PAGE TWO T 14 P. MYCIITP A IV n A iTv IMb VIMA YY 9t.'t A'tr I ft IAA A _____________________t . .A l a .ii 1 jjI1 iI li. iI+ FRIDAY, MAY 19, 191 f: A Fifty-Fourth Year t. i 7 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bid Low . Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Hall . Marjorie Rosmarin Busine . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . City Editor . . Associate Editor . . s t Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor * .Associate Sports Editor . Women's ditor . Associate Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor ss Staff . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager e 23-24-1 Elizabeth A. Carpenter . Margery Batt . . . Telephon Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON aown Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Synonymous UJA Needs Funds THE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL drive on cam- pus already has been forced to continue an- other week to meet the $1,600 campus quota, be- cause the Jewish students on campus aren't coming across. Two million of their co-religionists have al- ready been slaughtered by Hitler's armies. Two million remain and face the same fate unless something is done now to get them out of Europe. The agencies comprising the United Jewish Ap- peal can rescue some of Europe's Jews but it needs money-this year $32,000,000 must be col- lected from America's 4,500,000 Jews. Our quota is pretty light in comparison. When the student UJA solicitor asks your support, contribute generously. If you don't, who will? -Arthur Kraft Employers Too ON THE EVE of an invasion which most of us realize will be greatly affected by the degree of cooperation and unity we are able to bring about here it is more than regrettable-it is fan- tastic-that the recent foremen's strike could take place. The damage it did: Gen. Arnold, chief of the Army Air Forces, said that it endangered the lives of American airmen, that it "may even affect our invasion operation," that it "so far has cost the U.S. Army Air Force 250 P-51 air- planes," 535,721 man days were lost, seven major companies were involved, 14 plants were crippled, 3,300 foremen left their jobs and 72,000 men were idle in Michigan.' It is a black mark against both the Fore- man's Association and their employers that it took the threat of government action to end the walkout. Americans here and overseas cannot be expected to feel kindly toward either of these groups for permitting disunity to reach the proportions it did in this strike. Considering the crucial time which they choose to put their interests above all else-and un- doubtedly both groups considered it carefully -we cannot justify either. Too often publicity on such matters is one- sided. It was true in this case. Cartoons, head- lines, commentaries and even the "unbiased" news reports emphasize where the strikers were wrong and the damage they did. We must real- ize, however, that employers are equally respon- sible for conditions leading to such a display. They are not infallible. -Brbara Herrinton Good Example ANN ARBOR citizens have taken a large step in recognizing the ability of the white and Negro races to work together successfully. The local Dunbar Association has as its con- stitutional purpose the "betterment of the civic, moral and social condition of the colored peo- ple of Ann Arbor." Through their social pro- gram, the members, both black and white, are acco'mplishing that purpose. Both Negroes and whites act as officers and leaders of the association. It is not a haphazard group forced together by circumstances. Rather it is an organization of respected Ann Arbor citizens who have fought for years to maintain their ideal. If the outward impressions gathered at its mortgage-burning ceremonies are correct, t-nT"hri nn- of the finest. Pamne in th DREW % PEARSON'S, MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, May 18.-Those who knew Martin Dies, Senior, were not at all surprised when his son, the ebullient Congressman from Texas, suddenly pulled out of the race for Con- gress. Dies' father, who represented the same Texas district in Congress from 1909 to 1919, did almost the same thing. The elder Dies played to the galleries, was a fiery figure in Congress and rowed incessantly with Woodrow Wilson. Then suddenly, he withdrew under fire and did not choose to run again. His son Martin, Junior, actually withdrew not because of a throat ailment, but because, as reported long ago in this column, he faced a tough re-election race. It was not merely the CIO-AFL combination against him in his district and the attacks of Walter Winchell, but also the fact that Judge J. M. Combs, his opponent, is a sort of Sam Rayburn type of fellow, neither radical nor conservative, knows Texas from the T down, and is an event better campaigner than Dies. Also word had percolated round that the Dies Committee maintained more than one paid em- ploye in Dies' own district. This meant one of two things: (1) that Dies was using his com- mittee for patronage at home; or (Z that he thought the home folks needed investigation for un-American activities. Neither went down well in Texas. Reply to Dr. Kellems . . . Dr. Jesse Kellems of Los Angeles, candidate for Congress and brother of "Tax-Me-Not" Vivien, has accused this columnist of being a chronic liar in reporting that he was in favor of the poll tax and that he was an isolationist. In reply, may I suggest to Dr. Kellems that he be more original. He might at least show some of the ingenuity of Senator (No Hill-billy) Mc- Kellar, who called me a revolving liar, an egre- gious liar, a day and night liar and about 75 other kinds of names. However, calling anyone a liar doesn't nec- essarily prove anything. And there is docu- mentary evidence that Dr. Kellems, speaking in the Westwood Hills Congregational Church before the Los Angeles League of Women Vot- ers on Aug. 10, 1942, said that he favored the poll tax. The chairman then questioned him further regarding his own district, and Kellems replied: "I am in favor of this for my own district." He added that he wished it could be about $25 and thus would eliminate a lot of unintelligent voters. Regarding Kellems' views on isolation, again he is his own best witness. On April 14, 1944, speaking in the campus YWCA Building of the University of California, Los Angeles branch, he said: "I have travelled all over the world. The people of the world will not agree to any inter- national tribunal. I am for America keeping all her own economy and niot giving up one I'd Rather Be Bight By ' antuel Grafton NEW YORK, May 18.-I love to listen to cur- rent discussions of what we are going to do with Germany, because they are so cute. Our eyes are sparkling, and our little noses are pushed flat against the window, and we sound, sometimes, as if we were trying to decide between a sticky na- poleon and a handful of petits-fours. Are we going to be hard on Germany, or easy on Ger- many? "Hard!" says one. "Easy!" says an- other. "So's your old man," says one. So we pick and choose new Germany's, like sakes off a tray. Shall it be chocolate and dis- memberment, or vanilla and American schools? We invent Germanys, we make new Germanys up out of our own heads. We feel our pulse, to determine if we are very angry at Germany, medium angry, or .just barely angry. And the question of our mood is important, because, nat- urally, we shall concoct a different kind of Ger- many if we are in a tizzy, or snit, than if we are merely in a fret. All of this choosing of moods and drawing of blueprints is, of course, hopelessly unhistor- ic. We have much too casually assumed that it is our job to invent a new Germany. It isn't. It is our job to wreck the old one, and we ought to stick to our job. It is our job to help destroy the German army, and to dis- mantle the Nazi apparatus. If we do that job, a new Germany is bound to come along, and it is bound to be different from the old, and better than the old. We must begin to think of ourselves more as midwives, and less as gods. If we were to think of ourselves as mere as- sistants at a birth, our job would at once become easier, much more manageable. It is only when (like movie scientists in a Gothic laboratory on the moor) we try to make a whole new Germany out of stray parts, assorted arms and legs, that we go tremulously into a kind of mental bank- ruptcy, and produce unlovely things that nobody seems to care for. Frankenstein always makes monsters; he never made a pretty thing yet. FQR WHAT HAPPENS? Stunned by the dif- ficulty of inventing a new nation, we let the word go out unofficially that thousands of sec- ond and third-grade Nazis may have to be left in their administrative jobs. The new Germany begins, at this point, to smell like the old. The only way to make a really new Germany is, oddly enough, not to try to make one, but to destroy the one' which now exists. It is our duty to wreck the Nazi army, to see to it that not a single German soldier remains under arms. It is our duty to make the immediate exile, without trials, of, say one hundred thousand top mem- hers of the Nazi apparatus a condition of the armistice. We might form several hundreds of thousands of lesser Nazis into labor battalions, and put them to sweeping up the continent. We need a sanitary atmosphere in which the new speck of her rights and economy to any inter- national tribunal at any time." (Copyright. 1944, United Features Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 139 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Admission to the School of Bus- iness Administration: Application for admission to this School beginning with the Summer Term must be filed not later than June 1. Information and application blanks available in Rm. 108, Tappan Hall. Women students interested in sales positions for the summer are asked to meet the representative of Mandel Bros. this morning at the Bureau of Appointments. Call Miss Mildred Webber at Ext. 371. Phi Beta Kappa: The Keys have arrived, and should be called for at the Secretary's Office, Observatory, on Thursday and Friday of this week. Victory Gardens: All plots at the Botanical Garden are now ready for use. Plot numbers may be learned by telephoning the Storehouse. It is requested that those who have not yet contributed one dollar for plough- ing do so at once. Cars may be parked south of the road (not north) and should not stand parallel to the road, but at an angle and well off the gravel. Lectures University Lecture: "The Golden Chain of Concord," by Professor Henry W. Taeusch of Western Re- serve University in Rackham Amphi- theatre this afternoon at 4:15 under the auspices of the Department of English. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Make- peace Uho Tsao, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Antispasmodics. VII," today, 309 Chemistry, 1:15 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Peter Alan Somervail Smith, Chemistry; thesis: "Reactions Involving the Radical NH," Saturday, May 20, 309 Chemistry, 9:30 a.m. Chairman, R.N. Keller. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Howard Theodore Siefen, Chemistry; thesis: "The Synthesis of Compounds Re- lated to the Sex Hormones," Satur- day, May 20, 309 Chemistry, 8 a.m. Chairman, W. E. Bachman. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and, advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission Germany can be born, and the up- rooting of the Nazi system is ele- mentary political asepsis. These are the things we can do. Butnwe are notsatisfied with the things we can do. We have a lust for the things we can't do. We tend to pass over the prior job, that of destroying the old Germany. in order to get at the fascinating problem of making a new Ger- many. The result is a fuddle, in which we neither make a new Ger- many, nor destroy the old. We need to accept the humble, but histor- ically sound role of history's mid- wife; we shall do better as assist- ants at a birth than as second-rate Svengalis, Pygmalions and Frank- enstein s. If we do not like the new Germany that is produced, we can club it, and bid the Germans to try again. It is by pressing against our challenge that the new Germany will be born. It is stupid to argue over whether we shall do the hard or soft. We must do the necessary. Our chief contribution to the new Germany is the strictly limited job of eradica- tion of the old. History doesn't ask us to do what we can't do, but it will not forgive us if we don't do what we can. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) KEEP MOVING WE ARE a gullible people, in many which resulted in a united front with respects. We accept as gospel any the single purpose of driving the statement made by foreign officials Japanese out of China. and professors concerning conditions IT WOULD seem that things are in their countries, without thinking now going well in China, but of the possibility that they aren't "authoritative sources" at all, In this many rumblings can be heard. Last case the country is China, and the year Chiang wrote "China's Destiny," statements concern the importance a book not yet translated into Eng- and description of the Chinese Sov- lish. The supposed reason is that the iets and their Red troops. book is anti - British, anti - Ameri- can, and might alienate the other (Our information is gleaned from United Nations against Chiang. It current news reports; "Red Star over is also extremely anti-Chinese Com- China" by Edgar Snow-London re- munists and violently pro-feudal ab- porter, 1939; "Battle Hymn of China"smuists andovintofeudalep b- by Agnes Smedley-American world utism, according to meagre reports traveler, 1943; and a novel by Hsiao Chun, "Village in August," trans. in The chairman of theChinese Co-in '42.) We discovered that China is a munists, on the contrary, stated in big place, covering one fifth of the 1937. that "The fundamental issue globe and containing 450,000,000 peo- before the Chinese people today is ple. Within its boundaries is an area the struggle against Japanese imper- in the northwest (Shensi and Kansu) ialism . . . which is not only the controlled by Chinese Communists enemy of China, but of all the peo- and their Red Army. ple of the world who desire peace. Historically: the Chinese Commun- Especially it is the enemy of those ist Party was founded in 1921. In people with interests on the Pacific 1923 Sun Yat-sen signed an entente Ocean: America, Britain and Russia with the Soviet Union, and thereafter . . . we hope that they will actively (till 1927) his Kuomintang and the help China to resist invasion and con- Communist Party cooperated in the quest." These nations have sent Northern Expedition to drive out the much help to Chiang's government, corrupt Peking dictatorship. most of which "was used in civil war. For every Red soldier killed, Nanking They agreed, too, on a foreign has slain many peasants and work- policy of anti-imperialism and an ers." The estimated cost: $80,000 internal program of anti-feudalism apiece. and anti-militarism. Following Sun Yat-sen's death in 1925, Chiang And when we keep hearing ru- Kai-shek became the leader of the mors that the Red guerrilla troops, national troops and reaffirmed this who have tried for 12 years to unite united front. In March, 1927, fol- China against Japanese aggression lowing orders from him, the Coin- and Darlanism in the government, munists took over Shanghai, but are being blockaded by Chiang's when the General and his troops government, we become disturbed. arrived, many of these Reds were Madame Sun Yat-sen, in a message massacred and the Communist to the American people (Allied La- Party was declared illegal by the bor News, Feb., '44) said: ". . . but now - victorious Chiang Nanking reaction and fascism are strong (in government. China). "This is proved by the betrayal of There followed five Anti-Red cam-WagCn-windfmnyry paigns involving up to 400,000 Nan- Wang Ching-wei and of many army king troops in 1934. In one campaign generals, by the increased ease with alone 100,000 soldiers and civilian which the Japanese operate in dif- lives were lost. (N.Y. Times, Feb. 16, ferent parts of our country, by the '32.) During each of these "annihi- divisions "guarding" the guerrilla lation drives" against the Reds, the areas, by the fact that some still hold Japanese forces took huge chunks of private profits above the national in- new territory: first Manchuria, then terest, by the oppression of the peas- Shanghai, Jehol, East Hopei, Hopei antry . . ." Sun Fo, president of the and Chahan. The Communists, feel- Legislative Yuan, and only son of Sun ing that "we can't even discuss Com- Yat-sen, likewise recently delivered munism if we are robbed of a country a strong criticism of the anti-demo- in which to practice it," had, early in cratic trends in Chungking. 1932, declared war on Japan, and Rev. Bosshard, a Swiss missionary were urging unity with Chiang to sentenced by the Soviet Chinese of- carry it out successfully. (Report of ficials to 18 months for alleged es- Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Chi- pionage, said, after leaving Red Chi- nese People's Soviet Republic.) na: "if the peasants knew what the Between October of 1934 and Octo- Communists were like, none of them ber '35, the Red Chinese marched would run away." It may be that 6,000 miles to their present territory our Commander - in - chief and our in northwest China, followed by Chi- State Department might consider ang's troops who fought them most adopting a similar policy, at least in-, of the way. Then, in December, 1936, sofar as urging Chiang to stop block- came the famous "kidnapping" of ading these anti-Japanese troops into Chiang and Madame Chiang and complete ineffectiveness. their rescue by the Communists, -Ann Fagan to those who for sufficient reason 304 at the Michigan Union. It is might wish to be present. imperative that all members attend." Dancing Lessons: The USO Dan- cing Class will be held this evening Oulbegian, from 7 to 8 p.m. under the direction Student Recital: Violet Olein of Lt. Flegal. pianist, will present a recital in par- -_L____ga tial fulfillment of the requirements Friday Night Dance: The USO Fri- for the Bachelor of Music degree at ' day Night Dance will be held as usual 8:30 p.m., Sunday, May 21, in Lydia from 8 to Midnight. Come and enj'oy Mendelssohn Theatre. A student of a dance with the USO Junior Host- John Kollen, Miss Oulbegian will esses play compositions by Brahms; Moz- art, Ravel and Chopin. Wesley Foundation: Banquet hon- The public is cordially invited. oring Seniors tonight at 6:15 o'clock. Dr. F. G. Poole of Detroit will be the Exhibitions speaker. Avoikah will present a Symposium College of Architecture and De- on "The Arab Viewpoint vs. Zionism" sign: The exhibition of sketches and at the Hillel Foundation, at 8:30 p.m. water color paintings made in Eng- Professor Calderwood of the Political land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc- Science Department and Mr. Max tor on leave in the College of Archi- Dresden of the Physics Department tecture and Design, will be continued ( will be the principals. until June 1. Ground floor cases, ___hpips Architecture Building. Open daily Professor C. Z. Dickinson will dis- except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is cuss Cooperative Business with the cordially invited. I.C.C. study group. %The meeting will take place this evening at 8:30 p.m. One-man exhibit of watercolor It will be held at the Robert-Owen paintings by Richard H. Baxter, Ann Cooperative, 604 East Madison Street. Arbor artist, is now on display in the Anyone who is interested in studying Rackham Building. The exhibit, consumer problems of Cooperatives is sponsored by Professor Avard Fair- welcome to participate in the meet- banks, opened on May 15 and will ing. continue through May 27. It is op- ened to the public daily from 2-5 and Conti tg Events 7-10 p.m.CE Saturday Night Dance: Saturday Ei T il Night Dance at the USO Club frorfi Events Today 8 to Midnight. USO Junior Hostess There will be a meeting of the Tu-Company X and Y in charge. Dance - with the Junior Hostesses- Men torial Committee today at 2 in the wishing to bring a date please obtain undergraduate office of the League. a guest card from the USO Office All members and those interested in two hours before the Dance-Ser- working on the committees are re- vicemen and wives always welcome. quested to come. vRe han wve alay wlcme Refreshments will be served. Biological Chemistry Seminar will Sunday Morning Breakfast: Pan- be held at 4 p.m., in Rm. 319 West cakes at the USO Club Sunday Morn- Medical Building. "Biological (Meta- ing!! All servicemen are cordially bolic) Aspects of the Methyl Purines" invited to come to the USO Club will be discussed. All interested are Sunday Morning and enjoy a Pan- invited. cake breakfast. Don't miss this! Breakfast will be served starting at There will be a business meeting of 10:30 a.m. the Post-War Coulncil today at 5 inn Open House tll Sunday Afternoon OpeoAse: BARNABY Mr. O'Malley. You can help Pop- IY urI er... H The Doc has given up in despair? A hopeless case!... I'll pull him ---~ , - , 'f need an old kitchen table!... . And noxygen-tent...Opena -'I' . By Crockett Johnson Jo ME I n n n.a.