THE MICHIGAN DAILY, WEDNESDAY,MAY 17, 1944 New Delegates Insure Majority For Roosevelt Unconfirmed Pledges Gives Dewey Hope For GOP Nomination By The Associated Press New Jersey and California Demo- 9rats put 86 more delegates in Presi- dent Roosevelt's column in primary voting yesterday (Tuesday) and pushed his total far above the re- quired majority for another nomin- ation two months in advance of the party's national convention. Just for good measure, party lead- ers counted eight more for the Pres- ident from Delaware and ten from Montana, and Delaware partisans heard Senator Tunnell (Dem., Del.) call for the "forced induction" ofthe chief executive to stand for a fourth term. Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York appeared assured of New Jersey's 35 GOP delegates elected in another primary yesterday, while California Republicans -put their favorite son into the Presidential picture by choosing 50 delegates nominally eledged to Gov Earl Warren, GOP convention keynoter. Meanwhile, two new prospects for Democratic National Convention key- noter figured in speculation yester- clay - Mark Ethridge, publisher of the Louisville Courier-Journal, and Gov. Spressard Holland of Florida. * * * Kelly Unopposed in Republican Primary LANSING, May 16.-(P)-Gover- nor Kelly found himself unopposed in the Republican primary while a three-way race was assured for the Democratic gubernatorial nomina- tion as the deadline for the filing of nominating petitions fell at 5 p.m. today. In contrast to the Democratic par- ty's reported inability three weeks ago to find a top man for its ticket, Democratic voters may choose now from Earnest C. Brooks, Holland, the party's state chairman and former state senator, William J. Cody, of Highland Park, Wayne County Cir- cuit Court Commissioner, and Ed- ward J. Fry, Fremont, former state chairman and state racing commis- sioner. No new faces intervened to upset the prospect of a heated contest for the Republican lieutenant governor- ship nomination between Auditor- General Vernon J. Brown, the ad- ministration's candidate, and the in- cumbent, Dr. Eugene C. Keyes, lab- eled by Kelly as a foe of the admin- istration. James H. Lee, Detroit corporation counsel, was unopposed in his cam- paign for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant-governor. Candidates filing with the secre- tary of state for the Second District are: Earl C. Michener, incumbent, Adrian, and Galen Starr Ross, Ann Arbor, Republicans; Redmond M. Burr, Ann Arbor, and Donald Gay, Milan, Democrats. Consent Asked For Translation Colby's Articles May Be Printed in Spanish Permission to translate into Portu- guese and Spanish four articles pre- viously published by Dr. Martha Guernsey Colby, associate professor in the Department of Psychology, has been requested by the Committee on Cultural Relations in Latin America, Inc. Two genetic studies and an article on consonance and dissonance in mu- sic are included in the group to ap- pear in technical journals of South America. Anon-technical article, "Mark Van Doren's Liberal Education, a Sympo- sium," which was published in the 1943 winter issue of the "New Mexico Quarterly Review," is to appear in Latin American literary journals. The committee chose these articles, together with outstanding writings by several other authors representative of North American culture, in com- pliance with a request made through the State Department by the Ameri- can embassies in Rio de Janiero and Buenos Aires. The project is one form of inter-cultural cooperation undertaken by the general commit- tee. THEY SWEAT IT OUT: Salt Tablets Not Needed by Soldiers, PRISONERS TAKEN IN NEW ITALIAN DRIVE-As Allied vehicles move toward' the front, German prisoners trudge down a mountain road in the opposite direction, after their capture in the Mt. Maio area by French troops during the new Allied offensive ih Italy. Mt. Maio is near Castleforte, south of Cassino. Hillel Honors Banquet To e Held Sunday Prof. Sacks To Name Students for Awards Awards and scholarships will be announced at the annual Hillel Hon- ors Banquet to be held at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the Hillel Foundation. Awards, which will be presented by Prof. Jacob Sacks of the pharmacol- ogy department, include Hillel keys to be given for meritorious service to the Foundation and the Hillel Cabi- net Award, whereby the names of seniors and graduate students who have given outstanding service to the Foundation dluring their college years, are inscribed on the plaque. Director's Award To Be Given Prof. Sacks will announce the win- ners of the student director's schol- arship of $250 for two semesters, the hostess scholarship of $150 and the work scholarship also of $150 for a two semester period. These scholar- ships have been awarded by the Pis- gah Auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith of Detroit in cooperation with the Wo- men's District Grand Lodge No. 6. The Arnold Schiff Memorial award of $25 will be given to the Hillel member who during the past year has made the most significant con- tribution to the Jewish cultural con- tent of the Hillel program in honor of Arnold Schiff, University student who lost his life in an automobile crash in 1941. Speaker To Be Honored The Milford Stern award of $10 given by Mrs. Molly Stern of Detroit, will be presented to the Hillel mem- ber who has contributed most to the Foundation through public speeches. At the banquet, which will be sup- ervised by Sybil Kahn, '45, student director, and Muriel Kleinwaks, '46, chairman, the 15 recently elected Hillel student council members and the reelected president and secretary, Stan Wallace, '44, and Faye' Bron- stein, '45, will be sworn into office. In addition to new and old council members and those students receiv- ing awards, there will be a limited number of seats for-- .he banquet. Those desiring reservations should make them immediately by phoning the Foundation. Aviikah iTo Sponsor Sy mposium Friday Religious services and a symposium annually sponsored by Avukah, stu- dent Zionist organization on campus, will begin at 7:45 p.m. Friday at the Hillel Foundation. The symposium, which will follow at the conclusion of services, will lave as its topic, "The Arab View- point Versus Zionism." Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the political science department will present the Arab viewpoint while Max Dresdenof the physics department will present the Zionist view. Bernard Rosenberg, '45, will be the moderator at the symposium and Benson Jaffee, '45, president of Avu- kah, will preside at the discussion. Prior to the symposium, Silvia Savin, '46, vice-president of Avukah, will give a summary of the week's news of current Jewish interest. Refreshments will be served later in the evening. SAFETY VALVE HUMOR: Divisional Newspaper Relates Funny Happenings in the War By KENNETH L. DIXON Associated Press Correspondent WITH THE AEF IN ITALY-No- body knows better than the editors of the 45th Division News that while war isn't funny, still funny things happen in war and sometimes hu- mor is the safety valve which saves the soldiers' sanity. , So almost every weekly edition of the crack army news sheet is crowd- ed with such stories as these: It was getting hot around his ob- servation post when Cpl. Andrew Zapiecki of Toledo, 0., tried to contact his regiment by radio and found a German radio operator jamming the frequency with a con- versational drone which went: "One, two, three, four-sorry, you can't get through-five, six,rseven,. eight-you can't get through- nine, ten, eleven" and so on. Shouted Zapiecki: "Get the hell off the air, you blankety-blank so and so." It didn't work. Then he had an inspiration. "Say," he yelled at the German, "What's the news from the Russian front?" The German shut up. To say the GI's are unhappy about the regulation preventing them from keeping company with the commis- sioned Army nurses is putting it much more than mildly. So the clearing company bo's at the Beachhead Hos- pital smarted 'at th'e added insult when a sign was put up between their tent and the nurses', saying the nurses' area was off limits to all Army personnel except officers. Rubbing salt in the enlisted men's wounded pride was the clothesline, behind the sign, on which the Speech 32 Contest Finals To Be Held The intersectional Speech 32 con- test finals will be held at 11 a.m. today before Prof. G. E. Densmore's advanced public speaking class in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall. The contestants are Jane Archer, '46, Evelyn McGee, '46, Ruth Novik, '46, Howard E. Shuman, Joyce Sie- gan, '46, and Robert L. Sucher. Each speaker will give a prepared six- minute speech. 'Hamlet' To Be Given Members of Dr. Richard D. T. Hol- lister's class in Oral Interpretation of Shakespeare will present a recital of the principal scenes from "Ham- let" at 7:15 p.m. today in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall. The program is open to the public. nurses hung their flimsy, feminine laundered panties, brassieres and such stuff. But Cpl. Eugene Moore of Durham, N.C., was not a man to permit such treatment to go unchallenged. In front of the clearing company's tents he erected a huge sign reading "off limits to all nurses" and then as the final defiant touch he strung up a clothesline beside it. And there each day several suits of Cpl. Moore's long winter underwear flapped his answer to the pink undies on the line across the way. And then there was Cpl. Antonio D. Maestes of San Juan Pueblo, N.M., who reported for sick call one day. Maestes said he had a cold until a German shellburst into a nearby building, knocking him down. When he got to his feet the cold was mirac- ulously gone. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 137 All notices Tor The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of bus- mness on the last day of classes will be reported tothe Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or sum- mer session until payment has been made." Shirley W. Smith Vice-President and Secretary Deadline for Co-Operative applica- tions: Final personnel interviews will (Continued on Page 4) Soldiers working and fighting in the tropics may not need to take salt tablets after one or two weeks if they have become acclimatized and are eating an average diet, according to studies made under the direction of Dr. Jerome W. Conn at the Uni- versity Hospital. A report on studies done under contract with the Office of Scientific Research and Development by the University' Hospital's tropical clim- ate research of the nutrition labora- tory was submitted by Dr. Conn last week to the American Society for Clinical Investigation meeting in At- lantic City. "Army regulations have been that soldiers who sweat a good deal in the tropics ordesert be given salt in fairly large amounts," Dr. Conn explained. The research pro- ject was undertaken because those soldiers taking salt often com- plained of undesirable effects such as nausea and vomiting with the implication that use of salt supple- ments was not wholly desirable. Dr. Conn emphasized that men doing hard work in the tropics do need salt until they have become acclimatized. But the report states Dr. Liu Expects More Political Liberty in China Speaking on "China's Constitu- tional Evolution," Dr. N. C. Liu, head of the political science department at National Wuhan University, in- dicated in a speech yesterday at the International Center that China will adopt a presidential system of gov- ernment one year after the end of the war. Dr. Liu, who is one of the six Chinese professors invited by the De- partment of State to visit the United States, said that this democratic form of government will provide a Nation- al Assembly which will be supported by direct representation of the Chi- nese people. The Assembly would be composed of 2,000 delegates from all of the districts, muncipalities and the spe- cialized territories, he said. The term of office, he continued, would be six years and they would convene every three years. Dr. Liu's criticism of this plan was that the Assembly should meet an- nually and should have legislative powers. Under this new system the people would have complete freedom of speech and would be permitted to organize political parties, he stated. "China," Dr. Liu continued, "has progressed a great deal from the time of the Manchu Dynasty up to the present republic and will continue to make further changes toward de- mocracy." Dr. Liu was introduced by Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman of the political science department, who commented that "there ishnothing that binds men closer together than fighting side by side. We know that this friendship between China and the United States will continue after the war." that after acclimatization they are the phenomenon of acclimatization adequately protected against salt and does not go into operation until depletion when they eat an average the need for salt conservation is diet containing about one-half ounce great. (15 grams) of salt daily. They are Because of this adaption men are even able to compensate for the sud- able to continue efficiently to per- den withdrawal of a large part of form hard work in a tropical climate their average salt intake when such even when sweating out as much as a situation is forced upon them, as approximately five to nine quarts of might be the case if supplies were water daily with a total daily intake delayed. of salt as low as five grams, about The reason acclimatized men can one-third the normal salt intake. get along without salt supplements and avoid the frequent effects of this Evidence of the salt-saving func- method is that the sweat glands are tion of the sweat glands was furn- able under certain conditions to stop ished by men who lived day and salt from leaving the body in sweat, night for 35 to 72 days in a tropical Dr. Conn said. This mechanism is climate. room with a temperature an adaptive function independent of of 85 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 per cent humidity. While in the tropical climate room they worked En cr eers ill on a bicycle ergometer five hours Engineers Will := ,- ---* f- -- p CJ}each day. a t o op t inInvestigation of this problem was ar cIneinitiated in the fall of 1942, Dr. Conn S eech oare: Dr. Margaret W. Johnston, Dr. Lawrence Louis, Mrs. Betty Steele and Henry Dirks. Six members of Sigma Rho Tau, the intercollegiate engineering speech Ta society, have reached the local chap-T x Bill ears ter finals, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 318 of the Michi- Final Dectston gan Union. Those who will take part in to-In night's speech contest include Bar- bara W. Fairman, '46A, who will speak on "The Highwayman," and WASHINGTON, May 16.-IP)-The Philip R. Snyder, '46E, speaking on streamliner income tax bill advancec "The Adventures of X," in the racon- another step toward final congres- teur section. sional approval today while a move- In the project speeches Jerry E. ment to reduce the tax on nighi Cardillo, E, will speak on "A New clubs bumped into Treasury opposi- Gas Turbine" and Patricia Ryan, E, tion. will speak on "The Post-War Pri- The income tax simplification bill vate Plane." George N. Spaulding, directing that Uncle Sam figure the '46E, and Byron Lee Mays, '47E, will taxes of about 30,000,000 wage and give impromptu speeches, and speak- salary earners and providing a less ing in the Hall of Fame division are complicated return for other tax- Margaret B. Carroll, '46E, on "Ma- payers, received unanimous approva dame Curie, Chemical Engineer," of the Senate Finance Committee and E. Roger Hotte, '46E, on "Alex- Chairman George (Dem., Go.) sai ander P. deSeversky." he would call it up in the Senate _ -- Friday and predicted speedy passage It then will go back to the House fo Technic Staff To Meet action on technical changes made b Staff members of the Michigan the Senate committee. Technic will meet at 7:30 p.m. today The Treasury's opposition to lower in the Technic office to discuss next ing the night club tax at this tim year's staff, summer publication, staff was made known in a letter to th party and sale of May issue. All House Ways and Means Committee members are requested to come, which is considering a proposal b There will be refreshments after the Rep. Knutson (Rep., Minn.) to cu meeting. it to ten per cent. S iGAN 1 $O~A pruY~tw~OrRIFF~ Sr~t P A I 0 ' YAnK !1 D Ot PA DY ER Matinees 30c Also Evenings 43c . "DONALD DUCK Servicemen 25c and the GORILLA" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ________________________________________ d WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! Continuous from i P.M. -w Last Times Today - 9 DAY OR NIGHT CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of .10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request MISCELLANEOUS MIMlOURAPIIING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield,,308 S. d NA ':vf .f NE Y crrN SAT RE PERSONALS DEAR RAY. Life is short and true love hard to find. PLEASE forgive Sally. Interested DEAR RALPH. Your most sweet apology was entirely unnecessary. Again I ask you; please give me a ring. Dotty HELP WANTED WANTED--Experienced pastry cook and kitchen helper for University Biological Station at Cheboygan, June 24 to August 22. Telephone 8224 before 1 p.m. Wednesday. HELP WANTED-Permanent office management job open to person capable of writing, editing and gathering material for fraternity and sorority publications. Excel- 4mmm F EVERY telephone user would look 'in the directory for the telephone numbers he wants, 3 out of every 5 "Information" operators could be working at other vital jobs in the 'war-busy telephone system. Handling unnecessary calls to "Information"- the 3 out of every 5 calls that are for numbers listed in tele- phone directories - consumes 1,077 hours of operator n-"Al - w~pi thn-l timA e in Mi.lan evrv dav