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May 04, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-04

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LESSON IN DEFEAT: :::-:;*::*:.::%....:::.
German Education After War c. x:"
Must Be Done by Own People . +: +iSS .
-- - -- -- - - - - - - -- --

Post-war psychological re-educa-
tion of German youth can only be ac-
complished by the people of Ger-
many, and the harsh reality of Axis
defeat is the sole lesson which the
Allies can and should teach, accord-
ing to Prof. John F. Shepard, of the
Department of Psychology.
We cannot walk into Germany,
stated Professor Shepard, and dic-
tate to her citizens the way of life
which we expect them to adopt,
chiefly because it is an impossible
psychological approach and because
ideal concepts ofddemocracy have not
been completely realized in our own
Turning Nazi Tide
Indoctrination of the German mind
with Nazi ideology, he said, was suc-
cessful mainly among the youth, be-
cause Hitler promised to open the
door to a future worth living for.
When their faith in Nazism is bro-
ken, he prophesied, they will turn to
something else.
Everyone who desires an under-
standing of 20th century German
youth, he said, should read William
C. White's article, "Germany's Lost
Generation," which was published in
the July 1932 issue of the "Atlantic
A recent visitor to Germany at that
time, White related the terrible ec-
onomic circumstances in which her
youth had found itself, and which,
as we know now, were to usher in
another era of German militarism
and global conflict.
Youth Opposed Republic
The powerless Hindenburg Republic
was opposed by almost 50 per cent of
the population, according to White,
and German youth, desperately in
need of jobs and some sort of se-
curity, was divided, into two camps:
Communists and Hitlerites. Both
appealed to the young people, he
pointed out, because they proposed
radical changes in the German -gov-
ernment. Young Germany, he re-
ported, was spoiling for a chance to
fight beside a slave leader capable
of reversing their "slave treaty" of
Jobs were out of the question, he
explained, and only a few who had
been fortunate enough to have work-
ed for six months were eligible for
Co. D To Offer
Music Preview
The original musical numbers writ-
ten for Co. D's "Rumor Has It,'' will
have a special preview performance
in the ballroom of the USO at 3:30
p.m. Sunday, May 14, as a part of
the Mother's Day program planned
for that day.
The songs, written by Pfc. Ken
Pierson and Pfc. Jim Rhind, range
from typical "showtunes" to an elab-
orate beguine number, "The Jac-
queline." They will be performed by
the cast members who will present
the songs at the performances of
"Rumor Has It," May 25 and 26, at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Mother's Day program will
also include a special Mother's Day
song to be presented by Mrs. David
Blake and written by her son in serv-
ice. The whole program is sponsored
by the The Moms of America and
The Navy Mothers.
" Here's an equation to be remem-
bered! A smart girl with a college
education raised to Gibbs power
equals a position of Promise, Promi-
nence, and Permanence. Proof: dur-
ing the past year 6716 calls for Gibbs
secretaries! Special courses for co-
lege women begin July 10 and Sept.
26. Address College Course Dean,

jatharfie Qibhs
INEW YORK 47 .... . 230 Park Ave.
BOSTON 16 ......90 Marlborough St.
CHICAGO 11 .. 720 North Michigan Ave.
PROVIDENCES.6.......155 Angell St.

government doles. Thousands of
youngsters were either living in
"squatter settlements" or completing
a college education, at great sacrifice
to their parents, for none of whom,
according to White, did the future
seem to offer a decent life.
Typical of the feeling which ran
so high among German youth in 1932
was a remark made to White by a
young chap, "Our firm has had the
best year it has ever known-we man-
ufacture aspirin."
Dr. Dre us of
Brazil To Visit
Cty o,',' Tour
Dr. Andre Dreyfus of the Univer-
sity of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will be in
Ann Arbor Tuesday and Wednesday,
Dr. Esson M. Gale announced yester-
Dr. Dreyfus is dean of the faculty
of philosophy, science and letters and
professor of general biology at the
University of Sao Paulo. He is in the
United States as a guest of the De-
partment of State.
He will give a speech on "Science
in Brazil and the University of Sao
Paulo" at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. He will also
give a special lecture at the biologi-
cal seminar Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. A. Franklin Shull of the zo-
ology department is in charge of
arrangements for Dr. Dreyfus' visit
Referring to Dr. Dreyfus' visit in
the United States the Department
of State Bulletin states that "Dr.
Dreyfus, who is a distinguished gen-
eticist, will spend some weeks in New
York where he will work with Dr.
Theodore Dobzhansky, professor of
zoology at Columbia University" and
that hei will then visit some of the
leading universities in various sec-
tions of the country.
Lee W il Speak on
Chinese Art Monday
A lecture on "The Inner Content of
Chinese Painting" by Sherman E.
Lee, curator for Eastern {Art at the
Detroit Institute of Arts, will be given
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall instead of Friday, May
12, as previously announced.
Lee has worked under Howard
Hollis at the Cleveland Museum of
Art and was a follower of Dr. Coom-
araswamy of the Museum of Fine
Arts in Boston. He has a Ph. D.
Degree from Western Reserve Uni-
May Festiva..
(Continued from Page 1)



Language Students Need Incentive

"Foreign language students need
an incentive equivalent to that pro-
vided for Army language students by
the existing emergency, if they are
to attain the same measure .of pro-
friciency as Army personnel," ac-
cording to Dr. Henry W. Nordmeyer
of the German Department.
He outlined the Army method as
careful selection .of students, elimin-
ation of prospective failures, concen-
tration of effort on a few closely re-
lated subjects, unbroken continuity
of instruction, and above all, an in-
crease of hours in classes from four
to 17 a week-12 of them being spent

task force is anchored off Kwajalein Island (foreground) in the Mar-
shalls, Central Pacific, in this striking air view. Rows of tents house
Seabees, who are rebuilding the base.

Bishop Tucker Issues Words
For Success of Armed Forces

NEW YORK, May 3.--UP)-An in-
vasion prayer for use on D-Day was
issued today by Bishop Henry St.
George Tucker, president of the Fed-
eral Council of the Churches of
Christ in America and presiding
bishop of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States.
The prayer was made public as
the Association of Army and Navy
Wives requested that all churches of
all denominations remain open for a
"prayer invasion" when the invasion
was made known, and as Gov. Thom-
as E. Dewey proclaimed D-Day as
one of prayer "to almighty God for
the success of our armed forces and
the safety of our valiant fighting
The prayer:
"Almighty and most merciful God,
Father of all mankind, Lover of every
life, hear, we beseech Thee, the cry of
Thy children in this dark hour of
conflict and danger.
"Thou hast been the refuge and
strength, in all generations, of those
who put their trust in Thee. May it
please Thee this day to draw to Thy-
self the hearts of those who struggle
and endure to the uttermost. Have
mercy on them and suffer not their
faith in Thee to fail. Guide and pro-
(Continued from Page 2)
Cole, instructor on leave in the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
Ground floor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
9 to 5 through May 16. The public is
cordially invited.
Tea at international (C vn ter i
served each week on Tirsday from
4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students,
faculty, townspeople, and American
student friends of foreign students.
Physical Education Women Stu-
dents: Golf tests will be given by Mrs.
Hanley on Palmer Field today from
5:15 to 6 p.m.
Comtig Events

tect them by Thy light and strength
that they may be kept from evil.
"May Thy comfort be sufficient for
all who suffer pain or who wait in the
agony of uncertainty.
"O righteous and omnipotent God,
who, in their tragedies and conflicts,
judgest the hearts of men and the
purposes of nations, enter into this
struggle with Thy transforming pow-
er, that out of its anguish there may
come a victory of righteousness. May
there arise a new order which shall
endure because in it Thy will shall be
done in earth as it is in Heaven.
Forgive us and cleanse us, as well as
those who strive against us, that we
may be fit instruments of Thy pur-
"Unto Thy most gracious keeping
we commend our loved ones and our-
selves, ascribing unto Thee all praise
and glory, through Jesus Christ, our
Lord. Amen."
Carr Releases
Fou r on Bond
Date of Examination
Set for Graft Charge
LANSING, MAY 3.-(A)-Four of
4 defendants named in a legislative
graft conspiracy warrant handed
down by Circuit Judge Leland W.
Carr's one-man grand jury surren-
dered to the court today, and were
released in bond of $2,500 each for
examination May 12.
They are State Representative
Earl C. Gallagher and State Senator
Charles C. Diggs, Detroit Democrats;
George Omacht, general counsel of
Associates Discount Corporation,
South Bend, Ind., and John Hancock,
Detroit branch manager.
Special Prosecutor Kim Sigler said
all but three of the.defendants have
been served with copies of the war-
rant accusing them of having con-
spired to distort through the pay-
ment of bribes legislative decisions
on shaping of a law imposing taxes
on intangible personal property, such
as stocks and bonds, and indicated
they would surrender to the charges.
r i
14) l t 1ctid M-Ce tills
Prof. Edward B. Ham of the De-
partment of Romance Languages will
attend the meetings of the directive
committee of the North American
French Section in the Modern Lan-
guage Association of America which
will be held Friday through Monday
in Montreal.
He said that the object of the
meetings will be to discuss and im-
plement projects of publication and
exchange lectureships between the
United States and French Canada
with the idea of encouraging better
cultural relations between the two
and of stimulating French Canadian
scholarship and research.


Christianity Can
End Depression
Dr. Page Discusses
Economic Problems
"Strengthening American Democ-
racy by Preventing Economic Depres-
sion" was the subject in a series of
three lectures given at the Rackham
Amphitheatre yesterday by Dr. Kirby
Page under the sponsorship of the
Post-War Council, the Inter-Guild
Council and the Ann Arbor Council
of Churches.
According to Dr. Page there are
four problems involved in the preven-
tion of economic depression, all of
which can be met by the practice of
The first problem is "How can we
get people to work?" Religious peo-
ple have the answer, Dr. Page
avowed. "They are concerned."
"What method of production is the
most efficient one?" was the next
question posed. The answer of reli-
gion is that concerned people put
forth mutual effort to provide for
people about whom they are con-
cerned," Dr. Page said.
The problem of distribution can be
met by mutual sharing, he added,
and the answer to the fourth prob-
lem, "Who is responsible?" is that
economic responsibility is common
to all.
"In the United States," Dr. Page
believes, "there are tens of millions
of people who practice the Christian
way of living." In this way only can
economic depressions be prevented
and not by "struggle and combat in
ruthless competition . . . a condition
of almost complete irresponsibility."

in "drill" sections having no more
than aboutten students each.
"With such a method and an
immediate and practical objective,
the Army showed that nearly every
language could be taught in a com-
paratively short time, and the lan-
guage departments have learned a
lot from this experience, both in
theory and in practice.
"The experiment confirmed our
own theories as to what might be ac-
complished if only the students' scat-
tered efforts in homework could be
better organized and properly chan-
neled," Dr. Nordmeyer stated.
"But to transfer this method bag
and baggage to civilian courses is out
of the question under our present
setup that limits us to four hours per
week," he said.
"There is just one thing, which
costs nothing and should be available
in abundance right now and in post-
war years, that might help us in our
instruction," he continued, "and that
is a personal incentive keen enough
to take the place of the present com-
bat requirements of the Army."
He explained that this meant that
students should more fully realize
that we have reached a turning point,
not only in the history of the world
and our country, but also in our
whole educational outlook.
"While the 'emergency' will pass,
the call for men and women of
good will, who have a practical
command of the speech of foreign
Clubs To Hear,
Brumm Speak
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department will speak Wed-
nesday at the annual meeting of the
Federation of Women's Clubs at Flint
on "Thinking Toward the Future."
"Service Clubs and Citizenship"
will be his topic next Thursday at
the annual dinner of the Exchange
Club of Jackson.
Professor Brumm will speak May
25 at the annual dinner of the Lan-
sing Civic Player's Guild held in the
Michigan State Union. The drama
group has a membership of 1,700
and is concerned with the production
of plays for the community.
In his speech entitled "The Current
Theatre and Drama" Professor
Brumm will discuss drama as ark and

nations and are therefore equipped
to meet them halfway in political,
economic, social and cultural pur-
suits, will be as persistent in the
future as the call-is now because of
the needs of battle.
"Beyond this," he added, "there is
always, and now more than ever, the
need of a public opinion enlightened
in matters of foreign policy.
Third Padgett
Trial Will Take
Place May 17
Conviction of William H. Padgett,
twice sentenced to life imprisonment
for the slaying of Ann Arbor patrol-
man Clifford Stang March, 1935, will
be disputed May 17 in court here for
the third time.
Motion to set aside the sentence
of 50-year-old Padgett will be heard
by Circuit Judge James E. Chenot of
Detroit, who re-sentenced the convict
to prison at the close of his second
trial in Circuit Court April 19 here.
The motion, filed by Padgett's at-
torneys, Walter Nelson and Isaac
Smullin, will be disputed by Wash-
tenaw County Prosecutor Francis W.
Kamman. Motion was made because
Lt. James Akers, former University
student who was present at the time
of the shooting, was not at the trial.
Padgett had served seven years of
an earlier conviction on the same

ven, "Prelude to the Afternoon of a
Faun" by Debussy and "Tales from
the Vienna Woods" by Strauss.
In tomorrow's concert Kerstin
Thorborg and Charles Kullman will
sing "Das Lied Von Der Erde," a song
symphony for orchestras and soloists
by Mahler.
Genia Nemenoff and Pierre Lubo-
shutz will conclude the Saturday aft-
ernoon concert with "Concerto for
Two Pianos" by McDonald. Mc-
Donald, himself, will be the guest
conductor for this number.
Remaining tickets for the Festival
concerts will be sold from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., and at 7 p.m. at the boxoffice
of the University Musical Society at
Hill Auditorium.
Workers Restricted
LANSING, May 3.-(A)- Women
an6 children may be employed this
year in canneries where prisoners of
war are used providing there is no
possibility of physical contact or con-
versation between the two groups,
George W. Dean, state labor commis-
sioner, said today.

1 t

The annual Spring Tea for the
Newcomers Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be on Friday, May
5, from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Hugh Keeler, 660 Bar-
ton Shore Drive. For information
concerning transportation, call Mrs.
Leonard Meretta, 5489.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, May 5, at 4 p.m., in
Rm. 319, West Medical Building. "The
Renin-Hypertension System- the
Renal Factor in Hypertension." All
interested are invited.

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