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May 11, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-11

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of 'Student Publications..
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant . . . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . . . Editorial Director
Stan Wallace . . . . . . . City Editor
Evelyn Phillips . . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson Assat Women's Editor
Marjorie Hallr .Associate Women's Editor
Maricirie Rosmarin . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
Pier, $4.25, by mal, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
THOSE WHO SUPPORT the Polish govern-
ment-irr-exile with at one-sided "The king
can do no wrong" attitude were slightly em-
barrassed this week by the Polish Military Com-
mission's suspension of more than half the
sentences imposed by a court-martial of the
Polish government in Britain on Jewish soldiers
charged with desertion.
SWhen the court-martial recently imlosed
one- to two-year sentences on 21 Jewish sol-
diers in the Polish Army who attempted to
jain the British forces because of violent anti-
Semitic threats on the part of the Polish offi-
cers, protests were raised in the British Par-
liament as well as by interested citizens in
many of the other United Nations.
But a certain group of supporters of the Polish
government-in-exile rushed to the defense of
the court-martial and complained that everyone
is trying to find fault with the Polish leadership
in London.
It isn't difficult to find inconsistencies be-
tween the actions of the London heads and the
ideals of the Allied nations, but when the Polish
Military Commission itself reverses a court-mar -
tial decision, it appears that the uncompromising
support of the overly-enthusiastic groups here is
unwarranted. Yes, the king can, and does,
commit many wrongs.
--Betty Koffman

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"50,000,000 Taxpayers Can't Be Wrong!"

And just because he's human
He doesn't want a pistol to his head,
He wants no workers under him
And no boss over his head.
THAT IS A SONG of the Spanish Civil War,
sung by the anti-fascists from many nations
who fought with the Loyalists in the Interna-
tional Brigade. Perhaps if you sing it over you
will begin to understand the seemingly incom-
prehensible: "But why do workers strike in war-
time when they're making so much money? Why
are they dissatisfied with jobs that are certainly
better than any they've ever had before?"
During the past few years we have all become
so accustomed to thinking of food, clothing and
shelter as the essentials men work for, that we
have forgotten that these are only their tangible
and easily definable goals. You certainly can't
get men to work without paying them enough so
they can have stew and overalls and lean-tos.
But just as certainly they won't work very hard
or -very fast if that is all you pay them.
The rest of the payment has to come on the
job, during the eight or ten-hour shift. It has
to appear in the decent treatment of the work-
ers, the recognition that they are human be-
ings, and as such don't need to be driven by,





shouts from the foremen or by impossibly
speeded-up assembly lines. It ought to show
itself in the commendation to workmen for
jobs well done, and in public acclaim for pro-
posals to increase production wi thout inereas
ing fatigue.
The thing we seem to overlook is that each of
us has a streak of Averyness in him. We aren't
ornery, but we do like to make some decisions for
ourselves. We like to be respected for doing our
work efficiently. Luckily, most of us also have
a desire to do things for the good of the group,
to cooperate with the rest of the fellows in the
tool shop. We don't like to make orders, and we
don't like to take them, especially when they
are unnecessary and when they are made in a
tone of scornful superiority.
THAT IS PART of the explanation of "labor
unrest in wartime." The rest of the story is
not so neatly described nor so hard to grasp.
It is labelled: Labor History, and it comes in all
sorts of packages: Memorial Day Massacre in
Chicago, 1937-nine dead, many wounded. Use
of Pinkerton and Burns' scabs, finks, goons to
break strikes, create disturbances on picket
lines. Expenditure of $80,000,000 annually for
just such "labor service," for the use of men and
bullets to defeat union organization. Fighting
over contracts, over the check-off, speed-up.
maintenance of membership, labor-management
committees, hiring of women, hiring of Negroes.
decent working conditions.
Louis Adamic called it the story of "Dyna-
mite." You can see parts of it in "Native
Land," the movie being brought to the Rack-
ham Building by IRA and MYDA Friday night.
This is the documentary filming of the facts
uncovered in 1937 by the LaFollette Civil Lib-
erties Committee investigation.
Whether you see the movie or not, you might
start thinking about it. Perhaps it was a mis-
take for Tom Jefferson to say that all men are
created equal with certain inalienable rights,
that we all have a chance at the pursuit of hap-
piness. But once he said it, it got in our blood.
And that's why a man's blood boils when his boss
tells him to speed up when he's already going
as fast as he can. Or when he's told not to
stay in the washroom more than half a minute
a shift. These are the little things, but to
workers they are indications that somebody's
trying to push them around. And they don't
like it. -Ann Fagan
Na lional ev
Congress is reported to be still "cool" toward
national service legislation, despite renewed af-
firmations by Secretary Stimson and Admiral
Land, that it is necessary for keeping war pro-
duction going in view of the drafts still to be
made on manpower for military service.
Most Congressmen seem to think a universal
service law would be politically unpopular, and
we think that, in thinking so, most Congressmen
are playing the chump. . -The Detroit News

Foreign Policy
R DEWEY'S views on foreign pol-
icy have been a long time com-
ing. Unkind critics are bound to ask:
Where were you when the battle was
thickest, when the lines were being
drawn? And consulting the actual
record it is not a little amusing to
listen to Mr. Dewey's perhaps auto-
biographical account of the great Am-
erican awakening: "First came the
Republican Mackinac Charter, then
the Moscow Charter, then the Ful-
tright and Connally resolutions"
But Mr. Dewey is a bold historian.
With a disinterested warning note for
our own times-1944 in case we've
forgotten-he suggests that the last
pst-war settlement failed because
"those who drafted the treaty were
tired war leaders. They could not
find within themselves the physical
and mental strength to make the
peace a living reality."
But these, perhaps, are minor
points. Of greater significance is
the fact that through his brief po-
litical career Mr. Dewey has shown
himself to he a cautious and fairly
accurate opinion - sampler rather
than a decisive leader. Al if he
says to the publishers, in his clear,
ringing voice, that American objec-
tives "are to organize in coopera-
tion with other nations a structure
of peace backed by adequate force
to prevent future wars" then it
probably means that the American
people are fairly solidly behind the
policy that Mr. Hull and Mr. Roose-
velt have been proclaiming for
many years.
It means that not many of them
like the tune Col. McCormick plays
and that the isolationists who are
backing Dewey will have to pipe down
for the time being.
--The Nation
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 132
All noties for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To All Members of the University
Senate: The second regular meeting
of the University Senate will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
Monday, May 15, at 4:15 p.m.
The Complete Announcement for
the Summer Session is available at
the Office of the Summer Session,
1213 Angell Hall or the Recorder's
Office, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Scholarships in Meteorology: The
U.S. Weather Bureau is offering tui-
tion scholarships covering the nine-
months advanced course at the Insti-
tute of Meteorology, University of
Chicago, beginning June 19, 1944.
Applicants must be American citi-
zens, 20-30 years of age, who have
had at least two years of college work,
including differential and integral
calculus and one year of college phys-
ics. Those interested may consult
Prof. Ralph L. Belknap (3054 NS or
108 MH), or write directly to Profes-
sor Carl G. Rossby, Director of the
Institute of Meteorology, University
of Chaicago, Chicago, Ill.
Abbott and Fassett Scholarships:
Candidates for these scholarships
should apply at once through the
office of the Dean or Director of the
school or college in which they are
registered, since assignments will be
made on or about June 1.

In each case applicants must have
been in residence at least one term.
The Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott
Scholarships are awarded to women
students in any degree-conferring
unit of the University who fulfill the
conditions prescribed by the donor.
The Eugene G. Fassett Scholarships
are awarded to worthy persons of
either sex in the undergraduate
schools and colleges.
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
is accepting applications for Tech-
nical Aid, Ordnance Development
(Trainee), $1,970 a year. Positions
are located at the National Bureau of
Standards, Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C. Stop in 201 Mason
Hall for further details.
The New York State Department
of Civil Service announces that there
are state positions open for the Al-
bany Area only-junior typist, junior
stenographer and stenographer. Ap-
plications for these positions will be
received up to May 26, 1944. For
further details stop in our office.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Song leaders from all dormitories,
league house zones and sororities
wishing to participate in Lantern
Night are asked to attend a meeting

at 5 Thursday in the Correctives
Room in Barbour Gymnasium. Draw-
ing for places in the Lantern Night
Sing will take place and additional
information and instructions will be
given. Please bring the name of the
song your house will sing; if the song
leader herself cannot come, please
send a substitute, since this is an
extremely important meeting.
Academic Notices
Graduate Record Examination: The
results of the Graduate Record Ex-
amination are now available. Both
seniors and graduate students may
obtain their results from Mrs. Sulli-
van in the Graduate School Office.
The ten-weeks' grades for Marine
and Navy trainees (other than Engi-
neers and Supply Corps) will be due
May 13. Only D and E grades need
be reported-.
The Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive
these reports and transmit them to
the proper officers. ,
If more blue cards are needed,
please call* at 108 Mason H-all or
telephone Extension 613 and they
will be sent by campus mail.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
xmination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (directed teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, May
13, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in
the auditorium of University High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
Doctoral Examination for Martha
Edith Springer, Botany; thesis: "A
Morphologic and Taxonomic Study
of the Genus Monoblepharella,"
today at 2 p.m., 1139 Natural Science.
Chairman, F. K. Sparrow, Jr.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Doctoral Examination for Chen
Ying Chou, Botany; thesis: 'Pacific
Species of Galaxaura," Friday, May
12, 1139 Natural Science, at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. R. Taylor.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficientl
reason might wish to be present.
The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi-
tion by artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association, in the galleries of
the Rackham Building through May
12. daily except Sunday, afternoons

Events Today
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursday from
4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students,
faculty, townspeople, and American
student friends of foreign students.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Graduate School
and will feature the Second Piano
Concerto and Double Concerto for
violin and cello of Brahms and the
Sixth Symphony of Beethoven. Grad-
uates and servicemen are welcome...
Christian Science Organization:
Mr. Thomas E. Hurley, C.S.B., of
Louisville, Ky., a member of the
Board of Lectureship of the Mother
Church, the First Church of Christ
Scientist, in Boston, Mass., in place
of Judge Fredrick C. Hill as before
announced will speak on Christian
Science, "The Availability and Sus-
tenance of Divine Power," in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre this evening at
8 o'clock.
Mortar Board: The're will be an
important meeting for all new and
old members at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Garden Room of the League.
-org gEvents,
"Little Women," by Louisa M.
Alcott, will be presented Friday- at
3:45 p.m. and Saturday at 1:30 and
3:30 p.m. by the Children's Theatre
of the department of speech, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
are on sale daily at the theatre box
office, which is open from 10-1 and
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, May 12, at 4 p.m. in
Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Fat
Metabolism-the Fatty Acids" will be
discussed. All interested are invited.
Dancing Lessons: The USO Dan-
cing Class will be held this Friday
evening at 7. Dancing Class from 7
to 8 o'clock.
FridayNight Dance: The USO Fri-
day Night Dance will be held as usual
Friday night from 8 o'clock to mid-
night. Dancing in the ballroom.
Refreshments will be served.
Saturday Night Dance: Dance at
the USO Club this Saturday night!
Dancing from 8 to mt~idnight. Re-
freshments will be served. All service-
men and USO Junior Hostesses are
Sunday Morning Breakfast: All
servicemen are invited to come to the
USO Club for breakfast Sunday
morning from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Break-
fast will be served by the MOMS
Club. Men are requestedto sign up
for breakfast at the USO Club. Men
interested in attending church with
a member of the MOMS Club in
honor of Mother's Day will also sign
up at the USO Club.
Mother's Day Program: Mother's
Day Program will be held in the PS0
Ballroom starting at 2:30 p.m. Pro-



NEW YORK, May 10.-- We still
seem to be excessively jumpy about
Russia, and now and then I get the
feeling that the front pages of some
of my favorite newspapers are posi-
tively twitching.. They keep report-
ing, with a kind of nervous tic, what
Izvestia said and what Pravda said
and what War and the Working Class
said; and while there can be no pos-
sible objection to that, it sometimes
looks odd, when there are maybe two,
three stories a day, all laid out osten-
tatiously, with a kind of doom-is-
coming or look-at-this-now air.
Thus a number of papers showed
coffee nerves, or something, when
General de Gaulle referred to "dear
Russia"; the story was printed kind'
of anxiously and elaborately, with a
sort of ominous undertone, as if may-
be this was a big incident, etc.
But in judging the warmth of
that phrase, we have to remember,
first, that de Gaulle is French, and,
second, that Russia is the only
major power which has given his
committee full recognition. What
do we want de Gaulle to do, on the
basis of that situation, poke Stalin
in the nose?
Anyway, some of my French friends
tell me that the General's phrase,
"la chere et puissante Russie," doesn't
exactly mean "dear" in a dearie, or
moonlight and roses sense, but that
it means valued or highly-esteemed,
like when we ourselves write "Dear
Sirs" to the General Motors Corpor-
ation, which we often do without ro-
mantic intentions.
MY POINT for today is not the
rights and wrongs of these speci-
fic situations, but the general air of
jumpiness which we continue to show
in the presence of dear and powerful
Russia. Now, it is notorious that
those who are addicted to worry,
worry all the time. Some of us do
just that in connection with dear
and powerful Russia, like when sheI

signs a treaty of friendship with
Czecho-Slovakia. we wonder if it
isn't too friendly, and when she
offers peace terms to Finland, we
wonder if they aren't too harsh.
The two incidents couldn't be more
different, and it is our own agitation
which constitutes the only unifying
link between them, so that we view
Russian friendship toward Czecho
and Russian firmness. toward Fin-
land with equal fear.
he)re is a deep-seated fret
among us that dear and powerful
Russia has bitter intentions toward
the other nations of Europe. The
perfectly astounding fact is that
her declared policies, at least, are
more amiable than our own. To
prove that this is not craz9 talk,
it is only necessary to imagine the
scandal that would have been cre-
ated if Russia had taken over our
own slogan of "Unconditional Sur-
render," and had applied it to Fin-
We are convinced, and I think,
correctly, that our own slogan of
"Unconditional Surrender" masks an
intent that is, at bottom, moderate,
but that hardly gives us license to
read an immoderate intent into Rus-
sian slogans that are, on their face,
Our nervousness is an unattractive
quality, and we would cut a better
figure in the world if we tried to be
more relaxed, at ease, and full of
charm. We could woo the under-
ground movements of Europe our-
selves, so that their leaders could
make speeches about dear and pow-
erful America. But the same news-
papers which don't like the under-
ground much are also the most
jumpy about Russia. Small wonder
that they are developing a tic and an
arm jerk. To come to believe that
the whole world is out of its mind,
except one's self, is enough to make
anybody nervous.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate\


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WASHINGTON, May 10-A friend of Wendell
Willkie's who is close to the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration told him the other day that a group of
high-up officials had been discussing him as
the best man for Secretary of the Navy. While
they could not speak for the President, it was
the consensus of this group, Willkie was told,
that he would be the ideal choice for this im-
portant war job.
Willkie gave his friend the following reply:
"Naturally I should be honored to serve my
country in such an important capacity. But it
would be a mistake for the President to make
me Secretary of the Navy for this reason. We
are on the verge of a tremendous invasion. The
plans for that invasion were made long ago. I
could add nothing to them. Furthermore, at a
time like this, my appointment would be con-
sidered political, and politics should play no
part in wartime, especially on the eve of a
great invasion. At these times, our country
comes first."
Morgent/wu his pectiwi . ..
Hard-working Henry Morgenthau recently
caused a furore in the Treasury Department
which might well be emhulated by other Cabinet

tightening up of the woman-power situation and
also expects to make surprise inspection 'trips
more frequently.6
Secretary of the T rea sary Aldrich?
One of the most active behind-the-scenes
operators for Tom Dewey continues to be charm-
ing, impressive Winthrop Aldrich, head of the
Chase National Bank and member of the Rocke-
fellor family.
Aldrich has been calling in all sorts of peo-
ple from all over the country to tell there
about Dewey. .He has concentrated especially
on certain key newspaper publishers, and on
leaders of the radio industry and of the mo-
tion-picture industry.
His general sales talk is to tell them how
close he is to Dewey and to reassure them that
they needn't have any misgivings about him.
"You don't need to worry about this boy,"
Aldrich told one caller. "He's in good hands.
He seeks my advice on financial matters, and
you can rely on the fact that he will not go
Note-Word from the Dewey camp is that
Aldrich will be Dewey's SccrIV' ry of the Treas-
ury, if he is elected.
(Copyright, 1944. United eal itres Syndicate)

The Secretary of the Treasury decided
make a surprise inspection of his own shop.
at about 3 p.m. one warm day last week,
walked into one of the Treasury divisions.



By Crockett Johnson

Burnaby, meet an old acquaintance of your Fairy
Godfather's. Gridley is a Salamander by trade-

A Salamander, m'boy, is the genie f{
of Fire... The poetic personifiation
of the spirit of a chemical prsocess I

CSt-iCFCIF ..2

" EujytM tutwi - -eta

It was enjoying not exactly a sit-down

r I ipe's gon


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