THE MICTIHIETAN'bA IN' ATTJWMAV- At"ICOIA14A +. asaI a uaIvr s - M jL 7 t31] U~ifr V 5$ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Dominie Says s U.." .y1 t! * w -, EI.f4- A " " a.s ::::ic.'. / .+ " " .y,:" ?T :h".+,+:"2.:. 1 a ::"9 .! ry. SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 123 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no, tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, May 3, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, May 1, 1944 at 4:15 p.m. Notices of this meeting and the proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. ' .i "mac:-' ti<.-, ",:=" t L. Yx ' y! /'"a/ .,i. Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 NIGHT EDITOR: LOUISE COMINS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - ~- CivilO Dioediece t Northerner Gives Racial Views America's Loss / T HE Navy suffered a great loss Friday with the death of Frank Knox. President Roosevelt said that it might be termed a minor military defeat. Knox is largely responsible for the strong navy we have today. He rebuilt our navy into the. world's largest after the heavy losses we suffered on Dec. '7. The colors are being displayed at half-mast on all ships and shore establishements of the navy in memory of Knox. At the time Knox was first appointed he faced severe political criticism in order that he might do what he considered his duty. Republicans and Democrats alike were united in their grief over his death h -Doris Peterson Domestic Issues BY THIS time it should be apparent to every- one interested that it will be Roosevelt vs. Dewey in the forthcoming presidential election along with the usual number of minority can- didates who, for all practical purposes, may be safely disregarded. The recent Massachusetts primary may probably be taken as fairly rep- resentative of the feelings of the Democrats as to their non.inee, and in this .election the Roose- velt majority was so pronounced as to preclude any other candidate. Indeed, it would be political suicide for the Democratic party to place anyone else but Roose- velt on the ballot since it is obvious that the party, as such, is shot through and through by dissensions, factional disputes, and other marked evidences of grave internal disunity. Only a man with the reputation, political in- tegrity, and huge following among the masses of the laboring and agricultural classes that Roosevelt can boast, could possibly succeed for the Democrats. We can only wonder what will happen when he finally does pass from thie scene and his party is forced to rely upon itself as a unit. One-man domination is fine as long as it lasts, but when it goes, the subsequent results are very likely to be chaotic. , On the Republican side of the fence, the huge number of pledged delegates already in the Dewey fold, together with the many more which will come in before Convention time, practically assures his nomination. Although McArthur, Stassen, Bricker and some others have been in the news lately, their actual weight does not ap- pear to be very great. . HE ISSUES involved between the two men is a subject rife with speculation. It would be stupid to suppose that the '.'fourth term" will come in for any great discussion, as nothing was gained in the previous controversy over the third term. Personally, I feel that the campaign battles will be fought on domestic rather than per- sonal issues with a liberal amount of mud- slinging from the Democratic side regarding Dewey's qualifications, or lack of them, for the office. It would be futile for the Repub- lcans to make an issue of the conduct of the war, since we are apparently winning it and have taken a few preliminary steps toward a just and- equitable peace. Some might quarrel with the methods of conduct'of the war, but on the whole there is very little to tear down along that line. To the Editor: In answer to Mr. Scott's letter, as a white Northerner I should like to point out some errors in his thinking. One of the most fundamental, as I see it, is his repudiation of democracy. I do not think that a large number of people, perhaps the majority, are trash. I cannot fairly judge another's position nor what is best for. him.. If I take it upon my- self to judge, disregarding him, that is tryanny, against which the only defense is democracy. It is not always a good defense but it is the only one. I would prefer to live under a demagogue who was elected by a majority of the people of this country (Southern politicians, one is reminded, - - - - - - - ------ - - - - --- - --- I'd Rather Be Bight By Samuel Graf ton THE SUBJECT of war aims is reopened by Gen- eral George S. Patton's blast to the effect that the United States and Britain are going to rule the world. There is some question as to whether Russia was included by the General or not. One can well imagine the scene in the Kremlin, as Stalin and his aides hung feverishly around the news ticker, waiting to find out from London whether they were in or out. Then the great moment of relief, the happy drinking of Russian toasts, when it was finally made certain that General Patton did, by George, include Russia in his world scheme. It was touch and go, for a while. But to return to war aims: Here we keep worrying about whether G. I. Joe knows what he's fighting for, and, lo and behold, we now find we have a general on our hands who could obviously use a few orientation lectures. But who would give those lectures? Who teaches generals? The incident breaks up our happy concentra- tion on. the theory that it is G. I. Joe alone who needs to be told what we are fighting for; as if poor G. I. Joe were the only confused American, the only one not sharing some great secret pos- sessed by the rest of us. At what point in the Army's standard table of organization should one say that wisdom about war aims commences? Shall we hold that every aspect of the problem comes at the level of captain? Or is major the lowest rank at which full wisdom about war aims becomes standard equipment, along with the leaf insignia? The plain truth is that the whole country needs to take lessons in this field; that we are not quite ready to' "orient" anybody, because we have not yet oriented the orientators. I KNOW of one newspaper publisher who really believes, bless his simple heart, that our secret war aim is to make Franklin D. Roosevelt the first President of the World. If a great big pub- are not elected by a majority of their constitu- ents.) rather than to live under any combination of the intellectually or, more realistically, eco- nomically powerful elite. Has Mr. Scott never heard of countries where the color line is not drawn? The most widely quoted example is Brazil, where class distinc- tions are economic rather than racial. If the racial amalgam has been effected there, if the two races are there not separated by nature- this difference of the Negro and white cannot be an intrinsic one. Mr. Scott suggests the "parallel civilization" solution . . . this is a gloss rather than a solu- tion. It is economically and politically impos- sible for two civilizations to occupy the same place - one being seated from the front of the bus back, the other from the rear forward. I am realistic, even pgssimistic. I am dis- mayed and frightened by the race riots, by the practical results of undemocratic pro- cedures. I think it is the worst sort of opti- mism to believe that we can continue in this fashion (did some one say "half slave and half free"). The world certainly is a hell of a place. It very probably will continue to be if, like Mr. Scott, we fold our hands and say, "tough, pal."'W Helen Frances Simpson lisher fellow, with wire services at his disposal, and correspondents whom he can send every- where to get him information, can be as muddled at Ithat, and if a general can think our war aim is to rule.the world, why blame poor G. I. Joe if he finds it hard to snap to attention, and instant- ly reel off the schedule of our desires with regard to Germany, Iceland and Korey? Our soldiers' confusion is our own confusion, for they are flesh of our flesh, muddle of our muddle. We can help them to think clearly, but only by thinking clearly ourselves and by insisting on clear thinking in others. If, in your own little circle, cracks about our allies are acceptable social currency, then you have, to that degree, contributed your own bit to the somewhat puzzled stare our soldiers are pur- ported to turn on the issues in this war. ' If the isolationist putsch which has thrust Mr. Willkie out of the Republican race seems to you merely amusing, and not a clear alarm signal, then you have made still another contribution to fuddlement. If you are so galled by recent reform laws (which are not so recent anymore) that your entire conversation has dwindled to a repertory of jokes about Eleanor, then, again, you have iade a contribution to that lack of vision, with- out which, we are told, the people perish. For we are not hiaving trouble with war aims merely because we have lost them, somewhere, like a laundry list. It turns out that the place in which to look for war aims in in your own heart. If 'there is nothing there, there will be nothing on any list. I know we shall find our war aims, in the end, for we are a moral people. The danger is we won't find them until the war is over. That would be the worst case of too little and too late in the record of the whole conflict. (Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate) The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has a re- quest from one of the better boys' camps for two college men to work as supervisors during the summer. The salary is $100 a month plus maintenance. For further details, call at the office of THE BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS AND OCCUPA- TIONAL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Victory Gardens: Those employees of the University who applied for plots for vegetable gardens at the Botanical Garden may now receive their plot numbers by calling Mr. Roszel. It is expected that the plow- ing will be done within four or five days, if weather does not prevent. To provide for plowing, a contribution of one dollar per person (or group using a single plot) is requested. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, May 4, 5, or 6 to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement for the certifi- cate. Lectures Mathematical Logic Lecture: Prof. Marcel Barzin will discuss Goedel's theory at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3, in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. ,The lecture will be open to the public. Academic Notices Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, In- dustrial and Mechanical Engineering: A representative of the Lockheed Air- craft Corporation, Burbank, Califor- nia, will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday, May 3, to interview graduating seni- ors for positions in computing, draft- ing (both detail and layout), flight research, material control, stress, weight analysis, wind tunnel research, etc. The primary consideration of this company is to seek applicants who reached their twenty-second birthday on February 1, 1944, and others who are, or may be in the future, classi- fied as not susceptible for induction, such as 1-C or 4-F. Interested engi- neers will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East Engineering Bldg. Interviews will be held in Room 3205 East Engineering Bldg. - Application forms, which are obtainable in the Aeronautical Department office, must be completed prior to the interview. Descriptive literature is also available. The ten-weeks' grades for Marine and Navy trainees (other than Engi- neers) will be due May 13. Only D and E grades need be reported. The Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. If more blue cards are needed, please call at 108 Mason Hall or telephone 613 and they willbe sent by campus mail. Doctoral Students: The thesis dead- line for students expecting to receive degrees in June has been changed to May 1. We cannot guarantee that students failing to meet this deadline can complete the requirements for their degrees by the end of the Spring Term. Doctoral Examination for James Octavius Osburn, Chemical Engineer- ing thesis: "Structure in the Applica- tion of Diffusion Theory to Extrac- tion," Monday, May 1, 3201 East En- gineering Building, 2 p.m. Chairman, D. L. Katz. ;By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to "The world's tomorrow waits on us Who live the world's today, And by our day's timidities Ages to come betray." In these lines Robert Whitaker lifts the challenge which all true and earnest men appreciate in our time. The stakes are so great that only the fearless can freely act. Yet the timid also would be true; how shall they behave? The moral struggle is poised between action and contemplation. On one hand are the men who go forward as if by instinct rather than reflectign, who have an over-supply of nerve and an inconquerable will; opposed are the philosophers who can penetrate by mind a thougand pockets of possible experience and have today the events which in prac- tical life must wait two generations or more. Granted, it is the man of action, those bold extroverts who can re- tool our factories quickly, in twelve months can raise a fighting force of seven million men, strike hands with the very Soviets whom they propogandized into disrepute four brief years ago, and fall upon the enemy from the air, the sea, and the land in an all-out sure defense. But before we go completely over to the extroverts, we do well to re- ,mind ourselves that it was' the German extroverts who developed this war. Theories of geopolitics with central Europe the heartland and that strange revised anthropology by which the Aryan is seen as God's elect while the Jews with all other heavy pigmented persons, become the object of persecution, would have been merely so much speculation if left to the philosophers, and the dreamers. It was the extrovert who could whip up a series of invasions but could not anticipate the possible results of his action, who set up the world at war. The poet 'continues in two more stanzas by shifting his ground from action versus thought to the motives of men: "Who sells, for bread and butter now, The birthright of the whole, Lays upon children yet unborn Intolerable toll. "They sleep onka volcano's crust Who only comfort seek; And all their strength is less than dust Whose strength serves not the weak." Edward WI Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Sociology 51: Section 1 which meets at 8 MWF will not meet Monday morning. The meeting will occur at 7:30 P.M. in room 216 Haven Hall. -Mr. Ostafin A Make-Up Examination in Psy- chology 421willbe given Tuesday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. Concerts Carillon Recital: A program of folk songs. will be heard at 7, o'clock tonight when Professor Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will play airs from Scandinavia, Russia, the Bal- kans, Mexico, South America and Negro spirituals: Student Recital: Jeannette Haien, pianist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 this evening in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. A student of John Kollen, Miss Haien will play compo- sitions by Beethoven, Chopin, (Liszt and Schuman. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi- tion by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association, in the galleries of the Rackham Building through May 12, daily except Sunday, afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 to 10. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Events Today Society of Women Engineers: There will be a compulsory meeting at 2 p.m. today in the League. Reorgani- zation will be 'discussed. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 o'clock in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. This is an im- portant meeting because it is the an-l nual election of officers. Miss Vir- ginia Rock has arranged a short de- votional service to follow the supper hour. -z The Congregational-Disciples Guildt will meet at five o'clock at the Con- gregational Church. Lt. (g) E. Meany, Jr., Educational Officer for the V-12 Naval Unit, will speak on "GI Religion - Its Obligations and Privileges." There will be opportunity for discussion. Cost supper. M /lle Monkeying with Wards .,.. To the Editor: The administration apparently con- tends that Montgomery Ward is a war plant. To substantiate this in Saturday's Daily Ann Fagan in "Keep Moving" lists four factories owned by Wards which produce paints, var- nishes, fencing material, farm ma- chinery, and the Hummer Mfg. Co., a division of Wards, which manu- factures carburetors, propellors, and gun mounts for military aircraft. But you do not mention the fact that not one of these plants is concerned in the government seizure order. Let's not for get that it is Montgomery Wards great mail order department store which is affected. If you knew anything about war priorities you know that any prefer- ence rating extended these companies could not be used by the mail order division. Furthermore, may I point out that issuance of a priority does not necessarily constitute a recogni- tion of the recipient as a "War Plant." Did you know that practically anyone owning property or a business can get a A-10 priority for "maintenance and repair"? This does not make him a whr plant. The fact is that it still remains to be shown that Montgomery Ward's mail order house is a war plant, and further that the action taken by the President was the only possible, the only democratic solution to this problem. Now if you'll bear with me, I'll present the thoughts of most Re- publicans and a good many Demo- crats on the issue. Quoting frm As- sociated Press dispatches: "Avery (of Montgomery Ward Co.) signed the original contract with the union in December, 1942, at the instance of President Roose- velt in the role of Commander-in- chief. Wards protested against in- clusion of a maintenance of union membership clause." That agreement expired December 8, 1943. Naturally the WLB knew of the expiration, but it did nothing. It also knew that the management claimed the union no longer repre- sented a majority of the 5,500 em- ployees, did nothing to settle the is- sue and four months later the strike began. THEN things started to happen. WLB ordered the company to ex- tend the expired contract with CIO. The company refused on grounds that the union no longer represented the employees. Ah, here was the other side of the story. But that would never do, for there must be only one side- the "Screw Deal" side. So President Roosevelt odered Montgomery Wards to capitulate and sign on the dotted line. The company stood behind its guns, for it felt it had some rights-some of them constitutional, no less. To make a long story short, Roose- velt and Biddle pulled a "Himmler" and the army moved in. Here was a fight between labor and management, not involving a war plant in any way (Have you ever heard of a Montgomery Ward em- ployee being deferred because he was in an essential war industry?). Pres- ident Roosevelt after much pondering and consulting, I presume, arrived at the conclusion that army occupation was the only solution. (To- be taken "cum grano salis"-a big one). Now I'm too young to be president and will probably be too old by the time Roosevelt gives up, but even I thought of a solution which was so much simpler, which would have caused so, much less ill feeling, and which would have been so much more democratic. But since it was the democratic thing, obviously it was taboo. Here Is my suggestion: why not take a vote among the employees to see if the CIO really does represent the desires of the, employees? If the majority wants the CIO, give it its union. If the majority is-against the CIO, throw it out. Then if any compulsion is required, let it be in the form of enforcing the results of this democratic poll. Instead, troops have moved in, Ber- lin and, Tokyo scream "Internal strife," long costly law suits are de- veloping (remember that we tax- payers foot the bill for the govern- ment's lawyers), much valuable time is lost for the army, Department of Commerce, Congress, etc., to say nothing of the wonder in the minds and hearts of many people about democratic ideals and such. Mr. President, I recently order- ed front monkey's catalogue a new back brush, pair of six (size 12), a rattle for my little son, and a pocketbook for my wife. I didn't order a tank, airplane, gun, or any other piece of war equipment h Tlmimp rn+ramn UQWarA cn+t e J BARNABY By Crockett Johnson le 3w v i JI The only way to convince your parents that I exist, M'boy, is . , t .... The custodians of the Library of Congress reading room and Aa. nf.a.D..Mof fa Fiaer. They apologetically referred me 1 intend to bring your father to Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, incontrovertible truth, m'boy. nnVnh a P .v., , rin . he- whn ,A.. %Yh de---manf WI II I I I