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May 11, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-11

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Scattered Showers



Avery Seeks Court

Ruling on



Allies Blast'
Europe in
Heavy Raid
Austria, France,
Belgium Bombedj
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 11-RAF bomb-
ers again pounded targets in en-t
emy-occupied territory during the
night, the British announced to-
day, carrying the Allied aerial
offensive into its 27th straight day.
LONDON, May 10.-Well over 3,500
Allied bombers from both Britain and
Italy dropped more than 4,500 tons of
explosives on Hitler's Europe today.
with American heavyweights from
Italy highlighting this 26th straight
day of aerial assault with attacks on
Wiener Neustadt in Austria and Knin
in Yugoslavia.
American and British medium,
light and fighter-bombers from Bri-
tain spent the day in methodical
blows at rail cents and an airfield in
France and Belgium.
Follows Night Raid
The continuing onslaught quickly
followed overnight and pre-dawn at-
tacks by 750 RAF planes on ten high-
priority targets that included the
channel coast and the Paris and Ber-
lin areas. German installations along
the French coast received probably
their heaviest attack of the war.
The American Liberators and For-
tresses based in Britain stayed at
home today, the first time in 17 days
that a full day has passed without at
least one mission for the big "dump'
Yugoslavia Points Hit
The Italy-based Liberators and
Fortresses hit the Messerschmitt fac-
tory and nearby airfield at Wiener
Neustadt, 27 miles south of Vienna,
for the sixth time, returning to pound
the buildings that survived the pre-
vious raids.They encountered heavy
anti-aircraft fire and numerous en-
emy fighters, several of which were
shot down, but no figures were avail-
able for losses of either side.
At the same time a Liberator for-
mation dealt a new blow to Kninin,
Yugoslav rail junction 40 miles north
of Split and 30 miles northeast of
Sibenik in an apparent "assist" to the
hard-fighting Yugoslav Partisans.
Nazis Retreat at
Aventino River
Allies Capture Three
Villages in Advance
PLES, May 10.-(IP)-The Germans
have retreated across the little Aven-
tino River in a second day of with-
drawal on the British Eighth Army
front and Allied forces moving up be-
hind them have occupied three vil-
lages and are continuing to press the
pursuit, Allied Headquarters an-I
nounced today.
The German retreat has ranged
from seven to 111/2 miles from their
line as last announced several weeks
ago, although some Allied forces have
been beyond it more recently.
In their advance behind the with-
drawing foe the Eighth Army occupied
Palena, Fallascoso and San Angelo
and at last report was moving direct-
ly toward the important German
base of Sulmona, which is 11 miles
beyond Palena and about 33 miles
from the Adriatic coast. Allied troops
also seized high ground near the
hamlet of Gamberale, two miles
northwest of San Angelo on the road

to Palena.
Competent military quarters de-
clared the Nazi withdrawal appeared
to be without significance beyond the
enemy's natural desire to straighten
his line and eliminate -a salient in
the rugged mountains where lack of
communications made large-scale op-
erations impossible.
China To Be Discussed
At Lawyers Guild Meeting
A talk on the legal system of China
in both occupied and unoccupied
areas will be given Wednesday in
the Book-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit
by Dr. Wie Wen Han of the Chinese
Embassy, opening a series of four
luncheon meetings - of the Detroit

Nazi Transports, Ships, Sunk
By Russian Black Sea Planes
Germans, Romanians Flee Sevastopol;
Reds Claim No Land Front Changes

LONDON, May 11, Thursday-(.LP)
-In one of the final chapters of the
fall of Sevastopol planes of the Black
Sea fleet sank two 4,000-ton German
transports, a patrol launch and sev-
eral high-speed landing craft and
damaged several other vessels aboard

. . . guard Prut bridge.
which the Germans and Romanians
were trying to flee, the Russians
announced last night.
.On the land fronts there were no
important changes, said the Soviet'
midnight communique, broadcast
from Moscow.
The Germans contended there still
was stiff fighting on the Sevastopol
beaches on the extreme western tip
of the Crimean peninsula. That area
Forrestal Gets
To Knox Post
WASHINGTON, May 10. - (/P)
Under Secretary of Navy James V.
Forrestal, a Democrat and big navy
advocate, was nominated today by
President Roosevelt for the Navy's
No. 1 job as Secretary to succeed the
late Frank Knox.
Forrestal, one-time New York in-
vestment banker and neighbor of the
President in Dutchess County, N.Y.,
has been Undersecretary for four
years and since Knox's death on April
28 has been acting Secretary.
His appointment, urged by many
Democratic and Republican Con-
gressmen, climaxes the Washington
career he started in 1940 when he
gave up the presidency of a Wall
Street investment firm to serve as a
presidential assistant.
As the Navy's No. 2 man, he was
Knox's right-hand man in building
the world's biggest navy, going fre-
quently to Capitol Hill to testify be-
fore committees considering Navy
On many occasions, he has urged
the maintenance of this giant fleet
in peacetime, declaring that peace
which is not backed by power "is
only a dream."
At 52, 18 years' Knox's junior, he
will be one of the youngest men in
the President's Cabinet.
Congressmen on both sides ap-
plauded the Forrestal appointment
and Chairman Walsh (Dem., Mass.)
of the Senate Naval Committee pre-
dicted speedy confirmation.

is small and flat, in contrast with the
hills around Sevastopol itself, so that
if the German and Romanian rem-
nants have indeed made a stand
there it was likely to be of short
The Russians already had begun.
the gigantic task of repairing the
port of Sevastopol even while the
smoke of the furious final assault
curled over the ruins. Experienced
British naval and military men pre-
dicted the Russians would have the
port in working condition, "in some
degree" within a very short time, and
that its possession would give the
Soviet airmen dominance over the
whole Black Sea area immediately
and soon would make possible in-
creased trade with Turkey and op-
portunities to supply the Crimea and
western Ukraine with lend-lease sup-
plies by water instead of the previous
long rail routes.
Jap Atrocities
At Singapore
Made Public
TERS, New Guinea, May 11, Thurs-
day-(AP)-Japanese atrocities, in-
cluding nailing Chinese to palm trees
oy driving iron spikes through their
foreheads, were made public today
simultaneously with the release of a
headquarters report that American
invaders of Hollandia and Aitape
freed 707 enemy prisoners.
General Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique said that 462 of the 707
were Sikhs who are natives of India.
At the same time, the Australian
department of information an-
nounced that the liberated Sikhs
strongly indicted Japanese treatment
of them.
Some of the Sikhs were quoted by
the department as saying:
"On an 18 days march from Singa-
pore to Kuala Lumpur (in Malaya)
we were herded along a road like
cattle. At one place we saw a number
of Chinese who had been nailed to
palm trees with ironspikes driven
through their foreheads.
"Fifteen Sikhs who had become ill
were put to death at Rabaul (New
"On a ship which took us to the
Admiralty Islands, we were herded
below decks like cattle-2,000 of us."
"The men were frequently beaten
with sticks and rifle butts.
"At Manus (in the Admiralty Is-
lands since captured by MacArthur),
we had to dig slit trenches for the
Japanese but were left entirely un-
protected ourselves."
The'Sikhs I saw appeared to be in
fair physical condition, better than
the condition of the American, Aus-
tralian, German and Dutch mission-
aries who were liberated later.
Former 'U' Student
Missing in Action
Second Lt. Harold F. Stewart, for-
mer University student, has been re-
ported missing in action while serv-
ing as a Flying Fortress navigator,
according to a War Department no-
tification yesterday.
Lt. Stewart was president of the
class of '39 and received a Bachelor
of Arts degree in journalism upon
graduation. He was a member of
Kappa Tau Alpha and Delta Omega
Gamma fraternities.

Heads Split
Over Labor
Congress Drawn
Into Policy Fight
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 10.-Management
of the great automotive war industry
split over labor policy today and
Congress was drawn into the dispute.
Hard upon the Ford Motor Com-
pany's signing of a contract with its
foremen, the Automotive Council for
War Production demanded that Con-
gress make clear "it does not intend
to permit labor leaders to take over
the management of our war produc-
tion plants."
The demand of the council, which
claims to represent 20 per cent of the
national war production, came as
more than 3,300 foremen in a number
of plants remained on strike and
Ford, Ltd. Strike Ends
WINDSOR, Ont., May 10.-P)-
Striking employes of the Ford Motor
Co. of Canada, Ltd., voted at a mass
meeting here tonight to return to
work tomorrow morning, terminating
their second strike since April 20. The
vote to end the current strike, which
began May 2, was taken after the
reading of a national wartime labor
relations board statement refusing to
deal with points at issue "as long as
the strike continues contrary to the
wartime labor relations regulations."
Ford's 9,000 foremen spent their first
day under a contractual arrangement
with the company.
Alvan Macauley, president of the
council, said in a statement sent to
President Roosevelt, Congress and
other government offices that the
drive to unionize foremen was "a long
step" toward placing industrial man-
agement "in the hands of union
Ford has signed a one-year bar-
gaining contract with the Foreman's
Association of America, an indepen-
dent union which long has been seek-
ing recognition in the automotive
~Little HWoment'
To Be Given
Here Tomorrowt
Ann Arbor children, University stu-
dents and "grown-ups" will have an
opportunity to see one of America's
favorite stories in dramatic form
when the Children's Theatre of the
speech department presents "Little
Women" at 3:45 p.m. tomorrow and
1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Leading roles of Louisa May Al-
cott's famous book will be taken by
members of the University's Play
Production. Cast in the part of Jo
will be Florence Underwood. Claire
Meisels will portray Beth, Marilyn
Mayer will be Meg, and Bobette
Ringland, who will be remembered as
Becky in "Tom Sawyer," will be Amy.
Jean Loree will portray Marmee,
John Merewether will be Laurie, and
Betty Godwin will be the crotchety
old Aunt March.
Others in the cast include Marion
Zander as Hannah, Marilyn McKee-
ver as Sallie, Thelma Davis as Annie,
Vivian Adelson as Mary, and Charles
Benjamin as Mr. March.
Tickets for the production will be
on sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Friday

at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office.
Tickets will also be available from
10 a.m. to curtain time Saturday.

PREPARED MEN of a U.S. quartermaster battalion wait on a pier
somewhere in Britain ready to move to their base, as the accumulation
and organization of men and material approaches its climax there.
$1,500 GOAL:
Tags To Be Sold on Campus
Tomorrow To Aid Camp Fund

"Send a boy to the Fresh Air
Camp" will be the slogan on campus
and in the downtown business district
when 400 coeds sell tags from 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. tomorrow for the 24th
annual Tag Day campaign.
Tag Day, which has become a
Michigan institution, will have as its
goal the raising of $1,500 to send
several hundred boys from "metro-
politan areas to the University Fresh
Air Camp for a month's vacation.
Located on Patterson Lake near
Pinckney, the camp has become not-
ed as a workshop in adjustment prob-
lems. Educators, social workers, vis-
iting teachers and research workers
have an opportunity to work with
and help the boys who have been
sent to the camp by some 25 social
and case-working agencies.
The boys, between the ages of eight
and 13, are chosen by the agencies on
the basis of need for assistance; there
is no religious or racial distinction

are to sell tags are to pick up their
buckets and tags at 7:45 a.m. tomor-
row in Rm. 4, University Hall. The
six posts downtown should be covered
by 8:45 a.m., Miss Hall added.
All 28 campus and downtown posts
will be covered until 4 p.m. by Uni-
versity coeds. "It is important that
each person be responsible for-seeing
that her post is covered before she
leaves, and for bringing back her
bucket and tags to headquarters at
Rm. 4, University Hall, Union men
will be in charge of the headquarters,
and will make periodic checkups on
the posts," the chairmen pointed out.
Renegades Cry
'Spring Swing.

Brews Again
Subsidiary Strike
Referred to FDR
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, May 10.-Board Chair-
man Sewell Avery came back to his
Montgomery Ward and Company
headquarters today and declared the
basic issues in the controversy that
led to government seizure of the
Firm's Chicago properties "still must
be determined in the courts."
Twenty hours after federal author-
ities had delinquished control of the
plants and 13 days after he was
carried out by soldiers, Avery return-
ed to his office and issued a state-
"Ward's Denied Rights"
He asserted the War Labor Board
has "thus far been successful in de-
priving Ward's" of a judicial deter-
mination of the- legality of Board's
orders affecting the concern, and be-
cause of the government's action in
turning back the facilities to the
management, "Ward's has once again
been denied the right to a decision
by the courts." Avery added:
"When Ward's refused to surrender
its plant and business on April 26,
1944; because it believed the demand
to be illegal, the Attorney. General of
the United States did not submit the
matter to the courts. Ward's was de-
prived of its property by force and
"When public opinion forced the
Attorney General to turn to the courts
he sought and obtained an extraor-
dinary order in the night without
notice to Ward's and in a hearing
from which the public was barred"
Avery said the Attorney General
delayed a decision onthe firm's mo-
tion to dissolve a temporary court
order, restraining company execu-
tives from interfering with federal
operation, until the plants were re-
No Government Comments Yet
There was no immediate comment
on Avery's new statement from gov-
ernment officials.
These other developments occurred
during the day:
A new struggle between Montgom-
ery Ward and a CIO union, revolv-
ing about the issue of maintenance of
union membership, took shape.
The WLB in Washington voted to
submit to President Roosevelt a labor
dispute at the Hummer Manufactur-
ing Company, a Ward subsidiary in
Springfield, Ill. Approximately 450
workers have been idle there for five
days. The International Association
of Machinists (AFL) claimed the
Management had rejected as- illegal
a WLB order for a contract provid-
ing a wage increase and maintenance
r of union membership. Ward execu-
tives had made no statement. At-
torney General Francis Biddle has
said the plant produces carburetors,
propellors and gun mounts.
Federal Judge William H. Holly
dropped litigation rooted in the gov-
ernment's seizure of Ward's Chicago
units. He did not rule on the legality
of the federal move in taking pos-
session after the company had de-
clined to comply with a WLB direc-
tive to extend an expired contract
s with a CIO union.
s Laing Talks on Free
e Trade after War -
Y Prof. Lionel Laing of the political
- science department said that "free
- trade went out in the Victorian era"

Sand thus underlined the controversy
over Far Eastern exchange problems
in the post-war world, at a panel dis-
cussion sponsored by the Post-War
Council yesterday.
Professor Laing stated the belief
that the problem of Asiatic trade
could not be considered except with
the basis of an overall international
organization to coordinate economic
planning after the Far Eastern phase
of the war is concluded.
Prof. Douglass Creery of the geog-
raphy department stressed the fact
that the dominant note in dealing
with the problem should be adherence
to the principles of free trade.
Fox Killed, Companion
Injured in Accident

Marge Hall and Jim
men of the drive, rep
students have been co
for contributions. All
Rutivei I
President Alexander
has been appointed a
ten-man committee to
ning a new program of
adults by Governor K
nounced yesterday.
Getting under way
mental basis, the gover
ed Dr. James D. Bruce
who is president of the
Lion Institute, to the
ten and invited the St
cil, the Michigan Fed
bor, the railroad br
shop crafts, the M
Grange and the Michi
Bureau each to name
In commenting onk
bership, Governor Kell
war has made necessa
our educational meth
as we changed our in

A roving band of pajama-clad ren-
a Plate, chair- egades disturbed the austere silence
orted that 18 of the General Library last night with
ntacting stores crys of "Spring Swing" and littered
students who the floors with a poor substitute for
Kleenex carrying the same message.
SAi The idea was to let people know
. 0 that the dance will be held from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday in Water-
man Gym and will feature the music
of Sonny Dunham and his orchestra.
Tickets will be on sale at the center
r G. Ruthven of the diagonal all day today.
member of a Dunham has appeared here pre-
assist in plan- viously at Soph Prom in 1941 and
f education for has been playing engagements in
elly, it was an- night spots in New York and Chicago
Following his appearance here, he
on an experi- plans to go to Hollywood.
rnor also nam- The committee in charge of organ-
of Ann Arbor, izing the dance has initiated a "Bean
e Adult Educa- Guessing" contest. Purchasers of
committee of tickets to the dance have been in-
ate CIO Coun- vited to guess the number of beans
eration of La- in a jug located where the ticket
otherhood and are purchased. Students who guess
.ichigan State most accurately the number of beans
gan State Farm in the jug will be presented with a
one additional gift certificate donated by State
Street merchants.
the new mem- The dance is being sponsored by
ly said that the the University as part of a new pro.
,ry revisions of gram of activities to add to the en-
ods, the same joyment and entertainment of stu-
dustrial meth- dents and servicemen stationed on


Dorr Objects to Third-Term Amendment Proposal

"In my opinion, the proposal on
a third-term amendment by Mr.
Harry Scherman, reprinted in The
Daily yesterday, is fundamentally
weak, if not actually stupid," Prof.
Harold M. Dorr of the political
science department stated in an
interview yesterday.
"Mr. Scherman's supporting ar-

into the House, if a 60 per cent
majority is not obtained by the
presidential candidate, is reaction-
ary in that it tends to make presi-
dential elections less direct, and
therefore less democratic."
"In his proposal Mr. Scherman
mentions a 10 per cent handicap
for candidates. One might ask why

cap were proposed it could be stat-
ed that a man who served as a
Representative to Congress before
running as a candidate for Presi-
dent be given a 2 per cent handi-
cap; or if he was a Senator, a 3
per cent handicap; or if a governor
a 5 per cent handicap.
In addition we could add to the

future cast by the winning candi-
date. If we admit that this argu-
ment is true, it is also reasonable to
anticipate that problems of nation-
al concern are becoming such, that
we 6hould attempt to insure unity
except by arge xuaJo.i ., ana pos-
sibly actually insist upon longer
terms of office in order to take
advantage of. accumulation of ex-

required not as popular majorities
but as governmental majorities.
There is a distinction between pop-
ular opinion and exercise of power
by governmental agencies.
"Secondly, a 2-3 vote is not re-
quired in reaching decisions in
ordinary powers of government.
Nevertheless, in all cases cited, ex-
amples of an extraordinary use of

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