, , ; tK4r 4aitg Weare VOL. LIV No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jap Hold in Admiralties Nears Collapse; Russian Drive Threatens Black Sea Ports {. _._ 4) Reds Capture Strongpoints In Northwest New Soviet Offensive Forces Germans Back Toward South Poland By The Associated Press LONDON, March 9.-Moscow an- nounced tonight that a new Soviet offensive had pounded a 105-mile gap through German lines in the south- eastern Ukraine-threatening the big Black Sea ports of Nikolaev and Kherson-and that 300 miles to the northwest other Russian troops had captured the "important strongpoint" of Staro-Konstantinov and battered into the streets of'the strategic junc- tion of Tarnopol. Hundreds of thousands of German troops in the Dnieper Bend were menaced by the latest developments, announced in two orders of the day by Marshal Premier Joseph Stalin and in the Moscow communique. The new drive, tearing head-on into the Germans from the east, was forcing them back toward regions of southern Poland and Rumania al- ready threatened by the Russians. Still a third action, announced by the communique, was a drive south- west of Berdichev intwhich the Rus- sians captured the town of Ulanov, 26 miles southwest of Berdichev. This drive links with the sternmost wing of the Russian forces fighting at Tarnopol and Staro-Konstantinov. The Russians not only cut the Dolinskaya-Nikolaev railway but the communique, recorded by the Soviet Monitor, announced that in the fighting which began Monday, 8,000 Germans have been killed, 1,000 S moretaken prisoner and important German war material captured. Co. C's Musical To Be Given Again Tonight "Bidin' Our Time," Co. C's original musical comedy will be presented for the second time at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets for tonight's performance will be on sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the box-office of the'Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All proceeds will be donated to the Army Emer- gency Relief Fund. The plot of the play, which was written by Cpl. Hy Wolotsky of Co. C., deals with a group, of ASTP men who are sent by mistake to Puellae College, a girls' school. The dean of the college persuades the colonel to issue an anti-love regulation to pre- vent her students from falling in love with the soldiers. She is forced to have him withdraw this regulation, however, because of certain facts which one of the grils discovers. All the music for the show, includ- ing eight songs, were whitten by Cpl. Troy Bartlett of Co. C. Musical ar- rangements are by Cpl. Bartlett and Pvt. Earl Edmonds, USMCR. SYMPATHY: Japs Consoled CAPE GLOUCESTER, New Britain, (Delayed)-(P) - The mud-caked Marine leaned his rifle against a jeep that was carrying a radio, and asked for music. Out of the speaker came a femi- nine voice: "Hello, all you Marines in the Southwest Pacific. This is Tokyo Rose speaking." The Guadal- canal veteran grunted as the voice continued, "Since all you Marines can't be home sitting on the sofa with your best girl, well dedicate our first number, "Sympathy," to you. A hundredyards away from the Jeep firing broke out. The muddy Marine, reports Pfc. Charles W. Yea- ger, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., picked up his rifle and edged away, remarking, "Those Japs sure need it." "Need what?" Japs Say Cabinet In Rumania Quits NEW YORK, March 9.-(R)- The Tokyo radio, in a broadcast heard by NBC. stated tonight that "the Rumanian cabinet has re- signed en bloc, according to a Ber- lin dispatch. Further details as yet unobtainable." There was no immediate con- firmation from other quarters. The last Rumanian cabinet was formed Jan. 27, 1941, and was headed by Gen. Ion Antonescu as premier and foreign minister. An- tonescu also bore the title of "leader." U.S. Bombers Attack Berlin's Industrial Area Targets Hit for Second Successful Day; AAF Claims Light Losses By 'The Associated Press LONDON, March 9.-Strong forces of American heavy bombers with their fighter escort-roaring through a sky virtually free of German planes -attacked Berlin industrial targets for the second day in successionto- day in operations which cost only seven bombers and one fighter. The German news agency DNB said tonight that Hanover, 150 miles west of Berlin, also was raided by American bombers today. The agen- cy's broadcast said high explosives were dropped by the "bombers on their way to Beln." It was the fourth time in six days that the indomitable armada of U.S. heavy bombers returned to bomb the fire-blackened German capital. An Army communique announced the losses and said only "a few of our bombers reported minor encoun- ters with the enemy." None of the crews of the participating Fortresses and Liberators or fighter pilots claimed to have destroyed a single German plane-a further index of the weakness of the Germans' air defenses. Witness of U. S. Attack on Berlin Calls City Doomed STOCKHOLM, March 9.- (P)-- "Berlin is doomed-it has ceased to be a capital or even a town," declared a Swedish traveler who reached here by air today after having witnessed Wednesday's American attack on the city. He said Berlin citizens were under the impression the Nazi government had left the city before Christmas. Frank Named Sports Editor Harvey Fiank, '44, was named sports editor of The Daily, and Jo Ann Peterson, '44, and Bud Low, '44E, were named associate sports editors in appointments by the Board in Control of Student Publications yesterday. . Frank, who is from Wyandotte, has worked on the staff for six sem- esters and is a member of Sphinx. Miss Peterson, who is from Ann Arbor, is a member of Alpha Phi and Scroll. She was also active in Junior Project and is in charge of Proxy Parents. Low, a resident of Buffalo, N.Y., is on the track team and is a member of Theta Delta Chi and Scalp and Blade. 'Unsinkable' Lifeboat Launched at East Greenwich U.S. Shi ps Enter Huge Seadler Bay Enemy Counterattacks in Marshalls; Subs Sink 16 Jap Merchant Vessels By LEONARD MILLIMAN Associated Press War Editor Abrupt collapse of the entire Japanese position in the Admiralty Islands was threatened today as American warships and supply craft steamed un- molested into Seadler Harbor, a 50-mile-long lagoon large enough to accommodate the entire United States fleet. While American forces tightened their hold on the Admiralties and the northern shores of nearby New Britain, Japanese planes made their first counterattack on Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands spearhead of the Ameri- can Central Pacific offensive. And submarines, the Navy announced, sank 16 more Japanese merchant ships - - Said to be virtually unsinkable and fitted with stubby bow and stern, this newly designed lifeboat sli4es down the ways of a shipyard in East Greenwich, R. I. Red Cross To Solicit Every Student in Membership Drive Army Units Give $250; All Dorms, Houses To Be Contacted To Fill University Quotaj Every man and woman on campus will be solicited during the annual Red Cross membership drive, which lasts throughout the month of March, according to John Clippert, '45E, and Marjorie Hall, '45, chair- men respectively of the League and Union Red Cross committees. Clippert said yesterday that few reports have been received as yet because the drive started Tuesday, one week later than the national Dr. 'A. Philipse To Speak on Post-War Food Sponsored by the Post-War Coun- cil, Dr. A. H. Philipse will speak at 3 p.m. Sunday in the League on the question of post-war food and medi- cal supplies, it was announced yes- terday. Dr. Philipse, a member of the Ec- onomic, Financial and Shipping Mis- sion of the Kingdom of the Nether- lands, is at present attending a three-day housing and food confer- ence in Chicago. An expert on post- war food problems, he was a repre- sentative of the Netherlands at the recent UNRRA conference held in Atlantic City. Dr. Philipse has a long background of experience in the service of his government. From 1929 to 1933 he was employed in the Netherlands diplomatic service and later in the commercial treaties division of the Netherlands Ministry of Economics. After the invasion of his country, Dr. Philipse was made head of the econ- omic policy division of the Nether- lands Ministry of Trade, Industry and Shipping in London. He is cur- rently working in Washington. Born in The Hague, Dr. Philipse studied at Leyden University and the Institut Universitaire des Hautes Et- udes Internationales in Geneva to earn his doctorate in law. drive. However, $250 has already been received from Army units, which started their campaigns between semesters. All the men's houses have been contacted and captains assigned to each one, he said. First reports from the houses will be received at 5 p.m. today at a meeting of the com- mittee. The men's quota this year is $1,500, one-half more than last year's quota. Clippert commented that the quota was exceeded by $700 last year and expressed confidence that it will also be over-subscribed this year. Quotas were assigned to each of the womens houses on campus yes- terday at a meeting in the League. The quotas, made up on a propor- tional basis, require a contribution of $1.25 from each woman. Stockwell, housing approrimately 400 women, leads the list with a quota of $500; Mosher comes next with $275. The work of soliciting will be done by committees in the larger houses and by directors in the smaller ones. All returns must be handed in at the Office of the Social Director in the League on or before March 29. Collections in the city of Ann Ar- bor yesterday showed an increase of $2,000 over reports of the daybefore. Total collectionscthroughout the county have reached the sum of $18,987. Ferguson Hits Army Penalties WASHINGTON, March 9.-(P)- Senator Ferguson called for an end today to what he termed the War de- partment's "wrist-slapping tech- nique" of punishing Army officers re- sponsible for the sales, as scrap at $36,924, cutting tools for which the government had paid $1,721,136. The Senator said from the floor that one of the accused officers had been placed on inactive status, ano- ther had been given an honorable discharge, a third had been reassign- ed and others had been given "ad- ministrative admonitions." Cabbage Crop Is Destroyed In Louisiana New Orleans Paper Claims Low Prices Cause Ploughing Under, NEW ORLEANS, March 9;-- The New Orleans States said today in a front page storythat Louisiana farmers are plowing under healthy- cabbage, or feedingt it to hogs, be- cause they find it brings too low a price to warrant hauling it to market. The newspaper said that in Jef- ferson, St. Charles and St. Bernard parishes, "acre after acre of large solid heads of cabbage, which retail- ing in New Orleans at from two to four cents a pound, were turned un- der, as farmers prepared the ground to.plant corn or beans." X Likewise, the story, said, creole lettuce and turnips lay "rotting, awaiting the plow, in other fields. The story quoted farmer Tony Pug-, lise who farms a 60-acre tract near Luling, La., as saying: "The government asked us to raise more food. So that's what I tried to do. But since the cabbage has been ready for market, the most I got for it was $1.25 a hun- dred pounds. Other loads I have sold for less. I get about $10.50 a ton. Yet cabbage retails at about $70 a ton down here." Puglise said the price of farm la- bor and seed and other costs at- tendant to marketing produce had risen to such heights that a farner needs a good price for his crops, "or he loses money taking them out of the ground." He charged that "speculators" Who hang out around the French market in New Orleans, buy the produce from the farmers at extremely lowe prices, "handle the stuff only a few hours where the farmers have babied it along for months-yet make all the profit." Coeds To Meet Tomorrow For Co. D Show Tryouts A meeting for coeds interested in taking part in Co. D's original musi- cal comedy. "Rumor Has It" will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the USO ballroom and not today as was an- nounced in yesterday's Daily. needed to supply extended outposts throughout the Pacific War Theatre. Gen. Douglas MacArthur today announced the entrance of warships into Seadler Harbor while dismount- ed Texas Cavalrymen expanded their positions on Los Negros Island, which snuggles around one end of the har- bor. Comparable to Rabaul Harbor Seadler is comparable to Rabaul Harbor, which a spokesman for Mac- Arthur said has been denuded of ships and almost stripped of planes. Raiders from the Solomon Islands found no undamaged ships in the harbor Tuesday and only 50 air- planes on her six airdromes. Five of these were hit by bombs. Seventeen other Japanese aircraft were shot down by Allied warplanes raiding Wewak's chain of airdromes on northeast New Guinea. Marines Close Gap Without the usual overwhelming aerial and naval support, United States Marines drove powerful Jap- anese forces back through the jun- gles of Willaumez Peninsula on northern New Britain toward the Talasea airstrip. The Marines have advanced three miles since they scrambled over coral reefs through concentrated machine gun and mor- tar fire Monday and are only two miles from the field, their objective. Their drive is closing the gap be- tween MacArthur's Southwest and South Pacific offensives. Considering the limited equipment and personnel of the China-based 14th U.S. Army Air Force General- issimo Chiang Kai-Shek of China said on its first anniversary, "results achieved are better than that of any other air force in the world." Isolated Nipponese troops .on by- passed Marshall atolls are still put- ting up dangerous antiaircraft bar- rages against daily attacks by United States Army and Navy bombers and fighters. One plane was shot down and several others hit Monday when five enemy positions in the Mar- shalls were hit. Fires were started. In northern Burma 2,309 Japan- ese have been killed by American troops under Brig. Gen. Frank Mer- rill and American-trained Chinese. Britain s Coal Strike Spreads Return to Work Bid Is Rejected by Miners LONDON, March 9-(P)-Britain's coal strike, which virtually has para- lyzed the rich South Wales mine- fields, spread today to the Swansea anthracite region and to Scottish pits in apparent rejection of the fuel min- ister's insistence upon a return to work before arbitration. One of the miners' leaders said this ultimatum, if complied with, would "give the government a blank check." It was estimated that 160,000 min- ers, about 22 per cent of all in Bri- tain, were idle tonight. A few work- ers: in Monmouthshire and South Wales collieries returned to their jobs in response to urgent appeals by union leaders, but new walkouts had increased the number of strikers. Report AAF Commander Missing in Italian Area WASHINGTON. March 9.- ()- JAG School Review To Be Held 'Monday Graduation Ceremony Parade To Be Attended By Four Top Generals The largest review parade in the history of the Judge Advocate Gen- eral's School will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the Yost Field House in connection with the graduation of the 14th and 15th Officer Classes and the 4th OC class and will be open to the public. The parade will be review by four generals, Maj, Gen. Myron C. Cra- mer, Army Judge Advocate General; Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand ,com- manding officer of the Sixth Service Command, Brig. Gen. John F. Davis, chief of staff of the Sixth Service Command, and Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Green, assistant Judge Advocate General. School Moved to Ann Arbor This will be the greatest number of generals ever to attend a gradua- tion ceremony since the Judge Ad- vocate General's School was estab- lished in Washington, D.C. in Feb- ruary 1942. The school was moved to Ann Ar- bor in September 1942. When it was first established only officer classes were trained. However, in June 1943 the OC class was added and in August three generals attend- ed the graduation of the first OC class. 130 Men To Graduate About 80 men in the 4th. OC class will receive commissions Monday as second lieutenants from Gen. Cra- mer. The music for the affair will be provided by the University band. About 130 men from the thrf classes will graduate. All the grad- uates plus the members of the 5th OC class, who have completed half their training, will take part in the parade. Gen. Aurand will be the principal speaker at the graduation Tuesday. Speeches will also be given by Col. Edward H. Young, commandant of the Judge Advocate General's School, Gen. Cramer, and Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School. Banquet To Be Given Other visiting officers who will be here for the graduation will be Col. Robert M. Springer, an assistant Judge Advocate General; Lt. Col. Howard A. Brundage, control officer of the Judge Advocate General's of- fice; and Col. William H. Maglin, the commandant of the Provost Marshal General's School, Fort Cust- er. A banquet will be held in the Al- lenel Hotel for the graduates. Among the invited guests are the visiting officers, Col. Frederick C. Rogers, Capt. Richard E. Cassidy and the members of the staff and faculty of the school. Gen. Cramer will be the principal speaker at the banquet. VU Grad Gets Purple eart Pfc. Robert W. Sharp, '45SM, now in the Marine Corps, was re- NO EXPENSE SPARED: 'U' To Present Sparkling Variety Show "The. best talent available in the mid-West" will headline Victory Var- ieties-a show to be presented by the University at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, March 18 in Hill Auditorium. Tickets for the program, planned townspeople and servicemen will take advantage of this opportunity. The University, which has spared no ex- pense in securing the best acts in this section ,of th3e country, will re- peat the show at regular intervals if it is well-received." at the Roxy Theatre in New York, the Chicago Theatre and the Orient- al Theatre of Chicago. Bert Lynn, well-known stage and night-club entertainer, will appear with his vibrolyn guitar-an inven- tion which has given him the name engagement at the Nicollet Hotel in Minneapolis. The Singing Commanders, noted for their lively, professional presen- tation of patriotic and novelty num- bers, will come to Ann Arbor after a successful run at the Chez Paree in