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May 05, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-05

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Fifty-F ourth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-

day and Tuesdayd
Jane Farrant'
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low .
o Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall .
Marjdrie Rosmarin
Elizabeth A. Carpent
Margery lUtt,


ring the

summer session.

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.... ...

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. .City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff



Business Manager
AssociateBusiness Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication oT all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offlee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class nudil matter-
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25,
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written 'by mtembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
IT MIGHT be well to analyze the case of the
"No. One Business Man" against the U.S.
government from a more basic point of view
than has heretofore been presented.
Much ado has been made about the trivial
point of whether Montgomery Ward is a
necessary war plant or not. This is fairly ir-
relevant. What is far more fundamental is the
threatened breakdown of }government. That
a country at war should allow a recalcitrant
labor-hating capitalist to defy the very laws
set up by his own classis inconceivable.
Would we allow Sewell Avery to obey those
laws which suit his pleasure, and ignore those
that interfere with his profit, then indeed would
Hitlers and H17immlers soon be our masters. It
is important for Americans to recognize the dan-
gerous swing to the right that action such as
Avery's would precipitate if carried through
Refusing to deal with a union that represents,
but a paltry few of a company's employes might
be justified if such be the case. In Ward's, how-
ever, that fact remains as yet unproven. With
stubborn bullheadedness Avery refused to sound
out his 78,000 employes by democratic processes,
but went ahead recklessly proclaiming that the
union did not represent the workers and as
such he would not deal with it.
Mr. Avery's patriotism can well be. ques-
tioned when it is realized that due to his greed
for profit and; power, a vast legal machine
must now go into operation, costing the tax-
payers thousands of dollars and a country at
'war must pause in itstoil to. consider a mail
order firm which threatens its very political
structure. by defiance of all laws but its own.
President Roosevelt should be congratulated
for his bold and decisive action in dealing with
our, latest edition of "aid and succor to the
enem y Marian Mondshein


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'Wonder How Many of My Boys That Much Can Kill?'

'dy RAUthe lrATN Right

SEVERAL POLITICIANS are trying out a new
warble on the American people. And it runs
like this: "We must learn to speak out for
America; we must be just as hard-headed and
realistic as the Russians; we must stand up for
our rights and convictions, etc." Those afflicted
with cunning even start out by saying: "It is
time we began . . to speak out for .America,"
which carries the imputation that up to now we
have been speaking out for Venezuela, or some-
Let us speak out for America, by all means.
Any American president who did not speak out
for America ought to be impeached.
But after this has been established, con-
ceded, etc., we are still entitled to ask of any
candidate: "What do you propose to say, while
speaking out for America? What do you pro-
pose to speak out, you big speak out fellow,
Up to now they have given us the music, but
not the lyrics. They are telling us all about
their proposed manner, but not about their pro-
posed matter. Yet it is matter we are mostly
interested in. The fact that a Presidential as-
pirant expects to speak in a loud voice, in for-
eign affairs, that he intends to make in any
decibels, that he proposes to be "tough',; all
this is of little weight until he tells us what
issues he plans to be loud and tough about.
We must be on warning against men who
merely show us their muscles in public. It is
a pleasant sight, perhaps, to see a big political
biceps rippling under the pallid skin which.

marks most candidates, for the poor fellows
do not seem to get enough sun. But what
work will the muscle be put to?
What evil does the candidate propose to strike,
in behalf of America? Whom he is going to
holler at on behalf of that America for which he
promises to roar like a lioji? After all, we will
not be electing him just to make a racket.
SINCE all of them, also, pledge themselves to
coo like doves in bringing about a more
cooperative world, a rather strange effect is
created. The standard speech on foreign pol-
icy has become a performance in two move-
ments, in the first of which the hero gets down
on his knees and sings Mammy to the universe,
and in the second of which he shows, by shadow-
boxing, how he intends to pin its ears back.
'The latter part of this dual entertainment
makes a strong appeal to the valid emotion of
But patriotism is a kind of idealogical bas-
ket, you have to put something into it. The
issue isn't only whether a man is going to
speak out for America. It is whether he is
going to speak sense or nonsense in speaking
out for America. Just speaking out is not
enough. Nobody has spoken out for Germany
more than Adolph Hitler, and look at it, and
him, now.
Well, they don't go into that. They are going
to speak out and that's that. This display of
muscle is quite mysterious. Whom do they pro-
pose to speak out against? They can't mean our
enemies, for that is not issue. They mean our
Allies. But they don't specify. They are doing
an act with a chip on their shoulder, and they
will tell you what the chip means later on, if
elected. They want us to sign a blank chip, so
to speak.
Those who talk about speaking out, but who
won't say what they plan to speak out. Or
against whom they plan to speak it, lay them-
selves open to the charge of mobilizing discon-
tent, especially the discontent of that gloomy
crew of ex-isolationists who are convinced4that
in becoming just about the strongest country
in the world these last few years, we have been
acting subtly against our own interests.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
the door open even for his own final return to
power; and for the present, he freezes the status
quo. Even Boss Tweed would take lessons from
a politician as smart as that.
Most of the six chief political parties have re-
luctantly agreed now to support the Badoglio
regime and accept the King's course. They had
to; Russia had recognized Badoglio outrgiht, and
if the liberals kept aloof, Badoglio and the Com-
munists would be able to run Italy by themselves.
-New Republic

few knew it, but one thing Secretar
Knox was working on when he die
was a personnel plan which the ad
mirals didn't like-as they didn't lik
a lot of things. This plan wast
train a lot of ,younger, promising Re
serve officers to become permanen
regular Navy officers on a par wit
the Annapolis elite.
To understand the revolutionar
significance of this, you have to real
ize the exalted position held by An
napolis graduates. In his recent re
port, Admiral King, Commander- o
the Fleet, said that ninety percen
of the Navy now consists of USN
rather than USN (U.S. Naval Re
serve rather than the U.S. Navy)
But he did not go on to say that
the remnaining ten percent of USN
officers-in other words, Annapolis
-holds the Navy completely in its
hand, has a powerful, unbreakable
grip on the entire machine.
Today, every important command
in the fleet is held by an Annapoli
graduate. Only the command of over-
age destroyers or escort vessels o
other unimportant jobs go to non-
Annapolis Reserve officers. Yet these
Reserve officers are the ones who
want to get the war over in a hurry
are the most energetic cutters of red
tape, thit' 11os daring fighters in the
Na vy.
Few people outside the Navy know
how the Annapolis clique looks out
for itself, and the strangle hold it
has on personnel.
"Annapolis mea stick together like
a fraternity," commented one officer
just back from India.
This Annapolis fraternity system
was one thing which Secretary
Knox, shortly before he died, want-
ed to tackle. He pointed out that,
in another year or so, the U.S. Fleet
would be much larger and would
lack enough regular officers of the
type qualified to command big
ships. So he proposed taking the
best Reserve officers off of small
commands at sea, giving them a
year's intensive training, and treat-
ing them like Annapolis grads-all
on condition that they continue in
the Navy after the war.
But the Brass Hats objected. Rais-
ed and reared in Annapolis, they op-
FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 127
All notices for The Daily Official Bl-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.n. of the day preceding its pblica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
Iices should he submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To, the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: There will be a special
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts in
Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, May 8, 1944, at
4:10 p.m.-Special' Order- Corre-
spondence Study.
University Lecture: Dr. Andre
Dreyfuss, Dean of the Faculty of
Philosophy, University of Sao Paulo,
Brazil, will speak on "Science in
Brazil and the University of Sao
Paulo," Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This lecture
is under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Zoology. Open to the public,
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June: Please call at the

office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School
on Friday or Saturday, May 5 or 6 to
take the Teacher's Oath. This is a
requirement for the certificate.
May Festival Concerts: The sev-
eral May Festival programs will be
as follows:
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all of the concerts.
Thursday, May 4, 8:30: Eugene
Ormandy, conductor. Beethoven
Symphony No. 7, and orchestral
numbers by Debussy, Strauss.
Friday, May 5, 8:30: Kerstin Thor-
borg. Contralto ; and Charles. Kull-
man, tenor, soloists, in performance
of Mahler's song symphony, "Song

t ,

posed anything which would lower
the pride and power of the Naval
Academy. So Knox lost out. Maybe
he could have won the battle later if
he had lived.
After months of bitter internal
squabbling, the Senate Military Af-
fairs Committee soon will recommend
the promotion of Lieutenant Gen-
eral Brehon Somervell, Chief of the
Army Service Forces, to becoe a
permanent major general. However,
Lieutenant General George S. Pat-
ton of "slapping" fame, who, like
Somervell, is only a colonel in per-
manent rank, will not be approved for
Inside fact is that the committee
was all set to okay both officers at
a recent closed-door meeting, but
Patton again jinxed himself by his
untimely London statement that it
was the destiny of the United States
and Great Britain (later he added
Russia) "to rule the world."
Meantime, Somervell's promotion
was held up by a hot fight over com-
mittee procedure. Senator "Happy"
Chandler of Ketucky furiously 'ob-
jected to the discharge of a five-man
subcommittee, headed by himself,
which had been considering wartime
promotions. Chandler charged that
the referrigg of the Somervell and
Patton nominations to a new sub-
committee, composed of Chairman
Bob Reynolds, Senator Elbert Thom-
as of Utah and Senator Warren Aus-
tin of Vermont, was a violation of
"good faith."
"I have been dealt with unfairly,"
stormed the Kentuckian, in closed
session. "The discharge of my sub-
committee was put over without my
knowledge while I was out of town.
I wouldn't have known a thing about
it, had I not received a letter from
Senator Thomas advising me of the
change. I think I am entitled to an
explanation of this arbitrary action."
Chandler's remarks were aimed
particularly at Army stooge Senator
Rufus Holman of Oregon, who spon-
sored the motion to discharge his
subcommittee and set up six new sub-
committees to act on promotions.
At another closed-door meeting the
following. day, Senator Ed Johnson of
Colorado offered a motion in Chand-
ler's absence reinstating the Ken-
tuckian's subcommittee with all of its
original powers. Action on -this was
deferred until a full committee meet-
ing, scheduled for today, at which
there will be a showdown on future
procedure regarding promotion.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)
of the Earth;" Eugene Ormandy,
Conductor. Mozart Symphony No.
Saturday, May 6, 2:30: Genia
Nemenoff and Pierre Luboshutz, pi-
anists; Festival Youth Chorus; Harl
McDonald, Saul, Caston and Mar-
guerite Hood, conductors. Songs of
the Americas, orchestrated by Eric
DeLamarter, and McDonald's Con-
certo for Two Pianos; Suite from
the Water Music, Handel-Harty;
Roman Carnival Overture, Berlioz;
and Faure's Pavane.
Saturday, May 6, 8:0: Bidu Say-
ao, soprano; Saul Caston, Conduc-
tor. Arias and songs; Overture to
"Die Meistersinger," Wagner; Sym-
phony No. 6, Tschaikowsky.
Sunday, May 7, 2:30: Nathan Mil-
stein, violinist; Gregor Piatigorsky,
violoncellist; Eugene Ormandy,
Conductor. All-Brahms program-
Academic Festival Overture, A min-
or Concerto; and Symphony No, 1.
Sunday, May 7, 8:30: Rose Bamp-
ton and Thelma von Eisenhauer,
sopranos; Kerstin Thorborg, con,-
tranlto;CharlesKulman, tenor;
John Brownlee, baritone; University
Choral Union (assisted by Univer-
sity Women's Glee Club); Palmer
Christian, organist; Hardin Van
Deursen, Conductor. Mendelssohn's

"Elijah," a dramatic oratorio.
Beginning Thursday morning, May
4, the Hill Auditorium box office
will be open from 9 to 5, and after
7 o'clock in the evening.
Holders of season tickets are re-
spectfully requested to detach be-
fore leaving home the coupons for
the respective concerts, instead of
bringing the whole season tickets.
Concerts will begin on time; doors

ARE some of your best friends
New Dealers, Jews, Catholics,
Communists, Negroes? So are mine.
I make a point of always having
within my acquaintance one or two
of each. Noah's Ark? Yes, I sub-
scribe to the principle . . . One
mustn't be narrow-minded, you
know. And if you really want to be
cosmopolitan, you can always find
at least one exception to the rule,
Why, I've discovered that there
are a few logical New Dealers!
I met a Jew once who never hag-
gled. Catholics occasionally aren't
bigoted. Did you see that Com-
mie, he actually is cooperative!
And I have a Negro friend who is
as energetic as Sewell Avery. Of
course, one must be selective. You,
can't just go out and be friends
with whomever you meet. You

can't trust these aliens. And the
Perhaps we better stop right here.
We aren't going to get along very
well together. Haven't you taken
Psych 31, or any Soc. courses? Have
you ever thought very much about
this theory you're spouting? If not,
this is a good time to start.
From a scientific point of view,
it can't be proved that bigotry and
rationality are inherited or auto-
matically acquired through associa-
tion with a particular group. The
fact that one is energetic and never
haggles demonstrates only the fact
that it is the individual who haggles.
It doesn't show that one is a member
of a group which does these things.
Have you ever heard of a group in
which EVERY member does anything
(except join.)
So you met a "white" Jew the
other, day? Now, can you describe,
acurately, in . what particular re-
spects "black Jews" are different
from, say, Christians? And the
union member who is the "excep-
tion to the rule." Is there a scien-
tific rule somewhere that we
aren't conscious of, stating that:
All UAW members are uneducat-
ed? Unless there is such i rule,
rather foolish, isn't it, to say that
you met an exception to a non-
existent rule?
We believe in being selective, too.
We don't like all Republicans, or
all professors of English. But nei-
their do we. dislike them, as a group.
We- pick and choose, not on the
basis of the groups they were born
into, but on the basis of their char-
acters and personalities.
As a matter of fact, some of our
best friends are individuals.
This War is a good time to get
rid of a bunch of prejudices and
unprovable beliefs. If we can't prove
something by any fair rules of logic,
let's throw it out. Test it first, but
if it fails the test, don't save it
because . you like the way it looks
among the other rubbish in the
attic. Fascism failed that test.
So it is with prejudiCes. Since
they' have no logical basis, let's
get rid of their applications. In
many cases the actual discrimi-
nation has been wiped out, but we
eitheriaren't conscious of its de-
strution, or are unwilling to
accept it.
Everyone has heard that "Nobody
treats students like adults," "You'll
get kicked out of your sorority if
you date that Jew," "There's a
quota on entrance into Med School,"
'Negroes aren't supposed to eat on
he second floor of the League,"
"Unions always cu down produc-
tion, they don't care if we don't
make enough goods," "If you say
what you think in that class, the
prof'll flunk you."
These things just can't exist any
more. Some of them never did.
None of them ever will again, be-
ause we know, now, that their ex-
istence is dangerous. Getting rid
f them helps something called
National Unity, an important factor
in the winning of the war.
Why can't we let them, return?
thy cawt we go bacl wards after
his . war? Partly because the
world doesnt seem to move that
way. And partly because the
Peopile who. have, finally waked up
don't plan. to- go back to sleep
again, ever. They don't intend to
let us slide back into discrimina-
tion after we have, all had: to suf-
fer so long from the effects of it.

As we said before, we're on our
way. Keep Moving.
-Ann Fagan


Program: Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A
major, Op. 92; Verdi: "Ritorna vincitor" from
"Aida"; Korngold: Marietta's song from "The Dead
City"; Verdi: "Morro ma primadin gracia," Act 111,
fronu Tli'the Masked, Bali" Verdi: "Pace, paice, mio
Dio" fro "La Forza Destino"; Debussy: Prelude to
the Afternoon of a Faun; J. Strauss: Encores: Rich-
ard Suriziss, Mascagni.
IHE 1944 MAY FESTIVAL with Eugene Or-
mandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra and
featuring Mme. Zinka Milanov, soprano soloist,
got under way last night at Hill Auditorium.
With Mr. Ormandy and the orchestra content
to rest on such firm ground as the Beethoven
Seventh Symphony and the Debussy and Strauss
pieces, the most interesting part of the evening
was afforded by Mme. Milanov.
Three of the four numbers chosen by Mme.
Milanov were Verdi, but using excellent taste,
Mme. Milanov presented Verdi of the first rank.
Singing with a fullness of tone and lovely,
sincere phrasing, Mme. Milanov was at her
best in Marietta's Song from "The Dead City"
by Korngold and the tranquil "Pace, pace, mio
Dio" from "La Forza del Destino" by Verdi.
Inasmuch as more than half of the program
consisted of straight orchestral music, it is dis-
appointing that Mr. Ormandy and the Orchestra
chose to honor Ann Arbor with such musical

the Beethoven with anything more than mere
Mr. Ormandy seemed happier and more at
home in the Debussy and the Strauss and the
Orchestra at least, had a better chance to dis-
play its wares in these last two numbers.
The entire concert was greeted enthusiastically
by a capacity audience. -miarry Levine
Not So Morome
The "moronic little King" turns out to be not
so moronic after all-assuming, that is, that he
makes his own policy. Under great pressure to
abdicate, pressure in which it is said the United
States has at last joined, he refuses. On the
day we take Rome-which now looks as though
it may be very far off-he will "retire from public
affairs" and name the Prince- of Piedmont as
Thus he keeps the monarchy intact; he keeps

2 to 5 and evenings 7 to 10. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
College of Architecture and Design:
Sketches and water color paintings
made in England by Sgt. Grover D.
Cole, instructor on leave in the Col-
lige of Architecture and Design.
Ground floor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
9 to 5 through May 16. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
The annual Spring Tea for the
Newcomers Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be from 3 :30 to
5.30 o'clock, at the home of:Mrs.
Hugh Keeler, 660 Barton Shore Drive.
For information concerning, trans-
portation, call Mrs. Leonard Meretta,
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medi-
cal Building. "The Renin-Hyperten-
sion System-- the Renal Factor in
Hypertension." All. interested are in-
Coming Events
Annual Meeting, U. of M. Chapter,
A.A.U.P.: Michigan Uraon Cafeteria
and Buffet Lunchroom of The Fac-
ulty Club. 6:45 p.m., Monday, May 8.
Election of Officers, Reports, and
Announcements. The Program Com-
mittee has planned a panel discussion
on the Problem of Admissions to the
Privileges of Post-Wdr Education. It
proposes consideration of these three
aspects of the problem: 1. Scholastic
Standards. 2. Social Screening and
Quotas . .Entrsanc Credentials fnr

r ..==#C3C= _4CFTT.r

By Crockett Johnson


McSnoyd, l must have all the
data on you Leprechauns. In
minute detail. Nothing can
dissuade me from my exocting
scientific task ... We can't leave

-1 t t1 t{uc._Nt 1"1

I '

I -



L How can you measure
his head, Mr. O'Malley?
If he's invisible?.

Yes. And ll have to ask you
to make yourself visible. We
must measure you, McSnoyd,
for your cephalic index.. .


Least of all a cephalic index.
Also I am due in the back room
of the Chowder and Marching
Club. A little game ofchance-



h 1


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