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May 14, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-14

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To Strike
WLB Wire Assures
No Discrimination
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 13.-- Telegraphic
assurances that they would not be
discriminated against if they re-
turned to work failed tonight to end
a strike of more than 3,300 foremen
in war plants of six Detroit manu-
facturing concerns.
Robert H. Keys, national president
of the Foreman's Association of
America (independent), said a tele-
gram from Chairman William Davis
of the War Labor Board would not be
answered until the union's officials
hold an execitive session at 10 a.m.
Davis States Policy
Stating that the board expects the
strike to be "terminated forthwith,"
Davis in a telegram to parties in.
volved in the dispute said it was the
Board's established policy that work-
ers who return to work under its
ordkrs will not be discriminated
against, and that the Board "will
expect all companies to act accord-
Dvis said assurances against dis-
crimination had been received from
five of the six Detroit concerns in-
volved. Those replying to a WLB
inquiry, he said, were Briggs Manu-
facturing Co., Hudson Motor Car
Co., Gar Wood Industries, Inc., Pack-
ard Motor Car Co. and Murray Corp.
of America.
Packard Plants Closed
Because of the strike of foremen,
Packard has closed its plants, making
more than 30,000 workers idle. Pro-
duction in other plants has been re-
ported cut by as much as 50 per cent.
Keys said today the FAA has filed
with the National Labor Relations
Board a charge of unfair labor prac-
tices against the sixth Detroit com-
pany involved in the strike, the Aero-
nautical Products Co. He said 59
foremen had been discharged by this
company because they went on strike.
Several of the strike-hampered
companies °sent telegrams direct to
their absent foremen.
Briggs Wires Jobs Open
Hudson stated there would be no
discrimination for the foremen's "un-
authorized absence." Briggs wired,
"Jobs are open for those of our fore-
men who are willing to work as in the
Packard stated, "Our desire is to
resume production under our former
conditions." Gar Wood officials tele-
graphed Davis, "Our only concern is
to be able to resume normal produc-
tion under our former conditions."
Two work stoppages affected out-
state plants today. At Flint, 350 em-
ployes of a General Motors' Chevro-
let division plant walked out follow-
ing a dispute over what the company
described as the "slugging" of a fore-
man by a worker.
Allied Planes
Hit Jap Bases
In New Guinea,
TERS, New Guinea, May 14, Sunday
-(P)-Allied bombers have heavily
bombed Japanese bases and troop
concentrations in northern New Gui-
nea, General Douglas MacArthur an-
nounced today.

Mokmer airdrome on Biak Island.
260 miles north of captured Hollandia
in Dutch New Guinea, was hit twice
by Liberators Friday. Biak is in the
Other planes from MacArthur's air
forces, ranging out to, the west of
New Guinea, hit Timor, Boeroe air-
dromes, and Wewak.
Ground troops, mopping up in the
Hollandia-Aitape areas, which were
invaded April 22, have killed 101
additional Japanese and increased
their unprecedented bag of prisoners
by 30.
This brings the total of enemy dead
in the area to 1,716 and the number
of captured to 354. These enemy
troops fled inland at the time of the
Yesterday's communique told of an
aerial foray into the area of the Palau
Islands, Japan's naval base on the
southeast approach to the Philip-
Interest in that westrnmost group
of the Carolines was stirred by the
announcement that Southwest Paci-
fic patrol planes had struck 300 miles
east of Palau, damaging an enemy
freighter. It was the first time that

laps Gain
On Chinese
Ba ttlefron t
Stilwell's Troops
Advance in Burma
By The Associated Press
The Japanese were hit by a new
Allied offensive in northern Burma
yesterday and were losing ground
there, but in China's Honan Province
Nippon forces won new successes
against hard-pressed Chinese armies.
American-trained Chinese troops
of Lt.-Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's com-
mand launched drives against three
Japanese bases in north Burma. Sup-
ported by tanks, dive bombers and
artillery, the Chinese struck hard
along a two-mile front and advanced
in two other sectors.
Three Stilwell spearheads were
pinted toward the Japanese strong-
holds at Kamaing, Mogaung and My-
itkyina. An official headquarters re-
port said an Allied advance. column
was holding Manpin, ten miles from
Kamaing. A Japanese attack on that
front was thrown back.
Chinese Force Stream
Another Chinese force, driving
from the north, knifed through Nip-
pon defenses around Tiangzup, about
40 miles above Myitkyina To the
north of Magaung the Chinese forced
a stream and surged forward one
Heavy fighting raged on northeast
India's Imphal front as the Japan-
ese made unsuccessful onslaughts to
gain a mountain pass leading to the
Imphal plain. Meanwhile, Allied
fighters and dive bombers battered
the Japanese in the Kohima region,
north of.Imphal. Other planes were
attacking the strategic fortified area
of Ningthoukhong. To the south
Japanese planes were strafing Brit-
ish gun positions at Potsangbam. Two
Nippon sky fighters, and probably
three more, were shot down.
Push Called Sucessful
Reports from southeast Asia hea-
quarters said the Allied push to drive
the invaders from hill positions
around Kohima was "mainly success-
ful." .The Japanese lost eight, and
probably two more, of the 25 planes
they threw into this action. Allied
air forces suffered no losses.
In the Honan wheat belt of China
the Japanese severed the east-west
Lunghai railway at two points 40 miles
west of Loyang. This road was the
main retreat line for several hundred
thousand Chinese troops in the Ho-
nan war zone.
Ford Workers Strike
DETROIT, May 13.-()-Ap-
proximately 1,200 rolling mill
workers at the Ford Rouge plant
quit work tonight without an ex-
planation, a company spokesman
Two hundred men, however,
were said to have remained on the
job to keep metal hot and prevent
a possible extended shutdown of
the mills.
The strikers were said unoffic-
ially to have protested the disci-
plining of a shop committeeman
for tearing up the transfer slip of
an employe. °
Representatives of Ford Loval
600 of the United Automobile
Workers' (CIO) ould not be reach-
ed for a statement.
Dr. N. C. un

W ill Visit TU'
Dr. N. C. Liu, former professor of
political science at the National Wu-
han University in central China and
at present a guest of the Department
of State, will arrive today fi'om the,
University of Chicago to visit the
University, Dr. Esson M. Gale, direc-
tor of the International Center, an-
nounced yesterday.
Dr. Liu is one of six Chinese pro-
fessors invited by the Department of
State to visit the United States. The
guests of the State Department are
free to visit any universiies and cities
of the country.
Dr. Liu is expected to give an ad-
dress at a Chinese symposium at 8
p.m. Tuesday at the International
Center. The topic of his lecture will
be "Chinese Constitutional Develop-

German-Held Gustav Line Battered
Allied Planes HitMajor Nazi Targets


12 American
Bombers Lost
I. Skye Duels
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 14, Sunday.-Two
thousand U.S. bomber and American-
Allied fighters hammered three major
targets in northern Germany yester-
day and shot down 63 Nazi planes in
sky duels which cost the invading
Americans 12 bombers and ten fight-
Up to 750 Flying Fortresses and
Liberators, escorted inland by nearly
1,000 U.S. Lightnings, Mustangs and
Thunderbolts, and covered in their
withdrawal by hundreds of RAF Mus-
tangs, attacked a Focke-Wulf plant at
Tutow, rail yards and locomotive re-
pair shops at Osnabruck, a synthetic
oil refinery in the Stettin area and
other targets.
8,000 Tons of Bombs Hurled
The formation was part of a total
of approximately 5,000 American and
British planes which hurled 8,000
tons of explosives on occupied Eur-
ope in two-way attacks fr9m Britain
and Italy during the day.
The bag of 63 German planes, -54
by the fighters and nine by bomber
gunners, made a two-day total of 213
Axis aircraft shot down over Ger-
No enemy opposition was met over
Osnabruck, the German pilots in-
stead ganged up on the formations
which flew deep into northeastern
Germany. "Many enemy fighters
were driven off or destroyed by our
escort before they could reach our
bombers," the communique said.
Unprecedented Series Ended
At the same time, Italy-based heavy
U.S. bombers continued their far-
reaching attacks in support of the
newly launched Allied land drive,
ripping into rail facilities at 14 points
in northern Italy. Their targets in-
cluded points in the important Bren-
ner Pass through which Hitler sends
most of the supplies to his embattled
legions in the south. (A French ra-
dio broadcast from Algiers, recorded
in New York by the FCC, said the
Brenner Pans line had been cut.)
Invasion Near,
Berlin Radio
LONDON, May 13.-(1P)-Thp Ger-
man high command communique,
normally the most conservative of
the daily fixtures broadcast by the
Berlin radio, declared today that the
Allied air offensive against the Nazi
continent "may be regarded as the
preparation for invasion."
It was the first time that the Ger-
man command, now confronted by
an Allied land, sea and air siege, had
used the word "invasion" in its daily
bulletins, and the Nazi press specu-
lated that the blow would fall simul-
taneously with a new Russian offen-
Inside France the Nazis were re-
ported rushing final preparations,
requisitioning all remaining automo-
biles and speeding a "Rommel plan"
under which virtually the entire male
population of France between the
ages of 16 and 60 would be put in
concentration camps on D-Day to
safeguard the German rear.
The German command described
the new Italian offensive as being
"on the largest scale" and as "an
obvious attempt to tie down German
forces," thus linking the assault with
the expected western invasion.
German accounts took the new
Allied offensive against the Gustav

Line as being only the forerunner of
a bursting storm. "The German high
command expects the flare-up of
fighting in Italy to spread to other
seitions of the European battlefront,"
said the Nazi transocean news agen-
cy. "We are aware of Gen. Alexan-
der's words that the Allied troops in
southern Italy are striking the first
blow in a final battle."

CO. A'S CHOIR-Pictured above is the all soldier choir of Co. A, of the 3651st Service Unit, which will
present a concert at 4 V. in., today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The concert will feature music
of the United Nations. included among the numbers, which the 40 men choir will sing, will be the
Fred Waring arrangement of the Welsh folk song, "All Through the Night". Among the other folk se-a
lections which the choir will sing are "Land=Sighting," a Norwegian song, which demonstrates the
spirit of the ancient Vikings, and "Mowing in the Sunlight", a Venezuelan folksong, which has a tango
rhythm. -Daily Photo by Cpl. Robert Lewin, Co. A, 3651st S.U.

Collection on
24th Tag Day
T o All- Others
$1,711 Total Eclipses
Last Year's by $490
Exceeding last year's total by more
than $400, contributions to the 24th
annual Tag Day campaign hit an
all-time high Friday, with students,
servicemen, and Ann Arbor residents
giving $1,711.25.
Of this amount, $1,536 were re-
ceived from the sale of tags; $150
came from a local manufacturing
concern, and $25 were contributed
by the girls of Martha Cook.
"We were very pleased with the
results of this year's drive," Prof.
F. N. Menefee, faculty director, said
yesterday. "In exceeding our goal
of $1,500 and in receiving more than
$1,700, we have exceeded any con-
tribution from the previous 23 yearsf
we have held the drive."
Co-chairmen of the campaign
were Marge Hall, head of the Wom-
en's War Council, and Jim Plate of
the Union. "We want to thank all
the girls who sold tags, and all the
Union men who distributed the tags,
and collected and counted the con-
tributions," the chairman said.
The money from the drive will be
used to send 240 boys from metro-
politan areas to the University
Fresh Air Camp for a month. The
boys are chosen by social and case-
working agencies on the basis of
need, of assistance from sociologists,
or phychiatrists.
Other members of the central com-
mittee irrluded\Charlotte Haas, Peg-
gy Moran, Nancy Reber, Robert
Roseman, Virginia Rock, and Orris
Dunbar 'Ceniteir
Burns Mofrgae
President Ruthven To
Speak at Cereiony
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will be among the speakers at 3 p. m.,
today when the Dunbar Community
Center celebrates liquidation of a
mortgage on the building.
Dr. Ruthven, who spoke at the
dedication of the Center seven years
ago, will represent the white citi-
zens of the community. John C.
Dancy, executive director of the De-
troit Urban League, will also talk
on "Intercultural Relationships."
In addition, a brief history of the
Center will be read by James Overby
and the Dunbar Chorus and the
Dunbar Quintet will sing. The Cen-
ter will be open for public inspec-
tion from 4 to 6 p. m., following the

Rev. Orlemanski Suspended
On Return from Russia


SPRINGFIELD, Mass., May 13. -
Rev. Stanislaus Orlemanski ran into a
stormy homecoming today from his.
rate Legislator
With Perjury
LANSING, Mich., May 13.--()--
State Rep. William Stenson, Green-
land Republican whose amazing story
of a proffered bribe was a motivating
factor in the calling of Circuit Judge
Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury
investigation of state government, to-
day was accused of perjury by the
grand jury.
Warrant Issued for Arrest
Judge Carr and Special Prosecutor
Kim Sigler collaborated in the issu-
ance of a, warrant charging the 43-
year-old Upper Peninsula legislator
gave false testimony to the grand
jury by denying under oath that a
fellow member of the House of Rep-
resentatives also had paid him a sum
of money, the sum unspecified, to
influence his vote on an anti-branch
banking bill in 1941.-
The warrant did not identify the
other legislator and Sigler told news-
men, "Don't ask me who he is."
He said Stenson probably would be
arrested later today but declined to
say where the legislator was.
Stenson's story of a mysterious
"man in a grey suit" whom he sus-
pected of having deposited bribes in
a pocket of his topcoat-bribes which
he said he refused to accept-was a
major factor in the petitioning for
the grand jury.
Legislator Tells of Bribes
The legislator told newsmen in
interviews that in 1941, when the
anti-branch banking bill was about
to come to a vote in the House and
only a few legislators could have
swung the decision either way with
their votes, he found an unmarked
envelope containing $350 in $50 bank
notes in his topcoat pocket..
Stenson said he replaced the money
in the pocket of his coat, which.hung
in the House cloak-room, expecting
the person who put it there would
retrieve it and recognize that the
legislator refused to accept the bribe.

flying visit to Moscow and conference
with Premier Stalin, getting a prompt
susension by his bishop as a greeting
and quickly declaring in return he
was "being crucified for my Church."
The Polish-American priest imme-
diately said he was appealing the
suspension order, stripping him of all
priestly privileges, to the Apostolic
Delegate in Washington.
The appeal, he told newspapermen
at a press conference,nautomatically
invalided the suspension order and
made it possible for him to carry on
his parish duties pending action by
the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop
Amelto Cicognani, on the appeal..
He said he would celebrate mass in
his home parish tomorrow as usual.
(Diocesan authorities, however, dis-
agreed with this statement, saying
that the suspension remained in force
until higher church officials had ruled
upon the appeal.
(They also said that failure to com-
ply with the penalty would be a fur-
ther violation of canon law and could
lead to the imposition of heavier pun-
Most Rev. Thomas M. O'Leary,
Bishop of the Springfield Diocese, an-
nounced the suspension only a few
hours after Fr. Orlemanski returned
from Russia. The suspension stated
the priest could not administer the
sacraments, celebrate mass or per-
form any other divine duties.
The priest told the newsmen "I
went to Moscow to see what /I could
do for the Catholic Church in Po-
land, the Ukraine and White Russia.
But Stalin made it universal. He went
beyond my expectations and agreed
not to persecute the Catholic Church
not only in those places but in any
part of Russia.
"He went further than that in
agreeing to co-operate with the
Church against persecution any-
Fr. Orlemanski displayed a docu-
ment, typed in Russian, which, he
said, was Stalin's signed agreement
not to persecute the Church. He said
the Premier first wanted to make the
document public as soon as it was
signed but finally agreed to allow Fr.
Orlemanski to show it to the Apos-
tolic Delegate or to make it public
himself, if he found that step nec-
"I am being punished for doing
something for my Church," the priest

Allies Continue
To Gain Strong
Positions in Italy
By The Associated Press
PLES, May 13.-Allied troops, on the
offensive in Italy, smashed deeper
tonight into the heavily-fortified Gus-
tav Line, inreasing gains of two miles
or more that they had recorded dur-
ing the day but encountering grim
resistance from the Germans in strong
mountain positions.
Exact locations of the gains could
not be disclosed pending tomorrow's
daily communique, but already the
Allies hold at least five villages and
seven strategic hills and were going
ahead after the close of the second
day of their big push aimed at des-
troying the Germans in Italy.
Heavy Fighting Resulted
Americans, French, British and
Poles all were engaged in heavy fight-
The French pressed forward after
occupying an important area of high
ground that commanded the German
stronghold of Castelforte.
(It was indicated but not definite-
ly stated that Castelforte had fallen.
German broadcasts announced its
evacuation, making 'a total of six
villages taken by the Allies.) i
A late dispatch from Associated
Press WardCorrespondent Sid Feder
told of the spectacularly swift fall
of the village of Cosmo San Damiano
to the American Fifth Army, two
miles beyond the Garigliano River
and six miles inlandfrom the Gulf of
Gaeta, and of the penetration of the
adjacent stronghold of Castelforte.
Villas Seized
British Eighth Army troops also
seized the villa, Angelo, on the west
bank of the Rapido River, two and
one-half miles south of Cassino, direct
dispatches said.
The Germans scrambled out of Cos-
mo San Damiano so fast they left
food on tables erected in its ruins.
The Americans cornered 200 of them
in a nearby cemetery where "we shot
them down like jackrabbits," Feder
quoted the victors as saying. Others
surrendered after being dug out of
the ruins of the hamlet.
Castelforte Hitt
As the Yanks pressed on to a moun-
tain ridge northeast of the' village
they could see other units hammer-
ing theirway into Castelforte, which
has been called "Little Cassino" be-
cause of two previous Allied failures
to take it.
Red Bombers
Hit Baltic Cities
Air Attacks May Be
Start of New Drive
LONDON, May 13.-(P)--The So-
viet high command announced to-
night that Russian bombers attack-
ing German military trains and stores
at Daugavpils (Dinsk) in Latvia and
Tartu in Estonia had touched off vio-
lent explosions and fires Friday night
in a possible prelude to a fresh Red
Army northern offensive.
The German high command also
indicated that Russian troops in
force had smashed across the Mol-
dava River, 60 miles inside Romania,
when it told of fighting between Ro-
manian soldiers and a full Soviet rifle
division on the west bank of that
The Moldava is a western tributary
of the Siret, joining the larger river
35 miles southwest of Iasi. Moscow
has never claimed a crossing of the
Moldava but last month announced
the capture of Falticeni near its east

Neither the Germans nor the Rus-
sians mentioned the lower Dnestr
River sector near Tiraspol, where
Berlin had declared that a Russian
bridgehead had been erased and
where Moscow said German counter-
attacks had failed.
No essential changes occurred on
the long land front, Moscow said.
Yugoslavs Attack

Dramatic Attempt To Save Life
Of Pilot Proves'Unsuccessful

D -]] TE D -- )A ,A . aasm -

SAN DIEGO, Calif., May 13.-()-
Battling heavy seas and a high wind,
a Navy blimp, a destroyer and a
Catalina flying boat joined forces in
a dramatic but unsuccessful attempt
to save the life of Lt. Hugh F. O'Neil,
Akron, O., pilot, whose plane crashed

When O'Neil made no attempt to
reach the boat, John A. Sosnowski,
aviation radioman, was lowered from
the blimp and dived into the ocean to
Unable to maneuver the rubber
hnn- thr,,iorhhek,. ,ial ca. cn .,r-

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