7jj " .EA lLYi' ..n.xx ua .,ti1a:, 4x".h1rti4. i ,za'; alN' # Fityiurt Yeaily Fi fty-Fourth Year CONSENSUS OF OPINION NIL: Foreign Policies, Leadership and Bureaucracies Of Present Crisis Perplex American People ______lGRIN AND BEAR IT I By Lichty d, 1 ,, 1 .1 / v ' - - =' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under tl authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail m~atter. subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 jT'S IMPOSSIBLE to get a consensus opinion in America today. But it is possible to reach through a lot of in- visible, in fact imaginary, adding and subtract- ing, one general public conclusion, and this is it: We're winning the war with superb military leadership, a canny foreign guide in Franklin D. Roosevelt, and a messed-up domestic bureau- cracy. That's the opinion of about 60 per cent of the voting populace as reflected by Gallup, Fortine, and the corner bar, and about the only thing it proves is the power of the press. Because a worse understanding of the situation is difficult to imagine. Tolstoy has already handled the military lead- ership for all time in War and Peace, but since you can't give medals to time, distance and log- istics we'll admit that those whom the necessary pyramiding of power have put on top have done I'd Rather Editorial Staff Jane Farrant elaire Sherman . StaniWallace marjorie orradaile Lvelyi Phillips HarveyFranik Bud LoW. Jo Anni Peterson Mary Anne* Olson Miarjorie Rosmarln . . . Managing Editor .Editorial Dir'ector . . . E City Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . .Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor S . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor siness Staff * . . usiness ii nagecr E~izbethn Carpenter 11c 'i £Af I)A 3usinesq Manager .iS .iss Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MONROE FINK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writtet by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. THIRD PARTY: Farm-Labor Support Is Necessary for Success NEW third party movement which started so auspiciously in Detroit Sunday has dubbed itself the Michigan Commonwealth Federation; has adopted a general program of "democratic control of industry" and has made arrangements to begin petitioning for a place on the state ballot. That a third party could rally much support at a time when the Republicans refuse to commit themselves on major Issues and the Demoerats have nothing except a strong lead- er, oinnot 6e doubted. That a third party re- eeiving farm-labor support would be a power- fa inihence at election time is\ also beyond wuestion However, it is by no means certain that the MCP will be a successful third party because of. opposition by certain UAW (CIO) offcials. Tiis opposition is a strong indication that the party will not receive labor's full support, with- out which it is foredoomed to failure. N ADDITION, farmers and laborers have not been too friendly in the past and it will take a well-worked out platform to shift very many crop-raisers from the Republican stronghold to support a party which, thus far, seems much more labor than farmer. According to the supporters of the MCF, the party will support President Roosevelt for a fourth term, restricting its efforts in the coming election to gaining various state posts Republicans can do little but cheer at this news for it will only serve to split the labor vote, without which the Democrats are lost. Therefore, the new party is starting out with many obstacles in the twisting path to success. If the MCF can make a go of it, more power to it. We have always bee nin favor of new blood being introduced into a system that lacks vim, vigor and verve. -Ray Dixon STATE VETERANS: WMC Takes Step To Provide Post-W1r Jobs Fr TIE FIRST real step was taken to assure serv- icemen returning to Michigan of getting jobs after the war when Edward L. Cushman, state director for the War Manpower Commission, an- nounced plans to help veterans of World War II get suitable Jobs promptly. The WMC has realized that planning and action must be taken now. After the war will be too late. it is encouraging to know that this governmental organization is taking concrete steps toward intelligent post-war planning. In each of the WMC's 121 Michigan offices is a Veterans' limployment Representative, a vet- eran himself in most cases, whose duty it is to counsel veterans on all matters pertaining to employment. These men will play a vital role in placing our servicemen and women as they become ready to return to civilian life. -Doris Peterson FINE-$100- Steamship Company Pays for Neglience BeRight_ --y ByJ SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 8.-My friend, Nick Din- im, recently decided to become an expert on foreign affairs. Nick has been writing to me for years. Nick's taste in international problems, you see, was a little old-fashioned, like his taste in food and drink. But recently Nick Dinim decided to modernize himself. He "holed in" (as he put it to me in a charming note of exactly 650 words) somewhere in the country with a number of books and magazines, and a radio receiver, and he brought himself up to date on foreign affairs and politics. The ex- periment must have been a success, for I hear that Nick is now listened to with a great deal of respect at the club. I met him the other day, and he seemed so vital that I hardly knew him. There is a minority opinion among his friends that he is not really more vital, but that he is only developing a twitch. That, I feel, is an unpleasant thing to say about Nick, who is really the sweetest of omen. NICK DINIM now says that of course the Re- publicans are going back in, because the pen- dulum always swings back, every 12 years; it has always been so, and always will be. How- ever, he feels there is a danger that some of the leaders of the party do not realize that the world has changed for good, and that nothing can ever be the same again. Nick Dinim feels that this war is basically a kind of revolution. We must face that fact, and accept it, he says, because that is the only way of making sure that we can preserve the world as you and I have known it. Nick feels conservative opinion must con- vince the people that it is eager for change and progress; otherwise, the people will never trust it with the job of getting rid of some of these recent changes. Nick is developing quite a reputation as a radical among some of his friends, but he always says, when that point comes up: "Well, I haven't changed my tailor yet." There is then a burst of good-natured laugh- ter, and the hot tempers raised by these burn- ing discussions quickly subside. After all, every- body knows good old Nick Dinim. Nick Dinim feels very strongly that we must learn to get along with Russia. He sees no essential difficulty in this. If Russia will only let Finland alone, and give up her claim on Poland, and stop trying to influence policy in the Balkans, he thinks we can solve the prob- lem of working right along with her. Of course, if Russia retires into isolation, lie says, and forgets about Europe again, that will be a hard nut to crack. Nick Dinim says that, in connection wit .Russia, we will just have to realize that there is something new in the world, and we had better face it like men, because disaster always over- comes those men first who fear to face change. Nick drinks Martinis before dinner now, though he never used to touch them before. It is the tension of our times, he says. Some of his friends say they have never seen so remarkable a change in k personality which they had once considered the embodiment of an older and more phlegmatic way of life. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) nothing so terrible as to be worth a side remark here. And our domestic chaos-so-called-is hun- dreds of per cent less than that of the last war, now lovingly recalled as an efficient war by those who see Bernard Baruch as the be-all and end-all of economic planners. It is true that there are a lot of things wrong with OPA, WPB, WLB and a few others, but it's truer that they have done a marvelous job in the face of determined opposition by the Ameri- can people. Roosevelt's worst mistakes are in the foreign field, and his critics are only asking permission to follow policies inferior to his own. ONE OF THE few important and logical things that Walter Lippman has managed to say in the last few years is that the United States has no foreign policy, With its internal con- flicts it achieves no unity of action or attitude on any question, and in the end finds itself for- ever fighting defensively fof things in which it cannot possibly believe. But Lippman, having seen the obvious, goes soaring off on the magic shield of the republic, a consistent foreign policy-something we can't and shouldn't have. For foreign policy is also an ideological mat- ter, and one to be handled by elective leaders of the nation until the nation's sovereignty is surrendered. We can neither afford nor sup- port a consistent American foreign policy. How then commitments-obviously none can be made without the support of the American people, -and what's wrong with that? The chief criticism of Roosevelt's handling them is not in its lack of positive direction, but in its failure to properly encourage the things in other countries in which the people of this country believe. Plrlan the expedient and Badoglio the ex- pedient, could be expediently discarded with- out assasinations or questions of military dis- tribution of power. The government-in-exiles could be forced to turn to their homelands for support instead of to Washington and Londn. And fi }ally the people's of Europe with the hope of counterparts of the American and Rus- sian revolutions in their hearts might be thrown more than a discouraging hush-hush. In other words this country face a more dis- astrous future in the field of foreign relations than doestically or militarily. Roosevelt has a fine lot of fancy mares pulling a wagon that requires Belgian plowhorses. And his carefully constructed wagon is about to collapse without ever giving the service of the Deacon's One loss Shay. This, then, is a signal to the American people to stop kicking about filling out forms, and over- praising isenhower, and start mking noticeable a rather diffident interest in the fortunes o democracy present and future, domestic and future.- -Mar Boradaile DEMOCRACY?: Mammoth Estates Symbolize Inequalty GROSS inequality in the distribution of na, tional wealth and income is incompatible wish the ideals of democracy. The TNEC report revealed that 2.7 per cent of the families in the United States received almost 21 per cent of ie national income in 1936. The power and influence of that small percentage of our population is indicated by the amount of income which they control-one- fiftieth of the families, one-fifth of the income. High income and inheritance taxes and trust- busting have broken down some of the phe- nominal fortunes that were created during the period of great industrial expansion. Symbolic perhaps is the fact that the palatial Grosse Pointe Shores estate of Edsel B. Ford is now for sale at the price of $500,000. How many people with middle class incomes could afford to import building material and workmen from England to construct such an estate? Most people have no ambitions for such a. grandiose life. But the average man wants and has a right to expect the necessities and some of the luxuries of decent living. The productive capacity of the nation, indicated by our war production, is equal to the task. According to a U.S. Department of Commerce report only -14 per cent of the homes, in 64 cities have indoor toilets. -Kathie Shariman Coeds Receive Thanks. Editor's Note: The following letter was written to Lucy Chase Wright., chairman of the University Child Care project, 14ohank University coeds for their work at Willow unit. My Dear Miss Wright: On behalf of the Federal Public Housing Authority, I should like to express to you our deep and sincere appreciation for the splendid services rendered by the University of Michi- gan Women's War Board in assisting with a number of activities in the Willow Run housing projects. The individuals who have worked with the volunteers have told us that the volunteers performed outstand- ing and worthwhile services without exception, and we would like you to know that we are grateful for the efforts of your committee, in making it possible for our small staff to be supplemented through the efforts of your committee. Sincerely yours, -Dorothy Cline Director, Project Services Willow Run Confused kResoning Editor's Note: We feel that the fol- lowing letter from Clare Hoffman in reply to a letter frm Agatha. Miller concerning the soldier-vote contro- versy speaks for itself, Dear Miss Miller: Replying to yours of the 18th. Many people do not vote. If the soldiers did not vote in '42 it was because they did not care to do so. If they can receive mail, or a federal ballot, there is no reason why a state ballot cannot be given them and just why should a soldiers right to vote be limited to voting for three candi- dates on the federal ballot when he should be given opportunity to vote f v "Stop snickering, Willis-you know Mary is just at the awkward age where she can't seem to swoon without hitting her head on the radio!" for every candidate on state, county and federal ballot? Why should the advocates of a federal ballot insist upon depriving the soldier of the right, to vote for state officials?' Give me your reason. Sincerely yours, -Clare E. Hoffman WERRYs GOm ROUND By DREW WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., March 8.-On Feb. 19, the Public Relations Office at Camp Mackall, N.C. an- nounced that eight paratroopers had drowned, "incident to a training and flight jump." No further details were released. Reason for this sketchy story is the tragic fact that these men- and many others like them-were dragged to a horrible death by drowning because they couldn't get free from their parachutes. Be- hind this is a story of protecting parachute interests which may be- come a national scandal, The parachute in use by the U.S. Air Forces has three "release points." This means that when a man drops to the ground, or the surface of the water, he has to release the para- chute harness at three points. And since all releases require two-handed action, if one hand happens to be injured, or if the flier fumbles a release, he cannot get free at all. It also explains why every Amer- ican aviator who goes to England immediately throws away his para- chute and begs, borrows or steals a parachute of the British type, which has a single-point release that can be operated with o I hand. By 1935, this type was in use by every air force in the world, except the U.S. Air Force. The Turks had it, the Germans had it, and the Japs had a modification of it. The explanation gets down to an insidious matter of patents and profits. Somebody has been able to persuade U.S. procurement of'i- cials, in some mysterious way, to insist on the more cumbersome American parachute harness, rath- er than the safer British type. The British patent originally developed in Buiffalo is available to the U.S. Army at any time, but someone has insisted on continued use of the American patent.T high rank- ing Army .and many other officials are burnt up over the matter and are now investigating what looks like a procurement scandal of the first degree. (Copyright.' 1944,UniteFe vtures Syn ;y Crockett Johnson Hey, Pop! Mr. Bender knows Mr. O'Malley my Fwiry Godfather SPop'Wake up! - --- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 88 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 pam of the lay preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices shouid he submitted ny 1116 anm. Notices To the Members of the University Council': There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, March 13, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham amphitheatre. The agenda will include the following reports: Com- mit~tee on Orientation Period; Tem- porary Committee on Orientation of Transfer Students; Board in Control of Student Publications; Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics. Members of the University Senate are invited. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary To Members of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and Found Department of the Business Office, Rm. 1, University Hall. In- quiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above-men- tioned office. Articles found on the campus and in University buildings should be turned over immediately. Those articles not called for within 60 days will be surrendered to the finder. Shirley W. Smith To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College mustelect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continuo for the duration of the wa. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by st - dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (10 Mason Hall); by all other tudents to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except ndetr very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of thep Spring Term.ft Eligibility Rules for the Spring Tern : First term freshmen will be allowed to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities but will have their grades checked by their academic counsellors or mentors tit the end of the five-week "period and at id- semlester. Continuted[ pati ciat inn after these checks will depend upon permission of the academic cornsel- lors or mentors. All other students who are not on probation or the warned list are eligible. Anyone on PROBATON or the WARNED LIST is definitely ineligi- ble to take part in any public activity and"" student who participates nder these circumstances will be subject to discipline by the authorities of the school or college in which he or she is enrolled. Participation in a public activity (.:.r. {of . should submit a list of those par- ticipating each term on forms ob- tainable in Room 2, University Hall. These records are referred to con- stantly by University authorities, governmental agencies and industrial concerns throughout the country and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the Univer- sity arid the student. Health Lectures for Men: The re- quired series of Health Lectures for Freshman men will be given in Rm. 35, Angell Hall, at 5:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m., March 7, 8, 9, 13, 14. Successful completion of this series of lectures is required of all men students except those who have en- tered the University with two years of advanced standing. Freshmen and other men students who for any reason have failed to complete this requirement for grad- uation are asked to do so during the coming series, Required flygiene Lectures for Women--1944: All first and second semester freshman women are re- quired to take the hygiene lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass students who were in the Universltyas freshmen and who did not fulfill the require- ments are required to take and satis- factorily complete this course,' Enroll for these lectures at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation requirement. Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon- day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack- ham Auditorium; Examination (fin- aD, Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues- day, March 14, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Examination (final). Tuesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Aulitorium. Margaret Bell, M.D. Michigan Dailies: Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchanan At the University Muse- ums desires to receive copies of The Michigan Daily for the purpose of sending them to former students in Army or Navy service. She will be grateful for contributions ofcopies from any who may care to furnish them. Scholarships-College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: Students who wish to apply for scholarships in the College of Literature, Science, and the Ars, should obtain applica- tion blanks in the office of Asst. Dean L. S. Woodburne, 1208 Angell Hall, and return to (his office no later than March 21. Dormitory representatives may turn in money and obtain war stamps today between 3:30 and 5:15 in the social director's office in the League. Bureau of' Appointments and Ocu- pational Information: Notice has been received in the Bureau concern- ing examinations to be given April 12 and 13, 1944, to applicants for ntsiionn in the Nwark N .J hnn BARNABY 1 know just about everybody in Congress. Personally. You meet people, you know, in the cotter pin business. I drop in now and then for a chat with Speaker Rayburn. Sound man, Rayburn Yes, indeed... U9 &) - .9 And Joe Martin-there's a sound man for you. Good old Joseph. He once told me, "Bender,"he said- You must know Congressman Mfr.O'Malley- C '9 Q ConssmnO'aleO & riCko hmwl.VR i I'm sorry ... What did you say? About Congressman O'Maley? Mr. Bender knows iAm Po HeaHsvs But h& never does anything. He's never even said anything= Yes. ,otind~ran, Dousn't fly off in) all directions. -1- ____- - Keeps his feet on the ground. - But- i 111