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May 14, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-14

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Fifty-Fourth Year


STNDAYf, Mi 4 9

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Id Bather Be Right

____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___II

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
darvey Frank
Pud Low*. .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall
Marjorie Rosmarin
Elizabeth A. Carpen
Margery Batt,

Editorial Staff
. Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. , . . Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
. . . ~Associate Sports Editor
S . . .Associate Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
. . . Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff

WASHINGTON, May 12-You can expect
some real fireworks regarding work clothes,
children's clothes and low-cost clothing in gen-
eral, if forthright Economic Stabilizer Fred Vin-
son has his way.
He has just finished some studies of the
textile industry which disclose an alarming
shortage'of overalls, work shirts, low-cost wo-
men's dresses, infants' wear, men's shorts and
men's heavy underwear. As a result of his
investigation, it looks as if the textile in-
dustry might be forced by the Government
to increase its manufacture of low-cost cloth-
ing, or there may even have to be rationing
of work clothes.
TI Vinson survey has found, for instance,
s'the present textile program, no
chambrays for work shirts will be available for
civilian use during the entire year. The over-
alls situation is almost as bad. Due to an in-
Srease of Navy purchases of denim, it looks as
if there could be no increase in overalls unless
,,tic steps are taken.
Textile Industry Balks.. .
nwhile, C. T. Murchison, president of the
'ott n Textile Institute, recently appeared
bor h *Senate Banking Committee to ask
f hu~d'ig rrices on textiles. He admitted that
xtile industry had switched production
Sr'm work clothes to higher-priced materials
r'more profits.
Office of Price Administration claims
t',in the textile industry have zoomed,
millions in the pre-war period to $146
in 1943, even after paying taxes.
f '-A also claims that part of the present
l es back to the WPB's textile division,
c1 by Spencer Love, president of the Bur-
1 Ington Mills of Greensboro, N. C. Despit~e the

OPA's drive for low-cost clothing, Love publicly
attacked the program, including an attack on
the OPA itself and on Economic Stabilizer Vin-
Secret Polish Meet ng a *.
A secret meeting of Polish-American spokes-
men from nine Eastern States in the office of
Representative John Lesihski, Michigan Demo-
crat, was to planfor a much bigger meeting to
be held in Buffalo on May 28 regarding the
Russian-Polish boundary dispute.
It will be a "congress" of Polish-American
leaders from all over the country, for the pur-
pose of deciding whether to request assurance
from the President that Eastern Poland will not
be ceded to Russia.
However, you can mark it down that the
top Polish-American spokesmen in the coun-
try will think twice before making any "de-
mands" that might embarrass the Allied cause
at this stage of the game.
Despite his sulphurous.statement in the Con-
gressional Record charging that Father Orle-
manski, the Springfield, Mass., priest who went
to Moscow, was a "self-appointed, one-man rep-
resentative" who was attempting to "sell Com-
munist Russia to Poland," Congressman Lesin-
ski adopted a concilatory tone at the meeting
in his office.I
"We must remember that Russia is our ally,"
Lemanski told his visitors. "We must win the
war if the Atlantic Charter is to be made opera-
tive for Poland and other small nations. How-
ever, I believe Poland should be adequately rep-
resented when the question of her boundaries is
decided by a world court or whatever organiza-
tion is set up after the war. I am sure the
President would back us on that."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

NEW YORK, May 13-It ought
not to be necessary for anyone to
take off his h a t while advocating
free ports for refugees, or to scrape,
flush, be embarrassed or even to say
pretty please,
This at least we can do for refu-
gees, and if we don't do this much,
we will suck eggs.
Let me explain once again that a
"free port" is a bit of land, say an
old Army camp fenced and guarded,
to which refugees would be admitted
\without papers, visas, birth certifi-
cates or documents of any kind. The
astounding theory on which a "free
port" would operate is that if a
man is alive, he is entitled to a place
to sit down. We would accept men,
women and children, fleeing from
the Nazis, and we would prepare a
table for them in the presence of
their enemies.
In exchange for this burst of
generosity, we would wrap our-
selves up to the ears in legal safe-
guards. By an easy legal fiction,
we would declare that free port
zones are not to be considered ter-
ritory of the United States, with-
in the purview of the immigration
laws. Entrance into a "free port"
would not constitute legal entrance
into the United States, and stay in
a "free port" would not consti-
tute residence in the United States.
I have tried to put myself in the
position of an anti-refugee dema-
gogue, thinking up reasons why we
should not take this step. There
isn't a one.
F a refugee wanted to leave the
"free port" and live in the coun-
try proper, he would have to fullfil
all requirements of law, exactly as
if he were stepping off a ship. At
that point, the immigration laws
would apply, but up to that point,

the immigration laws are not even
remotely involved, any more than
they are involved in the case of 130,-
000 Nazi prisoners of war who are
now in the United States, not one of.
whom has come in under a quota
"The refugees would stay here for-
ever." Not true. Each of the Unit-
ed Nations has signed an agreement
to take its own nationals back after
the war. If we can't trust them to
fulfil that agreement, then we ought
to reep into a hole and pull its in aft-
er us.
"Why should the United States
carry this load?" The answer is
that the free port system might
actually reduce the ultimate bur-
den of refugee care on this coun-
try. For if we establish one or
more free ports, we place our-
selves in a powerful position to
ask allies and neutrals to do so,
too. If we don't, they won't.
A "free port" in the United States'
should be viewed as merely the first
in a chain of free ports around the
world, the beginning of an interna-
tional convention for the treatment
of refugees, similar to international
conventions for the treatment of
prisoners of war. Or doesn't the
march of civilization appeal to you?
Surely a country like ours set
aside a few acres, not much larger
than a good-sized cemetery, to
which the lowliest human being on
earth might have the right,, of en-
trance; a final right, of which the
harshest tyrant on earth cannot
strip him. We should set aside those
few acres, if only as a monument to
the time when this entire country
played just that role to the oppressed
of all the world; the last shrunken
asylum, preserved in a park, like the
last buffalo,
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


. Business Manager
A. sociate Business Manager

r cdted Tpress is e'luively entitled to the
ur r l : ll ne'v- *p"c- -t .d
rh r ed in this newm aper All r'Trr e 'i_
rn!: : I u Offce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
mall matter.
mns durngthe regular school year by car-
e b- mil, $5.25.
i*-' J"J i. .HI.

Dominie Says
TRADITIONS live and move in a
world of flesh and blood. "Tradi-
tion represents needs and customs
which are believed to be essential to
group happiness ... Where you meet
a tradition is inside the habits of
continuous and common human life;
in the family, in the school, the ship,
in royal courts of law, in colleges
and parliaments, and above alf in
the texture of religious communi-
ties." (The Thrill of Tradition,
James Moffatt, pp. 116.) "Tradition
is a discipline which develops self-
discipline." There are certain very
different functions performed by re-
ligion. Many adherents dwell upon
the explorative aspects. In this case,
religion thrives far from tradition at
the advance juncture of the known
and the unknown. Here is adven-
ture, group romance, private aspira-
tion and independent belief or ac-
tion. Writers stressing this function
paint Utopian society. Such adher,-
ents find God to be ahead of us as
the configuration of our ideals. For
them, religious achievement results
front the courage faith sustains.
Perpetual youth and continuous pro-
gress are their insignia.
The second function which re-
ligion always performs is sacra-
mental. In it some one is dying
for a generalized value. Here is a
giving up of certain assets for bet-
ter assets. Socrates calmly bids
farewell and takes hemlock; Jesus
goes to the cross, praying "Father,
forgive them, they know not what
they do." St. Francis, Tolstoy and
Gandhi repudiate civilization's
emulations and enter poverty. In
the Mass, the ritual, the oblation,
the communion, it is sacrifice of a
transient for an enduring good
which is being taught or 'cele-
Religion, likewise, is a conserver
of old values. The Hindu found milk
a central food and made the cow an
object of respect. The Confucianist
saw the on-marching generations, as
am embodiment of security and
made the family sacred. Nomadic
Jews, out of their wandering, de-
pendence, discovered that Jahweh, a
central justice personalized, gave to
scattered families a coherence and
they worshipped him. Gradually
out of other experiences as recorded
in the Old Testament, this concept
of God took on creativity, universal-
ity, forgiveness. Religion selects val-
ues which are worth preserving for
all time. Worship deprives f r o m
search for worth. It exists as a pur-
Ssuit of enduring good. It is a. cele-
brating of values.
Only an occasional youth in our
culture arrives at college w i th a
broad or even charitable view of his
world religiously considered. Some
may even qualify as religious illiter-
ates. Here is a culture problem of
some moment. Tradition may have
become unduly prominent. in our
common life. Possibly that is why
these other two major functions have
suffered.' It is the office of educa-
tion to know the facts and of reli-
gious education to weigh values spe-
cific in this field and discover new
instruments. It is the function of
church and pulpit to carry such dis-
coveries into general popular accep-
Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in
Religious Education

All But Capitalists Benefit from CCF


IA capitalists have been spending a
S 1 o money to smear the Cooperative
Com.monwealth Federation there. This is mere-
ly evidence that they believe the CCF wou ld do
them no good, should this party- gain control of
the government. They are absolutely right;
theirs is the one group that the CCF wouldn't
even try to help.
The party has, however, a convincing pro-
gram aimed at benefiting other groups in
Canada: the workers, farmers and middle
classes. Fundamental in its philosophy is the
belief that there is a "basic unity of interest"
between the various regions, races and classes
in Canada with the one exception of the "very
small group which now owns and controls the
vast resources." 'The basic struggle today,
the CCF leaders state, "is between the 99 per
cent who are reaching out for the economic
and political power which the one per cent
now effectively control."
Their answer to this struggle is a "planned,
socialized economic order."
As a practical beginning they would establish
a National Planning Commission composed of
economists, engineers, statisticians and a tech-
nical staff to act as a coordinating agent be-
tween the socialized industries and the produc-
ing and consuming power., The dollar-a-year
men would be replaced by public administrators
and farmer, labor, consumer and veterans' or-
ganizations would be asked to select represen-a,
tatives for appropriate supplementary boards.
The socialization of finance is an essential
part of the CCF program. M. J. Coldwell, lead-
,r of the party, emphasized that the belief that
money as wealth is a delusion and that "all
wealth is in goods, created by the application
r labor power to material things." Thus a
n,-ional banking system would, be established
±o - ntrol the flow of credit and the price level
rtl and foreign exchange operations. In-
ur ' o"panies would likewise be socialized.
" ^, contirols are also considered as as-
+' t financial implementation of the
m . without recourse to vagaries.
TNDER the CCF, the first industries to be
1; end would be transportation, com-
ions and electric cower. Mining, pulp
o--or industries and those engaged in the
L,-j1M1,fon of milk, bread, coal and gasoline
old follow.
Their management would be vested in boards
^.-noi ted for their competence in the indus-
y"* Workprs in the public industries would
+ organize in trade unions and would
- it to take part in the management
as strall manufacturing and
^oncerns, local businesses and
cn forms of service and repair would
e .et open to free enterprise. And rather
fhn the socialization of private property, the
CCF looks forward to- more private property
for all the people. They state also that there
will be more individual initiative because the
individual will have a greater sense of secur-
ity, more education and a greater voice in

culture and greater development of industrial
Dscs for farm products.
The worker would be permitted to organize in
the union of his choice and to bargain collec-
tively. A National Labor Code would "Secure
for the worker maximum income and leasure,
insurance covering illness, accident, old age and
unemployment, freedom of association and ef-
fective participation in the management of his
industry or profession."
The CCF social security plans form perhaps
the most influential and attractive part of
their program. They not only advocate a
ceiling on incomes, above which the tax would
be 100 per cent, but also a floor below which
incomes would not be allowed to fall.
They would raise the benefits of the unem-
ployment insurance act and extend it to cover
workers now excluded. Old age pensions would
be made payable at 60.
They propose complete and publicly organized
health, hospital and medical services stressing
prevention rather than cure, and including both
medical and dental care.
THE CCF educational policy is the dream of
liberal educators. They maintain that "de-
mocracy cannot exist or function without its
trained personnel", and consider free education
for everyone absolutely necessary. Thus they
would extend educational opportunities to both
children and adults, and would give university
scholarships to all talented students, irrespective
of their financial status.
Though such industrial organizations as the
Reliable Exterminators (Reg'd) consistently
term it "the CCF Socialist Party (Communist
and CIO-Controlled)," such a claim appears to
be without foundation. Indeed, the CCF lead-
ers have stated in their typically uncompromis-
ing manner that the party rejects the anti-re-
ligious attitude of Communism, its fundamental
materialism, its wholesale collectivism and "its
belief in violence as a revolutionary weapon.
It repudiates Communist support and re-
fuses"to collaborate with Communism, active-
ly resisting the policy of infiltration." In ad-
dition, a basic difference is evident in that
the CCF stresses that control originate with
the people, whereas Communistic control is
=m'osed by the select upper group.
Freedom under the CCF would include "free-
Iom of speech and assembly for all; amend-
ment of the Immigration Act to prevent the
present inhuman policy of deportation (this
would apply also to the Japanese in Canada);
equal treatment before the law of all residents
of Canada irrespective of race, nationality or
religious or political beliefs."
Such are the basic principles of the CCF.
WAR planning and peace policies they see as
two parts on the fight for victory. Under
CCF regime, mobilization for total war would
lude mobilization of industry as well as of
"en. They would have public ownership or

goverhment control of all war industries, na-
tionalization of financial institutions, a 100 per
cent tax on all profits in excess of four per cent
on invested capital, the fixed ceiling on income
and recognitibn of bona fide labor unions.
They would begin their plans to aid the farm-
er and their social security program immedi-
They would have Canadian representation on
councils dealing with the disposition and trans-
portation of her armed forces ..and would put
ark end to class or race distinctions in the armed
forces. They would "maintain the ex-soldier at
his full army rate of pay until his retraining
at public expense was complete and a new job
for him was found."
To maintain world peace Coldwell states
that "the CCF agrees-with the Labour parties
of Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia,
South Africa and other countries that peace
in order to endure must be based upon broad
democratic principles.
They urge the immediate establishment of
two international commissions-one for the re-
habilitation of peoples and areas devastated by
war and the second to plan the new world asso-
ciation of nations able to settle disputes and
enfqrce its decisions-an international police
force. The plans of this second commission
would be aimed at a permanent system of col-
lective security, the subordination of national
sovereignty to the collective system, self-gov-
ernment for all subject peoples, the protection
of minorities and an ever-expanding economic
THE French-Canadian vote may be very in-
fluential in the next Dominion election. And
it is possible that this vote will go to the CCF,
despite many current rumors to the contrary.
The party would help this group; certainly it
would benefit them more than the jingoistic
Bloc Populaire can ever hope to do. For the
CCF draws no line between the French and the
English, but sees a richer Canada in this mix-
ture, of cultural traditions.
The social benefits of the CCF would be of
great value to the French-Canadians. Under
this program the hated capitalistic controls
would be removed, and present benefits from
the existing cooperatives would be extensive-
ly multiplied. The private power trust in
Quebec would be broken. The Catholic
Church has stated that there is no moral ob-
jection to Catholic support of the CCF.
The next Dominion election will be held some-
time before the spring of 1945. The liberalizing
influence of the CCF is nowhere more eloquent-
ly reflected than in the realistic concessions now
tolerated by the Conservatives under the Brack-
en leadership. If this trend, which in the On-
tario provincial election last August won the
CCF 34 seats, continues, our neighbors to the
North may follow the lead of New Zealand and
Australia and inaugurate the democratic social-
ism of the CCF.


(Continued from Page 3)
the University Elementary School Li-
brary on Monday, May 29.
To All Members of the University
Senate: The second regular meeting
of the University Senate will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
Monday, May 15, at 4:15 p.m.
Admission to the School of -Bus-
iness Administration: Application for
admission to this School beginning
with the Summer Term must be filed
not later than June 1. Information
and application blanks available in
Rm. 108, Tappan Hall.
Senior Engineers: Mr. W. G. Hillen
of Carrier Corporation, ,Syracuse,
N.Y. will hold a group meeting in
Rm. 229 West Engineering Bldg.
from 9:30 to 10 a.m., Tuesday, May
16, 1944, to explain the opportunities
for employment with that organiza-
tion. He is interested in students of
4F Classification, post-war prospects
and nationals of other countries.
Interview schedule is posted on the
bulletin board at Rm. 221 West Engi-
neering Building for 20-minute ap-
pointments for the balance of the
Interviewing for positions on the
central committee of Child Care will
be in the undergraduate offices of
the League at the following times:
Tuesday, May 16, from 5 to 6; Wed-
nesday, May 17, from 2:30 to 6;
Thursday from 5 to 6. Positions open
are, Girl Reserve Chairmen, Girl
Scout Chairmen, Proxy Parent Chair-
men, Personnel Chairmen, Publicity
Chairmen. If anyone has any ques-
tions please call Naomi Miller at
A new president of the Interfra-
ternity Council must be elected. Men
wishing to be considered for this posi-
tion must bring their petitions to the
I.F.C. office before Friday, May 26.
Dr. Gabriel Atristain will give the
last lecture of the Sociedad Hispanica
series Tuesday evening, May 16, at
8 p.m. in the small Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Dr. Atristain will lecture on
"The Evolution of Mexican Litera-
Please note that the lecture will
take place on Tuesday instead of
Wednesday evening. Admission by
ticket or uniform. Everyone cordially
Dr. Haven Emerson, Nonresident
Lecturer in Public Health Adminis-
tration and Professor Emeritus of

Public Health at Columbia Univer-
sity, will speak to public health stu-
dents and'other interested individu-
als on Wednesday morning, May 17,
at 11:00 o'clock, in the School of
Public Health Auditorium. The ti-
tle of Doctor Emerson'snaddress will
be "The Administration of Health
Services at the Four Levels of Gov-
University Lecture: "The *Golden
Chain of Concord," by Professor
Henry W. Taeusch of Western Re-
serve University in Rackham Amphi-
theatre on Friday, May 19, at 4:15
p.m., under the auspices of the De-
partment of English.
Academic Notices
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (directed teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examinatio, in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held today at 1 p.m.
Students will meet in the auditorium
of University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Doctoral Examination for Norman
Lord Wendler, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Synthesis of Hydroaromatic
Derivatives of Naphthalene and Phe-
nanthrene," Monday, May 15, 309
Chemistry, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
W. E. Bachmann.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced (doc-
toral candidates to attend this exam-
ination, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Woodwind Recital: Compositions
by Bach, Mozart, Dallier, Widor,
Haydn, and Sobeck will be heard in
a recital at 8:30 p. m., Thursday,
May 18 ,in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, when solists and ensemble
groups will play. The program is
under the direction of Professor Wil-
liam D. Revelli and will be open to
the general public.
College of Architecture and Design:
Sketches and water color paintings
made in England by Sgt. Grover D.
Cole, instructor on leave in the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Ground floor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
9 to 5 through May 16. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Free Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation. Student Class at
9:0 am . Prof Kenneth Hance


front of the Rackham Building.
MYDA members, their friends,' and
servicemen are invited. Those who
would like to attend but who do not
have bikes should call Annette Ep-
stein, at 21454.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 2:30 p.m. for a hike 'at the
club quarters, northwest corner of
the Rackham Building. All gradu-
ate and professional students and
alumni are cordially invited to at-
There will be a social from 3 P. M.
to 5 P. M. this afternoon at St.
Mary's Chapel. Everyone is invited
to attend and urged 'to bring friends.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting to-
day at 5:30 at the Student Center,
1511 Washtenaw.
Westminster Student Guild will
have a discussion on "The Convic-
tions Necessary for Toleration" at
5:00 p.m. Supper will follow at
6 p.m.
T h e Congregational - Disciples
Guild will meet at the Congregation-
al Church at 5 p.. m. for a cost sup-
per, 'worship service and annual
election of officers. A full attend-
ance is urgently requested.
Westminister Student Guild Open
House at the Presbyterian Church
at 8:30 p.m.
'Coming Events
A.S.M.E. and A.I.Ch.E. There will
be a joint mueeting of the Student
branches on Tuesday, May 16, 7:30
n.m. in room 316 of the Union.


By Crockett Johnson

But he must have been
delirious, Doctor, if he
saw a little Pixey in a
L:. .. . ri.._. -1-I



But he's perfectly normal
now ... Very little fever .. .
I'd say it's a slight touch

If it wasn't for those
-er-"Pixies" he's seen.
... Better keep him in

CROCKE'T copyright 1944Fi1d Pbiiiaoj
Let's all tiptoe up to
your father's sickroom.



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