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May 13, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-13

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A I .1




Cooler, Light Showers

llies mash Forwar in Italian ss









150 Planes-
Shot Down
In Air Ra id
Yanks Direct Mai.
Blows near Leipzig
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 12. - Smashing
through swarms of German fighters
in one of the war's fiercest aerial
battles, an American sky-fleet of
2,000 bombers and fighters struck
today at five big Nazi synthetic oil
plants and shot down 150 enemy
planes at a cost of 42 bombers and
ten fighters.
A total of more than 3,000 Allied
planes based in Britain hammered
Nazi targets by daylight, and at mid-
night German radios warned that
Allied planes were approaching west-
ern Germany. Thus the RAF's night
shift apparently was carrying the
world's greatest aerial campaign into
the fifth straight week of pre-inva-
sion assault.
Main Blows on Leipzig
The main blows were delivered in
the Leipzig area, where the Germans
had concentrated four important re-
fineries furnishing a lifeline for Hit-
ler's armies on the western and
southern fronts,nand in addition two
formations of Fortresses thundered
across the border into Czechoslovakia
for the first time in the war and
blasted another German-operated oil
plant at Brux.
Nazis Fail To Save Oil Plants
As many as 250 Nazi fighters chal-
lenged the Americans in a vain at-
tempt to save the vital oil plants
which the Germans so desperately
need to meet the coming invasion
from the west.
Fortresses and fighters were blow-
ing up all over the sky, one American
flier said.
In spite of this tremendous oppo-
sition the American airmen plunged
through successfully and saw their
bombs drop with what the communi-
que described as "good results" on
the assigned targets.

. 1. . .. , . . __ . __ _ s .. _ ._ __ _ .

Truk Raided
For 6-th Time
May 12.- (AP)- Truk, against
which land-based bombers have
stepped up an offensive since car-
rier planes blasted it last April,
was dealt a 62-ton blow at lawn
Thursday by two flights of Sev-
enth Ary Air Force Liberators, the
Navy announced today.
It was the sixth announced raid
this month by bombers in a two-
way strike from the Central and
South Pacific during which 248
tons of bombs have pounded the
Japanese naval base in the Caro-
Sonny Dunhamn
Will Play for
rSp rin g swing 4V
Concluding the social season, the
University will present the "Spring
Swing" to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight today at Waterman Gym,
featuring the music of Sonny Dun-
ham and his orchestra.
The dance will be informal and
decorations will be kept at a mini-
mum in keeping with wartime neces-
sity. The affair is the last in a series
of University - sponsored functions
presented for the especial benefit of
students and servicemen on campus
in order to fill a need for more en-
tertainment features for the college
Dunham has appeared in a num-
ber of Hollywood pictures, together
with other notable stars of filmdom,
among them Elyse Knox.
Tickets for the dance may be ob-
tained at the Union and League
lobby desks all day today and, if
there are any left, at the door of the
gym. The bean jugs have been col-
lected and the announcement of the
winners will be made at the dance.
Door prizes have been donated by
local State Street merchants.

RESERVED SEATS-Just to leave no doubt as .to the ownership of improvised seats of the outdoor movie
theatre in the South Pacific, Marines painted their names on the benches.

Co. A's Soldier Choir Will Sing
Religious Numbers Tomorrow


Co. A's Soldier Choir will open its
program at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by sing-
ing "Come and Let Us Worship" by
Gretchaninoff, it was announced yes-
terday by Cpl. Stanley Amdurer
choir manager.
Other religious numbers which the
choir will sing are "O Bone Jesu" by
Palestrina, "O Sacred Head," an Old
Chorale, and "O Blest Are They" by
Solos by Cpl. Arthur Flynn will in-
clude "Aria, O Paradiso" from "L'Af-
ricaine" by Meyerbeer, "Au Revoir'
by Cpl. Elia Figundio of Co. A, and
"Ol' Man River" by Kern.
Spiritual To Be Heard
The choir will then sing "Al:
Through the Night," a Welsh folk-
song, "A Violin Is Singing in the
Street," a Ukrainian folksong, "Al]
Co. D Serenades
Sick Actress

the Things You Are" by Kern, and
"Set Down, Servant," a spiritual.
Cpl. Henry Jarvinen, 'cellist, will
play "Elegie" by Faure, and "The
Swan" by Saint Saens. He will be ac-
companied by Cpl. Joseph Running,
director of the choir.
The final group of selections by the
choir wil lhe "United Nations March"
by Shostakovich, "Rowing in the
Sunlight," a Venezuelan folksong,
and "Land-Sighting" by Grieg which
will feature a solo by Cpl. Robert
Miller, baritone.
United Nations To Be Theme
In keeping with the United Nations
theme, folk-music of the various al-
lied nations is included on the pro-
gram. These songs, the composers
of which are unknown, are typical
of the songs which have been handed
down from previous generations and
each expresses the spirit of the peo-
ple of the nation from which it comes.
Cpl. Running was assistant director
of the student choir at St. Olaf Col-
lege, after which he joined the music
faculties of San Jose College and
Stanford University where he was
also organist.

New Trainees
To Study Under
Army Program
Several Hundred To
Be Senat Here Soon
Several hundred new Army stu-
dents will come to the University of
Michigan within the next few weeks
to study under the Army Specialized
Training Reserve Program, Col. S. D.
Ringsdorf, Commanding Officer of
District No. 1, Sixth Service Com-
mand, announced yesterday.
Fifteen hundred boys in lower
Michigan who will be between the
ages of seventeen. and seventeen and
nine months on July 1 and who will
be high school graduates before the
dates, have been notified that they
passed the Army examination which
was given on March 15, but only 600
of this group have been selected for
the University training at Army ex-
pense, the announcement said.
The course will be similar to the
ASTP, with emphasis on mathemat-
ics, physics and chemistry. It includes
also studies in English, geography
and American history. During the
second term a certain number of
trainees will be selected for pre-
medical and pre-dental training, and
at the end of the third term the best
students will be chosen for more ad-
vanced work in engineering and for-
eign languages.
Only 200,000 Older
Men Needed in Draft
WASHINGTON, May 12.- ())-
Only 150,000 to 200,000 men 26 and
over need. be drafted for the rest of
this year, informed government offi-
cials estimated tonight, and Selec-
tive Service was reported apprehen-
sive that too many older men might
be taken despite a new deferment
The estimate was declared to be
high, if anything, since it did not
take into account the likelihood that
many more young farmers eighteen
through 25 will be inducted under
tightened farm deferment procedure.

Final Plans for Saturday's
Victory Varieties Completed

Push Called'First
Of Final Battles
Fifth and Eighth Armies Punch Out
Gains as Deep as 2-3 Miles on First Day
By The Associated Press
Allied Fifth and Eighth Armies punched out gains as deep as two and
three miles yesterday on the first day of an all-out offensive officially
described 'as the first 'of the final battles" to destroy the Germans, it
was learned early today.
At other points of the strongly fortified Gustav Line the Allies were
blocked by furious resistance after launching their big push at 11 o'clock
Thursday night on a blazing 25-mile front from Cassino to the Gulf of
Sharp German counter-attacks in some instances also eliminated
initial Allied gains.
The exact localities where the Allies penetrated from two to three
miles could not be divulged pending an official announcement.
Allied fighter-bombers gave close support all day to the attacking men
of many nationalities, and A-36 dive-bombers scored hits on an important
German post.
The Allied command, recalling unfavorable results of its early optimism
on previous thr'usts in Italy, contented itself with the bare declaration that
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 13 Saturday.-Berlin -acknowledged today that
Allied troops in Italy had broken through at several points in the Liri
Valley below Cassino, but said "in spite of the high losses in men and
material Allied troops have not anywhere reached the actual German
defense system."
their aim was to destroy the German armies in Italy and they confidently
predicted success.
Great Artillery Barrage Loosed
Doughboys of many nationalities surged forward under an unpreced-
ented aerial cover and with support of the greatest artillery barrage ever
loosed in the Mediterranean area.
The Germans resisted strongly on all sectors in furious fighting with
both sides employing every weapon of modern ground warfare. But
by tonight the Allies had gained initial objectives at some points and at
one spot had advanced approximately 2,000 yards.
The Fifth and Eighth armies, completely regrouped since the bloody
and indecisive battle of Cassino two months ago, struck together.
As for the relation of the offensive to the general war against Hitlerdom,
Gen. Sir Harold L. Alexander, the Allied commander, declared in an order
of the day to his troops that the assault was the first blow of "final battles
on sea, on land and in the air to crush the enemy once and for all."
"Blows Will Result in Nazi Final Defeat"
"From east and west, from north and south," he added, "blows are
about to fall which will result in the final destruction of the Nazis and
bring freedom once again to Europe and hasten the peace for us all.
"We are going to destroy the German armies in Italy," he said, but
added that "the fighting will be hard, bitter and perhaps long."
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark, heralding what may prove the decisive blow of
the Italian campaign, told his Fifth Army troops in an order of the day that
he was confident "we can and will destroy the German armies."
"You have placed the enemy in his present distressing position of trying
hopelessly to hold back Allied forces which he knows will eventually overrun
him from two directions," Gen. Clark said.
Germans Recover Quickly from Barrage
The Germans recovered quickly from the earth-shaking barrage that
accompanied the attack-some of it from American 240 millimeter guns
firing 350-pound projectiles. The Nazis used flame-throwers at many
points and counter-attacked sharply as opportunity offered. Allied officers
appeared satisfied, however, with early results.
Starting with the first streaks of dawn, Allied warplanes in record
numbers joined the assault and took almost complete control of the sky
as they smashed at every enemy target in sight along the battle line and
ripped the enemy's rear areas. A mist at 3,000 feet forced some planes to
return to their bases with their bomb loads intact.

Final plans for a 'sparkling' eight-
act Victory Varieties show to be given
at 8 p.m. next Saturday in Hill Audi-
torium were completed yesterday as
Lenny Gale, an impressionist, and Ed
Ford and Whitey, a dog act, were
added to the previously announced
-Gale is currently starring at the
Oriental Theatre in Chicago and
Ford and his dog have appeared on
New York and Chicago stage shows.
Ticket sales will begin Monday.
No seats will be reserved and the
price will remain the same as the
first Victory Variety show in spite of
the increase in federal tax.
One of the features of the show will
be the final appearance of Bill Saw-
Axis Sevastopol
Forces Wiped
Out by Russians
LONDON, May 13, Saturday.--IP)
The Red Army wiped out the last
Axis remnants trapped west of Sev-
astopol on Cape Khersones today,
ending a five-week-old Crimean cam-
paign in which 111,578 Germans and
Romanians were killed or captured,
Moscow announced tonight.
The Axis toll apparently was even
greater, because the broadcast re-
port by the Soviet Information Bu-
reau said that Russian planes and
ships of the Black Sea Fleet sank a
total of 191 ships, including 69 trans-
ports and 56 high-speed landing
barges which the enemy was using
both for supply and evacuation dur-
ing the Crimean debacle.
More than 20,000 Germans and
Romanians were killed in the final,
three-day battle which toppled Sev-
astopol last Tuesday, and more than
50,000 were lbilled in the overall 34-
day campaign which began April 8,
said the broadcast.

yer and his orchestra. Sawyer is
currently working on a government
music project in Chicago and will
return to Ann Arbor to play for the
stage show and a dance at the Union
The University Women's Glee Club,
under the direction of Sawyer, will
also appear on the program. "Doc"
Final results from the Tag Day
collection will be announced in
tomorrow's Daily, Jim Plate,
chairman, said. The amount col-
lected has already exceeded last
year's total of $1,300.
Fielding, who appeared on a recent
Hour-of-Fun program, will be master
of ceremonies for this second Univer-
sity-sponsored Victory Varieties show
which is part of a plan to provide a
greater range of entertainnfent for
students and servicemen stationed on
Other professional acts to appear on
the hour-and-a-half show are The
Whirling, Spinners, Del Kosno, The
Rockets and The Carltons.
Packard Plant
Quits Operations
No Sign of Let-Up Seen
In Foreman Walk-Out
DETROIT, May 12.-(AP)-As one
major war production factory quit
operations, the strike of 3,300 Detroit
war plant foremen still gave no sign
tonight of early settlement despite
peace moves from several sides.
The War Labor Board, answering
a strikers' demand for WLB assurance
against discrimination from employ-
ers in event the walkouts were called
off, refused to commit itself on that
score but promised to make inquiries
among the companies.
The Packard Motor Car Company,
which produces Rolls-Royce aircraft
engines and engines for the famous
PT-Boats, ceased operations and held
the foremen's strike to blame.
George T. Christopher, Packard
president and general manager, said
the Army Air Forces had notified
that company they would refuse to
accept products turned out in the
absence of "inspection supervision to
guarantee quality."
Hillel Will Feature
Historic Film Today

* * *

I, * *


Allied Ultimatum Given

Lucille Genuit will play one of the
leads in Co. D's show "Rumor Has
It," as Betty Soper, who was origin-
ally cast for the part, had to undergo
an emergency appendectomy, Direc-
tor Arty Fischer announced yester-
The soldier quartet which will be
heard in the show June 1 and 2 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will
serenade Miss Soper at the hospital
Miss Genuit is the new vice-presi-
dent of Senior Society, played the
lead in "Tom Sawyer," and is a mem-
ber of Assembly Board.
Cn Rnpr PrL L~' ki-nii

Restaurant ,Survey Shows Violations

WASHINGTON, May 12.--(P)-Al-
lied radios pounded the peoples of
Axis satellites tonight with a pre-
invasion ultimatum to turn against
Germany now or abandon all hope
of saving themselves from "disastrous
Issued jointly by the United States,
Great Britain and Russia, the ultima-
tum was directed alike to Finland,
Dies Bows Out
Of Political Race
WASHINGTON, May 12.- (OP)-
Rep. Martin Dies of Texas bowed out
of the political arena today and his
withdrawal is expected to mean the
end of the House Committee on Un-
American Activities which he piloted
through six stormy years.
Dies announced at Beaumont, Tex.,

with which the United States is not
at war; to Bulgaria, with which Rus-
sia is not at war, and to Hungary
and Romania.
The United States government
thereby apparently served notice on
the people of Finland that it has
reached the end of its policy of setting
them apart from the other German
collaborators. And Russia apparent-
ly intended the same kind of warn-
ing to the people of Bulgaria.
"These nations must decide now,"
the ultimatum said, "whether they
intend to persist in their present
hopeless and calamitous policy of
opposing the inevitable Allied victory,
while there is yet time for them to
contribute to that Allied Victory."
Japs Endanger
Chinese Posts

Results of the recent OPA survey
of eating establishments in Wash-
tenaw County indicate that a large
percentage are violating OPA regula-
tions, Albert S. Rapp, chairman of
the Restaurant Division of the OPA
Price Panel, said yesterday.
In one restaurant the checking
of prices on 20 meals showed that

priced meals according to the base
period, and must also keep the same
range of prices for this period. They
cannot omit the low-priced or medi-
um-priced meals, and still continue
to serve the highest-priced meals in
the basic period, explained Mr. Rapp.
Of 25 restaurants receiving de-
tailed analysis by the Price Panel,
22 were found to be in violation of

wiches, ham and eggs, bacon and
eggs and apple pie and coffee. They
were also checked on OPA regulations
regarding posting of OPA legends,
the filing of two copies of the daily
menus, and current prices and cash
and sales records.
Few complaints from patrons
have been made to the Price Panel,
according to Mr. Rapp. Under the

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