THE MVICHiGAN DA~ILY SATURDlAY, U' T 1944 ,x.s us r..,....., ........ . ... . - Fi fty-fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control 9f Student Publications. Published every 'morning except Monday during the regular University year, and ev'ery morning except M01on- day fnd Tuesday during the summer session. Ed;torial Staffj 'k ,. } P 1: ,y . ' 14 . 1,x. 4 L 'S. i a -- / Mt r ; * F4? 4Jw >,r 44 r Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace. Evelyn Phillips Harvey Prank Bud Low'. Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Maiorle Hall. M1Vijdrie Rosmarin Elizabeth A. Carpen Margery Batt . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director City Editor . . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor ... Women'sEditor Associate Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Business Staff ter . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager , le v x: . y y r "'^' .. .. ,:[ °' is;, ,;',; Progi a iii: M~ozart: SyoI'llholIy No. 35 ini T) fllajor, "Hlaffner"'; Mahller: "h~as lied von der rde," a Symphony for Tenor, Contralto and Orchestra. W HEN such a complex and tre- mendous work as Gustav Mah- ler's "Das Lied von der Erde" is per- formed, depending as it does on in- dividual vocal performances as well as the duel problem of technical mas- tery and unity of direction on the part of the orchestra, it is difficult to derive any absolute degree of sat- isfaction. One difficulty in last night's con- cert by Kerstin Thorborg, Charles Kullman and the Philadelphia Or- chestra under Eugene Ormandy wvas 'a lack of coordination. Mine. thorborg was by far the most consistent. She sang with clarity, eveness and sincerity. Her rich con- tralto distilled all the characteristic sadness from the music and rose to great proportions in the magnificent "Der Abschied" (Farewell) in the closing section. Mr. Kullman's main shortcoming was a lack of volume, particularly ap- parent in the opening section, "Das Trinklied von Jammer der Erde." In the lighter and more robust "Von der Jugend" though, he sang with a brilliance and spirit. The Philadelphia Orchestra un- der Mr. Ormandy demonstrated its usual technical effectiveness, but above that seemed lost in the maze of Mahler orchestration. There was a tendency on the part of the orchestra, as well, to drown out the soloists. The first part of the program con- sisted of the Mozart "Haffner" Sym- phony No. 35 in D. Although credit- ably done, the orchestra and Mr. Ormandy's approach lacked the in- cisiveness that a performance of this symphony merits. This was most evident in the first movement. -Harry Levine DAILY OFFICIAL i #-U LLETIN Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions durin'g the regular school year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials &ublished in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Foremen's Strike HEWIDESPREAD strike of foremen in the Detroit area is regrettable, but it is almost worthwh ile if it brings to a 'head a situation that has been brewing for months. The strike cannot be called "academic" as the Detroit Free Press tried to do yesterday. The foremen feel, and rightly, that they are the "forgotten men of industry," that they are neither' part of management nor of organized labor. Therefore, the foremen have formed their own union, the Foremen's Association of America, to protect their interests. But management has consistently refused to cooperate. foremen have been relegated to a position of stoogeship. They have no redress of grievances, no nothing. Usually they are paid just a few cents more than the highest paid men working underneath him. He must give orders directly to the men, which some higher-up has dictated to him. The foremen want some way of talking back, some way of voicing their views, some way of being "remembered." Sure we're fighting a war. But we are fight- ing it to protect our rights, not abrogate them. A, unthinkable as striking is in wartime, it is even more unthinkable that the kings of industry should take advantage of the war to prolong unjust treatment of fellow Americans which happen to be working under them. -Ray Dixon 4 ERRY-G60ROUND By DREW PEARSO N '"S.< "'3 i : J : C /': d 4 h-.Ca-Chlio! -The Pehdukun WASHINGTON, May 5.-Admiral King's recent report on two years of U.S. naval warfare contains an inter- esting reference to the sinking of the airplane carrier Hornet. He tells how U.S. planes from the carrier Enter- prise, going to attack the Jap fleet. actually passed Jap dive bombers going the other way to attack the Hornet. But those who actually lived through that battle know that Ad- miral King leaves out a lot of the story. The part of the story which still has young naval officers siz- zling mad at the Annapolis Brass Hats is the manner in which they were not permitted to bomb the Saps until too late Here is the real story of what hap- pened. The' Hornet and Enterprise had been running together not far from the U.S. naval base on Espiritu Santo Island, south of Guadalcanal. On Oct. 25, 1942, the day before the Hornet was sunk, the Enterprise lost eleven planes. The loss of five was pure bad luck. A plane landing on the carrier's deck struck its wheels on a barrier and bounced into four planes on the bow. All five were de- stroyed. The other loss resulted from bad planning when six planes, out on a scouting mission, ran short of gas 'and fell into the water before they could land on the carrier. Slow Corrurtunication.. . About midnight that night, the seaplane tender Curtiss sent out four PBY5's, or Catalina flying boats, which sighted the enemy but were so slow that three of them were shot down. (The Catalinas fly so slowly that Navy pilots grimly jest that, when they sight the enemy, they can only report: "Have contacted Jap fleet. Please notify next of kin.") At 1 a.m., the Hornet and Enter- Officer in the National University of Mexico, will lecture on the subject "French Literary Influence in Mex- ico," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Department of Romance Languages. The public is cordially invited. William H. Hobbs, Professor Emer- itus of Geology, will speak on "Island Fortresses of the Pacific," in the Rackham Auditorium on Tuesday, May 9, at 7:30 p.m., under the auspi- ces of the A.S.C.E. and A.S.M.E. Academic Notices Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- imination: Students expecting to elect D100 (directed teaching) next term are required to pass a qualify- ing examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examina- tion will be held on Saturday, May 13, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential., The ten-weeks' grades for Marine and Navy trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps) will be due May 13. Only D and E grades need be reported. The Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. If more blue cards are needed, please call at 108 Mason Hall or- telephone Extension 613 and they will be sent by campus mail. English 45, Sec. 3, will not meet today. Co 1W ert s May Festival Concerts: The sev- eral May Festival programs will be as follows: THIS IS GOING to be an anti-Republican column-so let thin-skinned GOP faithful look elsewhere. I have said harsh things about the elephant-ine party before. One satirical swing of The Pendulum along these lines brought forth a letter of protest. It contained the very valid criticism that what one might say in dis- paragement of the undesirable elements in the Republican party, he could as easily say of the undesirable elements in the Democratic party. My correspondent speaks the truth. Each party is made up of men whose opinions range from one end of the social spectrum to the other. The Southern Democrat is closer to the Repub- lican conservative than he is to the leaders of the Administration. A liberal Republican like Senator Burton is as close to Vice-President Henry Wallace as he is distant from Senator Robert Taft. Labels mean nothing. Platforms mean nothing. Men speak for themselves and no man can speak for a party. Only the most rabid ward-heel politician will maintain the su- periority of his party's principles when he knows well enough that such a diversity of ideas over- lap each other as to make no one set of them the exclusive property of any group. President Roosevelt, seeing how regrettable this situation was, attempted in 1938 to purge his party of the least liberal legislators up for reelection in that year, men like Senators Gil- I'd athr y SAMUL OUFT lette and Tydings and Rep. O'Connor. He stumped for their opponents and the public responded by defeating mcst of the men Roose- velt wanted to win. A hue and cry could be heard over what some said was an attempt at dictatorship. Much of the public still does not understand that the President was only trying to cleanse his party, to throw the illiberals into the conservative Republican camp. If he had succeeded, then voters would know that a ballot, for any Repub- lican was a ballot for conservatism, one for any Democrat a ballot for liberalism. In England, a vote for Laborite Earnest Bevin means a vote for labor, a vote for Liberal Sir Archibald Sin- clair means a vote for liberalism, a vote for Con- servative Anthony Eden means a vote for con- servatism, et cetera. No such relationship be- tween party name and candidate obtains in this country. DESPITE all these facts, progressive forces in the U.S.A. will align themselves with Demo- crats all the way down the line in November. No matter who the Republican nominee is, even if Wendell Willkie wheedles himself into the candidacy, it will be our bounden duty to recruit support for the Democrats. This sounds like a l contradiction of what I have said in the foregoing paragraphs, but it isn't. For, although both parties are composed of men who represent every sentiment, Right, Left, Center and points be- tween . . . there still exists a basic difference between the two that we should not forget. This is it: at the top of the Republican party, whip in hand and eyes alert are the frozen-faced, back-biting, inertly Spanglerized Old Guards- men; at the top of the Democrat party are the men of vision who want to work for the Good Life in America that they foresee. In the Re- publican ranks it is the out-group that struggles vainly for control. Willkie's abrupt exit from the scene symbolizes this fact. But, as the astute Washington correspondent T. R. B. kept warn- ing his readers before Willkie's withdrawal, the nomination of the barefoot boy from Wall Street himself would not erase the big shots who run the Republican party. The out-group in the Democrat party, on the other hand, is the disgruntled reactionary branch. The Democratic in-group and the Re- publican out-group are at one with each other. This distinction must be kept firmly fixed in our minds, for once elected, it is the in-group that does the ruling. Roosevelt is hard put to hold off the ultra- conservative Democratic factionalists; Dewey will be hard put to hold off the ultra-liberal Re- publican factionalists. Energetic junior Sena- tors like Ball and Hatch are thorns in the side of official Republican do-nothingism. The re- verse applies to the Democrats where Wheeler, Crump and Rankin are sources of embarrassment to the higher-ups. It is not really a statistical matter. There could be more right-minded Re- publicans than Democrats. What matters is: who are the top dogs, or, the men who pull the strings and ultimately, the men who make the decisions? -Bernard Rosenberg- SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 128 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- "ion, except on Saturday when the no- tices' slio Id be submitted by 11I:10 a.Ii. Notices To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There 'will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature. Science and the Arts in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, May 8, 1944, at 4:10 p.m.-Special Order- Corre- spondence Study. To All Members of the University Senate: The second regular meeting of the University Senate will be held in the Rackham Amphitheatre on Monday, May 15, at 4:15 p.m. Abbott and Fassett Scholarships: Candidates for these scholarships should apply at once through the office of the Dean or Director of the school or college in which they are registered, since assignments will be made on or about June 1. In each case applicants must have been in residence at least one term. The Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott Scholarships are awarded to women students in any degree-conferring unit of the University who fulfill the conditions prescribed by the donor. The Eugene G. Fassett Scholarships are awarded to worthy persons of either sex in the undergraduate schools and colleges. Co-Ops hold Personnel Interviews: Final Personnel interviews for the summer and fall semesters will be held Monday, May 8, seven-thirty, at Palmer House, 912 Monroe. All applications must be in at that time. prise got word from the Curtiss that a new contact had been made. Immediately, every pilot aboard the carriers began getting his plane in shape for a take-off. Finally, at 6 a.m., sixteen scouts were launched from the Hornet. This was too many scouts, and everybody aboard knew it. At 6:10 a.m., ;just after the scouts had left, came a message from the Curtiss. The enemy had been con- tacted again. The tragic fact was that the Cur- tiss had made this contact at 3:30 a.m., but the Enterprise and Hornet didn't get the message until two and a half hours later-illustrating one of the worst inefficiencies of the Navy at that time, the slowness of coding and communication. By the time the message reached the Hornet, the sixteen scouts had taken off, and they could not be recalled. However, the bomber pilots climbed into their planes, expecting at any minute the command to take off. It was daylight, and they wanted to hit the enemy before the enemy dis- covered them. But nothing happened, Finally, at 8 a.m. came the take- off order. By that time the Japs had already sighted us, and U.S. dive bombers passed Sap dive bombers in the air.. We lost the Hornet. The Japs suffered some damage but no ships sunk. Young- er officers were convinced we could have wiped out the laps, had our pilots got a chance at them two hours earlier. The Navy, in summarizing this defeat, was much more severe than Admiral King. It reported that the defeat resulted from inexperience, lack of imagination, hesitance to take decisive action, slowness of naval communications and bad luck. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) Exhibitions The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi- tion by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association, in the galleries of the Rackham Building through May 12, daily except Sunday, afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 to 10. The pub- lie is cordially invited. College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water color paintings made intEngland by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instructor on leave in the Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily except Sunday 9 to 5 through May 16. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Wesley Foundation: Open House tonight at 8:30 p.m. Coning Events Annual Meeting, U. of M. Chapter, A.A.U.P.: Michigan Union Cafeteria and Buffet Lunchroom of The Fac- ulty Club. 6:45 p.m., Monday, May 8.. Election of Officers, Reports, and Announcements. The Program Com- mittee has planned a panel discussion on the Problem of Admissions to the Privileges of Post-War Education. It ,proposes consideration of these three aspects of the problem: 1. Scholastic Standards. 2. Social Screening and Quotas. 3. Entrance Credentials fo Foreign Students. The Annual Meet- ing is customarily open to members only. The Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday, May 7, in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 o'clock. Supper will be served at 6 and the program will follow. Lowell Hasel will present "An Appreciation of the Church Hymns." Informal Reception for Dr. Sher- man E. Lee Monday evening, May 8, in the Far Eastern Art Room, Alumni Memorial Hall, directly after the lecture on "The Inner Content of Chinese Painting," scheduled for 7:30 at the Rackham Amphitheatre. The reception is under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts and is open to all students and faculty members and wives interested in the art of the orient. Biological Seminar: Dr. Andre Dreyfus, zoologist and geneticist, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will speak on his recent research in "Sex Determination in Telenomus" in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Wednesday, May 10, at 4:15 p.m. The next meeting of the University of Michigan Section of the American Chemical Society will be held Wed- nesday May 10, 1944 at 4:30 p.m. in Rm. 303 of the Chemistry Building. Mr. Walter J. Murphy, Editor of "Industrial and Engineering Chemis- try," will speak on "The Chemist's Responsibility in War and Peace." NEW YORK, May 5.-t is axiomatic that Franco will get more out of any deal with us, than we can possibly obtain from any deal with him. Even if we entered into a contract with him, whereby we gave him a pencil sharpener and he paid a million for it, he would still be the winner. FoIr the #mnwritten clause in, every deal with Franco is the clause which declares that he is a fit and appropriate party with whom to deal. Every contract with Franco, no matter what its specific terms may le, legitimatizes and certificates his government. Every such con- tract gives his particular fascist government an exemption from the general ruin of fascism which we are planning and preparing. Thus it is wrong to say that by our new agreement with Franco, he obtains only oil from us, while he promises to expel certain axis agents from Spanish territory and to cut down on ship- ments of the vital mineral, wolfram, to Germany. That is only part of the arrangement. The more important part is that by dealing with Franco on the basis of contract, we inferentially pledge ourselves, as men of honor, not to deal with him on the basis of force, and thus we sell him im- munity from the otherwise universial catastro- phe about to befall his particular philosophy of government. Any 'fascist would be willing to pay a high price for that, at this very special hour in the is always something to be obtained in any deal, with anybody. The problem lies in the precise and accurate estimation of the value of each something. Almost of our natures, we have more to give than Franco has to offer; for while it does not matter whether he fawns on us, or spits at us, our touch confers legitimacy and long life. By the accidents of war, the extent of our power, and our place in the world, there is a kind of glory upon us; and this is true even when we ourselves choose to deny it, or to act as if it were not true. That is what used to hurt so much in our dealings with the blacker pots and kettles of French politics. For we almost seemed to be pretending that we were as small as they were, that we needed them as much as they needed us. So I find myself forced to write in derogation of our deal with Franco. I hope no one will accuse me of not being for America first, just because I happen to have the feeling that our handclasp means something very special to the people of the world. I hope it always will, even when we ourselves protest that it is just five fingers, like anybody else's. (bopyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) LecturesiThe Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all of the concerts. University Lecture: "The Inner Saturday, May 6, 2:30: Geniq Content of Chinese Painting," by Nemenoff and Pierre Luboshutz, pi- Dr. Sherman E. Lee, Curator of Far anists; Festival Youth Chorus; Harl Eastern Art at the Detroit Institute McDonald, Saul Caston and Mar- of Arts, under the auspices of the guerite Hood. conductors. Songs of Institute of Fine Arts. Rackham the Americas, orchestrated by Eric Amphitheatre, 'Monday, May 8, at DeLamarter, and McDonald's Con- 7:30 p.m. certo for Two Pianos; Suite from the Water Music, Handel-Harty; University Lecture: Dr. Andre Roman Carnival Overture, Berlioz; Dreyfuss, Dean ofrthe Faculty of and Faure's Pavane. Philosophy, University of Sao Paulo, Saturday, May 6, 8:30: Bidu Say- Brazil, will speak on "Science in ao, soprano; Saul Caston, Conduc- Brazil and the University of Sao tor. Arias and songs; Overture to Paulo," Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m., -'Die Meistersinger," Wagner; Sym- Rackham Amphitheatre. This lecture phony No. 6, Tschaikowsky. is under the auspices of the Depart- Sunday, May 7, 2:30: Nathan Mil- ment of Zoology. Open to the public, stein, violinist; Gregor Piatigorsky, mn Z g.p t.violoncellist; Eugene Ormandy, University Lecture: Dr. Manuel Conductor. All-Brahms program- Gonzalez-Montesinos, Professor of Academic Festival Overture, A min- Comparative Literature and Protocol or Concerto; and Symphony No. 1. Sunday, May 7. 8:30: Rose Bamp- ton and Thelma von Eisenhauer, yCroCkett Johns n sopranos; Kerstin Thorborg, con- tralto: Charles Kullman, tenor; John Brownlee, baritone; University Choral Union (assisted by Univer- BAIINABY The Letochajn said that-er--o B Flo f' f Are you aoino there too. I Yes, I'm going there, m'boy. ..To