SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944
'M' hinclads
<. -
Unknown Power In Field Events
Provides TrackstersWithVictory
LOWdown on Sports
sps by BUD LOW
Associate Sports Editor
Pensive Comes from Behind
In Stretch To Win Preakness
In a meet that was full of sur-
prises, upsets, and real cinderpath
excitement, Michigan's track squad,
through their team balance and new-
found strength in the field events,
enmassed a total of 71 points to cop
first place in the triangular contest
between Illinois and Purdue on the
Ferry Field track yesterday.
Although they grabbed seven firsts
to Michigan's six, the Illini finished
up second with 54 points, and were
followed by Purdue with 27. Be-
cause of the high wind which swept
down the track, the times on the
whole were comparitively slow, and
the one time, that of :9.5 which
Claude "Buddy" Young turned in for
the 100-yard dash, which would have
meant a new meet record, will not
officially be krecognized because of
this fact.
Young was easily the meet's out-1
standing performer, as he took first
in both the century run and the
220-yard dash, finished second in
the broadjump, and helped the Il-
lini mile relay team to vict
the Wolverines.
The field events netted tl
and Blue 32 points, or alm
of their entire total, and
this added power, they mig
easily gone down to defeat.
Kraeger showed new form
ning the shot put with a
heave of 48 feet, 10" inches,
followed by Bob Richards,
comer to the Wolverine squ
finished third. Michigan s
points in the high jump,
Dale, Conference champ, lea
1 in., to cop first and Tom D
Paton tied for second. Elro
won first place honors in th
jump when he hit the boar
feet, 2% inches.
The "dead-heat" twins, F
Bob Hume, tied for first in
mile and two-mile runs.
in a strong wind, the duo ste
in front at the gun in the r
held that position througi
race. Bob Kelley, the Illin
ory over filled in at third place, and although
he challenged the twins, he was no
he Maize match for their lengthy strides. In
lost half the two mile grind, the Humes stayed
without back for the first five laps while Fred
ght have Stoliker and Charlie Birdsall, two
George more Wolverines, set the pace. They
in in soon made their bid, and although
winning Bill Exler of Purdue made a game
and was
a new- stand, they forged ahead on the last'
uad, who turn to tie for first.
cored 10 Jack Martin, who always ran be-
as Bill hind Elmer Swanson and who never
ped 6 ft., really starred in the sprints, came
)olan and into his own yesterday in the 220-
y Hirsch yard low hurdles when he out-class-
e broad- ed the field to finish first.
d for 24 Bob Kelley, the versatile Illinois
runner, outlasted both Bob Ufer and
Ross and Dick Barnard, who were running for
both the Michigan, and finished first in the
Running 880. Kelley stayed on Ufer's heels,
pped out and then put on a kick to forge
mile, and ahead of the field. Barnard and
hout the Ufer finished second and third re-
iois star, spectively.
Elmer Swanson showed that the
old saying, "Practice makes perfect",
still goes, as he lost his stride in the
120-yard high hurdles and finished
far back in the field. Dave Eisley,
a new member of the Michigan
squad, showed very well in this
event, while placing second to Bob
Ruther of Illinois.
The mile relay was one of the
finest exhibitions of running shown
in the midwest this season. Illinois
who ran Marce Gonzalez, Dick
Young, Buddy Young, and Kelley,
took top honors with a time of 3:21.7,
but only after a close race. Michi-
gan's quartet, composed of Jim
Pierce, Ufer, Dick Forrestel, and Will
Glas, held the lead at the end of
Ufer's leg, and was always a threat
until the' anchor leg, when Illinois'
ace, Kelley, finished strong to come
in 15 yards ahead of Glas.
JE SE OWENS, holder of four world's track records, returned to Ferry
Field yesterday to witness the triangular track meet between Illinois,
Purdue and Michigan. It was just nine years ago, on May 25, 1935, that
the Chio State Flash broke three world's records and tied a fourth on this
same track. He tied Frank Wykoff's century record of :9.4, ran the 220-
yard dash in :20.3, stepped over the 220 low hurles in :22.6, and broad
jumped 26 feet, 8 f inches to climax the greatest one-man performance
in track history.
We had a short talk with Jesse, who doesn't impress you as being
the sports celebrity that he is because of his modest, yet congenial
manner. Owens told us that he had come out from the Ford River
Rouge Plant where he works to see his friend, Duddy Young run. Al-
though he and Young have been corresnonding regularly, yesterday
was the first chance that the great Olymnic star had to see the Illinois
freshman compete. Owens has been helping Buddy (by correspondence,
and yesterday at the meet) to perfect his form and stride,
ELROY HIRSCH, Michigan's most versatile athlete, leaped 24 feet, 2%
inches on his first try to take the broad jump, and avenge the defeat
that he suffered at the hands of Young in the indoor Conference meet this
year. Hirsch then went over to the diamond and pitched the Wolverines
to a 5-0 win over the Buckeyes, allowing only one hit-a single in the first
inning. Hirsch, who won letters in football and basketball this year, has
already earned his letters in track and baseball to become the first man to
win four "M's" in a single year. Despite the fact that the first game he
ever pitched was the Notre Dame tilt two weeks ago, the "Ghost" has three
wins and no losses to his credit. Add to this his .333 batting average and
you have a great competitor and a great athlete.
The Kelley-Ufer battle in the 880 only partially materialized as the
"Hose" faded in the stretch to finish third behind Illinois' Kelley and Dick
Barnard, Maize and Blue half-miler. This is the seventh time that the
two middle distance stars have met in the last three years-although each
of the other times they ran the quarter. Ufer has won the four times
they hake met indoors, while Kelley has beaten the former each of the three
outdoor meetings. Ufer ran second on the mile relay and turned in a very
creditable perform ice - :47.8 with a running start-and it may be that
a mental hazard is preventing Bob from beating Kelley outdoors. Possibly
ithis is the reason that Coach Ken Doherty switched .Ufer from his usual
anchor spot and replaced him with Will Glas.
THE Humes twins-Bob and Ross-went into their uisual bro(her act
yesterday by finishing both the mile and the two mile in a dead
lxat for first. These two lads make a habit of winning the middle
distance and distance events in a photo finish and are well on their
way to surpassing the feats of Wayne and Blaine Rideout-another twin
track combination of several years back.
Elmer Swanson had a bit of tough luck in the high hurdles when he
lose his stride and ran through one of 'the barriers. At the time he was
well on his way to victory. Had he won, he would have repeated the feat
of Elmer Gedeon, who several years back, walked away with the highs and
played first base for the ball club in the same"afternoon. Swanson, who
is indoor Conference champ in both the lows and highs, has had prac-
tically no chance to run since the indoor season, spending most of his
time playing baseball. After the track meet, Elmer held down first base.
Sox Take Measure of Tigers
In First of Three-Game Series }
more, May 13.-(/I)-Striking from
behind in the stretch as he did a week
ago in the Kentucky Derby, Pensive
today won the 54th and richest
Preakness to take a strangle hold on
the three-year-old turf champion-
Far back in the early running, the!
chestnut son of the English Derby
winner, Hyperion, from Warren
Wright's Calumet Farm hit the wire
at the end of the mile and three-
sixteenths three-quarters of a length
ahead of George D. Widener's Plat-
ter. Mrs. Payne Whitney's Stir Up,
third in the Derby, was beaten by
two and one-half lengths after set-
ting a burning pace through the first
In travelling the distance in 1:59-
1-5, two and one-fifth seconds off
Alsab's stake record, Pensive earned
$60,075 of the gross purse of $80,075
and ran his owner's earnings for the
year to $250,840. Of this Pensive has
accounted for $139,475. This was
only about $17,000 shbrt of the figure
compiled by the master of the Calu-
met Farm in topping the list of
money winning owners int1943.
The sweltering crowd of 33,011
made Pensive the choice in a wager-
ing spree that broke all records for
the race. They poured $332,108
through the machines, compared to
the previous high of $254,000 when
Man 0' War won in 1920.
With the shirt-sleeved fans beating
out a steady tune on the machines,
Pensive returnedb$5.30, $3.10 and
$2.20 across the board. Platter, mak-
ing his second start of the year, paid
off at $4.10 to place and $2.70 to
show while a $2 show ducat on Stir
Up was worth $2.50.
"My horse never left me in doubt,"
said Conn McCreary.
Secretarial Course for
College Students and Graduates
A thorough, intensive, secretarial
course - starting February, July,
October. Registration now open.
Regular day and evening school 4
throughout the year. Catalog.
A School of Business
Preferred by College Men and Women
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D.
Director, Paul M. Pair, M.A.
S N. Michigan Ave. Telephone STAte 1881
Chicago, 111.
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Cold Storage
Insurance to $100
Minor Repairs
Loops, where needed
All For 2.95
BOSTON, May 13.-(A)-The De-
troit Tigers had notions today about
leaving the American League cellar.
War is a long way from Michigan -
but in so many ways it's mighty close
to us. Our men are fighting all over the
world - our factories and farms are
producing an endless stream of supplies
our troops depend upon. But even that
isn't all - it wouldn't be enough!
We have so much more to do right here
in Michigan -- jobs that are up to all of
us, jobs that must be well done. In the
4th War Bond Drive, for instance, we in
Michigan bought $585,000,000 worth-
33% above our quota - but we're
keeping right on buying more and more!
We've gladly given our money and more
than 374,000 donations of our blood to
the Red Cross - and hundreds of thou-
sands of hours of our time to making
surgical dressings and kits for our men
We've sunnorted and worked for the
{ x "$i r
J /
D IL/l
t aL4/
but these ideas wer quickly dispelled
by the Boston Red Sox who took a
4 to 0 deision in the opener of their
three-game series.
In their first meeting of the sea-
son, the Sox clustered five hits off
rookie Ruffus Gentry for three runs
in the fourth inning to clinch the
game, sending Gentry down to his
third straight defeat. Meanwhile,
rookie Emmett O'Neil tossed an eight-
hitter for his second 1944 victory and
drove in what proved to be the win-
ning run in the fourth.
Detroit .............100 001 000--2
Boston............000 301 00x-4
(D) Ruffus Gentry - Paul Rich-
ards; (B) Emmett O'Neil - Roy Par-
516 East Liberty
Phone 23-23-1
- --- I
-Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces--------. -
l e. fair4toatt 4:3attlj
SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944
We've built'and maintained an efficient
Civilian Defense organization. We've
collected scrap and rubber, tin and fats.
Whatever has been asked, Michigan has
done - and then some!
The men and women of the Greyhound
Lines, like their fellow-citizens of Michi-
gan, have shared in all of these ac-
tivities. They've also shared in the vit fl
job of moving wartime manpower - in
uniform or in work clothes. Greyhound
buses - by making near neighbors and
good neighbors of all the communities
they serve in this State - by linking
cities, war plants, farm centers, and
military camps and bases - are helping
to keep Michigan's war efforts rolling
toward Victory!
TAG DAY was held at
the University Friday. Stu-
dents, faculty members,
Ann Arbor residents and
servicemen were asked to
contribute to help meet the
$1,500 goal. The money, of
course, is to be used to send
about 240 boys from met-
ropolitan areas to camp
-for a month. The boys are
between the ages of eight
and 13 and have been se-
lected by 25 cooperating
social and case-working
agencies on the basis of,
need for help.tThe Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp has
become known for its work
in the fields of sociology,
psychology, education and
psychiatry. Students' may
apply for positions as camp
counselors. The term at
the camp, which is on
Patterson Lake, lasts for
two months, and students
who work there can se-
cure six hours credit for
special courses and also get
practical experience. Prof.
F. N. Menefee of the en-
gineering school and di-
rector of the drive said
Friday 400 coeds from dor-
mitories a n d sororities
were stationed at their
posts to sell the tags.
Marge Hall and Jim Plate
were co-chairmen of the
held last night in Water-
man Gym. Sonny Dun-
ham provided the music
for the students and serv-
icemen. Acclaimed as one
of the nation's top-flight
organizations, t h e band
Played s p e cial arrange-
ments for the dancers. The
last campus dance of the
semester, it was one in the
series of University-spon-
sored functions planned
for students and service-
men to fill a need for more
c a m p u s entertainment.
T h e "Victory Varieties"
are a part of t h is series
and it is believed that if
these programs prove suc-
cessful, more of the same
type will be presented ...
The committee in charge
initiated a novel way of
this, 241 students answered
yes, 574 answered no and
24 were undecided. Most
of those who voted said
that they felt the discre-
tion of the voters was suf-
ficient check on the White
House. One answer was
brief and concise; it was,
"Heck, no." O n e bright
co-ed didn't think it would
be constitutional.
* * *
ER of the psychology de-
partment made a prophecy
last week that hasn't been
heard here for quite some
time. He said that des-
truction of Hitler and oth-
er Nazi leaders as part
of an impending revolt of
the German people will in-
evitably follow the Allied
invasion, and that only by
dangling "security bait"
before the German people
has Hitler managed to
stave off revolution so far.
ia Car- Laboratory experiments on
e vocals t h e differences between
band. normal and frustrated be-
haviorism enabled P r o f.
roll, who does the
for Kay Kyser'sl
it > 4 Jr