PAGE I THE MICHIGAN AIL _____ _IGA D~t . , PUNISHMENT TABOO: Withholding Reward Is Best Way To Eliminate Bad Habits By MARJORY FISIiEIR "Withholding reward is more suc- cessful than active punishment as a method of eliminating undesirable habits," stated Prof. N. R. F. Maier of the Department of Psychology in an interview yesterday. Individuals displaying normal habit responses are motiv.ted by the de- sire for some reward, he pointed out, and if too much punishment is in- flicted on tiem they become frus- trated and develop a fixation with- out apparent motivation. "Punish- ment, therefore, is dynamite and should be handled with care," he said, "because it may strengthen the habit rather than remove it." This explains, he stated, the failure of penal systems. Punishment Is Taboo Fixations are often manifestations of an actual mental disorder, he stated, and the guidance method is the latest corrective technique, where- by the individual is placed in a situa- tion which does not permit expres- sion of the trait, but encourages an alternative expression. Punishment, he pointed out, is never included in such clinical treatment. Lady Macbeth, with her persistent "handwashing," he said, is the classic Four Members Of Speec~h Staff Publish Articles Articles by four members of the speech department staff appear in current issues of speech ed'ucation publications. The April "Quarterly Journal of Speech" carries an article by Dr. Louis M. Eich titled "The American Indian Plays" and an article by Dr. Kenneth G. Hance on "Public Ad- dress in a Democracy at War." In conjunction with Miss Harriet Dunn, director of the University. of Pittsburgh speech clinic, Dr. Ollie L. Backus has written a preliminary report on research in the clinical practice of speech correction for the March "Journal of Speech Disor- ders." The title is "Experiments in the Synthesis of Clinical Methods into a Program of Rehabilitaiotn." "Simplified Scenery," by Herbert Philippi, appears in the April "Play- ers Magazine." It deals with methods of scene building and shifting that are within the physical capacities of the women who make up the greater part of present-day 'college state crews. example of a frustrated person ex- hibiting a fixation: The child who continually steals money which he does npt need and may later give away, he continued, often is display- ing the same type of abnormality. Tells of Experiments Reward and punishment experi- ments conducted by Professor Maier were reviewed in an article by G. B. Lal, entitled "Mental Illness Due to Habit," which appeared in the No- vember, 1943, issue of the Science Digest. "Rats were punished and reward- ed," wrote Lal. "If a rat jumped at the right signal it received food. If it jumped at the wrong signal," he said, "it received a blow on the nose. Thus it learns to make the correct choice." Signs of frustration and fixation appeared; Ll pointed out, when the rat was punished "one half or all of the time." Human Reactions Indicated "Professor Maier's experiments," he said, "throw light upon how hu- man beings are mentally distorted by undesirable circumstances, including unscientific education, until they be- come susceptible to mental break- down." Experiments of the same type with University students as the subjects, have also been conducted by Dorothy Marquart, Grad. Relatively the same results have been produced by both experiments, according to Professor Maier. University of Mexico To Send Professor Here Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Montesinos, professor of comparative literature and public relations officer of the National University of Mexico will visit the University Sunday through Wednesday, it was announced yester- day. It is expected that he will speak on "French Literary Influence in Mexi- co" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the, Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Gonzalez-Montesinos is mak- ing a tour of leading universities in this country and Canada as a guest of the State Department to study organization and relations with grad- uates and to visit classes in French' and Spanish literature. He served during the first World War in the French Army and has spent a great deal of time in both' France and England. Nazis Fortify Holland Coast LONDON, May 4, Friday-(P)-The' Germans tightened up their anti- invasion defenses in Holland today' and Propaganda Minister Paul Jos-' eph Goebbels fed the home folks soothing syrup as the hour for the Allied storming of Hitler's Europe' drew closer. The entire North Sea province of Zeeland in Nazi-occupied HollandI was declared "forbidden territory": and its remaining few Dutch inhabi- tants were barred from its highways1 and waterways without specific per-1 mission from German authorities,I according to the Netherlands NewsI Agency Aneta. Fresh Air Camp Tag Day Drive To Begin Friday Michigan Boys Will Get A Month's Vacation With Money Collected The University campus and busi- ness districts of Ann Arbor will be taken over by four hundred students when the University Fresh Air Camp Committee attempts to raise $1,500 next Friday for the 24th consecutive Tag Day compaign. Headed by Marge Hall, newly cho- sen president of Woman's War Coun- cil, and Jim Plate, representing the Union, the committee will attempt to reach every University students, serv- iceman and Ann Arbor resident. Boys Sent To Camp The money collected on Tag Day is used to send boys from the metropol- itan areas of Michigan to the Fresh Air Camp for one month. Since the boys, between the ages of eight and 13, are chosen by 25 social and case- working agencies, the camp has a double purpose: it gives the boys a month's vacation in the country with good food and recreation, and it serves as an aid in helping the n- dividual to -work out some of his own difficulties. Other members of the committee include Charlotte Haas, tag string- ing, Peggy Morgan and Nancy Reber, solicitation of stores, Virginia Rock, publicity, and Orris Mills. Prof F. N. Menefee of the engineering school is the faculty director. Already more than $3,800 has been subscribed by interested individuals and organizations. The University faculty has contributed $1,776; the Ann Arbor townspeople and factories, $568; Detroit organizations and in- dividuals, $1,363; and miscellaneous, $102. Applications Received This year, as usual, a total of 240 boys will be sent to the camp, located on Patterson Lake near Pinckney, Mich. Each group of 120 campers will spend one month away from their homes, from June 26 to August 26. "More than ever there is a need for the maintenance of the University Fresh Air Camp, since the problems of juvenile delinquency and super- vision of children in metropolitan areas are becoming increasingly dif- ficult. It is not the boy's fault that he is neglected," Prof. Menefee point- ed out. Known as the Workshop in Ad- justment Problems of Late Childhood and Early Adolescence, the course gives educators, social workers, visit- ing teachers, group leaders and re- search workers a first-hand experi- ence in the study, observation and treatment of boys who have experi- enced difficulties in their adjustment to their home environments. Staffed with Experts The camps is staffed with experts in education, psychology, psychiatry and sociology. Graduates or students who have had the necessary prelim- inary courses in sociology and edu- cation may apply to the Summer Ses- sion office in Angell Hall for the pamphlet outlining the plan. University faculty members on the committee include Prof. Robert C. Angell, sociology; Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, religious counselor; Prof. L. M. Carr, sociology; J. K. Doherty, athletics; Dr. W. E. Forsythe, public health; Prpf. H. Y. McClusky, educa- tion; Dr. G. A. May, physical educa- tion; Clark Tibbitts, Institute for Hu- man Adjustment; Dr. H. A. Towsley, medicine; H. P. Wagner, accounting; and Prof. L. J. Young, forestry. POCTURE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSV N BULLSEYE- SPAR Lieut. '(ig) Charlotte Wallace otfIn. dianapolis lines up the sights on a .38 revolver during small arms practice at the Coast Guard's base at Boston. D R Y L A N D I N G F O R S E A P L A N E-Forced down by motor trouble above the Arizona wastelands. this' U. S Navy Martin Mariner was landed on a dry lake with only minor damage. L O O KI NG O V E R A JU MPOE R-Two New York Boys' club youngsters confer with Alfred Jermy, jumping frog expert from Angels Camp, Calif., about one of their entries in the Mark Twain frog jumping championship. Police Athletic League and YMCA organizations also entered "jumpers" in the meet. C H I E F S WATCH TRAINING - Three chiefs of northern territories of the African Gold Coast, clad in pictur- esque raiment, watch natives of their tribes training in modern warfare at a base somewhere in India. PLAYSUlTS 2- and 3-Piece Play Suits in Seersucker and Spun Rayon 3.95 - 4.95 - 5.95 SHORTS in Gabardine and Twill 2.25 and 2.95 POLO SHIRTS in cotton and Rayon 1.59 and 2.25 SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. r.. , I CONNIEA' I ~ ~ ~ i1 RUST!L 511 CoofurplyulY, ohapl cofrtber-NISto:keyu yfe " o TR A V E L E R - The nation's first lady and one of its first travelers, Mrs. Eleanor Roose- velt arrives at Washington air- port from a southern jaunt, car- rying a sweater and some of the handbags and knitting bags for which she is .noted. S T A L K I N G T H E U - B O A T-In a heavy North Atlantic sea a U. S. Coast Guard combat cutter hunts for enemy undersea marauders and guards eastbound Allied supplies. .,..... ... .._ z +:": ":>:: ::: ::: ... ts; _. ::.::._:: ..... . 1 _n:. :; :,' . L .._ _..w... r Ivf". m c