, A E ~i IL: A~aiti; Weather Showers VOL. LIV No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Three-Day -1 1 AttackRocks Truk, Carolines British Heads See Churchill Rulers Hear Prime Minister on War By the Associated Press LONDON, May 3.-Prime Minister Churchill, welcoming Empire prem- iers to 10 Downing Street, told them they were here " in the most deadly climax in the conflict of the nations, at a time when although we need no longer fear defeat, we are making the most intense efforts to compel an early victory." Churchill's Monday address, made public today, said he did not expect that "in the heat of war we shall reach complete solution of all prob- lems that confront the British Em- pire and vex mankind. But it's high time we got around the table to exchange views and ideas ... Prime Minister John Curtin of Australia told the conference of pre- miers that the "Australian people have been delivered from a mortal peril." "This has been effected by the gallantry of the Australian and American forces, the ability of the high command, the aid of Britain and the United States, and the war effort of the Australian people," he said. Prime Minister Peter Fraser of New Zealand said that "there are in the Pacific no problems that cannot be solved by goodwill and gooperation." Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King of Canada pictured the Cana- dian government as being "as anxious' as the Prime Minister of Great Bri- tain and his colleagues to display to the world the solidarity of the Com- monwealth . . ." - Iiiddle, Avery To Testify in Ward Hearing NLRB Sets Election In Next Seven Days WASHINGTON, May 2.- (P)- Attorney General Biddle and Sewell Avery, chairman of Montgomery Ward and Company, will be called as witnesses in a Senate investigation of government seizure of the mail order company's Chicago plant, it was disclosed today. Meanwhile, House critics made it virtually sure that the inquiry will be double-barreled, and the National Labor Relations Doard announced that a collective bargaining election will be held within seven days among the workers whose dispute with the company led to seizure. Hearings Set for Next Week Chairman McCarran (Dem., Nev.) of the Senate judiciary committee. announcing that he will call Biddle and Avery for testimony, said open hearings will start no later than next week, very shortly after the election. At the same time Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.) said he will press tomor- row for Senate action on his special resolution for an inquiry into the Ward case by McCarran's committee with particular reference to the use of troops McCarran Makes Plans McCarran was going ahead with plans for the investigation under a previous general resolution empower- ing the committee to look into execu- tive orders of President Roosevelt, but he said he would welcome the special authority proposed by Byrd. The Senate investigation was all but assured by the action of chair- man Sabath (Dem., Ill.) of the rules committee in reporting out for House action a resoltion by Rep. Dewey (Rep., Ill.) Speaker Rayburn said it would be acted on Thursday or Friday. Pass- age was conceded. Strikers Ignore Order of WLI DETROIT, May 2.--P)-Striking war plant foremen ignored a return- to-work order from the War Labor Board today and continued a walk- out which factory spokesmen said had caused a 50 -per cent cut in pro- duction. A mass meeting of strikers, who re mmhebrs nf the foreman's Asso- Pepper, Hill Lead Unofficial Democratic Primary Returns Election May Test Anti-Fourth 'Term, Anti-Administration Sentiments in South By the Associated Press New Deal Senators Claude Pepper and Lister Hill, whose opponents had based their campaigns largely on criticism of the administration's home front policies, jumped off to leads in the early, unofficial returns last night from the Florida and Ala- bama Democratic primaries. Both races had drawn unusual na- tional attention because politicians Baeca loni Wil1 Be Replaced by Zinka Milanov Soprano To Appear At Festival's Opening Program Tomorrow Zinka Milanov, famed Yugoslavian soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Association will replace Salvatore Baccaloni, who is suffering from laryngitis, as the solo artist on the first program of the 51st Annual May Festival at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, Dr. Charles Sink, President of the University Musical Society, announced yesterday. Six concerts in all, packed into ';he four day period from tomerrow through Sunday, will make up the Festival at which such famed artists as Nathan Milstein, Gregor Piati- gorsky, Genia Nemenoff and Pierre Luboshutz, Bidu Sayao, Rose Bamp- ton, Kirsten Thorborg and Charles Kullman will perform. Engaged by Toscanini It was Arturo Toscanini who first brought Zinka Milanov into musical prominence when he engaged her to sing one of the solo roles in Verdi's "Manzoni Requiem," at the Salzburg Festival of 1937. Madame Milanov was already well known on the Continent. A pupil of' the celebrated Milka Terina, she had sung opera in her native city of' Zagreb, Yugoslavia. She had made guest appearances in Germany, Italy and the Balkan states, but it was the success she scored under Toscanini at Salzburg which served to bring her to the attention of the Metropolitan Opera Association. Debut Was in 1937 Madame Milanov made her Metro- politan debut as Leonora in "Il Tro- vatore" on Dec. 17, 1937. Later she assumed the title roles in "Aida" and "La Gioconda." She was selected for the role of Amelia in the revival of "The Masked Ball" and had the honor of singing Donna Anna in "Don Giovanni" under the direction of Bruno Walter. Outside of the Metropolitan, Zinka Milanov has been equally busy. She has reappeared as soloist in choral works conducted by Toscanini in New York, London, Vienna and Lu- cerne and has performed at the Colon Opera in Buenos Aires and the Municipal Theatre in Rio de Janeiro. Ford Workers Vote To Strike in Canada WINDSOR, Ont., May 2.- (p)- Employes of the Ford Motor Com- pany of Canada voted at a mass meeting tonight to go on strike, just two days after the end of a walkout which had closed the vast war plant for ten days. The decision was reached at a meeting of members of Local 200 of the United Automobile Workers of America (CIO). The union meeting was called to consider grievance procedure pro- vided under terms of settlement of the work stoppage which halted pro- duction at the plant April 20. The settlement was reached last week- end and the 14,000 employes returned to their jobs yesterday. regarded them as testing chiefly the extent of anti-administration and anti-fourth term sentiment in the South although local issues also were involved. Hill Leads, 2 to 1 Hill ran better than 2 to 1 ahead of State Senator James A. Simpson his single opponent, in the initial returns, made up largely of absentee and rural votes. Pepper carried the New Deal ban- ner in a five-man field, hoping to win more than 50 per cent o. the vote. Florida law provides for a run-off contest between the two high men if no one candidate gains a majority. In the early returns, Pepper was far out in front with J. Ollie Ed- munds, Duval county (Jacksonville) judge, running as his strongest oppo- nent. Negro Vote Involved The Florida and Alabama primar- ies were the first to be held in the South since the Supreme Court's de- cision that Negroes are constitution- ally entitled to vote in the Texas Democratic primaries. In both states, some voting by Negroes was reported. Many have voted for years in Alabama's Jeffer- son County (Birmingham). Ten were turned away from a Mobile, Ala., voting place by a deputy sheriff who told them the primary was restricted to white persons. The Florida Democratic executive committee had adopted a resolution restricting the primary to white vot- ers, but a group of Negroes who were registered as Democrats voted un- challenged at Tallahassee. However, a Negro hill school teacher who sought to vote there was not admitted to the balloting booth. Election offi- cials said she had been asked to wait until they could get a ruling on her qualifications., The issue of "white supremacy" had figured to considerable extent in the Alabama campaign. Rabbi Folk man To Inaugurate j UJA Appeal Rabbi Jerome Folkman of Grand Rapids will deliver the keynote ad- dress to student solicitors for the United Jewish Appeal, speaking on "The Lights Are Going on Again," at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation. His talk will be preceded by a panel discussion on the topic, "That They May Live," which will be conducted by Henrietta Browarsky, '44, Audrey Rubenstein, '44, Stan Wallace, '44, president of the HilleleFoundation student council, and Elise Zeme, '44, student director at the Foundation. The United Jewish Appeal is a com- posite of several agencies including the Joint Distribution Committee,< the United Palestine Appeal, the Na-i tional Refugee Service, the National1 Jewish Welfare Board and B'nai Brith Wider Scope Committee. c In a recent message endorsing thet campaign, President Roosevelt said, "The United Jewish Appeal is onei of the agencies through which thet American people can make their con-1 tribution to the fight for decency,] human dignity and freedom to live inI peace." The goal of the national campaign of the U.S.A. has been set this year at $32,000,000, the highest in the or-i ganization's history. These funds' are designed to rescue and rehabili- ! tate as many as possible of the 3,- 000,000 homeless Jes in Europe to- day. Ann Arbor's goal has been rais-1 ed to $6,000, and of this $1,600 musti be collected from University students.1 Co-chairmen of the campus UJAf drive are Henrietta Browarsky and1 Audrey Rubenstein. Air War Goes, Into 19th Day Allies Continue To Hi I nvasion Coast By the Associated Press LONDON, May 3, Wednesday-Sky- filling Allied armadas spear-headed by hundreds of U.S. Liberator bomb- ers hammered German invasion coast defenses and rail feeder lines from dawn to dusk yesterday, hurling ex- plosives at a two-ton-per-minute clip and smashing key junctions at the rate of one an hour in an unexampled display of aerial might which went almost unchallenged by the Germans. Jittery German radio announcers predicting that the. big Allied land invasion was "imminent" came on the air just before midnight to shout: "Attention! Attention! Enemy in- truders entering western Germany." This signified that giant RAF night bombers were carrying the pre-inva- sion onslaught into the 19th straight day. Attrition Is Preliminary The RAF, in a 1,000-plane attack Monday night, had showeredamoe than 2,500 tons of explosives on tar- gets in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy before the American day- light fleets took over yesterday in a grinding attrition preliminary to ac- tual cross-channel troop smashes. Allied sorties daily were running into the 2,000 and 3,000 brackets, and presumably yesterday's attacks would approximate those of the days before, but an official estimate was nott available. Late yesterday U.S. Mustang andt Thunderbolt fighter - bombers at-r tacked rail yards at Charleori in Belgium, and Somain and Tourcoingl in northern France, along with ant airfield at Peronne without a single loss. Most of these attacks were being concentrated in a circle around Lille,k ranging 70 miles inland along vital traffic routes to the Calais coast, which was the main objective of the big bombers, Campaign Is Unparalleled Nothing like this sustained cam- paign now running through its 18th straight day has ever been seen be-c fore, and it is still rising in violence.t These pre - invasion onslaughts,1 which now includes mass dive-bomb-C ing at low level with little interfer- ence, were of a significance thatt could not be mistaken.t Since May Day dawn American and Allied airmen have blasted more than 35 rail junctions and other key targets supplying the German Atlan- tic wall barricades just across thec channel, and roared inland past the old Maginot fortifications along the German border. F Page To Talk Today on Peacer Local Groups Sponsorc Three Meetings Here E "Christianity's Contribution to a1 Just and Durable Peace," will be theI theme of three addresses today by Dr. Kirby Page, author and lecturer,E who is sponsored by the Ann Arbora Council of Churches, the Post-Warc Council and the Inter-Guild Council.i First of the speeches at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphithea-F tre, will be "Strengthening AmericanI Democracy by Preventing EconomicC Depression." A second lecture att 6:15 p.m. on "What Can We Do about Race Problems?" will be givenr at a dinner at the First BaptistY Church. The topic for the last lecturer is "How Can Christianity Help in Winning the Peace," to be given atT 8 p.m., also in the First Baptistr Church.S Dr. Page, who has visited all the large European capitols, is speakingZ under the auspices of the American1 Friends Service Committee, the Quak-1 ers. His Ann Arbor addresses aret part of a lecture tour that will taker him through 19 cities. Nimitz Tells Destruction Of 126 Enemy Aircraft By The Associated Press U.S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, May 2.-The destruction at Truk of 126 Japanese planes, overwhelming of its defenses with 800 tons of bombs and the shelling of other Caroline bases during a three-day assault of aircraft carrier task forces was dis- closed tody by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz. The fleet dealt the destruction while returning from its deep Pacific penetration to support Gen. Douglas MacArthur's invasion of Dutch New Guinea. Truk was swarmed upon Saturday and Sunday by carrier planes. Nearby Satawan was hit by planes and shelled by cruisers Sunday. Ponape in the eastern Carolines was bombarded by battleships Monday. Cost Reported Light Admiral Nimitz reported the blows were struck at light cost in American aircraft and without damage to a warship. The forces were under command of Vice-Adm. Marc A. Mitscher and were turning from operations off Dutch New Guinea, where they supported the invasion at Hollandia, April 22, by ground forces under command of Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur. Shore Installations Hit .- Demonstrating the wallop packed by Pacific fleet task forces, the carrier planes smote Truk with 800 tons of bombs. Shore installations at that fortress, once considered impregnable, were reported heavily damaged. In the first day's strike at Truk, on Saturday, 60 Japanese planes were shot out of the skies in combat. Another 60 were caught on the ground and destroyed by bombing or straf- Ship's anti-aircraft fire added an- Bi Jap Assault other five Nipponese planes.I- PULTZER WINNER-. Daniel DeLuce (above) of The Associated Press has won the 500 Pulitzer prize for "a distinguished example of telegraphic reporting on inter- national affairs." Women's War Council Named At Installation Committees Chosen; Mortar Board, Senior Society Tap Members With Marge Hall, '45, presiding, the new Women's War Council ap- pointees took over key campus posi- tions at Installation Rally held last night in the Rackham Auditorium while the senior honoraries, Mortar Board and Senior Society tapped their new members. Secretary of the 1944-45 council is Jean Loree, Chi Omega; while De- borah Parry, Gamma Phi Beta, was installed as treasurer. Heading the combined tutorial and orientation committees will be Betty Wileman, Alpha Chi Omega. Surgical Dressings Head Named Harriet Fischel, Chi Omega, will continue in her post as chairman of the Surgical Dressings units while Naomi Miller, Pi Beta Phi, heads the Child Care Committee. Joan Pullam, Alpha Gamma Delta, was installed as the chairman of the Merit Commit- tee and Pat Coulter, Chi Omega, was appointed Personnel Administrator. Mary Ann Jones, Kappa Alpha Theta, is the new chairman of the Social Committee and Virginia Coun- cil, Kappa Kappa Gamma, will head Soph Project. The three new USO "Colonels" are Helen Alpert, Jordan, Ruth Mary Picard, Collegiate Soro- sis, and Ruth Edberg, Helen New- berry. Eleanor MacLaughlin, Alpha Chi Omega, will head Junior Project and Shelby Dietrich, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, Florene Wilkins, Martha Cook, Margaret Laubengayer, Alpha Chi Omega, and Jean Gilman, Helen New- berry, will take over the Women's Athletic Association, Assembly, Pan- hellenic and Glee Club respectively. Dormitory Leaders Appointed Doris Barr, retiring president of Assembly Council, named Jane Rich- ardson, Mosher, the vice-president in charge of dormitories. Vice-president in charge of league houses will be Shirley Robin, Helen Newberry, while Patricia Carr, also of Mosher, and Audrey Jupp of Helen Newberry, take over the positions of secretary-treas- urer and publicity respectively. Marcia Sharp, Kappa Kappa Gan- ma is the new vice-president of Pan- hellenic and Rosemary Kline, Gam- ma Phi Beta, was named secretary. The new treasurer is Jean Wick, Al- pha Gamma Delta, and Joyce Liver- more, Chi Omega, will be the rushing secretary. Announcing the new WAA board, Nancy Hattersley named Barbara Bathke, vice-president; Barbara Wal- lace, secretary; and Betsy Perry, treasurer. Pam Watts will be the representative of AFCW and Jean See Page 4 On the second day only one enemy plane was aloft and it was shot down. That brought the two day's total at Truk to 126. Satawan Bombed Satawan, one of the most import- ant islands in the Nomoi atoll, was bombed Sunday by carrier planes and bombarded by cruisers command= ed by Rear Adm. J. B. Oldendorf. Sa- tawan, which has an airfield, was bombed seven times in April by heavy bombers based in the Solomons is- lands. It received its first raid of the war only April 10. On Monday, carrier planes and battleships commanded by Vice-Adm. W. A. Lee turned their attention to Ponape. That bombed and torn atoll was raided 43 times in April by the Seventh American' Army Air Force, from its bases in the Marshall Is- lands. Only yesterday, Brig. Gen. Robert W. Douglas, Jr., acting com- mander of the Seventh said Ponape and other eastern outposts of Truk "are very nearly completely neutral- ized." The attack on Truk was the second of the war by U.S. carrier forces. In the first, last Feb. 16-17, 23 Japanese ships were sunk and probably six more, and 201 enemy aircraft de- stroyed. Only 17 American aircraft were lost.. On India Base Is Indicated SOUTHEAST ASIA HEADQUAR- TERS, KANDY, CEYLON, May 2.- (AP)-Japanese invasion forces are at- tacking strongly in the Palel area, 28 miles south of Imphal in India, it was disclosed today amid indica- tions that the enemy was about to launch his expected mass assault on the big Allied base from that direc- tion. A communique issued by Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten's headquar- ters said a Japanese attack on Palel's defenses Sunday night was "heavily" beaten off, but added that patrol clashes were raging in the hills north of Palel A board runs from Palel to Imphal, passing east of Lake Lok- tak. (A Tokyo dispatch broadcast by the Berlin radio declared Tuesday that 12,000 Allied troops had begun a "wholesale, confused retreat" from Palel and said the main fighting now centered about a point about nine miles north of Palel, or some 19 miles from Imphal. The same broadcast claimed that 72 Allied planes, mostly- transports, had been destroyed over the Imphal plain in the past twp weeks.) Subs Destroy 17 Jap Ships; Cruiserp Destroyers Included WASHINGTON, May 2.-GP)-Al- lied -submarines hacking at harried Japanese shipping have cut a new gap of 17 ships, four of them war vessels, out of the Nipponese lifeline of conquest. The total represents 12 American kills, including a light cruiser and two destroyers, and five British, in- cluding one destroyer, announced respectively by Navy headquarters in Washington and the Admiralty in London. The American coups brought to 695 the number of Japanese ships sunk, Bribery Charge Leveled act 14 Grand Jury Uncovers Legislative Corruption LANSING, May 2.-( P)- Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury investigation state gov- ernment today released its second conspiracy warrant, charging 14 per- sons with having confederated "wick- edly" and "unlawfully" to corrupt the 1939 Michigan legislature. Special prosecutor Kim Sigler said evidence of the payment of bribes "totaling several thousand dollars" provided the basis for the warrant, which accuses five officials of small loan and personal finance companies and nine past and present members of the legislature of conspiring to probably sunk or damaged by United States submarines alone, including 69 warships. Aside from the combatant vessels, the newly announced lists included: Sunk by American subs-one large tanker, two medium size cargo trans- ports, five medium size cargo vessels, one large naval auxiliary. By British subs-four supply ships, one reported as medium sized, two more as smaller, and the fourth not described. The U.S. Navy, in line with long- established policy of keeping the en- emy guessing, gave no details, but the British were more communica- tive. The British-sunk destroyer went down south of the Aandaman Islands in the Indian Ocean while escorting a supply ship, which also was torpe- doed. Floods Imperil, Three States By the Associated Press Texas faced a threat of extensive flood damage by its major rivers yesterday while 11,600 federal troops, state guardsmen and prisoners of war worked to hold remaining levees in Missouri and Illinois against the swollen waters of the Mississippi and its tributaries. Five persons, including two Army trainees, were killed in Texas wind- French Department 10 Give Three PlaysToday Three French comedies will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Members of the department of romance languages will present "Trn rmlnn caili" by riano victim of politics, the former prose- cuting attorney, is played by Prof. Rene Talamon. The bailiff, who does his best to keep order in the court, is played by Prof. Emeritus Arthur Canfield. toine Jobin and Prof. Nelson Eddy and Prof. Herbert Kenyon plays the court clerk. 'Le Cuvier' To Be Given In "Le Cuvier" (The Washtub), a medieval farce, Richard Koppitch Celia Taylor plays the part of the stubborn and apparently stupid maid in "Rosalie" by Max Maurey. Her employers, Mr. and Mrs. Bol, are played by George Petrossian and Shirley Schwartz. They prom- .., +t. ,._. . .,.., .:: ... .... ,: .-_ ...