p . ' iiu i pg it 43UU #atj Weather Cloudy VOL. LIV No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1944~ PRICE FIVE CENTS Burma Gains Made by Allies, Wakde Falls Detroit Strike Of Teamsters Is Cancelled Work or Fight Law Supported by Nelson, Patterson, Forrestal By The Asoiated Press A proposed general strikesof 45,000 members of Detroit locals of the AFL Teamsters Union was averted after a three-way conference of Regional War Labor Board officials and spokesmen for rival AFL and CIO unions yesterday. Informed of the CIO decision, James Hoffa, business agent for the AFL teamsters, said he would cancel plans for a general strike of the city's 35,000 truck drivers tomorrow and recall 10,000 interstate and intrastate drivers who, were ordered from their jobs only a few hours previously. The dispute grew from a jurisdic- tional fight between the rival AFL and CIO unions over the affiliation of 170 employes of the strike-bound Dossin Products Co., which bottles and distributes soft drinks. Meanwhile, as workers walked out in some places and resumed their tasks in others, an estimated 23,650 were idle in various sections " of the nation. In Washington, suport for a work- or-fight law came from Undersecre- tary of War Patterson, acting Navy Secretary Forestal and War Produc- tion Board Chairman Nelson. They testified before the Senate Military Committee in behalf of a bill to sub- ject men 18 to 45 years old to in- duction into the armed forces or work units if they left farm or essential industrial jobs without draft board permission. Patterson remarked: "Any strike in war-time on war pro- duction is inexcusable," INCENDIO: Fire Sweeps Third Floor of En lish House Forced into blankets and bath robes, 23 Latin Americans, residents of the University English House, were driven from their studies at 9:30 p.m. last night when a fire broke out on the third floor of their home at 2006 Washtenaw. The blaze centered in an unoccu- pied portion of the third floor and was apparently caused by defective wiring in an air-cooling motor, As- sistant Fire Chief Herman Kraus re- ported, Police officers who arrived on the scene after extra fire equip- ment had been dispatched reported flames that shot as high as 40 feet in the air. After most of the furniture-desks, chests, chairs and lamps-had been taken from the second and third floors, police indicated that a guard might be placed over the property. The house is the former residence of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity and was leased to the University last fall to house Latin American students here studying at the English Language In- stitute. The entire right wing of the third floor was destroyed as firemen were forced to break through the roof but no persons were injured in the blaze. Property loss including smoke and fire damage was estimated at $5,000. Mrs. Leo L. Rockwell, house direc- tor of the Institute, stated last night that all the boys were not alarmed and attempted to fight the blaze be- fore firemen arrived. Temporary housing arrangements or the 23 Latin Americans were made last - night by ,Francis Shiel, acting residence halls director, with the as- sistance of Dr. Esson M. Gale, head of the International Center. Bill Sawyer To Play For Caduceus Ball Three hundred fifty couples will dance to the music of Bill Sawyer's orchestra at Caduceus Ball, a func- Roosevelt Wins by Wide Margin in Student Poll Liberal Domestic, Foreign Policies Prove To Be Determining Factors in Many Votes r Franklin D. Roosevelt was given a decided edge over any Republican presidential candidate in a poll of student opinion conducted by The Daily this week, with 422 votes going to President Roosevelt, against 186 for New York's Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, his nearest rival. In the second of a series of weekly campus polls it was found that Results of Poll In a Daily poll this week stu- dents were asked "Who would be your choice as the next President of the United States?," with the following results: Roosevelt . . . . 422 Dewey ... ..... 186 Wilikie..........46 Stassen ..... . ...40 Bricker ......... 32 Roosevelt had a lead, not only over Dewey, but also over all other Re- publican prospects combined. Despite the fact that Wendell L. Willkie has withdrawn from the race, he came in third with 46 votes, while Harold E. Stassen was a close fourth Prof. Sparrow, Dr. Alexander Given .Awards Prof. Frederick K. Sparrow, Jr. of the botany department was awarded yesterday at Rackham Building Am- phitheatre the annual Russel Award, one of the highest honors for con- spicuous achievements available to members of the University staff. Prof. Sparrow is secretary of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and Collaborator of the, Division of Cotton and Other Fibre Crops, U.S. Department of Agricul- ture. Before being connected with the University he conducted research at Cornell University, and abroad at Cambridge and Copenhagen. He is the author of approximately forty published papers, and a recent book, "Aquatic Phycomycetes," a treatise on water fungi. Dr. John Alexander, Professor of Surgery at the School of Medicine, after being awarded the Lectureship yesterday, and having previously been given the Russel Award in 1928, became the first faculty member to receive both the honors. Each award is accompanied by cash gifts from a trust fund estab- lished by the late Henry Russel. House Passes G.I. Rights Bill WASHINGTON, May 18.-(A)-The' House late today passed the "G.I. Bill of Rights," an overall veterans' benefits measure, after rejecting an amendment that would have prohib- ited unions from requiring that vet- erans hold a union card to work in, a "closed shop."j with 40 supporters, and Gov. John W. Bricker polled 32 votes. Foreign policy was the determining factor in many of the Roosevelt votes, with his liberal domestic stand win- ning a number of other votes for him. "I want Roosevelt because I can't think of any other man in the United States who has the experience, the knowledge of foreign affairs and the ability to take his place," Lee Chaice, '46, said. "Roosevelt should have a fourth term because of his liberal inter- national policies and, even more im- portant, because there is a great need for his liberal domestic policies,'" commented Joyce Siegan, '46. Several others favored Roosevelt because "there is no other choice," On the other hand, those who op- posed the reelection of the President most frequently gave the answer, "Anybody but Roosevelt." Among the pro-Dewey comments were the following: "I like Roosevelt, but I think Dewey would make a better president be- cause of his record in New York State." "He's done a good job in New York, no matter what people say about him."' "I say Dewey. Who cares if he doesn't talk? The office should come to the man." Few other candidates received muchr support from students answer- ing the question, "Who would be your choice as the next President of the United States?" Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Earl C. Browder each polled eight votes, while Norman Thomas was favored by four stu- dents. Two votes each went to Gov. Earl Warren, Herbert Hoover and Arthur H. Vandenburg. Four campus wags put themselves on record as favoring Bob Hope. The only other unorthodox suggestion came from Barbara Alig, '45, "How about Mrs. Roosevelt?" FBI Man Tells Of Local Use of Scientific Labs How the Washington Scientific Laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Investigation could be used by local law enforcement officers to 'solve crimes was the topic of the FBI Law Enforcement Conference held last night in the Rackham Memorial Building. Law enforcement officials from Washtenaw, Monroe, and Lenawee Counties heard Donald Parsons of the Bureau's Washington laboratory tell how spectograph analysis of paint was used in the solution of hit-run accidents. Parsons said FBI scien- tific equipment could help appre- hend fraudulent check passers by in- vestigation of the handwriting. He also urged local law enforcement of- ficers to utilize the laboratory's equipment for ballistics-to deter- mine from what gun a bullet was fired. AMERICAN BATTLE IN ITALY-These photos, from U.S. Army movie film, are described as showing American soldiers advancing against Germans along a narrow street in an unnamed Italian village. Soldiers move forward cautiously (top, left), seek shelter as an explosion clouds the scene (bottom, left), and one man falls face forward (right). C-snFrmaTkn Capt. Ruseh To Be Speaker at Co.A Graduation Ceremonies To Be Meld Tomorrow Morning Capt. Paul F. Rusch, personnel director in charge of selecting the men for Co. A, will be the main speaker at the graduation of the May :lass at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow ii the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Capt. Rusch, will arrive in Ann Arbor today from his headquarters in Minneapolis, Minn. Other speakers on the program will be Dr. Joseph Yamagiwa, Capt. George G. Spence, commanding offi- cer of the Company, and Cpl. Robert J. C. Butow who will speak on behalf of the graduating class. Rabbi Jehudah Cohen will give the invocation and Rev. Chester Loucks, Company chaplain, will give the ben- ediction. The men will receive 30 hours of University credit for the work which they have done here. This credit can be applied either on an A.B. degree or on a master's. Co. A To Hold Farewell Dance The members of the May class of Co. A who will graduate tomorrow will hold a farewell dinner in their mess hall in the East Quadrangle at 7 p.m. today followed by a dance at 9 p.m. in the University High School gymnasium. Servicemen and their dates will go through the regular chow line in the mess hall, according to Cpl. John Boucher, who is in charge of the entertainment for the dinner. Cpl. Christopher Dravis is general chair- man of the affair. Cpl. Harold Follin will be toast- master at the dinner. A skit will also be presented which will include a number on two pianos by Cpls. Jos- eph Running and Gene Blankenship, solos by Cpls. Art Flynn and Robert Miller, and a quartette number by Cpls. Don Richardson, Fred Moreton, George Brooks and John Power. Cpls. John Teddy, James Keisler, Vincent Abbey, Tom Halasey and Wally Smith will compose a dance chorus which will appear on the pro- gram accompanied by Cpl. Ela Fig- undio. Members of the cast for the skit include Cpls. Stanley Amdurer, John Morton, Bruce Smithson, Harold Fol- land, Charles Rosenberg and John Boucher. Honor guests at the dinner will be Capt. and Mrs. George G. Spence, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, Prof. and Mrs. Marvin L. Niehuss, Col. and Mrs. Frederick C. Rogers and Capt. Paul Rusch. Ray Helber and his orchestra will play for the dancing. Cpl. Jim Keis- ter is dance chairman. Dance com- mittee heads are Cpls. Richardson, Brooks, James Fritz, Moreton and Brooks Cassidy. Allies Dent Hitler Line By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NAPLES, May 18.-Cassino and Formia, twin anchors of the German defense belt across central Italy, have fallen before the great Allied offensive which began a week ago today, and vic- torious American troops are ripping into the- Adolf Hitler line tonight at a point only 35 miles from the Anzio Beachhead and 65 miles from Rome. British and Polish troops stormed the shattered town of Cassino and dominating Monastery Hill behind it early today, capturing 1,500 prisoners - and wiping out the cream of the Second Victory Varieties To Be Held Tomorrow A sparkling Victory Varieties show featuring the farewell appearance of Bill Sawyer and his orchestra, six professional vaudeville acts and the University Women's Glee Club will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi- torium. Sawyer is currently directing a gov- ernment music project in Chicago and will return to Ann Arbor espec- ially for the Victory Varieties show and a dance afterwards from 10 p.m. to midnight at the IUnion. Lenny Gale, an impressionist, is the outstanding performer among the professional acts to appear on the program. He has entertained New York and Chicago audiences for a number of years. Other acts sched- uled for tomorrow's show are Ed Ford and his performing dog Whitey, The Carltons, the acrobatic Rockets, the roller-skating Whirling Spinners and Del Kosno, king of balance. "Doc" Fielding will be master of ceremonies. Tickets are now on sale at the League, Union, USO, University Hall and the East and West Quadrangles. "Green Devils" First Parachute Div- ision which had defended the strong- hold fanatically since January. American troops captured Formia -believed to be the coastal anchor of the Adolf Hitler Line-and from nearby hills American big guns op- ened a heavy bombardment of Gaeta Point, three and a half miles across water from Formia. Masses of aban- doned Nazi equipment were falling to Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's forces. Date Bureau Set Up for Bal Mimeographed "poetry" attached to paper napkins, picked up by mem- bers of the East and West Quadran- gles in their respective "chow lines" yesterday, reminded servicemen to sign up at the "Boulevard Ball" date bureau, which will be open from 5 to 7 p.m. today and from noon to 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union lobby. iThe objective of the date bureau is, according to Chairmen Jane Arch- er, '46, and Alice Ann Ritchie, '45 BAd, to make it possible for everyone on campus to enjoy the music of Jerry Wald and his orchestra at the Ball, which will be held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight in Waterman Gymnasium, Saturday, May 27. Civilian men are also invited to sign up. Jap Position Menaced by Joint Blow Chinese Cling to Loyang Despite Nips' Bombing; Small Escape Gap Left By RAY CRONIN Associated Press War Editor The war against Japan moved at speedier tempo yesterday (Thursday) as Allied forces gained major victories in Burma and the Southwest Pacific. A master military stroke in Burma, carried out by Chinese and American forces under an American general, gravely menaced the entire Japanese position in the northern part of that country. Wakde Seized In the Southwest Pacific Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur's Sixth Army seized the airbase island of Wakde, just off the north coast of Dutch New Guinea. Air, rocket and naval bombardments covered the invaders. The Japanese, offered only moderate resistance. -General MacArthur said success of the operation presages re- conquest "of all of Dutch New Guin- ea," Collapse of the Japanese in the Burma region was anticipated. Brilliant Move Chinese and American jungle fight- ing infantrymen executed the bril- liant surprise move from the south, behind Nippon lines, to seize Myitky- ina's southern airdrome. Immedi- ately the strategic city, key Japan- ese communications and supply cen- ter, was brought under Allied atil- lery pounding. In China's Honan Province, far to the north, the Chinese as late as last Monday were clinging tenaciously to Loyang despite terrific Japanese shelling while the two-pronged Nip- pon armored offensive left an escape gap of only 25 miles for the defend- ing forces in the Loyang sector. Am- erican and Chinese airmen were bombing and strafing one Japanese spearhead. Allies Resume Air Attacks on Hitler's Europe LONDON, May 18.--(P)-The Allied heavy bomber assault on Hitler's Eur- ope was resumed today with a strong American blow from Italian bases on the much-battered Romanian oil and rail center of Ploesti, on rail yards at the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade and on the key Yugoslav railway junction of Nis. Flying Fortresses and Liberators flew 600 miles to Ploesti and about 350 miles to reach the other two tar- gets, running into Nazi fighter oppo- sition which the Berlin radio said resulted in air battles over both Ro- mania and Yugoslavia. Lightning, Thunderbolt and Mustang fighters accompanied the bombers. The far-flung attack, which on the basis of recent operations prob- ably numbered up to 1,000 bombers and fighters, broke a four-day lull in the Allies' month-long aerial pincers from Britain and the Medi- terranean against'the heart of Eur- ope. The big oil refineries and railway yards at Ploesti were the targets there, but weather conditions pre- vented observation of results. These targets had been hit four times pre- viously, the last time May 5. Music Festival To Be Given Opening the program with "The Star Spangled Banner" led by Wil- liam W. Norton, director of the Flint Symphony Orchestra, the School of Music and the Michigan Civic Or- chestra Association will present its fourth annual Michigan Massed Or- chestra Festival at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audiorium. Selections by Grieg, Tschaikowsky, Luigini, Bach, Strauss, Friml and Moussorgsky will be featured on the program under the direction of George Dasch of Chicago. ONE LONE CIO MAN: Education Institute Ends with Discussion on Post-War Labor JAPS IN CHINA: Dr. Gale Says Nip Land Drive Might Decide War in Pacific With the final session, a panel dis- cussion on post-war labor and em- ployment, marked by a flurry of questions to the speakers, the three- day 12th annual conference of the Adult Education Institute ended ses- sions yesterday in Rackham Building. Excited members of the audience rose to their feet and bombarded John W. Gibson, president of the Michigan CIO Council and labor's only representative on the panel, with question after question. The discussion, attracting partici- pants of the Institute, faculty and students, was the final session of a program sponsored by the University Extension Service and the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs designed to further adult education in the state. Ann Arbor, said improvements would cheapen products and cause greater demand, thus creating greater em- ployment. Gibson asserted that the CIO has abided by its "no-strike" pledge and that any strikes occurring within the CIO today were unauthorized, and the result of wartime tension or inexperienced, excitable employes. Brief Unemployment Predicted Airey predicted that there would be a brief period of unemployment until post-war reconversion was com- pleted. He said an abnormal backlog of demand, caused by the suspension of civilian goods production during the war, might boom industry for thiee to ten years. He predicted that a full employment would then be anroached. The Japanese land campaign in China might determine the entire outcome of the war in the Pacific and the importance of these military developments should not be oblitera- ted by our interest in D-Day, Dr. Es- san M. Gale, director of the Interna- tional Center, said yesterday- Dr. Gale has spent about 30 years in China, where he has represented both the American and Chinese gov- ernments. Huge Pincers Movement Millions of Japanese troops in China have been doing little more than garrison duty, he said, and "now they have thrown these men into ac- tion, in one of the most gigantic pincers movements in military his- tory, in their thrust along the Yellow River westward toward Tungkwan." tremely grave, but said he doubted if people in general understo.od com- pletely just what is taking place. The situation in this theatre is not completely discouraging, though it is critical, he said. "Lord Mount- batten, Generals Stilwell and Chen- nault, and other Allied leaders are taking vigorous steps to defeat this huge Japanese adventure," he con- cluded, "and we have every reason to hope that they will be successful in keeping China in the war." Chungking Might Fall He pointed out that Chiang Kai- Shek has made preparations should Chungking fall, that he has with- drawn his army to the vast areas of Central Asia and has gone so far as to prepare Likang, on the borders of Tibet, as another war-time capitol.