and One for All." FINAL RESTING PLACE: Verdigris Valley To Be New Burial Place for Will Rogers MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more, days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request HELP WANTED PART OlR full-time help any day of week including Sunday. Campus Bike Shop, 510 East Williams. HELP WANTED-Permanent office management job open to person capable of writing, editing and gathering material for fraternity and sorority publications. Excel- lent position for wife of medical student, for wife of faculty man, or for journalism graduate. With proper attention, future salary may be considerably increased. Offers good opportunities for advance- ment in similar offices throughout the country. APPLY: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday afternoons, 232 Nickels Arcade, or phone 3011 for appointment . Allen. Raymond, Manager. PERSONALS AVAILABLE B. T. O. BRENKERT- smooth, big-time operator, will be available for Panhellenic. Call 23125. Ask for Available Karl. Vitebsk Grad Student To Give Recital Piano Pupil Is Witner Of Music Scholarship Miss Violet Oulbegian, Grad, a student of piano under John Kollen, wiil give a recital at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This year, Miss Oulbegian was the recipient of the Albert A. Stanley Medal and the Scholarship of the Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor for her outstanding work in music. A member of Mu Phi Epsilon, she is a graduate instructor in the Theory Department of the Music School. At present, she is working for her M.M. Degree which she will receive in June. Miss Oulebgian has also served as Social Director of the Internation- al Center. The concert will consist of the Sonata in D major by Mozart; Jeux d'Eau by Ravel; Fantaisie in F mi- nor by Chopin; and two selections by Brahms: Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 1, and Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel. The recital will be open to the public. Prof. Slosson To Speak at Hillsdale Commencement Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department, will address the com- mencement class of Hillsdale College tomorrow at its centennial com- mencement exercises. Ruth Bryan Rhode, former U.S. minister to Denmark and daughter of the late William Jennings Bryan, will also speak. Chemical Fraternities Will Hold Joint Picnic Alpha Chi Sigma, national pro- fessional chemical fraternity, and Phi Lambda Upsilon, national honor- ary chemical fraternity, will hold a joint picnic and outing tomorrow at Edison Field. All members are invited and those attending will meet at 2 p.m. at the Chemistry Building. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claud Brown, 512 5. Main Street. WILL the lady who borrowed the framed map for a "couple of months" please get in touch with me immediately? J. B. Saunders, Nickels Arcade. EXCHANGED by mistake two weeks ago - black chesterfield coat. I have one too big for me. Mine mustbe too small for you. Call 2-4143. MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. CLAREMORE, OKLA., May 19.' (AP)-On a hill overlooking the Verdi- gris Valley, where Will Rogers hoped some day to settle down among the homespun folks he liked the best, his. body will be brought to its final rest- ing place. Private Ceremony Planned The time of the body's arrival is being kept secret to avoid curious crowds. A brief private ceremony will be conducted beside the crypt with attendance limited. Arrangements to move the body from Glendale, where it has rested since 1935, the year Rogers and Wiley Post were killed in a plane crash in Alaska, were made by the Will Rogers Memorial Commission. The Will Rogers Memorial, a native stone structure in rambling ranch- house style, was built in 1938 and dedicated on Rogers' birthday anni- versary November 4 that year. The crypt is on a gently sloping terrace in front of the main building. Is Proposed Home Site It commands a sweeping view of the valley where the great actor and writer was born and rode the ranges before his adventurous spirit took him off on the road to fame and fortune. Rogers purchased the land many year ago, intending to build a home there after his retirement. "When I'm old and the world is tired of my act," he said then, "I'll build a home on this hill and just sit here and whittle and gab with! my friends until the big boss stages the last roundup and heads us strays into the home corral." NMMWMM*Wi LOST AND FOUND LOST-Set of five keys on a silver' chain with a bell in the Arboretum. Lost by Mrs. Calvin Kitchen. Con- tact Evelyn Phillips at The Daily. LOST-Brown leather jacket at U. of M. golf course. Name Fred Foust inside. Call 2-1941. Reward. LOST, May 12-Maroon and Black Sheaffer Lifetime pen. Reward. Please return, 4536.Stockwell. WANTED TO RENT WANTED-Apartment. Two Turk- ish army captains doing graduate work would like 4-room apartment. Call Geo. Hall, ext. 2131, Interna- tional Center. MUSIC student wishes to park at- tractive house trailer adjacent home with available toilet facilities. Location within two miles campus. Rent or lease. References furnish- ed. Box 17, Michigan Daily. I \J U NOW SHOWING Matinees 30c Evenings 43c Servicemen 25c OfoLu~-n-iac n 5 _wad , js. .{ the~ o/zdz>4 p y I KAY KYSER and His Orchestra featuring Harry Babbitt.Sully Mason Ish Kabbible " Julie Conway and Trudy Irwin VVI z t ; WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT! 30c TO 5 P.M. u I 11 1 I