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May 20, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-20

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IJ i1




Cloudy, Thunder Showers



Nazis Flee Slashing Attack

on Hitler Line

* * *

4. 4 .,

* 4






70 Per Cent
Of Industry
Is Affected
WLBIssues Decision
In UMW Controversy
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 19.-The War
Labor Board approved tonight the
wage agreement reached between
John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers
and more than 70 per cent of the
soft coal industry,. after a year long
record of controversy and four gen-
eral coal strikes.
The decision was 10 to 2, with two
of the four industry members dis-
Government Withdrawal Seen
The effect of the decision is to
transfer the contractual obligation
for existing wage and working condi-
tions from Secretary of Interior Ickes
to the operators, thereby permitting
probable withdrawal of government
control of the mines covered by the
The decision does not, however,
close the coal case inasmuch as the
Southern Coal Operators Association
is not a party to the agreement, and
therefore is not obligated to pay the
$40 lump sum settlement for retro-
active travel time claims.
Portal Pay Contested
The southern operator group is
contesting the principle of portal-to-
portal pay in the courts. Hence, while
the day to day wages in all soft coal
mines will be uniform, only those
miners under the contract will start
collecting now the $40 back pay for
travel time.
Edward R. Burke, President of the
Southern,.Operators, said that group
would not pay the $40. "There is no
liability," Burke said, "and no reason
to compromise a liability that doesn't
exist. We propose to carry the court
test to a final conclusion and to win
Contract Changes Hours
Lewis, U3MW president, was out of
the city, but a spokesman said the
WLB's approval of the contract would
"restore confidence to the men and
enable the industry to operate at a
high productive rate." He ventured
the opinion, too, that the Southern
operators would be obliged eventually
to accept all the terms of the con-
The principal change in the con-
tract from the old agreement which
expired more than a year ago is the
establishment of a portal-to-portal
day of nine hours. That is a day
measured from the time the miner
enters the mine entrance until the
time he leaves it. Under the old con-
tract, only the time spent in work at
Alabama GOP
Delegates Back
GOV. Dewey
By The Associated Press
As Oregon voters expressed their
presidential nominee preferences and
elected candidates for two U.S. Sen-
ate seats yesterday, Alabama Repub-
licans in convention instructed 14'
delegates to support Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey for the Republican president-
ial nomination. Alabama thus be-'
cane the first Southern state to or-'
ganize an entire delegation behind a
GOP prospect.1
Only delegate selecting on today,
was in Utah, where Republicans call-

ed a convention to name eight dele-
gates to the national convention.]
Advance indications were they would
be uninstructed.
Voting in Oregon in the final pres-
idential primary before the national
conventions was light but politicians)
watched another write-in test between
Sewey and Lieut. Commander Harold
E. Stassen. No names were on the
Republican ballot.
President Roosevelt picked up 14
more delegates, his name being the
only entry on the Democratic side.
This ran his total delegates to 697
ni t( f8 s fo . slected. with only


Will Say Farewell to Campus

Wakde Airfield
Is Captured;
Japs Trap ped
Sinyang Is Threatened
By Chinese Pincers;
Allied Planes Hit Java
By The Associated Press
In a whirlwind one-day offensive,
United States Sixth Army troops cap-
tured Wakde airdrome - the ninth
Japanese built field to be seized along
the New Guinea coast within a month
-Gen. Douglas MacArthur announc-
ed today.
Sixth Army troops sweeping around
the east coast of Wakde Island over-
ran the airdrome without opposition
Thursday night. The Japanese gar-
rison was engaged by other forces
which struck earlier from the other
side. MacArthur reported enemyI
remnants were trapped in a half-
mile square area on the northeast
corner of the island.
No Opposition Offered
An American advance along the
adjacent New Guinea coast, invaded
Wednesday, was temporarily help up
while sharpshooters knocked out nests
of snipers.
To the east the five once threat-
ening enemy airdromes at Rabaul,
New Britain, were reported unserv-
iceable. Only two Nipponese planes
were seen in the area.
Chinese Threaten Sinyang
Capture of Wakde airdrome was
only one phase of Allied land and
air smashes which weakened corner-
stones at three points of a great tri-
angle, thousands of miles long. Out-
side this triangle, Chinese troops in
a surprise drive knifed to within ten
miles of the enemy base at Sinyang
in northern China, threatening it
with a pincer movement.,
Simultaneously, Tokyo radio re-
ported, Allied planes smashed twice
at Soerabaja, Java, in the heaviestI
blows yet delivered at that' former
Dutch naval base. Fifty planes, ap-
parently from the same carrier forces
that struck Sumatra last month,
made the attack Wednesday. Big
bombers, presumably from Australia,
followed up Thursday morning.
Foremen Will
Hold Meetings
Conference Today
To Be at Racklam
The sixth annual Foremen's Con-
ference, designed to help manage-
ment and supervisory employes keepi
abreast of industrial developments
and study personnel and production
problems, will meet in one-day ses-
sion beginning at 10 a.m. today in
the Rackham Building.,
Sponsored jointly by the Universitye
Extension Service, the National As-
sociation of Foremen and Foremen's
Clubs of Michigan and Ohio, the su-
pervisory and management confer -
ence had its counterpart in a similar
conference held March 10 in Detroit.
Opening session 10 a.m. today will
be a panel discussion on the fore-J
men's place in industry and man-
agement conducted by M. A. Clark,
manager of Industrial Relations,
Motor Products Corporation, Detroit.
A motion picture on war production
will be shown at 11:30 a.m.

Varieties Show To Mark End
Of Leader's Michigan Career
'Maestro' Who First Organized Band in 1935
Will Go to Chicago To Write Musical Score
Wilson Sawyer is how he signs his checks but to his friends he is just
plain "Bill" and when he makes his farewell appearance on campus at
Victory Varieties today in Hill Auditorium a Michigan tradition will end
while an eventful career will begin.
A Michigan tradition--short-lived as compared to most, but much
deeper than others-that has included week-end Union dances, Hours of
Fun, VSomen's Glee Club and fraternity formals, will reach it's climax.
We aresn't writing a swan song to Bill but rather a personal glimpse
into what his admirers call "a great guy who has done a lot for a great
school ."
The Sawyer tradition began in 1935 when the kid-he was a freshman
once-got the idea that what this campus needed was a first rate dance
band for the local gang. A group of
seven in 1935 has grown to 17-and
they will all be on hand for that
gala show at 8 p.m. today.
His career in the School of Music
was not much different from that
of most except that he worked hard-
er and longer because he had an
idea-a musical organization of mer-
His idea took form in 1939 after
he received his bachelor's degree in
music, for in that year he began to

will make final appearance.
WLB Orders
Strikers -Back
Chrysler's Directed
To Restore Production
DETROIT, May 19--()---The Re-i
gional War Labor Board issued anj
order tonight directing the Chrysler
Corp. and officials of Local 490,1
United Automobile Workers (CIO),
to take immediate steps to restore
production in Chrysler plants where
10,000 have been on strike for four
William Jenkins, president of the
UAW local, said it was "entirely pos-
sible" the strikers might refuse to
heed the back -to -work directive. 1ie
agreed, however, to call a week-end
meeting of the local to consider the
The stoppage began when AFL
teamsters sought to deliver soft
drinks from a bottling works where
CIO beverage workers were engaged
in a jurisdictional strike to theHigh-
land Park Chrysler plant. Chrysler
employes are affiliated with the
UAW-CIO, and a dispute developed.
The plant management dismissedk
three UAW stewards who ousted an
AFL driver from the premises and
the walkout followed, spreading to
other Chrysler plants.
Foremen Gwen
i nst Yai
DETROIT, raky 19- .P)-Acceding
to a War Labor Board directive, Aer-

Varietie Show To
Bie at 8p.pm. Today
Today at 8 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium the second sparkling Vic-l
tory Varieties show will feature
Aix outstanding professional vaude-
ville acts, Bill Sawyer and his Or-
chestra, the 50-member Univer-
sity Women's Glee Club and "Doc"
Fielding as master of ceremonies.
Tickets may be purchased today
at the Union, League, USO, U~ni-
versity Hall, theEast and West
Quadrangles and at the Hill Audi-
torium box office tonight. No
seats are reserved for the hour-
and-a-half show and the doors
will be open at 7:30 p.m.
Lenny Gale, an impressionist;
Ed Ford and his dog, Whitey; the
Whirling Spinners, star roller-
skating team; Del Kosno, the king
of balance; and the Carltons, a
father and son in a thrilling hand
balancing act, are the profession-
al performers to appear on the
Sawyer will play his final Ann
Arbor dance from 10 p.m. to mid-
night at the Union following his
Victory Varieties appearance.
build his Michigan tradition with
week-end dances at the Union.
He continued his work even when
most men would quit. He set his
sights for a master's degree in music
for in Bill there was more than the
sweet and swing of Saturday night
His professors felt he was above
average, that his talents lay in ar-
ranging and composing - but that
was to come later.
He received his MA in 1940 but
he continued with his idea and the
campus caught on and they liked it.
The "invasion" came in 1943 when
members of the armed forces moved
into the Union and the scene of week-
end activity switched to the League.
See SAWYER, Page 5
Cabinet Ousted
Byr -n Peter

Nazis Shoot 47
Allied Officers,
Reports Eden
Mass Escape from n
Dresden Prison Camp
Preceded Slaughter
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 19. -- Forty-seven
British, Dominion and Allied Air
Force officers were shot to death aft-
er a mass escape two months ago
from a prison camp near Dresden,
Germany, Foreign Secretary Eden in-
formed the House of Commons today,
adding that the British government
was "profoundly shocked" over the
No Americans were involved in the
incident, which was discovered by
Swiss inspectors nearly a month aft-
er it happened.
No Americans Involved
Eden in giving the sad report to
the country said that 76 men had
participated in the break, 15 were re-
captured, 14 remained at large and
others were shot, "some while resist-
ing arrest and some in the course of
a new attempt to escape after re-
Thus, in his account based on in-
formation so far available through
Switzerland, Eden withheld condem-
nation of Germany as a violator of
international law, and he asked Par-
liament's patience pending a more
complete report which the Swiss had
been asked to make.
International Law Stretched
But the high percentage of parti-
cipants killed made it difficult for
many Britons to believe that inter-
national law, which permits the kill-
ing of escaping prisoners or those
resisting recature, had not been
streched into a pretext for a savage
mass slaying prompted by fury. Un-
der the law, if there is no resistance,
the most severe penalty which can
be imposed is imprisonment.
The strongest argument against the
Nazis was that although the men
were shot March '22, no word went
outside Germany until the Swiss un-
covered the incident in a routine in-
spection of the camp on April 17.1
Britain Bitter
This war-torn island's bitterness
against the Germans deepened with
the news. All afternoon newspapers
in London told it under banner head-
lines, and the Eevening News, point-
ing out editorially that no voluntary
report was made by the Germans,
said that Parliament will insist that
"justice shall be satisfied."
Eden made it clear the issue was
not closed
Word of the shootings began leak-
ing out when relatives in England,
after receiving formal notification
individually from Swiss authorities,
inserted death notices in the London
papers each carrying the notation
"shot trying to escape."

and editor of the Chicago Sun, has
been named in a suit filed in fed-
eral court by Sewell L. Avery,
Montgomery Ward & Co. board
chairman, which asked $1,000,000,
alleging Field "maliciously pub-
lished untrue, false and defama-
tory statements" about Avery and
hus business. The Sun is published,
and Field has offices at Chicago,
Atlantic Wall
Struck by RAF
Night Assault
Berlin, Brunswick Hit
In Daylight Attacks
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 20, Saturday -
Great groups of RAF night bombers
joined early today in the renewed
aerial assault of Hitler's Europe to
follow up a heavy combined daylight
raid on Berlin and Brunswick by
1,500 American bombers and fighters
At least one section of the night
attack was directed at the Nazis'
formidable Atlantic Walldefenses
against the coming invasion and
came just in time to interrupt a post-
midnight shelling of the Dover coast
by big German guns across the chan-
Planes over West Germany
The possibility that other RAF
raiders were plunging deeper into the
continent was indicated by German
radio broadcasts that Allied planes
were over western Germany.
The night action came on the heels
of a fierce, swirling aerial battle
which raged over Germany during
the American thrust at the Reich
capital. In this savage battling U.S.
Fortresses and Liberators and their
escorts shot down 125 Nazi planes at
a loss of 26 bombers and 19 fighters.

Foe's Italian
Retreat Called
Germans Lose Large
Quantities of Supplies
By The Associated Press
PLES, May 19.-Reeling under Allied
blows which had torn away the Gus-
tav Line and engulfed more than 100
towns and villages in central Italy,
battered German troops fell back in
"disorderly retreat" through the Hit-
ler Line today under a slashing, re-
lentless attack.
An Allied spokesman declared that
the American and French onslaught
between the Liri Valley and the Tyr-
rhenian Sea had thrown the Nazis
into a "disorderly retreat instead of
a mere withdrawal," and that huge
quantities of enemy equipment were
falling into Allied hands.
Tanks Break Line
Lines of German prisoners stream-
ing to the rear became longer, and
ever more masses of Allied guns and
armor and men went forward to press
the assault.
American tanks and French in-
fantry broke into the Hitler Line
Santa Olivia on the Liri River ten
miles southwest of Cassino, Sid Feder
of the Associated Press reported in a
dispatch from the front.
Doughboys Join French
This was the first disclosure that
the doughboys had joined the French
in their slamming attack near the
center of the battle front and indi-
cated that Americantroops were ad-
vancing along a curving 16-mile front
extending from the Liri River to the
Gulf of Gaeta near Formia.
At the extreme northern end of
the active fighting front, Polish
troops who assisted in the capture of
Cassino yesterday pressed on west-
ward to within a mile and a half
of Piedmonte, a reputed strong point
of the Hitler Line in the mountains
just north of the Via Casulina, main
highway to Rome.
British and Canadian units of the
Eighth Army swept up the Liri Val-
ley in a methodical advance on the
See NAZIS FLEE, Page 6
I nonu Unveils
Plot Against
Turk RepUli
ANKARA, May 19.-(P)--President
Ismet Inonu, addressing a throng of
50,000 at a National Youth Day cele-
bration, declared today a plot had
been uncovered against the Turkish
Republic and voiced suspicion that
it had been engineered by "foreign-
In his speech, which was broadcast
throughout Turkey, the president ap-
parently referred to the "Gray Wolf"
or "Pan-Turanian" Society, many of
whose members have been arrested
after an extensive search throughout
the country. They are expected to
be court martialed at Istanbul, where
a form of military law has been in
effect since 1940 and where more
severe penalties can be invoked.
Other Turkish officials have as-
sertedthe society was financed by
German funds.
Throughout his long speech in the
Ankara Stadium, Inonu mentioned
only one country by name, asserting
that when Turkey's war for inde-
pendence was over "only the Soviets
were our friends."

(A broadcast from Ankara yester-
day said that martial lnw had been
imposed at Istanbul, already under
military control, because of uncon-
stitutional activities of the Pan-Tur-
anian group, a pro-Nazi organiza-
tion, and added that a number of ar-
rests had been made.)
Dover Area Is Shelled;
Nazis Reply with Salvos
LONDON, May 20, Saturday.-(A")-
The Dover area was shelled early
this morning for the second time in

Eisenhower Returns fromn
Inspection of Troops in Britain

LONDON, May 19.-hP)-The pre-
invasion tempo quickened tonight as
General Eisenhower returned to su-
preme headauarters from an inspec-
tion of troops massed i Britain.
A curt announcement said the Al-
lied commander-in-chief had comn-
pleted "a quick visit to air and
ground troops in England and north-
ern Ireland."

Dr. C. Copeland Smith, represen- onautical Ifoducts, inc., today ren
tative of the National Association of stated in a "status quo" its foremen
Manufacturers, will speak on "Am- who participated in the strike by;
erica's Challenge to the Foreman" in which foremen in a number of Detroit
general session beginning at 1:30 p.m. plants sought recognition of the
Three concluding conferences willFA
be held simultaneously at 2 p.m. The Foremen's Association of America.
conferences will be on production The action came after a confer-=
and personnel problems, and the third ence between Alfred Jackson, presi-
will be on general topics. dent of the company, and Donald W,
.laughton, regional WLB disputes di-

LONDON, May 19.-(A")-11n uneasy D-Day Nears
LONDN, ay 1.-(~)-I unasy His visit occurred as mAxis radios
exile from the battleground of Yugo-
slavia, King Peter, seemingly with shouted descriptions of "English em-
British prompting, today ousted the barkation oorts jammed with all
cabinet of Premier Bozhidar Puric mnertofeinso mater" en
and initiated action to form a new nt the i ferg as bringin "-
government designed to woo support the straits of Dover as bringing rer.
"The weather the British Isles have
The youthful monarch, beset by been having for the past six days put

Leigh-Mallory and Lt.-Gen. F. A. M.
Browning, commander of airborne
;roops, they witnessed a sky-darken-
ing fleet of gliders that landed and
filled a field like a jammed parking
lot. They saw hundreds of parachut-
ists drop in faultless precision,
Smuts Forces Assault
A three-way assault from the west,
east and south may bring a "final
decision in Europe much earlier than
pessimists forecast," the veteran Brit-
ish Empire statesman Jan Christian
Smuts said today in an address at
These confident words highlighted
the pre-invasion news of the day,
which found the Germans crowding
roads in all of western Europe, with
final dispositions of first-line shock
trnnnA h - ni -n P fr . rnn-fa

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