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May 17, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-17

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at t

Cloudy and Warm



Briggs Concern Closes Detroit

War Plant


Japs Menace Indian Border;
Chinese Push Past Salween
Thrust Advances Nips to 11 Miles of Frontier;
Chinese Burma Drive Gains Momentum
By The Associated Press
anese troops have stabbed close to the borders of India in a new thrust far to
the southwest of Imphal, Allied Headquarters disclosed today, while across
Burma to the east, Chinese forces continued to pour across the Salween
River in a co-ordinated Allied drive to crush Japan's ambitions in India
and reopen the road to China.
The new Japanese thrust was revealed in a communique which said an
enemy attack was repulsed ten miles west of Daletme, only 11 miles east
of the India frontier and 220 miles southwest of Imphal, Allied base on the
Indian Plain of Manipur, where pre-

vious Japanese penetrations are slow-
ly being driven back.
In the Kohima area 65 miles north-
east of Imphal, tank supported Allied
troops have cleared an enemy road-
block at Kohima Junction and joined
with another unit moving up from
Treasury Hill to the west, today's
communique said. Reports reaching
headquarters said the enemy had
acknowledged being on the defensive
in .that sector and had ordered its
troops to hold out at all costs.
Chinese Drive Speeds Up
Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's forces
driving down the Magaung Valley on
both sides of th Mogaung River were
wiping out Japanese pockets at War-
ong, northeast of Manpin, where his
main forces are poised to drive on
the Japanese base of Kamaign, ten
miles farther south. Burmese levies
also drove ahead from the north to-
ward the main Japanese base of'My-
The surprise Chinese offensive from
Yunnan Province toward Burma was
pictured by official Chungking ad-
vices yesterday as gaining momentum
while far to the north fierce fighting
raged around Loyang in the Honan
Chungking Reports New Gains
In the latter area the Chinese fur-
ther loosened the Japanese hold on
the north - south Peiping - Hankow
railway but the invaders continued to
press westward toward the gateway
to China's great northwest.
While the Japanese radio claimed
the Salween drive was a "miserable
failure," Chungking reported further
advances. Information from the Chi-
nese High Command carried a sug-
gestion that the Chinese were devel-
oping a pincer maneuver against the
Japanese-held section of the Burma
Tag Day Drive
Collection Tops
Previous Years
With the final total of the 24th an-
nual Tag Day reaching $1,894.95, at
least 240 boys from metropolitan
areas will be assured of a month's
vacation, Prof. F. N. Menefee, fac-
ulty director of the drive, said yes-
The contributions this year ex-
ceeded any of the previous 23 years,
he pointed out. All groups contrib-
uted more generously. A total of
$1,536.25 were colected by coeds who
sold tags on campus and downtown.
Merchants and business establish-
ments contributed $118.60, and three
factories gave a total of $205. Martha
Cook donated $10, and Mosher con-
tributed $25.
Co-chairmen of the drive were
Marge Hall, president of the Women's
War Council, and Jim Plate of the
Union. More than 400 women sold
tags last Friday.
FDR Says War
B udget Slashed
WASHINGTON, May 16.- (VP)-
President Roosevelt reported today
that the budget for the Army, Navy
and War Shipping Administration
for the new fiscal year has been cut
$8,400,000,000 under January esti-
mates, chiefly because losses of equip-
ment and weapons to submarines
and in battle have been less than
He told a news conference the
over-all war budget for the 12
months beginning next July 1 now
stands at $85,700,000,000 compared
with a January preliminary estimate
of $90,500,000,000 and this fiscal
year's $92,900,000,000.

Kelly To Speak
At Educational
Institute Today
Other Speakers Will
Be Griffin, Prophet
Gov. Harry F. Kelly will highlight
today's sessions of the 12th annual
Adult Education Institute, speaking
on the "Education of the Returning
Veteran" at 11 a.m. in the lecture
hall of the Rackham Memorial Build-
In morning sessions today Dr.
Clare E. Griffin of the business ad-
ministration school will discuss Stu-
art Chase's book, "Where Is the
Money Coming From?" at 9 a.m.,
and Prof. Edward C. Prophet will
speak an hour later on "Invasion
Slosson To Lead Panel
Afternoon sessions will be high-
lighted by a panel discussion headed
by Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tory department, on "A Foreign Pol-
icy for the United States."
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
drawing on experiences gained from
his visit to the British Isles last fall,
spoke on "Adult Education" in open-
ing day sessions yesterday. Dr. Ruth-
ven told of British work in adult
education conducted despite wartime
In an opening address Dr. Charles
A. Fisher, head of the University's
Extension Service, discussed existing
programs for adult education in the
United States. He revealed that few
adult education programs sponsored
by universities are self-sustaining
but are partially subsidized by the
states. The extension head asserted
that formal education for adults was
vital to freedom.
Vet Relates War Experiences
Lt. James R. Griffith, stationed at
the Percy Jones General Hospital,
Battle Creek, told of his experiences
in New Guinea during another morn-
ing session yesterday. Griffith, who
was wounded in New Guinea in 1942,
spoke on "What the Man in Combat
Is Thinking."
Afternoon discussions included a
panel led by Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, University counselor on reli-
gious education, on "Minority
Partisans Rout Enemy
Column in Eastern Bosnia
LONDON, May 16.-(P)-Marshal
Tito (Josip Broz) said tonight his
Partisan troops had routed an enemy
column of several thousand men in
Prijoj, Eastern'Bosnia, and that "vio-
lent battles" were taking place
throughout the Yugoslav front as the
Germans sought to clear threatened
communications lines.
"On the Majevic (Bosnia) sector
the enemy are endeavoring at all
costs to drive our forces away," his
broadcast communique reported.
"Battles are taking place in Saridzak
on the Prijepolie-Senica" communi-
cation line.

French Troops
Smash Center
Of Gustav Line
Army Threatening
To Outflank Cassino,
Liri Valley to Rome
By The Associated Press
ples, May 16. - Vengeful French
troops, after smashing through up
to eight miles in the center of
the Germans' Gustav Line, tonight
threatened to outflank the enemy's
entire defense system guarding Cass-
ino and the mouth of the Liri Val-
ley leading to Rome.
The swift French advance between
the Americans on the south and the
British on the north already had
routed the Nazis from ,the first line
of hills overlooking the Liri Valley
and had eliminated one great ad-
vantage the enemy previously held-
direct observation of all Allied move-
ments across the Lowland approach-
The British have thrown hundreds
of tanks across the Rapido River near
Sant' Angelo in readiness for a di-
rect smash in the Liri Valley, and
Front, Italy, May 16.-()-Fred-
erick Faust, who thrilled millions
with his fiction of adventure under
the name of Max Brand, died in
the forefront of battle within 30
minutes after the Allied offensive
opened last Thursday night, the
seventeenth American correspon-
dent to be killed in the war.
this concentration of fast-moving
armor would complicate any enemy
efforts at an orderly withdrawal from
the Cassino area.
American troops occupied the lofty
German stronghold of Spigno, four
miles from the Gulf of Gaeta, after
a fierce fight on the approaches of
the rubbled town, and were reported
engaged in a hard struggle for Cas-
tellonorato, between Spigno and the
coast. The most advanced American
units seized Mount Cavita, about a
mile southwest of Spigno.
Front dispatches said there was
evidence the Germans were with-
drawing their infantry from the
American sector - possibly back to
the Adolf Hitler Line-and leaving
artillery to fight a delaying action.
Soviets Bomb
Pol tsh; British
Squadrons Idle
LONDON, May 17, Wednesday-
(R)-Soviet airmen heavily bombed
the Nazi-held city of Poltsk near the
Latvian-Polish border Monday night,
Moscow announced tonight, continu-
ing an aerial campaign against Ger-
man communications in the east sim-
ilar to the Allied pre-invasion as-
saults from the west.
There was "no essential changes"
on the land front, said the broadcast
Russian war bulletin, recorded by the
Soviet Monitor.
Meanwhile, Germans were warned
of night air raiders by the Berlin
radio at midnight after a day in
which British-based Allied squadrons
were idle.
Indicating the RAF was returning
to the pre-invasion attack, a Nazi
broadcast to the Reich said: "Several
nuisance raiders are approaching
northwest Germany and Schleswig-
The Canadian pilot of a Mosquito,
Charlie Scherf, of Edmonton, Alta.,
shot down five German planes in a
quick sweep to Stettin. He also dam-

aged a bomber on the ground and a
Dornier flying boat moored in the

* * * * x 4

University Approved Victory
Varieties Features Six Acts

Allies Reveal
Pacts with Axis
Ruled Nations
Agreements Approved
By Norway, Belgium,
Netherlands Leaders
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 16.-In pre-inva-
sion announcements possibly hinting
at the direction of Allied thrusts into
Europe, London and Washington to-
day disclosed agreements with the
exiled governments of the Nether-
lands, Belgium and Norway for ad-
ministration of their liberated home-
The agreements with Belgium and
the Netherlands were signed by the
United States and Britain. Russia
expressed approval but did not par-
ticipate in the arrangements.
. She did, however, sign the agree-
ment with Norway. This raised the
possibility that Russian forces strik-
ing across Finland might have a
hand in wresting part of Norway
from Hitler's control. Northern Nor-
way adjoins Finland.
The Dutch and Belgian agreements
were the first to be formally an-
nounced for western Europe and
raised speculation that Anglo-Ameri-
can invasion forces thrusting out
from tht British Isles might strike
directly into those territories.
In Algiers, the DeGaulle committee
yesterday proclaimed itself to be the
provisional government of France.
The United States, Hull told his
press conference today, has not
changed its policy with respect to the
committee, which means that the
intention here still is not to recognize
it as a provisional government until
it has actually gone into France and
proved its ability to govern.
Carr Probes
Allegations of
Liquor Graft
LANSING, May 16.-(P)- Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr today removed
a suppression order and disclosed that
his one-man grand jury was investi-
gating charges that graft conspiracy
existed in the State Liquor Control
Commission and the State Highway
The broadened order was issued at
the request of Special Prosecutor Kim
Sigler, whose formal petition asserted
that "a conspiracy has existed for
several months' time among the of-
ficers, employes, agents or servants
of the Liquor Control Commission"
under which the state was defrauded
of "upwards of $70,000."
This portion of the complaint as-
serted that a transportation company
not otherwise identified "has receiv-
ed large sums of money based upon
overcharges and improper bookkeep-
ing entries for breakage of bottles,
overcharge for rent, electricity and
various other itemfs," for which the
estate paid through the existence
of a conspiracy.
Sigler's petition asserted that "a
conspiracy has existed for several
months' time in the Highway De-
partment of the State of Michigan
in the furnishing of campaign funds
for various candidates seeking elec-
tion to the legislature, all of which
was calculated to influence the vote
of said candidates in the event of
The special prosecutor also alleged
that a conspiracy existed "relative to
See CARR, Page 6
Church Admits

Fr. Orlemanski
Spspension Lifted on
Priest Who Saw Stalin
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., May 16.-
(I)-Upon receipt of a letter of apol-
ogy, Most Rev. Thomas H. O'Leary,
Bishop of Springfield, today lifted
the four-day-old. suspension of Rev.
Stanislaus Orlemanski, Catholic
priest who gained headlines by his
visit with Marshal Stalin recently.
Fr. Orlemanski, who was suspended
by Bishop O'Leary on his arrival last
Saturday from Moscow for leaving
his parish without permission, still
was under a doctor's care when lift-
ing of the suspension was announced.
In his letter, Father Orlemanski

Action Leaves
10,000 Men
Idle on Jobs
Navy Refuses To
Take More Goods
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 16.-The Briggs
Manufacturing Co. cfosed its Mack
Avenue plant, which employs nearly
10,000 on all shifts, with the an-
nouncement tonight that the Navy's
Bureau of Aeronautics had refused
to accept any more of its output.
A short time later the Hudson
Motor Car Co. announced it would
shut down some of its assembly lines
tomorrow "because of the unauthor-
ized absence of certain supervisors"
and "in order better to insure the
quality of its product." Hudson said
the step was to be taken with the
approval of Army officers.
More Than 60,000 Idle
The shutdown brought to more
than 60,000 the number of idle war
workers in 25 plants in the Detroit
area, 'among them striking members
of the Foreman's Association of
America, unaffiliated, whose leaders
have been summoned to appear be-
fore the War Labor Board in Wash-
ington to answer for an 18-day stop-
A Briggs spokesmansaid the Mack
Avenue plant shutdown followed no-
tification by the Navy that no more
of the plant's output could be accep-
ted "because of the lack of company
supervision and inspection which is
resulting in quality inacceptable to
the Navy."
Union Officials Protest
Melvin Bishop, Regional Director
of the United Automobile Workers
(CIO), and Norman Matthews, presi-
dent of the Packard local of that
union, telegraphed a protest against
what they termed a lockout of pro-
duction workers to Undersecretary of
War Robert Patterson and chairman
William H. Davis of the War Labor
As the dispute between the Inde-
pendent Foremen's Association of
America and the management of 13
companies remained deadlocked and
kept the big Packard Motor Car Com-
pany plant closed, unrelated strikes
affected operations in seven Chrysler
Corporation factories here and the
Buick Motor division's aluminum
foundry at Flint.
War Production Halted
Production of amphibian tractors
and parts for aircraft and marine
engines was halted by a walkout of
about 3,800 workers at the Graham-
Paige plant here. The men were re-
ported to be protesting a War Labor
Board ruling.
Most seriously affected thus far by
strikes in the Detroit production area
is the big Packard plant. Closed last
Fridiay because of the foremen's
strike for recognition, the plant has
stopped production of engines for
the P-51 Mustang fighter plane.
WLB Takes Action
On Foremen Rows
WASHINGTON, May 16.(A)-The
War Labor Board called today for a
showdown on the foremen's strike at
war plants in the Detroit area, which
Undersecretary of War Patterson des-
cribed as potentially the most serious
walkout of the war in its effect on
combat aircraft production.
Shortly after the Undersecretary
had expressed his fears at a news
conference, the WLB summoned the
president and the ten-man executive
board of the Foremen's Association
of America to a public hearing at 10
a.m. tomorrow "to show cause why

the board should not immediately
take all stes necessary to invoke the
sanctions and penalties provided by
the War Labor Board Disputes Act
and the executive orders of the Pres-
Pontiac Teaehers
Vote To Hold Strike
PONTIAC, May 16.-(1')- T. E.
Wiersema, chairman of a joint com-
mittee of the Pontiac Federation of
Teachers (AFL) and the Pontiac
Teachers Club, said tonight that a
majority of the city's public school
teachers had voted to strike tomor-
row to- enforce pay increase demands.
The action, he said, was taken at
a meeting called following defeat by

Sponsored by the University, the
second Victory Varieties show, sched-
uled for 8 a.m. Saturday in Hill Audi-
torium, is being presented in line
with a recent ruling of the University
Regents that gave the go-ahead sig-
nal to the current drive to provide
servicemen stationed on campus with
a wider range of entertainment.
The six professional vaudeville acts
which will appear in the show are
among the finest in the country, ac-
Emerson Will
Speak on Health
Columbia Professor
To Address Students
"The Administration of Health
Services at the Four Levels of Gov-
ernment" will be the subject of a
lecture to public health students by
Dr. Haven Emerson, professor emer-
itus of public health at Columbia
University, at 11 a.m. today in the
School of Public Health auditorium.
A member of the Board of Health,
New York City, since 1933. and a
trustee of the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation, Dr. Emerson has directed
health and hospital surveys in many
cities. He served as a colonel in the
Medical Corps of the U.S. Army with
the AEF in 1918 and 1919.
Born in New York City, Dr. Emer-
son took his AB degree at Harvard
and received an AM degree from Co-
lumbia University in 1899.

cording to Dean Walter B. Rea, while
the farewell appearance of Bill Saw-
yer and his orchestra, the songs by
the University Women's Glee Club
and "Doc" Fielding as master of
ceremonies provides talent that is
more familiar to campus residents.
Lenny Gale, an impressionist who
has appeared in New York and Chi-
cago for a number of years, is billed
as the show's headline act. The oth-
er star acts to appear on the hour-
and-a-half of entertainment are Ed
Ford and his performing dog Whitey,
the roller-skating Whirling Spinners,
the Carltons, the acrobatic Rockets
and Del Kosno, the king of balance.
Tickets are now on sale at the
League, Union, USO, "U" Hall and
the East and West Quadrangles.
Camp Will Keep
Wayw ard Boys
LANSING, May 16. -(P)- Garret
Heyns, state corrections director, es-
timated today, on the basis of a sur-
vey among Michigan probate judges,
that the new state institution at Cas-
sidy Lake for wayward boys would
house "several hundred" youths by
the end of this year.
Probate judges, Heyns said, had
been asked not to commit boys to the
camp until July 1, when legislative
appropriation for the operation of
the institution become available. He
said if the initial influx is small the
Corrections Commission would con-
tinue to train at the camp youthful
inmates sentenced to state prisons,
segregating them from the juveniles.
The prison inmates will be sent
elsewhere as the juveniles become
more numerous, he said.
Heyns reported the commission had
decided the Cassidy Lake Camp must
be administered independently of any
penal institution.
Ten Men Killed in
Navy Airship Crash
Navy training airship crashed into a
hangar at the Lakehurst, N.J., Naval

Williams Tells President's Post-War Jobs
'N_______________________________________--_ 4

Leading the United States into
some form of effective world organ-
ization and actively promoting the
welfare of the masses of the Ameri-
can people should be the two domin-
ant tasks of the next President of
the United States, Prof. Mentor L.
Williams of the English department
stated yesterday.
On the issue of post-war peace

Pick Your President
In'the second of a series of polls
of student opinion on current is-
sues, The Daily this week is sur-
veying the campus on the question
"Who would be your choice as the
next President of the United

person elected should "be cognizant
of domestic problems and promote
measures which will continue to
provide for the welfare of the masses
of the American people."
"There must be a militant for-
wardmoving program to take care of
our domestic problems, for the gen-

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